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* Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Patrick Audley *
* paudley@blackcat.ca *
* http://patrickaudley.com *
* *
* @file lru_cache.cpp Template cache with an LRU removal policy (unit tests)
* @author Patrick Audley
#include "lru_cache.h"
#include "unit_test.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
/// LRUCache type for use in the unit tests
typedef LRUCache<std::string,std::string> unit_lru_type;
/// LRUCache POD type for use in the unit tests
typedef LRUCache<int,int> unit_lru_type2;
/// Data class for testing the scoping issues with const refs
class test_big_data {
char buffer[1000];
/// LRUCache with large data for use in the unit tests
typedef LRUCache<int,test_big_data> unit_lru_type3;
/// Dumps the cache for debugging.
std::string dump( unit_lru_type *L ) {
unit_lru_type::Key_List _list( L->get_all_keys() );
std::string ret("");
for( unit_lru_type::Key_List_Iter liter = _list.begin(); liter != _list.end(); liter++ ) {
ret.append( *liter );
ret.append( ":" );
ret.append( L->fetch( *liter, false ) );
ret.append( "\n" );
//std::cout << "Dump--" << std::endl << ret << "----" << std::endl;
return ret;
/// Scoping test object
unit_lru_type3* L3;
/** @test Basic creation and desctruction test */
DEFINE_TEST( lru_cache_1cycle ) {
const std::string unit_data_1cycle_a("foo:4\n");
const std::string unit_data_1cycle_b("bar:flower\nfoo:4\n");
const std::string unit_data_1cycle_c("foo:4\nbar:flower\n");
const std::string unit_data_1cycle_d("foo:moose\nbaz:Stalin\nbar:flower\n");
const std::string unit_data_1cycle_e("foo:moose\nbar:flower\n");
const std::string unit_data_1cycle_f("quz:xyzzy\nbaz:monkey\nfoo:moose\n");
const std::string unit_data_1cycle_g("coat:mouse\npants:cat\nsocks:bear\n");
unit_lru_type *L = new unit_lru_type(3);
unit_assert( "size==0", (L->size() == 0) );
unit_assert( "maxsize==3", (L->max_size() == 3) );
// Checking a bogus key shouldn't alter the cache.
L->exists( "foo" );
unit_assert( "exists() doesn't increase size", (L->size() == 0) );
// Check insert() and exists()
L->insert( "foo", "4" );
unit_assert( "size==1 after insert(foo,4)", (L->size() == 1) );
unit_assert( "check exists(foo)", L->exists( "foo" ) );
unit_assert( "contents check a)", unit_data_1cycle_a.compare( dump( L ) ) == 0 );
// Check second insert and ordering
L->insert( "bar", "flower" );
unit_assert( "size==2 after insert(bar,flower)", (L->size() == 2) );
unit_assert( "contents check b)", unit_data_1cycle_b.compare( dump( L ) ) == 0 );
// Check touching
L->touch( "foo" );
unit_assert( "contents check c)", unit_data_1cycle_c.compare( dump( L ) ) == 0 );
// Insert of an existing element should result in only a touch
L->insert( "bar", "flower" );
unit_assert( "verify insert touches", unit_data_1cycle_b.compare( dump( L ) ) == 0 );
// Verify that fetch works
unit_assert( "verify fetch(bar)", ( std::string("flower").compare( L->fetch("bar") ) == 0 ) );
// Insert of an existing element with new data should replace and touch
L->insert( "baz", "Stalin" );
L->insert( "foo", "moose" );
unit_assert( "verify insert replaces", unit_data_1cycle_d.compare( dump( L ) ) == 0 );
// Test removal of an existing member.
L->remove( "baz" );
unit_assert( "verify remove works", unit_data_1cycle_e.compare( dump( L ) ) == 0 );
// Test LRU removal as we add more members than max_size()
L->insert( "baz", "monkey" );
L->insert( "quz", "xyzzy" );
unit_assert( "verify LRU semantics", unit_data_1cycle_f.compare( dump( L ) ) == 0 );
// Stress test the implementation a little..
const char *names[10] = { "moose", "dog", "bear", "cat", "mouse", "hat", "mittens", "socks", "pants", "coat" };
for( int i = 0; i < 50; i++ ) {
L->insert( names[ i % 10 ], names[ i % 9 ] );
unit_assert( "stress test a little", unit_data_1cycle_g.compare( dump( L ) ) == 0 );
// Setup a little for the third test which verifies that scoped references inserted into the cache don't disappear.
L3 = new unit_lru_type3(2);
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
test_big_data B;
snprintf( B.buffer, 1000, "%d\n", i );
L3->insert( i, B );
// Check that clear fully clears.
// Bug discovered by: 月迷津渡 gdcex@qq.com
unit_assert( "very size before clear.", (L->size() > 0) );
unit_assert( "very size after clear.", (L->size() == 0) );
#define TRANSACTIONS 50000
/** @test Insert lots of objects and benchmark the rate. */
DEFINE_TEST( lru_cache_stress ) {
// Stress test the implementation a little more using no objects
unit_lru_type2 *L2 = new unit_lru_type2(5);
double t0 = cputime();
for( int i = 0; i < TRANSACTIONS; i++ ) {
L2->insert( i, i-1 );
double t1 = cputime();
delete L2;
print_cputime( "(int,int) inserts", t1-t0, TRANSACTIONS );
/** @test Check that objects inserted in a different scope are still there. */
DEFINE_TEST( lru_cache_scope_check ) {
test_big_data* B = L3->fetch_ptr( 9 );
unit_assert( "scope check element L3[1]", ( strncmp( B->buffer, "9\n", 1000 ) == 0 ) );
B = L3->fetch_ptr( 8 );
unit_assert( "scope check element L3[2]", ( strncmp( B->buffer, "8\n", 1000 ) == 0 ) );
delete L3;
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#define THREAD_TRANS 20000
#define THREAD_COUNT 10
unit_lru_type2 *L4;
void insert_junk(){
for( int i = 0; i < THREAD_TRANS; i++ ) {
L4->insert( i, i+1 );
L4->remove( i-5 );
L4->fetch( i-3 );
L4->touch( i-10 );
/** @test Check for badness with multithreaded access, this is more of a stress test than an empirical test. */
DEFINE_TEST( lru_cache_threads ) {
L4 = new unit_lru_type2( 20 );
boost::thread_group thrds;
double t0 = cputime();
for (int i=0; i < THREAD_COUNT; ++i)
double t1 = cputime();
print_cputime( "(int,int) multithreaded inserts", t1-t0, THREAD_TRANS*THREAD_COUNT*4 );
delete L4;
ADD_TEST( lru_cache_1cycle );
ADD_TEST( lru_cache_stress );
ADD_TEST( lru_cache_scope_check );
ADD_TEST( lru_cache_threads );