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mirror of https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon synced 2024-05-21 19:36:21 +02:00

511 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use warnings;
my $error_message = "Please specify package type, original binary file name, version, distro name and version: rpm fastnetmon-binary-git-0cfdfd5e2062ad94de24f2f383576ea48e6f3a07-debian-6.0.10-x86_64 2.0.1 centos 8";
unless (scalar @ARGV == 5) {
die "$error_message\n";
my $package_type = $ARGV[0];
my $archive_name = $ARGV[1];
my $package_version = $ARGV[2];
my $distro_name = $ARGV[3];
my $distro_version = $ARGV[4];
unless ($package_type && $archive_name && $package_version && $distro_name && $distro_version) {
die "$error_message\n";
# Gzip does not compress well, let's use xz instead
# By default it uses compression level 6
my $dpkg_deb_options = '-Zxz -z6';
# It can be: x86_64 or aarch64
my $machine_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $machine_architecture;
# For number of places we need Debian specific name for particular architectures
my $debian_architecture_name = 'amd64';
if ($machine_architecture eq 'aarch64') {
$debian_architecture_name = 'arm64';
} elsif ($machine_architecture eq 'x86_64') {
$debian_architecture_name = 'amd64';
if ($package_type eq 'rpm') {
} elsif ($package_type eq 'deb') {
sub build_rpm_package {
print "Install packages for crafting rpm packages\n";
my $packages_install = system("yum install -y rpmdevtools yum-utils");
if ($packages_install != 0) {
die "Cannot install build packages\n";
mkdir '/root/rpmbuild' or die "Cannot create rpmbuild folder";;
mkdir '/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES' or die "Cannot create source folder";
my $systemd_init_script = <<'DOC';
Description=FastNetMon - DoS/DDoS analyzer with sFlow/Netflow/mirror support
After=network.target remote-fs.target
# Restart service when it fails due to any reasons, we need to keep processing traffic no matter what happened
my $rpm_sources_path = '/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES';
# Copy bundle to build tree
my $copy_res = system("cp $archive_name $rpm_sources_path/archive.tar.gz");
if ($copy_res != 0) {
die "Cannot copy file $archive_name to $rpm_sources_path/archive.tar.gz\n";
if (defined($ENV{'CIRCLECI'})) {
my $conf_path = $ENV{'CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY'} . '/src/fastnetmon.conf';
my $conf_copy_res = system("cp $conf_path $rpm_sources_path/fastnetmon.conf");
if ($conf_copy_res != 0) {
die "Cannot copy fastnetmon.conf from $conf_path to $rpm_sources_path/fastnetmon.conf\n";
} else {
my $wget_res = system("wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon/master/src/fastnetmon.conf -O$rpm_sources_path/fastnetmon.conf");
if ($wget_res != 0) {
die "Cannot download fastnetmon.conf\n";
put_text_to_file("$rpm_sources_path/systemd_init", $systemd_init_script);
# Create files list from archive
# ./libname_1.2.3/
my @files_list = `tar -tf /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/archive.tar.gz`;
chomp @files_list;
# Replace path
@files_list = map { s#^\.#/opt#; $_ } @files_list;
# Filter out folders
@files_list = grep { ! m#/$# } @files_list;
if (scalar @files_list == 0) {
die "Files must not be empty\n";
my $spec_file_header = <<'DOC';
# Pre/post params: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:ScriptletSnippets
%global fastnetmon_attackdir %{_localstatedir}/log/fastnetmon_attacks
%global fastnetmon_user root
%global fastnetmon_group %{fastnetmon_user}
%global fastnetmon_config_path %{_sysconfdir}/fastnetmon.conf
Name: fastnetmon
# We do need variable interpolation here
my $spec_file_version = <<DOC;
Version: $package_version
my $spec_file_summary_section = <<'DOC';
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A high performance DoS/DDoS load analyzer built on top of multiple packet capture engines (NetFlow, IPFIX, sFLOW, Netmap, PCAP).
Group: System Environment/Daemons
License: GPLv2
URL: https://fastnetmon.com
# Top level fodler inside archive should be named as "fastnetmon-1.1.1"
# Disable any sort of dynamic dependency detection for our own custom bunch of binaries
AutoReq: no
AutoProv: no
my $spec_file_requires_systemd_section = <<'DOC';
Requires(pre): shadow-utils
Requires(post): systemd
Requires(preun): systemd
Requires(postun): systemd
Provides: fastnetmon
my $spec_file_description_section = <<'DOC';
A high performance DoS/DDoS load analyzer built on top of multiple packet capture
engines (NetFlow, IPFIX, sFlow, Netmap, PCAP).
my $spec_file_prep_section = <<'DOC';
rm -rf fastnetmon-tree
mkdir fastnetmon-tree
mkdir fastnetmon-tree/opt
tar -xvvf /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/archive.tar.gz -C fastnetmon-tree/opt
my $spec_file_prep_footer_systemd_section = <<'DOC';
# Copy service scripts
mkdir fastnetmon-tree/etc
cp /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/systemd_init fastnetmon-tree/etc
cp /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/fastnetmon.conf fastnetmon-tree/etc
my $systemd_spec_file = $spec_file_header . $spec_file_version . $spec_file_summary_section . $spec_file_requires_systemd_section . $spec_file_description_section . $spec_file_prep_section . $spec_file_prep_footer_systemd_section;
$systemd_spec_file .= <<'DOC';
# We do not build anything
exit 0
# Create symlinks for better customer experience
mkdir %{buildroot}/usr
mkdir %{buildroot}/usr/bin
ln -s /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon %{buildroot}/usr/bin/fastnetmon
ln -s /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_client %{buildroot}/usr/bin/fastnetmon_client
ln -s /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_api_client %{buildroot}/usr/bin/fastnetmon_api_client
mkdir %{buildroot}/opt
cp -R fastnetmon-tree/opt/* %{buildroot}/opt
chmod 755 %{buildroot}/opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon
chmod 755 %{buildroot}/opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_client
chmod 755 %{buildroot}/opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_api_client
# install init script
install -p -D -m 0755 fastnetmon-tree/etc/systemd_init %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system/fastnetmon.service
# install config
install -p -D -m 0644 fastnetmon-tree/etc/fastnetmon.conf %{buildroot}%{fastnetmon_config_path}
# Create log folder
install -p -d -m 0700 %{buildroot}%{fastnetmon_attackdir}
exit 0
exit 0
%systemd_post fastnetmon.service
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
# It's install
# Enable autostart
/usr/bin/systemctl enable fastnetmon.service
/usr/bin/systemctl start fastnetmon.service
#if [ $1 -eq 2 ]; then
# upgrade
#/sbin/service %{name} restart >/dev/null 2>&1
%systemd_preun fastnetmon.service
%systemd_postun_with_restart fastnetmon.service
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/fastnetmon.conf
%attr(700,%{fastnetmon_user},%{fastnetmon_group}) %dir %{fastnetmon_attackdir}
* Mon Mar 23 2022 Pavel Odintsov <pavel.odintsov@gmail.com> - 1.2.1-1
- First RPM package release
my $selected_spec_file = $systemd_spec_file;
# Add full list of files into RPM spec
my $joined_file_list = join "\n", @files_list;
$selected_spec_file =~ s/\{files_list\}/$joined_file_list/;
put_text_to_file("generated_spec_file.spec", $selected_spec_file);
my $rpmbuild_res = system("rpmbuild -bb generated_spec_file.spec");
if ($rpmbuild_res != 0) {
die "Rpmbuild failed with code $rpmbuild_res\n";
mkdir "/tmp/result_data" or die "Cannot create result_data folder";
my $copy_rpm_res = system("cp /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/$machine_architecture/* /tmp/result_data");
if ($copy_rpm_res != 0) {
die "Cannot copy result rpm\n";
print "Result RPM:\n";
print `ls -la /tmp/result_data`;
sub build_deb_package {
print "We will build deb from $archive_name\n";
my $fastnetmon_systemd_unit = <<'DOC';
Description=FastNetMon - DoS/DDoS analyzer with sFlow/Netflow/mirror support
After=network.target remote-fs.target
# Restart service when it fails due to any reasons, we need to keep processing traffic no matter what happened
my $fastnetmon_control_file = <<DOC;
Package: fastnetmon
Maintainer: Pavel Odintsov <pavel.odintsov\@gmail.com>
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Architecture: $debian_architecture_name
Version: $package_version
Description: Very fast DDoS analyzer with sFlow/Netflow/IPFIX and mirror support
FastNetMon - A high performance DoS/DDoS attack sensor.
my $fastnetmon_prerm_hook = <<DOC;
# Stop fastnetmon correctly
/usr/sbin/service fastnetmon stop
exit 0
# Prevent /opt remove by apt-get remove of our package
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13021002/my-deb-file-removes-opt
my $fastnetmon_server_postrm_hook = <<DOC;
# If apt-get decided to remove /opt, let's create it again
/bin/mkdir -p -m 755 /opt
/bin/chmod 755 /opt
exit 0
my $fastnetmon_postinst_hook = <<DOC;
if [ -e "/sbin/initctl" ]; then
# Update Upstart configuration
/sbin/initctl reload-configuration
# Update systemd configuration
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload
# Start daemon correctly
/usr/sbin/service fastnetmon start
exit 0
my $folder_for_build = `mktemp -d`;
chomp $folder_for_build;
unless (-e $folder_for_build) {
die "Can't create temp folder\n";
# I see no reasons why we should keep it secure
system("chmod 755 $folder_for_build");
chdir $folder_for_build or die "Cannot chdir to $folder_for_build\n";
mkdir "$folder_for_build/DEBIAN" or die "Cannot create DEBIAN folder\n";;
put_text_to_file("$folder_for_build/DEBIAN/control", $fastnetmon_control_file);
put_text_to_file("$folder_for_build/DEBIAN/prerm", $fastnetmon_prerm_hook);
put_text_to_file("$folder_for_build/DEBIAN/postinst", $fastnetmon_postinst_hook);
put_text_to_file("$folder_for_build/DEBIAN/postrm", $fastnetmon_server_postrm_hook);
# Set exec bits for all of them
my @deb_hooks_list = ("$folder_for_build/DEBIAN/postrm", "$folder_for_build/DEBIAN/prerm", "$folder_for_build/DEBIAN/postinst");
for my $hook_path (@deb_hooks_list) {
my $chmod_res = system("chmod +x $hook_path");
if ($chmod_res != 0) {
die "Cannot set chmod for $hook_path\n";
# Create init files for different versions of Debian like OS
mkdir "$folder_for_build/etc" or die "Cannot create etc folder\n";
mkdir "$folder_for_build/etc/init" or die "Cannot create init folder\n";
# Create folders for system service file
mkdir "$folder_for_build/lib" or die "Cannot create lib folder";
mkdir "$folder_for_build/lib/systemd" or die "Cannot create systemd folder";;
mkdir "$folder_for_build/lib/systemd/system" or die "Cannot create systemd/system folder";
# Create symlinks to call commands without full path
mkdir "$folder_for_build/usr" or die "Cannot create usr folder";
mkdir "$folder_for_build/usr/bin" or die "Cannot reate usr/bin folder";
my $fastnetmon_client_ln_res = system("ln -s /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_client $folder_for_build/usr/bin/fastnetmon_client");
if ($fastnetmon_client_ln_res != 0) {
die "Cannot create symlink for fastnetmon_client";
my $fastnetmon_api_client_ln_res = system("ln -s /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_api_client $folder_for_build/usr/bin/fastnetmon_api_client");
if ($fastnetmon_api_client_ln_res != 0) {
die "Cannot create symlink for fastnetmon_api_client";
my $fastnetmon_ln_res = system("ln -s /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon $folder_for_build/usr/bin/fastnetmon");
if ($fastnetmon_ln_res != 0) {
die "Cannot create symlink for fastnetmon";
put_text_to_file("$folder_for_build/lib/systemd/system/fastnetmon.service", $fastnetmon_systemd_unit);
# Configuration file
put_text_to_file("$folder_for_build/DEBIAN/conffiles", "/etc/fastnetmon.conf\n");
# Create folder for config
my $mkdir_etc_res = system("mkdir -p $folder_for_build/etc");
if ($mkdir_etc_res != 0) {
die "Cannot create folder $folder_for_build/etc\n";
if (defined($ENV{'CIRCLECI'})) {
my $conf_path = $ENV{'CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY'} . '/src/fastnetmon.conf';
my $conf_copy_res = system("cp $conf_path $folder_for_build/etc/fastnetmon.conf");
if ($conf_copy_res != 0) {
die "Cannot copy fastnetmon.conf from $conf_path to $folder_for_build/etc/fastnetmon.conf\n";
} else {
my $wget_res = system("wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon/master/src/fastnetmon.conf -O$folder_for_build/etc/fastnetmon.conf");
if ($wget_res != 0) {
die "Cannot download fastnetmon.conf\n";
my $copy_archive_res = system("cp $archive_name $folder_for_build/archive.tar.gz");
if ($copy_archive_res != 0) {
die "Cannot cop archive\n";
mkdir "$folder_for_build/opt" or die "Cannot create opt folder";;
my $chmod_opt_res = system("chmod 755 $folder_for_build/opt");
if ($chmod_opt_res != 0) {
die "Cannot set chmod for /opt";
my $tar_res = system("tar -xf $folder_for_build/archive.tar.gz -C $folder_for_build/opt");
if ($tar_res != 0) {
die "Cannot decompress folder with error: $tar_res\n";
# unlink("$folder_for_build/archive.tar.gz");
# Set new permissions again. Probably, they was overwritten by tar -xf command
my $opt_chmod_res = system("chmod 755 $folder_for_build/opt");
if ($opt_chmod_res != 0) {
die "Cannot set chmod for /opt";
# Change owner to root for all files inside build folder
my $opt_chown_res = system("chown root:root -R $folder_for_build");
if ($opt_chown_res != 0) {
die "Cannot chown /opt";
my $deb_build_start_time = time();
my $deb_build_command = "dpkg-deb --debug --verbose $dpkg_deb_options --build $folder_for_build /tmp/fastnetmon_${package_version}_${debian_architecture_name}.deb";
print "Build command: $deb_build_command\n";
my $deb_build_res = system($deb_build_command);
if ($deb_build_res != 0) {
die "dpkg-deb failed with error code: $deb_build_res\n";
print "dpkg-deb finished in ", time() - $deb_build_start_time, " seconds\n";
sub put_text_to_file {
my ($path, $text) = @_;
open my $fl, ">", $path or die "Can't open $! for writing\n";
print {$fl} $text;
close $fl;