This repository has been archived on 2022-05-04. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
wanderer 6ab8699e4d
chore: sed 's/hourly/daily/g' regarding rebuild frequency
* the subject image is now being rebuilt less frequently so note that in the
* [skip ci]
2020-11-06 11:18:40 +01:00

2.3 KiB


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this repo holds the sawce files for the TSO semestral work



preferred workflow

  • using a container image with robotframework, selenium, chromium and chromedriver preinstalled, such as alpine-rf or archlinux-rf

Note: you may need to run some of the following commands as root. You can as well learn how not to here.

get a container and run it

fetch an image from a central container repository (by default it's DockerHub) using

docker pull immawanderer/alpine-rf:latest

the alpine-rf image is being rebuilt on an hourly on a daily basis, so I recommend updating frequently.

run the container in interactive mode, mounting user's $PWD into container's /testing folder, removing the container after exiting (so that it doesn't take up space) while preserving the work done (saved on the shared volume)

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/testing immawanderer/alpine-rf:latest

run robot tests

as the WORKDIR of the image used in this example is set to the /testing folder, all that's left is to prepare a results directory inside there

❄ root@alpine-rf /testing
➜ mkdir -p /testing/results

then simply run the test(s)

❄ root@alpine-rf /testing
➜ robot -T -d results test00.robot

or (when using the alpine-rf image) run all of the above as a designated test user rf (uid=1000) instead of root

❄ root@alpine-rf /testing
➜ su rf
/testing $ mkdir -pv results
/testing $ robot -T -d results test00.robot


the diagram under hierarchy was generated using this mermaid.js code