
2080 lines
66 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
# It's from base system
use Archive::Tar;
my $have_ansi_color = '';
# We should handle cases when customer does not have perl modules package installed
unless (eval "use Term::ANSIColor") {
# warn "Cannot load module Term::ANSIColor";
} else {
$have_ansi_color = 1;
my $library_install_folder = '/opt';
my $we_use_code_from_master = '';
my $ld_library_path_for_make = "";
# We should specify custom compiler path
my $default_c_compiler_path = '/usr/bin/gcc';
my $default_cpp_compiler_path = '/usr/bin/g++';
# This option enables use of our own custom compiler
my $use_custom_compiler = '';
my $os_type = '';
my $distro_type = '';
my $distro_version = '';
my $distro_architecture = '';
my $gcc_version = '9.2.0';
my $user_email = '';
my $install_log_path = "/tmp/fastnetmon_install_$$.log";
if (defined($ENV{'CI'}) && $ENV{'CI'}) {
$install_log_path = "/tmp/fastnetmon_install.log";
# For all lib build we use custom cmake
my $cmake_path = "cmake";
# So, you could disable this option but without this feature we could not improve FastNetMon for your distribution
my $do_not_track_me = '';
sub send_tracking_information {
my $step = shift;
unless ($do_not_track_me) {
my $stats_url = "";
my $post_data = "distro_type=$distro_type&os_type=$os_type&distro_version=$distro_version&distro_architecture=$distro_architecture&step=$step&we_use_code_from_master=$we_use_code_from_master&user_email=$user_email";
my $user_agent = 'FastNetMon install tracker v1';
`wget --post-data="$post_data" --user-agent="$user_agent" -q '$stats_url' -O /dev/null`;
sub send_ga_event {
my $step = shift;
unless ($do_not_track_me) {
`wget "$step&v=1&cid=0" -q -O /dev/null`;
# die wrapper to send message to tracking server
sub fast_die {
my $message = shift;
print "$message Please share $install_log_path with FastNetMon team at GitHub to get help:\n";
# Report failed installs
# Send detailed report about issue to Sentry
unless ($do_not_track_me) {
system("SENTRY_DSN=https://121eca215532431cb7521eafdbca23d3:292cfd7ac2af46a7bc32356141e62592\ /opt/sentry-cli " .
" send-event -m \"$message\" --logfile $install_log_path");
my $pf_ring_version = '6.0.3';
my $pf_ring_url = "$pf_ring_version.tar.gz";
my $pf_ring_sha = '9fb8080defd1a079ad5f0097e8a8adb5bc264d00';
my $fastnetmon_git_path = '';
my $temp_folder_for_building_project = `mktemp -d /tmp/`;
chomp $temp_folder_for_building_project;
unless ($temp_folder_for_building_project && -e $temp_folder_for_building_project) {
fast_die("Can't create temp folder in /tmp for building project: $temp_folder_for_building_project");
my $start_time = time();
my $fastnetmon_code_dir = "$temp_folder_for_building_project/fastnetmon/src";
# Official mirror:
# But we have some patches for NTP and DNS protocols here
my $ndpi_repository = '';
my $stable_branch_name = 'v1.1.5';
# By default do not use mirror
my $use_mirror = '';
my $mirror_url = '';
# Used for VyOS and different appliances based on rpm/deb
my $appliance_name = '';
my $cpus_number = 1;
# We could pass options to make with this variable
my $make_options = '';
# We could pass options to configure with this variable
my $configure_options = '';
my $use_modern_pf_ring = '';
my $show_help = '';
my $install_dependency_packages_only = '';
my $build_fastnetmon = 1;
my $do_not_build_fastnetmon = '';
my $build_gcc_only = '';
# Get options from command line
'use-git-master' => \$we_use_code_from_master,
'do-not-track-me' => \$do_not_track_me,
'use-modern-pf-ring' => \$use_modern_pf_ring,
'use-mirror' => \$use_mirror,
'do-not-build-fastnetmon' => \$do_not_build_fastnetmon,
'help' => \$show_help,
'install_dependency_packages_only' => \$install_dependency_packages_only,
'build_gcc_only' => \$build_gcc_only,
'use_custom_compiler' => \$use_custom_compiler,
# Export all meaningful customer facing flags to Sentry for better failure tracking
$ENV{'use-git-master'} = $we_use_code_from_master;
$ENV{'do-not-track-me'} = $do_not_track_me;
$ENV{'use-modern-pf-ring'} = $use_modern_pf_ring;
if ($show_help) {
print "We have following options:\n--use-git-master\n--do-not-use-mirror\n--do-not-track-me\n--use-modern-pf-ring\n--install_dependency_packages_only\n--do-not-build-fastnetmon\n--build_gcc_only\n--help\n";
exit (0);
if ($do_not_build_fastnetmon) {
$build_fastnetmon = '';
if (defined($ENV{'CI'}) && $ENV{'CI'}) {
$do_not_track_me = 1;
# Bump PF_RING version
if ($use_modern_pf_ring) {
$pf_ring_version = '6.6.0';
$pf_ring_url = "$pf_ring_version.tar.gz";
$pf_ring_sha = '79ff86e48df857e4e884646accfc97bdcdc54b04';
my $we_have_ndpi_support = '1';
my $we_have_hiredis_support = '1';
my $we_have_log4cpp_support = '1';
my $we_have_mongo_support = '1';
my $we_have_protobuf_support = '1';
my $we_have_grpc_support = '1';
my $we_have_gobgp_support = '1';
# We allow it only for legacy systems
my $we_have_pfring_support = '';
# Applies colors to terminal if we have this module
sub fast_color {
if ($have_ansi_color) {
sub welcome_message {
# Clear screen
print "\033[2J";
# Jump to 0.0 position
print "\033[0;0H";
print fast_color('bold green');
print "Hi there!\n\n";
print fast_color('reset');
print "We need about ten minutes of your time for installing FastNetMon toolkit\n\n";
print "Also, we have ";
print fast_color('bold cyan');
print "FastNetMon Advanced";
print fast_color('reset');
print " version with big number of improvements: ";
print fast_color('bold cyan');
print "\n\n";
print fast_color('reset');
print "You could order free one-month trial for Advanced version here ";
print fast_color('bold cyan');
print "\n\n";
print fast_color('reset');
print "In case of any issues with install script please use ";
print fast_color('bold cyan');
print "";
print fast_color('reset');
print " to report them\n\n";
sub get_logical_cpus_number {
if ($os_type eq 'linux') {
my @cpuinfo = `cat /proc/cpuinfo`;
chomp @cpuinfo;
my $cpus_number = scalar grep {/processor/} @cpuinfo;
return $cpus_number;
} elsif ($os_type eq 'macosx' or $os_type eq 'freebsd') {
my $cpus_number = `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`;
chomp $cpus_number;
sub install_additional_repositories {
if ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
if ($distro_version == 6) {
print "Install EPEL repository for your system\n";
if ($distro_version == 7) {
print "Install EPEL repository for your system\n";
if ($distro_version == 8) {
print "Install EPEL repository for your system\n";
# Part of devel libraries was moved here
print "Enable PowerTools repo\n";
system("yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools");
sub get_user_email {
if (defined($ENV{'TRAVIS'}) && $ENV{'TRAVIS'}) {
if (defined($ENV{'CI'}) && $ENV{'CI'}) {
my $user_entered_valid_email = 0;
do {
print "\n";
print "Please provide your business email address to receive important information about security updates\n";
print "In addition, we can send promotional messages to this email (very rare)\n";
print "You can find our privacy policy here\n";
print "We will provide an option to disable any email from us\n";
print "We will not share your email with any third party companies.\n\n";
print "If you continue install process you accept our subscription rules automatically\n\n";
print "Email: ";
my $raw_email = <STDIN>;
chomp $raw_email;
if ($raw_email =~ /\@/ && length $raw_email > 3) {
$user_entered_valid_email = 1;
$user_email = $raw_email;
} else {
print "Sorry you have entered invalid email, please try again!\n";
} while !$user_entered_valid_email;
print "\nThank you so much!\n\n";
# Installs Sentry for error tracking
sub install_sentry {
my $machine_arch = `uname -m`;
chomp $machine_arch;
my $download_res = system("wget --quiet '$machine_arch' -O/opt/sentry-cli");
if ($download_res != 0) {
warn "Cannot download Sentry";
system("chmod +x /opt/sentry-cli");
# This code will init global compiler settings used in options for other packages build
sub init_compiler {
# 530 instead of 5.3.0
my $gcc_version_for_path = $gcc_version;
$gcc_version_for_path =~ s/\.//g;
# We are using this for Boost build system
# 5.3 instead of 5.3.0
my $gcc_version_only_major = $gcc_version;
$gcc_version_only_major =~ s/\.\d$//;
$default_c_compiler_path = "$library_install_folder/gcc$gcc_version_for_path/bin/gcc";
$default_cpp_compiler_path = "$library_install_folder/gcc$gcc_version_for_path/bin/g++";
# Add new compiler to configure options
# It's mandatory for log4cpp
$configure_options = "CC=$default_c_compiler_path CXX=$default_cpp_compiler_path";
my @make_library_path_list_options = ("$library_install_folder/gcc$gcc_version_for_path/lib64");
$ld_library_path_for_make = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" . join ':', @make_library_path_list_options;
# More detailes about jam lookup:
# We use non standard gcc compiler for Boost builder and Boost and specify it this way
open my $fl, ">", "/root/user-config.jam" or die "Can't open $! file for writing manifest\n";
print {$fl} "using gcc : $gcc_version_only_major : $default_cpp_compiler_path ;\n";
close $fl;
# When we run it with vzctl exec we ahve broken env and should put config in /etc too
open my $etcfl, ">", "/etc/user-config.jam" or die "Can't open $! file for writing manifest\n";
print {$etcfl} "using gcc : $gcc_version_only_major : $default_cpp_compiler_path ;\n";
close $etcfl;
### Functions start here
sub main {
# Open log file
open my $global_log, ">", $install_log_path or warn "Cannot open log file: $! $install_log_path";
print {$global_log} "Install started";
# Set environment variables to collect more information about installation failures
$ENV{'FASTNETMON_DISTRO_TYPE'} = $distro_type;
$ENV{'FASTNETMON_DISTRO_VERSION'} = $distro_version;
$ENV{'FASTNETMON_USER'} = $user_email;
$cpus_number = get_logical_cpus_number();
if (defined($ENV{'CIRCLECI'}) && $ENV{'CIRCLECI'}) {
# We use machine with 2 CPUs, let's set explicitly 2 threads, get_logical_cpus_number returns 36 which is not real number of CPU cores
$make_options = "-j 2";
} else {
if ($cpus_number > 1) {
print "Will use $cpus_number CPUs for build process\n";
$make_options = "-j $cpus_number";
# We use PF_RING only for very old Linux distros, all new one should use AF_PACKET
if ($os_type eq 'linux') {
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu' && $distro_version =~ m/^12\.04/) {
$we_have_pfring_support = 1;
if ($distro_type eq 'centos' && $distro_version == 6) {
$we_have_pfring_support = 1;
if ($os_type eq 'macosx') {
# Really strange issue
$we_have_hiredis_support = 0;
# CentOS base repository is very very poor and we need EPEL for some dependencies
# Refresh information about packages
if ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
exec_command("pkg install -y wget");
my $install_from_official_distro = '';
# For these Ubuntu version we have FastNetMon in standard repos, will use it instead
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu' && (
$distro_version =~ m/^18\.04/ or
$distro_version =~ m/^19\.04/)) {
$install_from_official_distro = 1;
# For Debian Buster we also have FastNetMon in standard repos
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' && $distro_version =~ m/^10\./) {
$install_from_official_distro = 1;
if ($install_from_official_distro && !$we_use_code_from_master) {
# Switch off sflow and netflow plugins enabled by default
system("sed -i 's/sflow = on/sflow = off/' /etc/fastnetmon.conf");
system("sed -i 's/netflow = on/netflow = off/' /etc/fastnetmon.conf");
# Remove trailing space in Debian/Ubuntu configuration, it was fixed in upstream
system("sed -i 's/ban_for_tcp_pps = off /ban_for_tcp_pps = off/' /etc/fastnetmon.conf");
# Apply changes
system("systemctl restart fastnetmon");
print "FastNetMon was installed and started correctly\n";
print "Below you can find some useful commands and paths\n\n";
print "Main configuration file: /etc/fastnetmon.conf\n";
print "Daemon restart command: systemctl restart fastnetmon\n";
print "Client tool: fastnetmon_client\n";
print "Log file: /var/log/fastnetmon.log\n";
# Install standard tools for building packages
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
my @debian_packages_for_build = ('build-essential', 'make', 'tar', 'wget');
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
my @centos_dependency_packages = ('make', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++');
if ($build_gcc_only) {
# For these distros we need to use custom compiler
if ($use_custom_compiler) {
print "Will use custom compiler\n";
# Install only depencdency packages, we need it to cache installed packages in CI
if ($install_dependency_packages_only) {
if ($we_have_pfring_support) {
if ($we_have_ndpi_support) {
if ($we_have_protobuf_support) {
if ($we_have_grpc_support) {
} else {
if ($we_have_pfring_support) {
# We need fresh cmake for this build, Boost requires it
$cmake_path = "$ld_library_path_for_make $library_install_folder/cmake-3.16.4/bin/cmake";
if ($we_have_ndpi_support) {
if ($we_have_hiredis_support) {
if ($we_have_mongo_support) {
if ($we_have_protobuf_support) {
if ($we_have_grpc_support) {
if ($we_have_gobgp_support) {
if ($we_have_log4cpp_support) {
if ($build_fastnetmon) {
my $install_time = time() - $start_time;
my $pretty_install_time_in_minutes = sprintf("%.2f", $install_time / 60);
print "We have built project in $pretty_install_time_in_minutes minutes\n";
sub exec_command {
my $command = shift;
open my $fl, ">>", $install_log_path;
print {$fl} "We are calling command: $command\n\n";
my $output = `$command >> $install_log_path 2>&1`;
print {$fl} "Command finished with code $?\n\n";
if ($? == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return '';
sub get_sha1_sum {
my $path = shift;
if ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
# # We should not use 'use' here because we haven't this package on non FreeBSD systems by default
require Digest::SHA;
# SHA1
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new(1);
return $sha->hexdigest;
my $hasher_name = '';
if ($os_type eq 'macosx') {
$hasher_name = 'shasum';
} elsif ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
$hasher_name = 'sha1';
} else {
# Linux
$hasher_name = 'sha1sum';
my $output = `$hasher_name $path`;
chomp $output;
my ($sha1) = ($output =~ m/^(\w+)\s+/);
return $sha1;
sub download_file {
my ($url, $path, $expected_sha1_checksumm) = @_;
# We use pretty strange format for $path and need to sue special function to extract it
my ($path_filename, $path_dirs, $path_suffix) = fileparse($path);
# $path_filename
if ($use_mirror) {
$url = $mirror_url . "/" . $path_filename;
`wget --no-check-certificate --quiet '$url' -O$path`;
if ($? != 0) {
print "We can't download archive $url correctly\n";
return '';
if ($expected_sha1_checksumm) {
my $calculated_checksumm = get_sha1_sum($path);
if ($calculated_checksumm eq $expected_sha1_checksumm) {
return 1;
} else {
print "Downloaded archive has incorrect sha1: $calculated_checksumm expected: $expected_sha1_checksumm\n";
return '';
} else {
return 1;
sub install_json_c {
my $archive_name = 'json-c-0.13-20171207.tar.gz';
my $install_path = "$library_install_folder/json-c-0.13";
if (-e $install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
print "json-c was already installed\n";
return 1;
print "Install json library\n";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Download archive\n";
my $json_c_download_result = download_file("$archive_name",
unless ($json_c_download_result) {
fast_die("Can't download json-c sources");
print "Uncompress it\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $archive_name");
chdir "json-c-json-c-0.13-20171207";
# Fix bugs (assigned but not used variable) which prevent code compilation
if ($os_type eq 'macosx' or $os_type eq 'freebsd') {
exec_command("sed -i -e '355 s#^#//#' json_tokener.c");
exec_command("sed -i -e '360 s#^#//#' json_tokener.c");
print "Build it\n";
exec_command("$configure_options ./configure --prefix=$install_path");
print "Install it\n";
exec_command("make $make_options install");
sub install_init_scripts {
# Init file for any systemd aware distro
my $systemd_distro = '';
# All new versions of Debian use systemd
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' && $distro_version > 7) {
$systemd_distro = 1;
# All new versions of CentOS/RHEL use systemd
if ($distro_type eq 'centos' && $distro_version >= 7) {
$systemd_distro = 1;
# Some heuristic approach for Debian-like distros
if (-e "/bin/systemd") {
$systemd_distro = 1;
if ($systemd_distro) {
my $systemd_service_path = "/etc/systemd/system/fastnetmon.service";
exec_command("cp $fastnetmon_code_dir/ $systemd_service_path");
exec_command("sed -i 's#\@CMAKE_INSTALL_SBINDIR\@#$library_install_folder/fastnetmon#' $systemd_service_path");
print "We found systemd enabled distro and created service: fastnetmon.service\n";
print "You could run it with command: systemctl start fastnetmon.service\n";
return 1;
# Init file for CentOS 6
if ($distro_type eq 'centos' && $distro_version == 6) {
my $system_init_path = '/etc/init.d/fastnetmon';
exec_command("cp $fastnetmon_code_dir/fastnetmon_init_script_centos6 $system_init_path");
exec_command("sed -i 's#/usr/sbin/fastnetmon#$library_install_folder/fastnetmon/fastnetmon#' $system_init_path");
print "We created service fastnetmon for you\n";
print "You could run it with command: /etc/init.d/fastnetmon start\n";
return 1;
# For Gentoo
if ( $distro_type eq 'gentoo' ) {
my $init_path_in_src = "$fastnetmon_code_dir/fastnetmon_init_script_gentoo";
my $system_init_path = '/etc/init.d/fastnetmon';
# Checker for source code version, will work only for 1.1.3+ versions
if (-e $init_path_in_src) {
exec_command("cp $init_path_in_src $system_init_path");
print "We created service fastnetmon for you\n";
print "You could run it with command: /etc/init.d/fastnetmon start\n";
return 1;
# For Debian Squeeze and Wheezy
# And any stable Ubuntu version
if ( ($distro_type eq 'debian' && ($distro_version == 6 or $distro_version == 7)) or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
my $init_path_in_src = "$fastnetmon_code_dir/fastnetmon_init_script_debian_6_7";
my $system_init_path = '/etc/init.d/fastnetmon';
# Checker for source code version, will work only for 1.1.3+ versions
if (-e $init_path_in_src) {
exec_command("cp $init_path_in_src $system_init_path");
exec_command("sed -i 's#/usr/sbin/fastnetmon#$library_install_folder/fastnetmon/fastnetmon#' $system_init_path");
print "We created service fastnetmon for you\n";
print "You could run it with command: /etc/init.d/fastnetmon start\n";
return 1;
sub install_log4cpp {
my $distro_file_name = 'log4cpp-1.1.1.tar.gz';
my $log4cpp_url = '';
my $log4cpp_install_path = "$library_install_folder/log4cpp1.1.1";
if (-e $log4cpp_install_path) {
print "log4cpp was installed\n";
return 1;
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Download log4cpp sources\n";
my $log4cpp_download_result = download_file($log4cpp_url, $distro_file_name, '23aa5bd7d6f79992c92bad3e1c6d64a34f8fcf68');
unless ($log4cpp_download_result) {
fast_die("Can't download log4cpp");
print "Unpack log4cpp sources\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "$temp_folder_for_building_project/log4cpp";
print "Build log4cpp\n";
my $configure_res = '';
# TODO: we need some more reliable way to specify options here
if ($configure_options) {
$configure_res = exec_command("$configure_options ./configure --prefix=$log4cpp_install_path");
} else {
$configure_res = exec_command("./configure --prefix=$log4cpp_install_path");
if (!$configure_res) {
fast_die("Cannot configure log4cpp");
exec_command("make $make_options install");
sub install_grpc_dependencies {
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
apt_get('gcc', 'make', 'autoconf', 'automake', 'git', 'libtool', 'g++', 'python-all-dev', 'python-virtualenv');
sub install_grpc {
# Here we are storing revisions of code which are using multiple times in code
my $grpc_git_commit = "e73882dc0fcedab1ffe789e44ed6254819639ce3";
my $grpc_install_path = "$library_install_folder/grpc_1_27_3_$grpc_git_commit";
if (-e $grpc_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
print "gRPC was already installed\n";
return 1;
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Clone gRPC repository\n";
exec_command("git clone");
chdir "grpc";
# For back compatibility with old git
exec_command("git checkout $grpc_git_commit");
print "Update project submodules\n";
exec_command("git submodule update --init");
if($use_custom_compiler) {
### Patch makefile for custom gcc:
exec_command("sed -i '81i DEFAULT_CC=$default_c_compiler_path' Makefile");
exec_command("sed -i '82i DEFAULT_CXX=$default_cpp_compiler_path' Makefile");
print "Build gRPC\n";
my $make_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options");
unless ($make_result) {
fast_die( "Could not build gRPC: make failed\n");
print "Install gRPC\n";
exec_command("make install prefix=$grpc_install_path");
sub install_gobgp {
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $gobgp_install_path = "$library_install_folder/gobgp_2_16_0";
if (-e $gobgp_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
print "GoBGP was already installed\n";
return 1;
my $distro_file_name = '';
my $distro_file_hash = '';
if ($distro_architecture eq 'x86_64') {
$distro_file_name = 'gobgp_2.16.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz';
$distro_file_hash = '58dcf1f4b4b64383c5fbb731322c9fc2a2fcd5f0';
} elsif ($distro_architecture eq 'i686') {
$distro_file_name = 'gobgp_2.16.0_linux_386.tar.gz';
$distro_file_hash = '9d6f031058589618f414b4493b5cfa34230c0505';
} else {
fast_die("We do not have GoBGP for your platform, please check: for available builds");
print "Download GoBGP\n";
my $gobgp_download_result = download_file("$distro_file_name",
$distro_file_name, $distro_file_hash);
unless ($gobgp_download_result) {
fast_die("Can't download gobgp sources");
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
print "Install gobgp daemon files\n";
mkdir $gobgp_install_path;
exec_command("cp gobgp $gobgp_install_path");
exec_command("cp gobgpd $gobgp_install_path");
sub install_protobuf_dependencies {
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
apt_get('make', 'autoconf', 'automake', 'git', 'libtool', 'curl', "g++");
sub install_protobuf {
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $protobuf_install_path = "$library_install_folder/protobuf_3.11.4";
if (-e $protobuf_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
print "protobuf was already installed\n";
return 1;
my $distro_file_name = 'protobuf-all-3.11.4.tar.gz';
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Download protocol buffers\n";
my $protobuf_download_result = download_file("$distro_file_name",
$distro_file_name, '318f4d044078285db7ae69b68e77f148667f98f4');
unless ($protobuf_download_result) {
fast_die("Can't download protobuf\n");
print "Unpack protocol buffers\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "protobuf-3.11.4";
print "Configure protobuf\n";
print "Execute autogen\n";
exec_command("$configure_options ./configure --prefix=$protobuf_install_path");
print "Build protobuf\n";
exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options install");
sub install_cmake_based_software {
my ($url_to_archive, $sha1_summ_for_archive, $library_install_path, $cmake_with_options) = @_;
unless ($url_to_archive && $sha1_summ_for_archive && $library_install_path && $cmake_with_options) {
return '';
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $file_name = get_file_name_from_url($url_to_archive);
unless ($file_name) {
die "Could not extract file name from URL $url_to_archive";
print "Download archive\n";
my $archive_download_result = download_file($url_to_archive, $file_name, $sha1_summ_for_archive);
unless ($archive_download_result) {
die "Could not download URL $url_to_archive";
unless (-e $file_name) {
die "Could not find downloaded file in current folder";
print "Read file list inside archive\n";
my $folder_name_inside_archive = get_folder_name_inside_archive("$temp_folder_for_building_project/$file_name");
unless ($folder_name_inside_archive) {
die "We could not extract folder name from tar archive: $temp_folder_for_building_project/$file_name\n";
print "Unpack archive\n";
my $unpack_result = exec_command("tar -xf $file_name");
unless ($unpack_result) {
die "Unpack failed";
chdir $folder_name_inside_archive;
unless (-e "CMakeLists.txt") {
die "We haven't CMakeLists.txt in top project folder! Could not build project";
unless (-e "build") {
mkdir "build";
chdir "build";
print "Generate make file with cmake\n";
# print "cmake command: $cmake_with_options\n";
my $cmake_result = exec_command($cmake_with_options);
unless ($cmake_result) {
die "cmake command failed";
print "Build project with make\n";
my $make_command = "make $make_options";
my $make_result = exec_command($make_command);
unless ($make_result) {
die "Make command '$make_command' failed\n";
print "Install project to target directory\n";
my $install_result = exec_command("make install");
unless ($install_result) {
die "Install failed";
return 1;
sub install_mongo_client {
my $install_path = "$library_install_folder/mongo_c_driver_1_16_1";
if (-e $install_path) {
warn "mongo_c_driver is already installed, skip build";
return 1;
# OpenSSL is mandatory for SCRAM-SHA-1 auth mode
# I also use flag ENABLE_ICU=OFF to disable linking against icu system library. I do no think that we really need it
my $res = install_cmake_based_software("",
"$cmake_path -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=$library_install_folder/mongo_c_driver_1_16_1 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$default_c_compiler_path -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$library_install_folder/openssl_1_0_2d -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$default_cpp_compiler_path -DENABLE_ICU=OFF ..");
if (!$res) {
die "Could not install mongo c client\n";
return 1;
sub install_hiredis {
my $disto_file_name = 'v0.13.1.tar.gz';
my $hiredis_install_path = "$library_install_folder/libhiredis_0_13";
if (-e $hiredis_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
print "hiredis was already installed\n";
return 1;
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Download hiredis\n";
my $hiredis_download_result = download_file("$disto_file_name",
$disto_file_name, '737c4ed101096c5ec47fcaeba847664352d16204');
unless ($hiredis_download_result) {
fast_die("Can't download hiredis");
exec_command("tar -xf $disto_file_name");
print "Build hiredis\n";
chdir "hiredis-0.13.1";
exec_command("PREFIX=$hiredis_install_path make $make_options install");
# We use global variable $ndpi_repository here
sub install_ndpi_dependencies {
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
apt_get('git', 'autoconf', 'libtool', 'automake', 'libpcap-dev');
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
# We have json-c-devel for CentOS 6 and 7 and will use it for nDPI build system
yum('git', 'autoconf', 'automake', 'libtool', 'libpcap-devel', 'json-c-devel', 'which');
} elsif ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
exec_command("pkg install -y git autoconf automake libtool");
# We use global variable $ndpi_repository here
sub install_ndpi {
my $ndpi_install_path = "$library_install_folder/ndpi";
if (-e $ndpi_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
print "nDPI was already installed\n";
return 1;
print "Download nDPI\n";
if (-e "$temp_folder_for_building_project/nDPI") {
# Get new code from the repository
chdir "$temp_folder_for_building_project/nDPI";
exec_command("git pull");
} else {
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
exec_command("git clone $ndpi_repository");
chdir "$temp_folder_for_building_project/nDPI";
print "Configure nDPI\n";
unless (exec_command("./")) {
fast_die("Cannot generate configuration for nDPI");
# We have specified direct path to json-c here because it required for example app compilation
exec_command("PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$library_install_folder/json-c-0.13/lib/pkgconfig $configure_options ./configure --prefix=$ndpi_install_path");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Configure failed\n";
fast_die("Cannot configure nDPI");
print "Build and install nDPI\n";
unless (exec_command("make $make_options install")) {
fast_die("Cannot build nDPI");
sub init_package_manager {
print "Update package manager cache\n";
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
exec_command("apt-get update");
if ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
exec_command("pkg update");
sub read_file {
my $file_name = shift;
my $res = open my $fl, "<", $file_name;
unless ($res) {
return "";
my $content = join '', <$fl>;
chomp $content;
return $content;
# Detect operating system of this machine
sub detect_distribution {
# We use following global variables here:
# $os_type, $distro_type, $distro_version, $appliance_name
my $uname_s_output = `uname -s`;
chomp $uname_s_output;
# uname -a output examples:
# FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #0 r278618: Thu Feb 12 13:55:09 UTC 2015 root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KERNELWITHNETMAP amd64
# Darwin MacBook-Pro-Pavel.local 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
# Linux ubuntu 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 15 17:43:14 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
if ($uname_s_output =~ /FreeBSD/) {
$os_type = 'freebsd';
} elsif ($uname_s_output =~ /Darwin/) {
$os_type = 'macosx';
} elsif ($uname_s_output =~ /Linux/) {
$os_type = 'linux';
} else {
warn "Can't detect platform operating system\n";
if ($os_type eq 'linux') {
# x86_64 or i686
$distro_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $distro_architecture;
if (-e "/etc/debian_version") {
# Well, on this step it could be Ubuntu or Debian
# We need check issue for more details
my @issue = `cat /etc/issue`;
chomp @issue;
my $issue_first_line = $issue[0];
# Possible /etc/issue contents:
# Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l
# Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l
# Welcome to VyOS - \n \l
my $is_proxmox = '';
# Really hard to detect
for my $issue_line (@issue) {
if ($issue_line =~ m/Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual Environment/) {
$is_proxmox = 1;
$appliance_name = 'proxmox';
if ($issue_first_line =~ m/Debian/ or $is_proxmox) {
$distro_type = 'debian';
$distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $distro_version;
# Debian 6 example: 6.0.10
# We will try transform it to decimal number
if ($distro_version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)\.\d+$/) {
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($issue_first_line =~ m/Ubuntu (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/) {
$distro_type = 'ubuntu';
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($issue_first_line =~ m/VyOS/) {
# Yes, VyOS is a Debian
$distro_type = 'debian';
$appliance_name = 'vyos';
my $vyos_distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $vyos_distro_version;
# VyOS have strange version and we should fix it
if ($vyos_distro_version =~ /^(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
$distro_version = $1;
if (-e "/etc/redhat-release") {
$distro_type = 'centos';
my $distro_version_raw = `cat /etc/redhat-release`;
chomp $distro_version_raw;
# CentOS 6:
# CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
# CentOS 7:
# CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)
# Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)
if ($distro_version_raw =~ /(\d+)/) {
$distro_version = $1;
if (-e "/etc/gentoo-release") {
$distro_type = 'gentoo';
my $distro_version_raw = `cat /etc/gentoo-release`;
chomp $distro_version_raw;
unless ($distro_type) {
fast_die("This distro is unsupported, please do manual install");
print "We detected your OS as $distro_type Linux $distro_version\n";
} elsif ($os_type eq 'macosx') {
my $mac_os_versions_raw = `sw_vers -productVersion`;
chomp $mac_os_versions_raw;
if ($mac_os_versions_raw =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/) {
$distro_version = $1;
print "We detected your OS as Mac OS X $distro_version\n";
} elsif ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
my $freebsd_os_version_raw = `uname -r`;
chomp $freebsd_os_version_raw;
if ($freebsd_os_version_raw =~ /^(\d+)\.?/) {
$distro_version = $1;
print "We detected your OS as FreeBSD $distro_version\n";
sub install_pf_ring_dependencies {
my $kernel_version = `uname -r`;
chomp $kernel_version;
print "Install PF_RING dependencies with package manager\n";
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
my @debian_packages_for_pfring = ('build-essential', 'bison', 'flex', 'subversion',
'libnuma-dev', 'wget', 'tar', 'make', 'dpkg-dev', 'dkms', 'debhelper');
# Install kernel headers only when we could compile kernel modules there
my $kernel_headers_package_name = "linux-headers-$kernel_version";
if ($appliance_name eq 'vyos') {
# VyOS uses another name for package for building kernel modules
$kernel_headers_package_name = 'linux-vyatta-kbuild';
} elsif ($appliance_name eq 'proxmox') {
$kernel_headers_package_name = "pve-headers-$kernel_version";
push @debian_packages_for_pfring, $kernel_headers_package_name;
if ($appliance_name eq 'vyos') {
# By default we waven't this symlink and should add it manually
if ($distro_architecture eq 'x86_64') {
exec_command("ln -s /usr/src/linux-image/debian/build/build-amd64-none-amd64-vyos/ /lib/modules/$kernel_version/build");
} else {
# i686
exec_command("ln -s /usr/src/linux-image/debian/build/build-i386-none-586-vyos/ /lib/modules/$kernel_version/build");
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
my @centos_dependency_packages = ('make', 'bison', 'flex', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'dkms', 'numactl-devel', 'subversion');
# This package is not going to install devel headers for current kernel!
my $kernel_package_name = 'kernel-devel';
# Fix deplist for OpenVZ
if ($kernel_version =~ /stab/) {
$kernel_package_name = "vzkernel-devel-$kernel_version";
push @centos_dependency_packages, $kernel_package_name;
my $centos_kernel_version = `uname -r`;
chomp $centos_kernel_version;
# But this package will install kernel devel headers for current kernel version!
push @centos_dependency_packages, "$kernel_package_name-$centos_kernel_version";
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'gentoo') {
my @gentoo_packages_for_pfring = ('subversion', 'sys-process/numactl', 'wget', 'tar');
my $gentoo_packages_for_pfring_as_string = join " ", @gentoo_packages_for_pfring;
exec_command("emerge -vu $gentoo_packages_for_pfring_as_string");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Emerge fail with code $?\n";
sub install_pf_ring {
my $pf_ring_archive_path = "$temp_folder_for_building_project/PF_RING-$pf_ring_version.tar.gz";
my $pf_ring_sources_path = "$temp_folder_for_building_project/PF_RING-$pf_ring_version";
my $pf_ring_install_path = "$library_install_folder/pf_ring_$pf_ring_version";
if (-e $pf_ring_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
print "PF_RING was already installed\n";
return 1;
# Sometimes we do not want to build kernel module (Docker, KVM and other cases)
my $we_could_install_kernel_modules = 1;
if ($we_could_install_kernel_modules) {
print "Download PF_RING $pf_ring_version sources\n";
my $pfring_download_result = download_file($pf_ring_url, $pf_ring_archive_path, $pf_ring_sha);
unless ($pfring_download_result) {
fast_die("Can't download PF_RING sources");
my $archive_file_name = $pf_ring_archive_path;
if ($? == 0) {
print "Unpack PF_RING\n";
mkdir $pf_ring_sources_path;
exec_command("tar -xf $pf_ring_archive_path -C $temp_folder_for_building_project");
print "Build PF_RING kernel module\n";
exec_command("make $make_options -C $pf_ring_sources_path/kernel clean");
exec_command("make $make_options -C $pf_ring_sources_path/kernel");
exec_command("make $make_options -C $pf_ring_sources_path/kernel install");
print "Unload PF_RING if it was installed earlier\n";
exec_command("rmmod pf_ring 2>/dev/null");
print "Load PF_RING module into kernel\n";
exec_command("modprobe pf_ring");
my @dmesg = `dmesg`;
chomp @dmesg;
if (scalar grep (/\[PF_RING\] Initialized correctly/, @dmesg) > 0) {
print "PF_RING loaded correctly\n";
} else {
warn "PF_RING load error! Please fix this issue manually\n";
# We need this headers for building userspace libs
exec_command("cp $pf_ring_sources_path/kernel/linux/pf_ring.h /usr/include/linux");
} else {
warn "Can't download PF_RING source code. Disable support of PF_RING\n";
print "Build PF_RING lib\n";
# Because we can't run configure from another folder because it can't find ZC dependency :(
chdir "$pf_ring_sources_path/userland/lib";
exec_command("$configure_options ./configure --prefix=$pf_ring_install_path");
exec_command("make $make_options");
exec_command("make $make_options install");
sub apt_get {
my @packages_list = @_;
# We install one package per apt-get call because installing multiple packages in one time could fail of one package is broken
for my $package (@packages_list) {
exec_command("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --force-yes $package");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Package '$package' install failed with code $?\n"
sub yum {
my @packages_list = @_;
for my $package (@packages_list) {
exec_command("yum install -y $package");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Package '$package' install failed with code $?\n";
# Get folder name from archive
sub get_folder_name_inside_archive {
my $file_path = shift;
unless ($file_path && -e $file_path) {
return '';
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
for my $file($tar->list_files()) {
# if name has / in the end we could assume it's folder
if ($file =~ m#/$#) {
return $file;
# For some reasons we can have case when we do not have top level folder alone but we can extract it from path:
# libcmime-0.2.1/VERSION
for my $file($tar->list_files()) {
# if name has / in the end we could assume it's folder
if ($file =~ m#(.*?)/.*+$#) {
return $1;
return '';
# Extract file name from URL
# => r3.0.0-rc0.tar.gz
sub get_file_name_from_url {
my $url = shift;
# Remove prefix
$url =~ s#https?://##;
my @components = split '/', $url;
return $components[-1];
sub install_configure_based_software {
my ($url_to_archive, $sha1_summ_for_archive, $library_install_path, $configure_options) = @_;
unless ($url_to_archive && $sha1_summ_for_archive && $library_install_path) {
warn "You haven't specified all mandatory arguments for install_configure_based_software\n";
return '';
unless (defined($configure_options)) {
$configure_options = '';
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $file_name = get_file_name_from_url($url_to_archive);
unless ($file_name) {
die "Could not extract file name from URL $url_to_archive";
print "Download archive\n";
my $archive_download_result = download_file($url_to_archive, $file_name, $sha1_summ_for_archive);
unless ($archive_download_result) {
die "Could not download URL $url_to_archive";
unless (-e $file_name) {
die "Could not find downloaded file in current folder";
print "Read file list inside archive\n";
my $folder_name_inside_archive = get_folder_name_inside_archive("$temp_folder_for_building_project/$file_name");
unless ($folder_name_inside_archive) {
die "We could not extract folder name from tar archive '$temp_folder_for_building_project/$file_name'\n";
print "Unpack archive\n";
my $unpack_result = exec_command("tar -xf $file_name");
unless ($unpack_result) {
die "Unpack failed";
chdir $folder_name_inside_archive;
unless (-e "configure") {
die "We haven't configure script here";
print "Execute configure\n";
my $configure_command = "CC=$default_c_compiler_path CXX=$default_cpp_compiler_path ./configure --prefix=$library_install_path $configure_options";
my $configure_result = exec_command($configure_command);
unless ($configure_result) {
die "Configure failed";
### TODO: this is ugly thing! But here you could find hack for poco libraries
if ($url_to_archive =~ m/Poco/i) {
exec_command("sed -i 's#^CC .*#CC = $default_c_compiler_path#' build/config/Linux");
exec_command("sed -i 's#^CXX .*#CXX = $default_cpp_compiler_path#' build/config/Linux");
#print `cat build/config/Linux`;
# librdkafka does not like make+make install approach, we should use them one by one
print "Execute make\n";
my $make_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options");
unless ($make_result) {
die "Make failed";
print "Execute make install\n";
# We explicitly added path to library folders from our custom compiler here
my $make_install_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make install");
unless ($make_install_result) {
die "Make install failed";
return 1;
sub install_capnproto {
my $capnp_install_path = "$library_install_folder/capnproto_0_8_0";
if (-e $capnp_install_path) {
warn "Cap'n'proto already existis, skip compilation\n";
return 1;
my $configure_arguments = '';
# We need it to address this bug:
if ($distro_type eq 'centos' && $distro_version == 6) {
$configure_arguments = 'LIBS="-lrt"';
my $res = install_configure_based_software("",
"fbc1c65b32748029f1a09783d3ebe9d496d5fcc4", $capnp_install_path,
unless ($res) {
die "Could not install capnproto";
return 1;
sub install_openssl {
my $distro_file_name = 'openssl-1.0.2d.tar.gz';
my $openssl_install_path = "$library_install_folder/openssl_1_0_2d";
if (-e $openssl_install_path) {
warn "We found already installed openssl in folder $openssl_install_path Skip compilation\n";
return 1;
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $openssl_download_result = download_file("$distro_file_name",
$distro_file_name, 'd01d17b44663e8ffa6a33a5a30053779d9593c3d');
unless ($openssl_download_result) {
die "Could not download openssl";
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "openssl-1.0.2d";
exec_command("./config shared --prefix=$openssl_install_path");
exec_command("make -j $make_options");
exec_command("make install");
sub install_poco {
if (-e "$library_install_folder/poco_1_10_0") {
warn "poco already installed, skip compilation\n";
return 1;
# Actually it's not standard "configure". That is custom bash based script! And it's not handling options suitable for
# configure (i.e. CC and other)
my $res = install_configure_based_software("",
'cc75c9ca9d21422683ee7d71c5a98aaf72b45bcc', "$library_install_folder/poco_1_10_0",
"--minimal --shared --no-samples --no-tests --include-path=$library_install_folder/openssl_1_0_2d/include --library-path=$library_install_folder/openssl_1_0_2d/lib --cflags=\"-std=c++11\"");
unless ($res) {
die "Could not install poco";
return 1;
sub install_icu {
my $distro_file_name = 'icu4c-65_1-src.tgz';
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $icu_install_path = "$library_install_folder/libicu_65_1";
if (-e $icu_install_path) {
warn "Found installed icu at $icu_install_path\n";
return 1;
print "Download icu\n";
my $icu_download_result = download_file("$distro_file_name",
$distro_file_name, 'd1e6b58aea606894cfb2495b6eb1ad533ccd2a25');
unless ($icu_download_result) {
fast_die("Could not download ibicu");
print "Unpack icu\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "icu/source";
print "Build icu\n";
exec_command("LDFLAGS=\"-Wl,-rpath,$library_install_folder/libicu_65_1/lib\" $configure_options ./configure --prefix=$icu_install_path");
exec_command("make $make_options");
exec_command("make $make_options install");
sub install_cmake_dependencies {
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
sub install_cmake {
print "Install cmake\n";
my $cmake_install_path = "$library_install_folder/cmake-3.16.4";
if (-e $cmake_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
warn "Found installed cmake at $cmake_install_path\n";
return 1;
my $distro_file_name = "cmake-3.16.4.tar.gz";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
print "Download archive\n";
my $cmake_download_result = download_file("$distro_file_name", $distro_file_name, '3ae23da521d5c0e871dd820a0d3af5504f0bd6db');
unless ($cmake_download_result) {
fast_die("Can't download cmake\n");
exec_command("tar -xf $distro_file_name");
chdir "cmake-3.16.4";
print "Execute bootstrap, it will need time\n";
my $boostrap_result = exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make $configure_options ./bootstrap --prefix=$cmake_install_path");
unless ($boostrap_result) {
fast_die("Cannot run bootstrap\n");
print "Make it\n";
my $make_command = "$ld_library_path_for_make $configure_options make $make_options";
my $make_result = exec_command($make_command);
unless ($make_result) {
fast_die("Make command '$make_command' failed\n");
unless (exec_command("$ld_library_path_for_make make install")) {
fast_die("Cannot install cmake");
return 1;
sub install_boost_builder {
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
# We use another name because it uses same name as boost distribution
my $archive_file_name = 'build-boost-1.72.0.tar.gz';
my $boost_builder_install_folder = "$library_install_folder/boost_build1.72.0";
if (-e $boost_builder_install_folder && defined($ENV{'CI'}) ) {
warn "Found installed Boost builder at $boost_builder_install_folder\n";
return 1;
# We use older version of Boost Build because newer versions require C++ which is not available on CentOS 6
if ($distro_type eq 'centos' && $distro_version == 6) {
print "Download boost builder\n";
my $boost_build_result = download_file("", $archive_file_name,
unless ($boost_build_result) {
fast_die("Can't download boost builder\n");
print "Unpack boost builder\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $archive_file_name");
unless (chdir "build-boost-1.70.0") {
fast_die("Cannot do chdir to build boost folder\n");
} else {
print "Download boost builder\n";
my $boost_build_result = download_file("", $archive_file_name,
unless ($boost_build_result) {
fast_die("Can't download boost builder\n");
print "Unpack boost builder\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $archive_file_name");
unless (chdir "build-boost-1.72.0") {
fast_die("Cannot do chdir to build boost folder\n");
print "Build Boost builder\n";
my $bootstrap_result = exec_command("./ --with-toolset=gcc");
unless ($bootstrap_result) {
fast_die("bootstrap of Boost Builder failed, please check logs\n");
# We should specify toolset here if we want to do build with custom compiler
# We have troubles when run this code with vzctl exec so we should add custom compiler in path
my $b2_install_result = exec_command("./b2 install --prefix=$boost_builder_install_folder");
unless ($b2_install_result) {
fast_die("Can't execute b2 install\n");
sub install_gcc_dependencies {
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
my @dependency_list = ('libmpfr-dev', 'libmpc-dev', 'libgmp-dev');
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
yum('gmp-devel', 'mpfr-devel', 'libmpc-devel');
sub install_gcc {
# 530 instead of 5.3.0
my $gcc_version_for_path = $gcc_version;
$gcc_version_for_path =~ s/\.//g;
my $gcc_package_install_path = "$library_install_folder/gcc$gcc_version_for_path";
if (-e $gcc_package_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
warn "Found already installed gcc in $gcc_package_install_path. Skip compilation\n";
return '1';
print "Download gcc archive\n";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
my $archive_file_name = "gcc-$gcc_version.tar.gz";
my $gcc_download_result = download_file("$gcc_version/$archive_file_name", $archive_file_name, '256be3760f6aca3eaa45083e25828ce0802e2010');
unless ($gcc_download_result) {
die "Can't download gcc sources\n";
print "Unpack archive\n";
unless (exec_command("tar -xf $archive_file_name")) {
die "Cannot unpack gcc";
# Remove source archive
unlink "$archive_file_name";
unless (exec_command("mkdir $temp_folder_for_building_project/gcc-$gcc_version-objdir")) {
die "Cannot crete objdir";
chdir "$temp_folder_for_building_project/gcc-$gcc_version-objdir";
print "Configure build system\n";
# We are using --enable-host-shared because we should build gcc as dynamic library for jit compiler purposes
unless (exec_command("$temp_folder_for_building_project/gcc-$gcc_version/configure --prefix=$gcc_package_install_path --enable-languages=c,c++,jit --enable-host-shared --disable-multilib")) {
die "Cannot configure gcc";
print "Build gcc\n";
unless( exec_command("make $make_options")) {
die "Cannot make gcc";
print "Install gcc\n";
unless (exec_command("make $make_options install")) {
die "Cannot make install";
return 1;
# We need it to recompress Boost source code
sub install_boost_dependencies {
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
sub install_boost {
my $boost_install_path = "$library_install_folder/boost_1_72_0";
if (-e $boost_install_path && defined($ENV{'CI'})) {
warn "Boost libraries already exist in $boost_install_path. Skip build process\n";
return 1;
chdir $library_install_folder;
my $archive_file_name = 'boost_1_72_0.tar.gz';
print "Install Boost dependencies\n";
print "Download Boost source code\n";
# Official site: but it's dead now
my $boost_download_result = download_file("", $archive_file_name, '88866e4075e12255e7a7189d0b8a686e0b1ee9c1');
unless ($boost_download_result) {
fast_die("Can't download Boost source code\n");
print "Unpack Boost source code\n";
exec_command("tar -xf $archive_file_name");
my $folder_name_inside_archive = 'boost_1_72_0';
print "Fix permissions\n";
# Fix permissions because they are broken inside official archive
exec_command("find $folder_name_inside_archive -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \\;");
exec_command("find $folder_name_inside_archive -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \\;");
exec_command("chown -R root:root $folder_name_inside_archive");
print "Remove archive\n";
unlink "$archive_file_name";
chdir $folder_name_inside_archive;
print "Build Boost\n";
# We have troubles when run this code with vzctl exec so we should add custom compiler in path
# So without HOME=/root nothing worked correctly due to another "openvz" feature
# linkflags is required to specify custom path to libicu from regexp library
my $b2_build_result = exec_command("$library_install_folder/boost_build1.72.0/bin/b2 -j$cpus_number -sICU_PATH=$library_install_folder/libicu_65_1 linkflags=\"-Wl,-rpath,$library_install_folder/libicu_65_1/lib\" --build-dir=$temp_folder_for_building_project/boost_build_temp_directory_1_7_2 link=shared --without-test --without-python --without-wave --without-log --without-mpi");
# We should not do this check because b2 build return bad return code even in success case... when it can't build few non important targets
unless ($b2_build_result) {
### die "Can't execute b2 build correctly\n";
sub install_fastnetmon_dependencies {
print "Install FastNetMon dependency list\n";
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
my @fastnetmon_deps = ("git", "g++", "gcc", "libgpm-dev", "libncurses5-dev",
"liblog4cpp5-dev", "libnuma-dev", "libpcap-dev", "cmake", "pkg-config",
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
my @fastnetmon_deps = ('git', 'make', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++',
'ncurses-devel', 'glibc-static', 'ncurses-static', 'libpcap-devel', 'gpm-static',
'gpm-devel', 'cmake', 'pkgconfig',
if ($distro_type eq 'centos' && int($distro_version) == 7) {
push @fastnetmon_deps, 'net-tools';
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'gentoo') {
my @fastnetmon_deps = ("dev-vcs/git", "gcc", "sys-libs/gpm", "sys-libs/ncurses", "dev-libs/log4cpp", "dev-libs/geoip",
"net-libs/libpcap", "dev-util/cmake", "pkg-config", "dev-libs/boost"
my $fastnetmon_deps_as_string = join " ", @fastnetmon_deps;
exec_command("emerge -vu $fastnetmon_deps_as_string");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Emerge fail with code $?\n";
} elsif ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
exec_command("pkg install -y cmake git ncurses boost-all log4cpp");
sub install_fastnetmon {
print "Clone FastNetMon repo\n";
chdir $temp_folder_for_building_project;
if (-e $fastnetmon_code_dir) {
# Code already downloaded
chdir $fastnetmon_code_dir;
# Switch to master if we on stable branch
if ($we_use_code_from_master) {
exec_command("git checkout master");
exec_command("git pull");
} else {
# Pull code
exec_command("git clone $fastnetmon_git_path");
if ($? != 0) {
fast_die("Can't clone source code");
unless ($we_use_code_from_master) {
# We use this approach because older git versions do not support git clone -b ... correctly
# warning: Remote branch v1.1.2 not found in upstream origin, using HEAD instead
chdir "fastnetmon";
exec_command("git checkout $stable_branch_name");
exec_command("mkdir -p $fastnetmon_code_dir/build");
chdir "$fastnetmon_code_dir/build";
my $cmake_params = "";
if ($we_have_pfring_support) {
$cmake_params .= " -DENABLE_PF_RING_SUPPORT=ON";
if ($distro_type eq 'centos' && $distro_version == 6) {
# Disable cmake script from Boost package because it's broken:
$cmake_params .= " -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=BOOL:ON";
# Bump version in cmake build system
if ($use_modern_pf_ring) {
system("sed -i 's/pf_ring_6.0.3/pf_ring_$pf_ring_version/' ../CMakeLists.txt")
# Fix dependencies for Netmap in 1.1.4
if ($distro_type eq 'centos' && int($distro_version) == 6) {
system("sed -i 's/netmap_plugin fastnetmon_packet_parser/netmap_plugin fastnetmon_packet_parser unified_parser/' ../CMakeLists.txt")
# We use $configure_options to pass CC and CXX variables about custom compiler when we use it
if ((defined($ENV{'TRAVIS'}) && $ENV{'TRAVIS'}) or (defined($ENV{'CI'}) && $ENV{'CI'})) {
system("$configure_options $ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path .. $cmake_params");
system("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options");
} else {
print "Run cmake to generate make file\n";
system("$configure_options $ld_library_path_for_make $cmake_path .. $cmake_params >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
print "Run make to build FastNetMon\n";
system("$ld_library_path_for_make make $make_options >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
my $fastnetmon_dir = "$library_install_folder/fastnetmon";
my $fastnetmon_build_binary_path = "$fastnetmon_code_dir/build/fastnetmon";
unless (-e $fastnetmon_build_binary_path) {
fast_die("Can't build fastnetmon!");
mkdir $fastnetmon_dir;
print "Install fastnetmon to dir $fastnetmon_dir\n";
exec_command("cp $fastnetmon_build_binary_path $fastnetmon_dir/fastnetmon");
exec_command("cp $fastnetmon_code_dir/build/fastnetmon_client $fastnetmon_dir/fastnetmon_client");
if (-e "$fastnetmon_code_dir/build/fastnetmon_api_client") {
exec_command("cp $fastnetmon_code_dir/build/fastnetmon_api_client $fastnetmon_dir/fastnetmon_api_client");
my $fastnetmon_config_path = "/etc/fastnetmon.conf";
unless (-e $fastnetmon_config_path) {
print "Create stub configuration file\n";
exec_command("cp $fastnetmon_code_dir/fastnetmon.conf $fastnetmon_config_path");
print "If you have any issues, please check /var/log/fastnetmon.log file contents\n";
print "Please add your subnets in /etc/networks_list in CIDR format one subnet per line\n";
my $init_script_result = install_init_scripts();
# Print unified run message
unless ($init_script_result) {
print "You can run fastnetmon with command: $fastnetmon_dir/fastnetmon\n";