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package Fastnetmon;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
# Retrieve all required modules
eval { require Archive::Tar; };
if ($@) {
die "Perl module Archive::Tar is not installed, install it:\nsudo yum install -y perl-Archive-Tar.noarch\n";
use Archive::Tar;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
my $ld_library_path_for_make = "";
my $build_with_clang = '';
# When we are working with clang it's not a good idea to use stdc++ because they are becoming a bit incompatible
my $use_libcpp_instead_stdcpp = '';
my $gcc_version = '12.1.0';
# Name of bucket where we keep compiled dependencies
# CI should have only two permissions for this bucket:
# - Storage Object Creator
# - Storage Object Viewer
# It must not have admin permissions. We should not allow overwrites of existing binary dependencies. Only way to replace binary dependency with same name to manually remove it from S3
# Storage Object Creator permissions allow upload but do not allow replacement of same file and that's exactly what we need
my $s3_bucket_binary_dependency_name = 'fastnetmon_community_binary_dependencies';
# We are using this for Boost build system
# 5.3 instead of 5.3.0
my $gcc_version_only_major = $gcc_version;
$gcc_version_only_major =~ s/\.\d$//;
my $gcc_c_compiler_path = '';
my $gcc_cpp_compiler_path = '';
my $clang_c_compiler_path = '';
my $clang_cpp_compiler_path = '';
# By default we haven't any make options
my $make_options = '';
# We need to know it because we could get huge speed improvements with this option
my $cpus_number = 1;
# We should specify custom compiler path
my $default_c_compiler_path = '';
my $default_cpp_compiler_path = '';
my $os_type = '';
my $distro_type = '';
my $distro_version = '';
my $distro_architecture = '';
my $appliance_name = '';
our $library_install_folder;
our $temp_folder_for_building_project;
our $install_log_path;
# We could store downloaded code here for download time optimization
my $use_cache = 1;
# Path to cache folder
my $cache_folder = '/var/cache/fastnetmon_build_system_cache';
# We need to specify custom compiler options
my $configure_options = '';
# We are using custom version of cmake
my $cmake_path = "/opt/fastnetmon-community/libraries/cmake_3_23_4/bin/cmake";
# We need it for all OpenSSL dependencies
my $openssl_folder_name = "openssl_1_1_1q";
my $current_distro_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $current_distro_architecture;
# Retrieves binary build of particular dependency from Google
# Expects argument in format: libbpf_1_0_1
# In case of success returns 1
# In case of any hash related issues returns 2
sub get_library_binary_build_from_google_storage {
my $dependency_name = shift;
my $dependency_archive_name = "$dependency_name.tar.gz";
my $binary_path = "s3://$s3_bucket_binary_dependency_name/$distro_type/$distro_version/$dependency_archive_name";
# It can be: x86_64 or aarch64
my $machine_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $machine_architecture;
# We added ARM platforms later and we use another path for them
if ($machine_architecture eq 'aarch64') {
$binary_path = "s3://$s3_bucket_binary_dependency_name/$machine_architecture/$distro_type/$distro_version/$dependency_archive_name";
# print "Will use following path to retrieve dependency: $binary_path\n";
my $download_file_return_code =
system("s3cmd --disable-multipart --host=storage.googleapis.com --host-bucket=\"%(bucket).storage.googleapis.com\" get $binary_path /tmp/$dependency_archive_name >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($download_file_return_code != 0) {
my $real_exit_code = $download_file_return_code >> 8;
print "Cannot download dependency file from Google Storage. Exit code: $real_exit_code\n";
return 0;
# Hashes for all distros
my $data_hashes = shift;
my $key_name = "$distro_type:$distro_version";
# We use another structure of hash for ARM
if ($machine_architecture eq 'aarch64') {
$key_name = "$distro_type:$machine_architecture:$distro_version";
my $current_build_hash = $data_hashes->{ $key_name };
# Hash must exist for all our existing dependencies
unless ($current_build_hash) {
warn "Cannot get $dependency_name hash for Distro $distro_type $distro_version architecture $machine_architecture, please add it to build configuration";
return 2;
#print "Start sha-512 calculation\n";
my $sha512 = get_sha_512_sum("/tmp/$dependency_archive_name");
unless ($sha512) {
warn "Cannot calculate SHA512 for file from S3\n";
return 2;
# print "Calculated sha-512 for $dependency_name $sha512\n";
if ($sha512 ne $current_build_hash) {
warn "Hash mismatch. Expected: $current_build_hash got: $sha512. It may be sign of data tampering, please validate data source\n";
return 2;
# print "Successfully validated sha-512 signatures\n";
system("mkdir -p $library_install_folder");
my $unpack_res = system("tar --use-compress-program=pigz -xf /tmp/$dependency_archive_name -C $library_install_folder");
if ($unpack_res != 0) {
print "Cannot unpack file\n";
return 0;
return 1;
# Uploads binary build to Google
sub upload_binary_build_to_google_storage {
my $dependency_name = shift;
my $dependency_archive_name = "$dependency_name.tar.gz";
my $binary_path = "s3://$s3_bucket_binary_dependency_name/$distro_type/$distro_version/$dependency_archive_name";
# It can be: x86_64 or aarch64
my $machine_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $machine_architecture;
# We added ARM platforms later and we use another path for them
if ($machine_architecture eq 'aarch64') {
$binary_path = "s3://$s3_bucket_binary_dependency_name/$machine_architecture/$distro_type/$distro_version/$dependency_archive_name";
my $archive_res = system("tar --use-compress-program=pigz -cpf /tmp/$dependency_archive_name -C $library_install_folder $dependency_name");
if ($archive_res != 0) {
print "Cannot pack dependency\n";
return '';
my $upload_this_file =
system("s3cmd --disable-multipart --host=storage.googleapis.com --host-bucket=\"%(bucket).storage.googleapis.com\" put /tmp/$dependency_archive_name $binary_path");
if ($upload_this_file != 0) {
print "Cannot upload dependency file to /tmp/$dependency_archive_name Google Storage\n";
return '';
print "Successfully uploaded\n";
print "Start sha 512 calculations\n";
my $sha512 = get_sha_512_sum("/tmp/$dependency_archive_name");
unless ($sha512) {
print "Cannot calculate sha-512 for file\n";
return '';
print "Successfully calculated sha-512 for $dependency_name: $sha512\n";
return 1
sub exec_command {
my $command = shift;
open my $fl, ">>", $install_log_path or warn "Cannot open $install_log_path $!";;
print {$fl} "We are calling command: $command\n\n";
my $output = `$command 2>&1`;
print {$fl} "Command finished with code $?\n\n";
if ($? == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
warn "Command $command call failed with code $? and output: $output\n";
return '';
sub get_sha1_sum {
my $path = shift;
my $hasher_name = '';
if ($os_type eq 'macosx') {
$hasher_name = 'shasum';
} elsif ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
$hasher_name = 'sha1';
} else {
# Linux
$hasher_name = 'sha1sum';
my $output = `$hasher_name $path`;
chomp $output;
my ($sha1) = ($output =~ m/^(\w+)\s+/);
return $sha1;
sub get_sha_512_sum {
my $path = shift;
my $hasher_name = 'sha512sum';
my $output = `$hasher_name $path`;
chomp $output;
my ($sha_512) = ($output =~ m/^(\w+)\s+/);
return $sha_512;
sub download_file {
my ($url, $path, $expected_sha1_checksumm) = @_;
my ($path_filename, $path_dirs, $path_suffix) = fileparse($path);
my $file_path_in_cache = "$cache_folder/$path_filename";
if ($use_cache) {
unless (-e $cache_folder) {
my $mkdir_result = mkdir $cache_folder;
unless ($mkdir_result) {
warn "Can't create cache folder\n";
return '';
if (-e $file_path_in_cache) {
if ($expected_sha1_checksumm) {
my $calculated_checksumm = get_sha1_sum($file_path_in_cache);
if ($calculated_checksumm eq $expected_sha1_checksumm) {
my $copy_result = copy($file_path_in_cache, $path);
if (!$copy_result) {
warn "Could not copy file from cache to build folder\n";
} else {
warn "Got archive $path_filename from cache\n";
# All fine!
return 1;
} else {
print "Archive from cache has incorrect sha1: $calculated_checksumm expected: $expected_sha1_checksumm\n";
} else {
my $copy_result = copy($file_path_in_cache, $path);
if (!$copy_result) {
warn "Could not copy file from cache to build folder\n";
} else {
warn "Got archive $path_filename from cache\n";
# All fine!
return 1;
`wget --no-check-certificate --quiet '$url' -O$path`;
if ($? != 0) {
print "We can't download archive $url correctly\n";
return '';
if ($expected_sha1_checksumm) {
my $calculated_checksumm = get_sha1_sum($path);
if ($calculated_checksumm eq $expected_sha1_checksumm) {
if ($use_cache) {
# Put file copy to cache folder
my $copy_result = copy($path, $file_path_in_cache);
if (!$copy_result) {
warn "Copy to cache failed\n";
return 1;
} else {
print "Downloaded archive has incorrect sha1: $calculated_checksumm expected: $expected_sha1_checksumm\n";
return '';
} else {
if ($use_cache) {
print "We will copy file from $path to $file_path_in_cache\n";
# Put file copy to cache folder
my $copy_result = copy($path, $file_path_in_cache);
if (!$copy_result) {
warn "Copy to cache failed\n";
return 1;
sub init_machine_information {
my $machine_information = Fastnetmon::detect_distribution();
unless ($machine_information) {
die "Could not collect machine information\n";
$distro_version = $machine_information->{distro_version};
$distro_type = $machine_information->{distro_type};
$os_type = $machine_information->{os_type};
$distro_architecture = $machine_information->{distro_architecture};
$appliance_name = $machine_information->{appliance_name};
# Installs all dependencies required for build process
sub install_build_dependencies {
my $machine_information = Fastnetmon::detect_distribution();
unless ($machine_information) {
die "Could not collect machine information\n";
my $distro_version = $machine_information->{distro_version};
my $distro_type = $machine_information->{distro_type};
# Install packages required for build
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu' or $distro_type eq 'debian') {
print "Update package manager cache\n";
exec_command("apt-get update");
print "Install packages\n";
apt_get('make', 'wget', 'git', 'pigz', 'bzip2', 'autoconf', 'libtool', 'pkg-config');
} elsif ( $distro_type eq 'centos') {
# We need libmpc for our custom built gcc
print "Install packages\n";
yum('make', 'wget', 'libmpc', 'glibc-devel', 'git', 'pigz', 'bzip2', 'autoconf', 'libtool', 'pkgconfig');
print "Successfully installed all packages\n";
# This code will init global compiler settings used in options for other packages build
sub init_compiler {
# 5_3_0 instead of 5.3.0
my $gcc_version_for_path = $gcc_version;
$gcc_version_for_path =~ s/\./_/g;
$gcc_c_compiler_path = "$library_install_folder/gcc_$gcc_version_for_path/bin/gcc";
$gcc_cpp_compiler_path = "$library_install_folder/gcc_$gcc_version_for_path/bin/g++";
$clang_c_compiler_path = "$library_install_folder/clang_7_0_0/bin/clang";
$clang_cpp_compiler_path = "$library_install_folder/clang_7_0_0/bin/clang++";
# Default compiler path
if ($build_with_clang) {
$default_c_compiler_path = $clang_c_compiler_path;
$default_cpp_compiler_path = $clang_cpp_compiler_path;
} else {
$default_c_compiler_path = $gcc_c_compiler_path;
$default_cpp_compiler_path = $gcc_cpp_compiler_path;
# Add new compiler to configure options
# It's mandatory for log4cpp
$configure_options = "CC=$default_c_compiler_path CXX=$default_cpp_compiler_path";
if ($use_libcpp_instead_stdcpp) {
$configure_options = "$configure_options -stdlib=libc++";
my @make_library_path_list_options = ("$library_install_folder/gcc_$gcc_version_for_path/lib64");
if ($use_libcpp_instead_stdcpp) {
@make_library_path_list_options = ("$library_install_folder/clang_7_0_0/lib");
$ld_library_path_for_make = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" . join ':', @make_library_path_list_options;
# Also we should tune number of threads for make
$cpus_number = get_logical_cpus_number();
# Boost and cmake compilation needs lots of memory, we need to reduce number of threads on CircleCI as it expose 32 threads but it's not real
# Limit it by number of threads available on our plan: https://circleci.com/product/features/resource-classes/
if (defined($ENV{'CI'}) && $ENV{'CI'}) {
if ($cpus_number > 4) {
$cpus_number = 4;
print "We run on CI and we need to cap number of CPU cores to $cpus_number as CircleCI does not report corect number of cores to us due to Docker use\n";
# We could get huge speed benefits with this option
if ($cpus_number > 1) {
$make_options = "-j $cpus_number";
sub install_bpf {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $libbpf_package_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
# We need to get rid of these dependencies and link against our zlib and elfutils
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu' || $distro_type eq 'debian') {
my @dependency_list = ('libelf-dev', 'zlib1g-dev');
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
my $elfutils_install_path = "$library_install_folder/elfutils_0_186";
my $zlib_path = "$library_install_folder/zlib_1_2_13";
my $archive_file_name = 'v1.0.1.tar.gz ';
print "Download libbpf\n";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $lib_bpf_download_result = download_file("https://github.com/libbpf/libbpf/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.1.tar.gz", $archive_file_name, '9350f196150892f544e0681cc6c1f78e603b5d95');
unless ($lib_bpf_download_result) {
warn "Cannot download libbpf\n";
return '';
print "Unpack libbpf\n";
unless (exec_command("tar -xf $archive_file_name")) {
warn "Cannot unpack libbpf\n";
return '';
chdir "libbpf-1.0.1/src";
print "Make bpf\n";
# Unfortunately, pkg-config does not accept multiple paths in PKG_CONFIG_PATH
# And for now I decided to link against our own libelf but keep linking with standard zlib
# PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"$elfutils_install_path/lib/pkgconfig\"
unless (exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make")) {
warn "Cannot make libbpf\n";
return '';
print "Make install\n";
# We set prefix to "" as it's /usr by default and we do not need intermediate folder in install path
unless (exec_command("PREFIX=\"\" DESTDIR=$libbpf_package_install_path $ld_library_path_for_make make install")) {
warn "Cannot install libbpf\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_gcc {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $gcc_package_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu' || $distro_type eq 'debian') {
my @dependency_list = ('libmpfr-dev', 'libmpc-dev', 'libgmp-dev', 'gcc', 'g++', 'diffutils');
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
yum('gmp-devel', 'mpfr-devel', 'libmpc-devel', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'diffutils');
print "Download gcc archive\n";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $archive_file_name = "gcc-$gcc_version.tar.gz";
my $gcc_download_result = download_file("http://ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de/pub/gnu/mirror/gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/releases/gcc-$gcc_version/$archive_file_name", $archive_file_name, '7e79c695a0380ac838fa7c876a121cd28a73a9f5');
unless ($gcc_download_result) {
warn "Can't download gcc sources\n";
return '';
print "Unpack archive\n";
unless (exec_command("tar -xf $archive_file_name")) {
warn 'Cannot create archive\n';
return '';
# Remove source archive
unlink "$archive_file_name";
unless (exec_command("mkdir $temp_folder_for_building_project/gcc-$gcc_version-objdir")) {
warn "Cannot create build folder\n";
return '';
chdir "$temp_folder_for_building_project/gcc-$gcc_version-objdir";
print "Configure build system\n";
unless (exec_command("$temp_folder_for_building_project/gcc-$gcc_version/configure --prefix=$gcc_package_install_path --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib")) {
warn "Cannot configure gcc\n";
return '';
print "Build gcc\n";
unless (exec_command("make $make_options")) {
warn "Cannot make gcc\n";
return '';
print "Install gcc\n";
unless (exec_command("make $make_options install")) {
warn "Cannot install gcc\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_boost {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $boost_version = '1.81.0';
my $boost_version_with_underscore = "1_81_0";
my $boost_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $archive_file_name = "boost_${boost_version_with_underscore}.tar.gz";
print "Download Boost source code\n";
my $boost_download_result = download_file("https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/$boost_version/source/boost_${boost_version_with_underscore}.tar.gz", $archive_file_name, '06d4bff547c1948fbdaf59b9d9d1399917ed0eb3');
unless ($boost_download_result) {
warn "Can't download Boost source code\n";
return '';
print "Unpack Boost source code\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $archive_file_name");
my $folder_name_inside_archive = "boost_$boost_version_with_underscore";
print "Fix permissions\n";
# Fix permissions because they are broken inside official archive
exec_command("find $folder_name_inside_archive -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \\;");
exec_command("find $folder_name_inside_archive -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \\;");
exec_command("chown -R root:root $folder_name_inside_archive");
print "Remove archive\n";
unlink "$archive_file_name";
chdir $folder_name_inside_archive;
my $boost_build_threads = $cpus_number;
my $icu_path = "$library_install_folder/icu_65_1";
my $boost_build_path = "$library_install_folder/boost_build_4_9_2";
# More details about jam lookup: http://www.boost.org/build/doc/html/bbv2/overview/configuration.html
my $content = "using gcc : $gcc_version_only_major : $default_cpp_compiler_path ;\n";
# We use non standard gcc compiler for Boost build and we need to specify it this way
open my $fl, ">", "/root/user-config.jam" or die "Can't open $! file for writing manifest\n";
print {$fl} $content;
close $fl;
# When we run it with vzctl exec we have broken env and should put config in /etc too
open my $etcfl, ">", "/etc/user-config.jam" or die "Can't open $! file for writing manifest\n";
print {$etcfl} $content;
close $etcfl;
print "Build Boost\n";
my $build_command = "$ld_library_path_for_make $boost_build_path/bin/b2 install -j $boost_build_threads -sICU_PATH=$icu_path linkflags=\"-Wl,-rpath,$icu_path/lib\" --build-dir=$temp_folder_for_building_project/boost_build_temp_directory link=shared --without-test --without-python --without-wave --without-log --without-mpi --without-graph --without-math --without-fiber --without-nowide --without-graph_parallel --without-json --without-type_erasure --without-coroutine --prefix=$boost_install_path";
print "Build command: $build_command\n";
my $b2_build_result = exec_command($build_command);
unless ($b2_build_result) {
warn "Can't execute b2 build correctly\n";
return '';
sub install_boost_build {
my $folder_name = shift;
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
# We use another name because it uses same name as boost distribution
my $archive_file_name = '4.9.2.tar.gz';
my $boost_builder_install_folder = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
print "Download boost builder\n";
my $boost_build_result = download_file("https://github.com/bfgroup/build/archive/$archive_file_name", $archive_file_name,
unless ($boost_build_result) {
warn("Can't download boost builder\n");
return '';
print "Unpack boost builder\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $archive_file_name");
unless (chdir "b2-4.9.2") {
warn("Cannot do chdir to build boost folder\n");
return '';
# Due to this bug:
# https://github.com/boostorg/build/issues/705
# I do not think that it actually fixed
# We need to install system compiler
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu' || $distro_type eq 'debian') {
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
print "Build Boost builder\n";
my $bootstrap_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make CC=$default_c_compiler_path CXX=$default_cpp_compiler_path ./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=gcc");
unless ($bootstrap_result) {
warn("bootstrap of Boost Builder failed, please check logs\n");
return '';
my $b2_install_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make ./b2 install --prefix=$boost_builder_install_folder");
unless ($b2_install_result) {
warn("Can't execute b2 install\n");
return '';
sub install_log4cpp {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $log_cpp_version_short = '1.1.4rc3';
my $log4cpp_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
my $distro_file_name = "log4cpp-$log_cpp_version_short.tar.gz";
my $log4cpp_url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/log4cpp/files/log4cpp-1.1.x%20%28new%29/log4cpp-1.1/log4cpp-$log_cpp_version_short.tar.gz/download";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Download log4cpp sources\n";
my $log4cpp_download_result = download_file($log4cpp_url, $distro_file_name, 'b32e6ec981a5d75864e1097525e1f502cc242d17');
unless ($log4cpp_download_result) {
warn "Can't download log4cpp\n";
return '';
print "Unpack log4cpp sources\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "$temp_folder_for_building_project/log4cpp";
print "Build log4cpp\n";
my $configure_result = '';
# We need to address bug on ARM 64 platforms:
# configure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one
# https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon/issues/980
my $log4cpp_configure_params = '';
# It can be: x86_64 or aarch64
my $machine_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $machine_architecture;
# We can specify build type manually
# TODO: we need to report this solution to upstream: https://github.com/nzbget/nzbget/issues/418
if ($machine_architecture eq 'aarch64') {
$log4cpp_configure_params = '--build=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu';
if ($configure_options) {
$configure_result = exec_command("$configure_options ./configure --prefix=$log4cpp_install_path $log4cpp_configure_params");
} else {
$configure_result = exec_command("./configure --prefix=$log4cpp_install_path $log4cpp_configure_params");
if (!$configure_result) {
die "Cannot configure log4cpp\n";
my $make_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options install");
if (!$make_result) {
die "Make for log4cpp failed\n";
sub install_pcap {
my $folder_name = shift;
print "Install packages\n";
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu' or $distro_type eq 'debian') {
print "Update package manager cache\n";
exec_command("apt-get update");
apt_get('flex', 'bison');
} elsif ( $distro_type eq 'centos') {
print "Install packages\n";
yum('flex', 'bison');
my $res = install_configure_based_software("https://www.tcpdump.org/release/libpcap-1.10.4.tar.gz",
"818cbe70179c73eebfe1038854665f33aac64245", "$library_install_folder/$folder_name", "--disable-usb --disable-netmap --disable-bluetooth --disable-dbus --disable-rdma ");
unless ($res) {
warn "Cannot install libpcap\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_cares {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $res = install_configure_based_software("https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/releases/download/cares-1_18_1/c-ares-1.18.1.tar.gz",
"9e2a99af58d163d084db6fcebb2165a960bdd1af", "$library_install_folder/$folder_name", "");
unless ($res) {
warn "Cannot install C-Ares\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_zlib {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $res = install_configure_based_software("https://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.13.tar.gz",
"55eaa84906f31ac20d725aa26cd20839196b6ba6", "$library_install_folder/$folder_name", "");
unless ($res) {
warn "Cannot install zlib\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_gtest {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/refs/tags/v1.13.0.tar.gz",
"$ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$default_c_compiler_path -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$default_cpp_compiler_path -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_path ..");
if (!$res) {
warn "Cannot install gtest\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_grpc {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $grpc_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
my $protobuf_install_path = "$library_install_folder/protobuf_21_12";
my $abseil_install_path = "$library_install_folder/abseil_2022_06_23";
my $openssl_path = "$library_install_folder/$openssl_folder_name";
my $cares_path = "$library_install_folder/cares_1_18_1";
my $zlib_path = "$library_install_folder/zlib_1_2_13";
my $re2_path = "$library_install_folder/re2_2022_12_01";
# There is a problem with official tar.gz from https://github.com/grpc/grpc/releases
# When they prepare tar.gz they do not pull all required dependencies to third_party folder
# https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/31760#issuecomment-1339944451
# Such a great finding that you actually need to explicitly provide -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON to build dynamic libraries
# I decided to explicitly set CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH to lib folder of installed library as we're dealing with some weird linker issues for gRPC dependencies
# (libupb.so.10, libaddress_sorting.so.10 and it actually solved these issues
# Then I added all dependency libraries into CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH as we had weird linking issues with Cares
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("https://github.com/grpc/grpc/archive/v1.49.2.tar.gz",
"$ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$default_c_compiler_path -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$default_cpp_compiler_path -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$grpc_install_path -DgRPC_PROTOBUF_PROVIDER=package -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=\"$grpc_install_path/lib;$cares_path/lib;$openssl_path/lib;$abseil_install_path/lib;$re2_path/lib64;$re2_path/lib\" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=\"$protobuf_install_path;$openssl_path;$cares_path;$abseil_install_path/lib/cmake/absl;$abseil_install_path/lib64/cmake/absl;$zlib_path;$re2_path/lib64/cmake/re2;$re2_path/lib/cmake/re2\" -DgRPC_ZLIB_PROVIDER=package -DgRPC_SSL_PROVIDER=package -DgRPC_ABSL_PROVIDER=package -DgRPC_INSTALL=ON -DgRPC_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DgRPC_CARES_PROVIDER=package -DgRPC_RE2_PROVIDER=package -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ..");
if (!$res) {
warn "Can't install gRPC\n";
return '';
return 1;
# Get git repository source code
sub git_clone_repository {
my ($repo_url, $local_folder, $repo_commit) = @_;
my $git_clone_result = exec_command("git clone $repo_url $local_folder");
unless ($git_clone_result) {
warn "Could not clone repository: $repo_url\n";
return '';
# If we want certain commit
if ($repo_commit ne 'master') {
# Change current working directory to git repo
chdir "$local_folder";
my $checkout_branch_result = exec_command("git checkout $repo_commit");
unless ($checkout_branch_result) {
warn "Could not checkout commit $repo_commit for repository $repo_url\n";
return '';
return 1;
# We do not use cache for it yet
sub install_gobgp {
my $folder_name = shift;
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
# It can be: x86_64 or aarch64
my $machine_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $machine_architecture;
my $distro_file_name = 'gobgp_3.12.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz';
my $gobgp_sha1 = 'eca957a8991b8ef6eceef665a9f15a3717827a09';
# We download pre compiled binaries and we need to download different file for ARM64 platform
if ($machine_architecture eq 'aarch64') {
$distro_file_name = 'gobgp_3.12.0_linux_arm64.tar.gz';
$gobgp_sha1 = 'ba42e5c7fb92638a7ced9d30fc20b24925e0a923';
my $download_result = download_file("https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/releases/download/v3.12.0/$distro_file_name",
$distro_file_name, $gobgp_sha1);
unless ($download_result) {
warn "Could not download gobgp\n";
return '';
my $unpack_result = exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
unless ($unpack_result) {
warn "Could not unpack gobgp\n";
return '';
my $gobgp_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
mkdir "$gobgp_install_path";
`cp gobgp $gobgp_install_path`;
`cp gobgpd $gobgp_install_path`;
sub install_re2 {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("https://github.com/google/re2/archive/refs/tags/2022-12-01.tar.gz",
"$ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$default_c_compiler_path -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$default_cpp_compiler_path -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_path ..");
if (!$res) {
warn "Cannot install re2\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_protobuf {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v21.12/protobuf-all-21.12.tar.gz",
"$ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$default_c_compiler_path -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$default_cpp_compiler_path -Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_path ..");
if (!$res) {
warn "Cannot install Protobuf\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_rdkafka {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $res = install_configure_based_software("https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/archive/v1.7.0.tar.gz", "d07d7f4ca8b969d90cb380c7d9e381690890e677", "$library_install_folder/$folder_name", "--disable-gssapi --disable-lz4-ext --disable-ssl");
unless ($res) {
die "Cannot install librdkafka\n";
return 1;
sub install_clickhouse {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $clickhouse_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-cpp/archive/refs/tags/v2.3.0.tar.gz", "08a4a2e45ddcb33941c22f5e02177805d7fdd664",
$clickhouse_install_path, "$ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=$clickhouse_install_path -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$default_c_compiler_path -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$default_cpp_compiler_path -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON ..");
if (!$res) {
die "Could not install libclickhouse\n";
sub install_elfutils {
my $folder_name = shift;
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu' || $distro_type eq 'debian') {
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
yum('zlib-devel', 'm4');
my $res = install_configure_based_software("https://sourceware.org/pub/elfutils/0.186/elfutils-0.186.tar.bz2",
'--disable-debuginfod --disable-libdebuginfod'
unless ($res) {
warn "Cannot install elfutils\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_capnproto {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $capnp_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
my $res = install_configure_based_software("https://capnproto.org/capnproto-c++-0.8.0.tar.gz",
"fbc1c65b32748029f1a09783d3ebe9d496d5fcc4", $capnp_install_path,
unless ($res) {
warn "Could not install capnproto\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_abseil {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
# We need explicitly enable PIC to successfully build against gRPC
# https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/741
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/archive/refs/tags/20220623.0.tar.gz",
if (!$res) {
warn "Cannot install abseil\n";
return ''
return 1;
sub install_cppkafka {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $rdkafka_path = "$library_install_folder/rdkafka_1_7_0";
my $boost_path = "$library_install_folder/boost_1_81_0";
# We hardcode RPATH with CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH to allow cppkafka to find rdkafka in our custom path automatically
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("https://github.com/mfontanini/cppkafka/archive/v0.3.1.tar.gz",
"$ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path -DRDKAFKA_ROOT_DIR=$rdkafka_path -DCPPKAFKA_DISABLE_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=$rdkafka_path/lib -DBOOST_ROOT=$boost_path -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$default_c_compiler_path -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$default_cpp_compiler_path -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$library_install_folder/$folder_name ..");
if (!$res) {
die "Can't install cppkafka\n";
return 1;
sub install_mongo_c_driver {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
my $openssl_path = "$library_install_folder/$openssl_folder_name";
# OpenSSL is mandatory for SCRAM-SHA-1 auth mode
# I also use flag ENABLE_ICU=OFF to disable linking against icu system library. I do no think that we really need it
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/1.23.0/mongo-c-driver-1.23.0.tar.gz",
"$ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=$library_install_folder/mongo_c_driver_1_23_0 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$default_c_compiler_path -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$openssl_path -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$default_cpp_compiler_path -DENABLE_ICU=OFF -DMONGOC_TEST_USE_CRYPT_SHARED=OFF ..");
if (!$res) {
warn "Could not install mongo c client\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_configure_based_software {
my ($url_to_archive, $sha1_summ_for_archive, $library_install_path, $configure_options) = @_;
unless ($url_to_archive && $sha1_summ_for_archive && $library_install_path) {
warn "You haven't specified all mandatory arguments for install_configure_based_software\n";
return '';
unless (defined($configure_options)) {
$configure_options = '';
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $file_name = get_file_name_from_url($url_to_archive);
unless ($file_name) {
warn "Could not extract file name from URL $url_to_archive\n";
return '';
print "Download archive\n";
my $archive_download_result = download_file($url_to_archive, $file_name, $sha1_summ_for_archive);
unless ($archive_download_result) {
warn "Could not download URL $url_to_archive\n";
return '';
unless (-e $file_name) {
warn "Could not find downloaded file in current folder\n";
return '';
print "Read file list inside archive\n";
my $folder_name_inside_archive = get_folder_name_inside_archive("$temp_folder_for_building_project/$file_name");
unless ($folder_name_inside_archive) {
warn "We could not extract folder name from tar archive '$temp_folder_for_building_project/$file_name'\n";
return '';
print "Unpack archive\n";
my $unpack_result = exec_command("tar -xf $file_name");
unless ($unpack_result) {
warn "Unpack failed\n";
return '';
chdir $folder_name_inside_archive;
unless (-e "configure") {
warn "We haven't configure script here\n";
return '';
print "Execute configure\n";
my $configure_command = "CC=$default_c_compiler_path CXX=$default_cpp_compiler_path ./configure --prefix=$library_install_path $configure_options";
my $configure_result = exec_command($configure_command);
unless ($configure_result) {
warn "Configure failed";
return '';
### TODO: this is ugly thing! But here you could find hack for poco libraries
if ($url_to_archive =~ m/Poco/i) {
exec_command("sed -i 's#^CC .*#CC = $default_c_compiler_path#' build/config/Linux");
exec_command("sed -i 's#^CXX .*#CXX = $default_cpp_compiler_path#' build/config/Linux");
#print `cat build/config/Linux`;
# librdkafka does not like make+make install approach, we should use them one by one
print "Execute make\n";
my $make_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options");
unless ($make_result) {
warn "Make failed\n";
return '';
print "Execute make install\n";
# We explicitly added path to library folders from our custom compiler here
my $make_install_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make install");
unless ($make_install_result) {
warn "Make install failed\n";
return '';
return 1;
sub install_openssl {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $distro_file_name = 'openssl-1.1.1q.tar.gz';
my $openssl_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $openssl_download_result = download_file("https://www.openssl.org/source/$distro_file_name",
$distro_file_name, '79511a8f46f267c533efd32f22ad3bf89a92d8e5');
unless ($openssl_download_result) {
warn "Could not download openssl";
return '';
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "openssl-1.1.1q";
exec_command("CC=$default_c_compiler_path ./config shared --prefix=$openssl_install_path");
exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make -j $make_options");
exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make install");
sub install_icu {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $distro_file_name = 'icu4c-65_1-src.tgz';
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $icu_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
print "Download icu\n";
my $icu_download_result = download_file("https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/download/release-65-1/$distro_file_name",
$distro_file_name, 'd1e6b58aea606894cfb2495b6eb1ad533ccd2a25');
unless ($icu_download_result) {
warn "Could not download ibicu";
return '';
print "Unpack icu\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "icu/source";
print "Build icu\n";
exec_command("$configure_options ./configure --prefix=$icu_install_path");
exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options");
exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options install");
sub install_cmake {
my $folder_name = shift;
print "Install cmake\n";
my $cmake_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
warn "Cannot get dependency from cache, do manual build\n";
my $distro_file_name = "cmake-3.23.4.tar.gz";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Download archive\n";
my $cmake_download_result = download_file("https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.23.4/$distro_file_name", $distro_file_name, '05957280718e068df074f76c89cba77de1ddd4a2');
unless ($cmake_download_result) {
warn "Can't download cmake\n";
return '';
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "cmake-3.23.4";
my $openssl_path = "$library_install_folder/$openssl_folder_name";
print "Execute bootstrap, it will need time\n";
my $boostrap_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make CC=$default_c_compiler_path CXX=$default_cpp_compiler_path ./bootstrap --prefix=$cmake_install_path --parallel=$cpus_number -- -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$openssl_path");
unless ($boostrap_result) {
warn("Cannot run bootstrap\n");
return '';
print "Make it\n";
my $make_command = "$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options";
my $make_result = exec_command($make_command);
unless ($make_result) {
warn "Make command '$make_command' failed\n";
return '';
print "Make install it\n";
exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make install");
return 1;
# Extract file name from URL
# https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/archive/r3.0.0-rc0.tar.gz => r3.0.0-rc0.tar.gz
sub get_file_name_from_url {
my $url = shift;
# Remove prefix
$url =~ s#https?://##;
my @components = split '/', $url;
return $components[-1];
sub install_cmake_based_software {
my ($url_to_archive, $sha1_summ_for_archive, $library_install_path, $cmake_with_options) = @_;
unless ($url_to_archive && $sha1_summ_for_archive && $library_install_path && $cmake_with_options) {
return '';
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $file_name = get_file_name_from_url($url_to_archive);
unless ($file_name) {
warn "Could not extract file name from URL $url_to_archive";
return '';
print "Download archive\n";
my $archive_download_result = download_file($url_to_archive, $file_name, $sha1_summ_for_archive);
unless ($archive_download_result) {
warn "Could not download URL $url_to_archive\n";
return '';
unless (-e $file_name) {
warn "Could not find downloaded file in current folder\n";
return '';
print "Read file list inside archive\n";
my $folder_name_inside_archive = get_folder_name_inside_archive("$temp_folder_for_building_project/$file_name");
unless ($folder_name_inside_archive) {
warn "We could not extract folder name from tar archive: $temp_folder_for_building_project/$file_name\n";
return '';
print "Unpack archive\n";
my $unpack_result = exec_command("tar --no-same-owner -xf $file_name");
unless ($unpack_result) {
warn "Unpack failed\n";
return '';
chdir $folder_name_inside_archive;
unless (-e "CMakeLists.txt") {
warn "We haven't CMakeLists.txt in top project folder! Could not build project\n";
return '';
unless (-e "build") {
mkdir "build";
chdir "build";
print "Generate make file with cmake\n";
# print "cmake command: $cmake_with_options\n";
my $cmake_result = exec_command($cmake_with_options);
unless ($cmake_result) {
warn "cmake command failed\n";
return '';
print "Build project with make\n";
my $make_command = "$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options";
my $make_result = exec_command($make_command);
unless ($make_result) {
warn "Make command '$make_command' failed\n";
return '';
print "Install project to target directory\n";
my $install_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make install");
unless ($install_result) {
warn "Install failed\n";
return '';
return 1;
# Get folder name from archive
sub get_folder_name_inside_archive {
my $file_path = shift;
unless ($file_path && -e $file_path) {
return '';
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
for my $file($tar->list_files()) {
# if name has / in the end we could assume it's folder
if ($file =~ m#/$#) {
return $file;
# For some reasons we can have case when we do not have top level folder alone but we can extract it from path:
# libcmime-0.2.1/VERSION
for my $file($tar->list_files()) {
# if name has / in the end we could assume it's folder
if ($file =~ m#(.*?)/.*+$#) {
return $1;
return '';
sub install_hiredis {
my $folder_name = shift;
my $disto_file_name = 'v0.14.0.tar.gz';
my $hiredis_install_path = "$library_install_folder/$folder_name";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Download hiredis\n";
my $hiredis_download_result = download_file("https://github.com/redis/hiredis/archive/$disto_file_name",
$disto_file_name, 'd668b86756d2c68f0527e845dc10ace5a053bbd9');
unless ($hiredis_download_result) {
warn "Can't download hiredis\n";
return '';
exec_command("tar -xf $disto_file_name");
print "Build hiredis\n";
chdir "hiredis-0.14.0";
exec_command("PREFIX=$hiredis_install_path make $make_options install");
sub read_file {
my $file_name = shift;
my $res = open my $fl, "<", $file_name;
unless ($res) {
return "";
my $content = join '', <$fl>;
chomp $content;
return $content;
sub apt_get {
my @packages_list = @_;
# We install one package per apt-get call because installing multiple packages in one time could fail of one package is broken
for my $package (@packages_list) {
exec_command("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --force-yes $package");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Package '$package' install failed with code $?\n"
sub yum {
my @packages_list = @_;
for my $package (@packages_list) {
exec_command("yum install -y $package");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Package '$package' install failed with code $?\n";
# Gets OS type for our purposes
sub get_os_type {
my $os_type = '';
my $uname_s_output = `uname -s`;
chomp $uname_s_output;
# uname -a output examples:
# FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #0 r278618: Thu Feb 12 13:55:09 UTC 2015 root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KERNELWITHNETMAP amd64
# Darwin MacBook-Pro-Pavel.local 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
# Linux ubuntu 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 15 17:43:14 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
if ($uname_s_output =~ /FreeBSD/) {
$os_type = 'freebsd';
} elsif ($uname_s_output =~ /Darwin/) {
$os_type = 'macosx';
} elsif ($uname_s_output =~ /Linux/) {
$os_type = 'linux';
} else {
warn "Can't detect platform operating system\n";
return $os_type;
sub get_logical_cpus_number {
my $os_type = get_os_type();
if ($os_type eq 'linux') {
my @cpuinfo = `cat /proc/cpuinfo`;
chomp @cpuinfo;
my $cpus_number = scalar grep {/processor/} @cpuinfo;
return $cpus_number;
} elsif ($os_type eq 'macosx' or $os_type eq 'freebsd') {
my $cpus_number = `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`;
chomp $cpus_number;
} else {
warn "Unknown platform: $os_type Cannot get number of CPUs";
return 1;
# Detect operating system of this machine
sub detect_distribution {
my $distro_type = '';
my $distro_version = '';
my $appliance_name = '';
my $distro_architecture = '';
my $os_type = get_os_type();
if ($os_type eq 'linux') {
# x86_64 or i686
$distro_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $distro_architecture;
if (-e "/etc/debian_version") {
# Well, on this step it could be Ubuntu or Debian
# We need check issue for more details
my @issue = `cat /etc/issue`;
chomp @issue;
my $issue_first_line = $issue[0];
# Possible /etc/issue contents:
# Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l
# Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l
# Welcome to VyOS - \n \l
my $is_proxmox = '';
# Really hard to detect https://github.com/proxmox/pve-manager/blob/master/bin/pvebanner
for my $issue_line (@issue) {
if ($issue_line =~ m/Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual Environment/) {
$is_proxmox = 1;
$appliance_name = 'proxmox';
if ($issue_first_line =~ m/Debian/ or $is_proxmox) {
$distro_type = 'debian';
$distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $distro_version;
# Debian 6 example: 6.0.10
# We will try transform it to decimal number
if ($distro_version =~ /^(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($distro_version =~ /^(\d+)\.\d+$/) {
# Examples: 9.13, 10.13, 11.5
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($issue_first_line =~ m/Ubuntu (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/) {
$distro_type = 'ubuntu';
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($issue_first_line =~ m/VyOS/) {
# Yes, VyOS is a Debian
$distro_type = 'debian';
$appliance_name = 'vyos';
my $vyos_distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $vyos_distro_version;
# VyOS have strange version and we should fix it
if ($vyos_distro_version =~ /^(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
$distro_version = $1;
if (-e "/etc/redhat-release") {
$distro_type = 'centos';
my $distro_version_raw = `cat /etc/redhat-release`;
chomp $distro_version_raw;
# CentOS 6:
# CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
# CentOS 7:
# CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)
# Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)
if ($distro_version_raw =~ /(\d+)/) {
$distro_version = $1;
if (-e "/etc/gentoo-release") {
$distro_type = 'gentoo';
my $distro_version_raw = `cat /etc/gentoo-release`;
chomp $distro_version_raw;
unless ($distro_type) {
die "This distro is unsupported, please do manual install";
print "We detected your OS as $distro_type Linux $distro_version\n";
} elsif ($os_type eq 'macosx') {
my $mac_os_versions_raw = `sw_vers -productVersion`;
chomp $mac_os_versions_raw;
if ($mac_os_versions_raw =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/) {
$distro_version = $1;
print "We detected your OS as Mac OS X $distro_version\n";
} elsif ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
my $freebsd_os_version_raw = `uname -r`;
chomp $freebsd_os_version_raw;
if ($freebsd_os_version_raw =~ /^(\d+)\.?/) {
$distro_version = $1;
print "We detected your OS as FreeBSD $distro_version\n";
return {
'distro_version' => $distro_version,
'distro_type' => $distro_type,
'os_type' => $os_type,
'distro_architecture' => $distro_architecture,
'appliance_name' => $appliance_name,
sub install_package_by_name {
my $handler_name = shift;
# libname_1_2_3
my $full_package_name = shift;
unless (defined( &{ "install_$handler_name" } )) {
die "We have no handler function $handler_name for this library $full_package_name\n";
no strict 'refs';
my $return_code = &{ "install_$handler_name"}($full_package_name);
use strict 'refs';
return $return_code;