notable options that changed or were recently added to kitty and
needed to be ingegrated:
* scrollback_fill_enlarged_window yes
* scrollback_lines 500000
scrollback has been limited to 500k lines, which, in practice is
still too much
* confirm_os_window_close 1
* allow_hyperlinks ask
* tab_activity_symbol have been set to 🚦, cause why not
* per-tab zoom keybinding have been added
* tab title template have been edited to also include tab index number
* new url prefixes have been added
* optimise zplug, completions and ohmyzsh plugin loading resulting in
faster load time
* introduce shell caching (surely another speed-up)
* clean-up zshrc and move stuff (wayland exports, sway call) to profile
* set cleaner git status indicators via SPACESHIP vars
* delete stuff (yeah, I know...)
as per #2
* theme change to space_vim_theme
* airline theme change to violet
* compensate for themes not setting italic by setting it ourselves
* airline mode set to the short versions of normal, insert, visual,
* enable vim popups (ballooneval)
* add ALE linter
* syntastic conditional loading
* Plug plugins conditional loading
* plugins slowing down vim startup are only loaded based on
event hooks that's active once vim loaded the file {CursorHold,CursorHoldI}
* {plugin,theme,general} clean-up
* dynamic head switching and/or adding/removing behaviour
* enable smart borders
* enable convenient mouse-drag + meta key window resizer (floating_modifier)
* only run certain programs on session start, as opposed to on each session restart
* add a ranger keybind
* add playerctl keybinds
* assing discord window to a workspace
* add gradle completion plugin
* fix asdf completions
* add dotnet completions
* set autosuggest strategy to both history and completion (again)
* add ix() function
* fix upload function
* rm yarn from ohmyzsh plugins
* set fill mode and bg color independently of the bg pic
* set default_floating_border to normal
* set hide_edge_borders to smart
* add a really smart system menu (lock, logout, reboot, poweroff) implemented
as a sway mode whereby you first press $mod+Shift+e and then choose an action
reference: dfd6f956f6/.config/sway/config (L228-L241)