
28 lines
908 B

#pragma once
// This file automatically generated for your platform (Linux, FreeBSD and others) with cmake
class FastnetmonPlatformConfigurtion {
/* Platform specific paths */
std::string fastnetmon_version = "${FASTNETMON_APPLICATION_VERSION}";
std::string pid_path = "/var/run/";
std::string global_config_path = "/etc/fastnetmon.conf";
std::string log_file_path = "/var/log/fastnetmon.log";
std::string attack_details_folder = "/var/log/fastnetmon_attacks";
// Default path to notify script
std::string notify_script_path = "/usr/local/bin/";
// Default path to file with networks for whitelising
std::string white_list_path = "/etc/networks_whitelist";
// Default path to file with all networks listing
std::string networks_list_path = "/etc/networks_list";
/* Platform specific paths end */