surtur 2d824edd29
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
chore: point example command to
2020-09-13 23:52:35 +02:00

1.8 KiB


Build Status Docker Cloud Build Status

This repository provides the Dockerfile to create an updated Arch Linux base image.

The image is rebuilt approximately every hour to ensure it always has the latest packages.

push mirror lives in this GitHub repo
development happens on this Gitea instance

What you get

That's just it. This makes it possible to just grab the image and install whatever it is you want on top later.


  • Arch Linux image with freshly updated package base to build upon

Running the image

  • edit the yourlocalpath and containerpath variabled or remove them entirely (along with -v) if you have nothing to mount
docker run -it -v yourlocalpath:containerpath immawanderer/archlinux:latest

Building the image locally

  • create a new folder
  • grab the Dockerfile and place it in that folder
  • build the image locally
mkdir -pv mynewfolder
cd ./mynewfolder
docker build --pull - < Dockerfile