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synced 2024-12-04 19:08:22 +01:00
Add installer for Debian
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Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
my $distro_type = '';
my $distro_version = '';
my $pf_ring_version = '6.0.2';
my $pf_ring_url = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/ntop/files/PF_RING/PF_RING-$pf_ring_version.tar.gz/download";
my $fastnetmon_git_path = 'https://github.com/FastVPSEestiOu/fastnetmon.git';
if (-e "/etc/debian_version") {
$distro_type = 'debian';
$distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $distro_version;
unless ($distro_type eq 'debian') {
die "This distro is unsupported, please do manual install";
sub install_debian {
my $kernel_version = `uname -r`;
chomp $kernel_version;
print "Install dependency with apt-get\n";
`apt-get update`;
`apt-get install -y build-essential bison flex linux-headers-$kernel_version libnuma-dev wget tar make`;
print "Download PF_RING $pf_ring_version sources\n";
my $pf_ring_archive_path = "/usr/src/PF_RING-$pf_ring_version.tar.gz";
my $pf_ring_sources_path = "/usr/src/PF_RING-$pf_ring_version";
`wget $pf_ring_url -O$pf_ring_archive_path`;
print "Unpack PF_RING\n";
mkdir $pf_ring_sources_path;
`tar -xf $pf_ring_archive_path -C /usr/src`;
print "Build PF_RING kernel module\n";
`make -C $pf_ring_sources_path/kernel clean`;
`make -C $pf_ring_sources_path/kernel`;
`make -C $pf_ring_sources_path/kernel install`;
print "Unloade PF_RING if it was installed earlier\n";
`rmmod pf_ring`;
print "Load PF_RING module into kernel\n";
`modprobe pf_ring`;
my @dmesg = `dmesg`;
chomp @dmesg;
if (scalar grep (/\[PF_RING\] Initialized correctly/, @dmesg) > 0) {
print "PF_RING loaded correctly\n";
} else {
die "PF_RING load error!";
print "Build PF_RING lib\n";
# Because we can't run configure from another folder because it can't find ZC dependency :(
chdir "$pf_ring_sources_path/userland/lib";
`./configure --prefix=/opt/pf_ring_$pf_ring_version`;
`make install`;
print "Create library symlink\n";
unlink "/opt/pf_ring";
`ln -s /opt/pf_ring_$pf_ring_version /opt/pf_ring`;
print "Add pf_ring to ld.so.conf\n";
my $pf_ring_ld_so_conf = "/etc/ld.so.conf.d/pf_ring.conf";
open my $pf_ring_ld_so_conf_handle, ">", $pf_ring_ld_so_conf or die "Can't open $! for writing\n";
print {$pf_ring_ld_so_conf_handle} "/opt/pf_ring/lib";
close $pf_ring_ld_so_conf_handle;
print "Run ldconfig\n";
print "Install FastNetMon dependency list\n";
my @fastnetmon_deps = ("git", "g++", "gcc", "libboost-all-dev", "libgpm-dev", "libncurses5-dev", "liblog4cpp5-dev", "libnuma-dev", "libgeoip-dev","libpcap-dev");
my $fastnetmon_deps_as_string = join " ", @fastnetmon_deps;
`apt-get install -y $fastnetmon_deps_as_string`;
print "Clone FastNetMon repo\n";
chdir "/usr/src";
`git clone $fastnetmon_git_path`;
chdir "/usr/src/fastnetmon";
my $fastnetmon_dir = "/opt/fastnetmon";
my $fastnetmon_build_binary_path = "/usr/src/fastnetmon/fastnetmon";
unless (-e $fastnetmon_build_binary_path) {
die "Can't build fastnetmon!";
mkdir $fastnetmon_dir;
print "Install fastnetmon to dir $fastnetmon_dir";
`cp $fastnetmon_build_binary_path $fastnetmon_dir/fastnetmon`;
my $fastnetmon_config_path = "/etc/fastnetmon.conf";
unless (-e $fastnetmon_config_path) {
print "Create stub conif\n";
`cp fastnetmon.conf $fastnetmon_config_path`;
my @interfaces = get_active_network_interfaces();
my $interfaces_as_list = join ',', @interfaces;
print "Select $interfaces_as_list as active interfaces\n";
print "Tune config\n";
`sed 's/interfaces.*/interfaces = $interfaces_as_list/' $fastnetmon_config_path`;
print "Please add your subnets in /etc/networks_list in CIDR format one subnet per line\n";
print "You can run fastnetmon with command: $fastnetmon_dir/fastnetmon\n";
sub get_active_network_interfaces {
my @interfaces = `netstat -i|egrep -v 'lo|Iface|Kernel'|awk '{print \$1}'`;
chomp @interfaces;
return @interfaces;
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