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* Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Patrick Audley *
* paudley@blackcat.ca *
* http://patrickaudley.com *
* *
* @file lru_cache.h Template cache with an LRU removal policy
* @author Patrick Audley
* @version 1.4
* @date June 2012
* @par
* This cache is thread safe if compiled with _REENTRANT defined. It
* uses the BOOST scientific computing library to provide the thread safety
* mutexes.
* @par
* Thanks to graydon@pobox.com for the size counting functor.
* Thanks to 月迷津渡 gdcex@qq.com for fixes and tweaks.
* @mainpage LRU Cache
* @section intro_section Introduction
* Fast, thread safe C++ template with Least Recently Used (LRU)
* removal semantics. Complete with a comprehensive unit test
* suite. Threading features require the BOOST scientific library to be
* installed.
* @section usage_section Usage
* An LRU cache is a fixed size cache that discards the oldest (least
* recently accessed) elements after it fills up. It's ideally
* suited to be used in situations where you need to speed up access to
* slower data sources (databases, synthetic structures, etc.). Below is
* a simple example of using it to cache strings using integer keys.
* @section also_section See Also
* See: <a href="http://patrickaudley.com/code/project/lrucache">LRU Cache</a>
* @example lru_example.cpp
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
/// If we are reentrant then use a BOOST scoped mutex where neccessary.
#define SCOPED_MUTEX boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->_mutex);
/// If we aren't reentrant then don't do anything.
template < class T >
struct Countfn {
unsigned long operator()( const T &x ) { return 1; }
* @brief Template cache with an LRU removal policy.
* @class LRUCache
* @par
* This template creats a simple collection of key-value pairs that grows
* until the size specified at construction is reached and then begins
* discard the Least Recently Used element on each insertion.
template< class Key, class Data, class Sizefn = Countfn< Data > > class LRUCache {
typedef std::list< std::pair< Key, Data > > List; ///< Main cache storage typedef
typedef typename List::iterator List_Iter; ///< Main cache iterator
typedef typename List::const_iterator List_cIter; ///< Main cache iterator (const)
typedef std::vector< Key > Key_List; ///< List of keys
typedef typename Key_List::iterator Key_List_Iter; ///< Main cache iterator
typedef typename Key_List::const_iterator Key_List_cIter; ///< Main cache iterator (const)
typedef std::map< Key, List_Iter > Map; ///< Index typedef
typedef std::pair< Key, List_Iter > Pair; ///< Pair of Map elements
typedef typename Map::iterator Map_Iter; ///< Index iterator
typedef typename Map::const_iterator Map_cIter; ///< Index iterator (const)
List _list; ///< Main cache storage
Map _index; ///< Cache storage index
unsigned long _max_size; ///< Maximum abstract size of the cache
unsigned long _curr_size; ///< Current abstract size of the cache
boost::mutex _mutex;
/** @brief Creates a cache that holds at most Size worth of elements.
* @param Size maximum size of cache
LRUCache( const unsigned long Size ) :
_max_size( Size ),
_curr_size( 0 )
/// Destructor - cleans up both index and storage
~LRUCache() { clear(); }
/** @brief Gets the current abstract size of the cache.
* @return current size
inline const unsigned long size( void ) const { return _curr_size; }
/** @brief Gets the maximum sbstract size of the cache.
* @return maximum size
inline const unsigned long max_size( void ) const { return _max_size; }
/// Clears all storage and indices.
void clear( void ) {
_curr_size = 0;
/** @brief Checks for the existance of a key in the cache.
* @param key to check for
* @return bool indicating whether or not the key was found.
inline bool exists( const Key &key ) {
inline bool exists( const Key &key ) const {
return _index.find( key ) != _index.end();
/** @brief Removes a key-data pair from the cache.
* @param key to be removed
inline void remove( const Key &key ) {
Map_Iter miter = _index.find( key );
if( miter == _index.end() ) return;
_remove( miter );
/** @brief Touches a key in the Cache and makes it the most recently used.
* @param key to be touched
inline void touch( const Key &key ) {
_touch( key );
/** @brief Fetches a pointer to cache data.
* @param key to fetch data for
* @param touch whether or not to touch the data
* @return pointer to data or NULL on error
inline Data *fetch_ptr( const Key &key, bool touch = true ) {
Map_Iter miter = _index.find( key );
if( miter == _index.end() ) return NULL;
_touch( key );
return &(miter->second->second);
/** @brief Fetches a copy of cached data.
* @param key to fetch data for
* @param touch_data whether or not to touch the data
* @return copy of the data or an empty Data object if not found
inline Data fetch( const Key &key, bool touch_data = true ) {
Map_Iter miter = _index.find( key );
if( miter == _index.end() )
return Data();
Data tmp = miter->second->second;
if( touch_data )
_touch( key );
return tmp;
/** @brief Fetches a pointer to cache data.
* @param key to fetch data for
* @param data to fetch data into
* @param touch_data whether or not to touch the data
* @return whether or not data was filled in
inline bool fetch( const Key &key, Data &data, bool touch_data = true ) {
Map_Iter miter = _index.find( key );
if( miter == _index.end() ) return false;
if( touch_data )
_list.splice( _list.begin(), _list, miter->second ); // Do a touch inline.
data = miter->second->second;
return true;
/** @brief Inserts a key-data pair into the cache and removes entries if neccessary.
* @param key object key for insertion
* @param data object data for insertion
* @note This function checks key existance and touches the key if it already exists.
inline void insert( const Key &key, const Data &data ) {
// Touch the key, if it exists, then replace the content.
Map_Iter miter = _touch( key );
if( miter != _index.end() )
_remove( miter );
// Ok, do the actual insert at the head of the list
_list.push_front( std::make_pair( key, data ) );
List_Iter liter = _list.begin();
// Store the index
_index.insert( std::make_pair( key, liter ) );
_curr_size += Sizefn()( data );
// Check to see if we need to remove an element due to exceeding max_size
while( _curr_size > _max_size ) {
// Remove the last element.
liter = _list.end();
_remove( liter->first );
/** @brief Get a list of keys.
@return list of the current keys.
inline const Key_List get_all_keys( void ) {
Key_List ret;
for( List_cIter liter = _list.begin(); liter != _list.end(); liter++ )
ret.push_back( liter->first );
return ret;
/** @brief Internal touch function.
* @param key to be touched
* @return a Map_Iter pointing to the key that was touched.
inline Map_Iter _touch( const Key &key ) {
Map_Iter miter = _index.find( key );
if( miter == _index.end() ) return miter;
// Move the found node to the head of the list.
_list.splice( _list.begin(), _list, miter->second );
return miter;
/** @brief Interal remove function
* @param miter Map_Iter that points to the key to remove
* @warning miter is now longer usable after being passed to this function.
inline void _remove( const Map_Iter &miter ) {
_curr_size -= Sizefn()( miter->second->second );
_list.erase( miter->second );
_index.erase( miter );
/** @brief Interal remove function
* @param key to remove
inline void _remove( const Key &key ) {
Map_Iter miter = _index.find( key );
_remove( miter );