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mirror of https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon synced 2024-06-02 06:36:21 +02:00
2017-12-03 21:22:11 +00:00

59 lines
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package.path = package.path .. ";/usr/share/lua/5.1/?.lua"
local json = require("json")
-- We have this library bundled only in luajit:
-- g++ lua_integration.cpp -lluajit-5.1
-- Before production use, please call your code with luajit CLI
local ffi = require("ffi")
-- Load declaration from the inside separate header file
-- This code should be in sync with https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon/blob/master/src/netflow_plugin/netflow.h
-- And we use uintXX_t instead u_intXX_t here
ffi.cdef([[typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) NF5_FLOW {
uint32_t src_ip, dest_ip, nexthop_ip;
uint16_t if_index_in, if_index_out;
uint32_t flow_packets, flow_octets;
uint32_t flow_start, flow_finish;
uint16_t src_port, dest_port;
uint8_t pad1;
uint8_t tcp_flags, protocol, tos;
uint16_t src_as, dest_as;
uint8_t src_mask, dst_mask;
uint16_t pad2;
} NF5_FLOW_t;]])
-- Load json file once
local json_file = io.open("/usr/src/fastnetmon/src/tests/netflow_exclude.json", "r")
local decoded = json.decode(json_file:read("*all"))
--for k, v in pairs(decoded) do
-- for kk, vv in pairs(v) do
-- print(k, kk, vv)
-- end
function process_netflow(flow_agent_ip, flow)
local netlflow5_t = ffi.typeof('NF5_FLOW_t*')
local lua_flow = ffi.cast(netlflow5_t, flow)
--print ("We got this packets from: ", flow_agent_ip)
-- TODO: PLEASE BE AWARE! Thid code will read json file for every netflow packet
--print ("Flow packets and bytes: ", lua_flow.flow_packets, lua_flow.flow_octets)
--print ("In interface :", lua_flow.if_index_in, " out interface: ", lua_flow.if_index_out)
for agent_ip, ports_table in pairs(decoded) do
if agent_ip == flow_agent_ip then
for port_number, port_description in pairs(ports_table) do
if lua_flow.if_index_in == port_number then
-- We found this port in ignore list
return false
return true