2020-05-23 19:55:10 +01:00

236 lines
6.7 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h> /* the L2 protocols */
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include "../fastnetmon_packet_parser.h"
Build it:
g++ ../fastnetmon_packet_parser.c -ofastnetmon_packet_parser.o -c
g++ af_packet.cpp fastnetmon_packet_parser.o -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lpthread
// Copy and paste from netmap code
void consume_pkt(u_char* buffer, int len) {
struct pfring_pkthdr packet_header;
memset(&packet_header, 0, sizeof(packet_header));
packet_header.len = len;
packet_header.caplen = len;
// We do not calculate timestamps because timestamping is very CPU intensive operation:
u_int8_t timestamp = 0;
u_int8_t add_hash = 0;
fastnetmon_parse_pkt((u_char*)buffer, &packet_header, 4, timestamp, add_hash);
// char print_buffer[512];
// fastnetmon_print_parsed_pkt(print_buffer, 512, (u_char*)buffer, &packet_header);
// printf("%s\n", print_buffer);
//"%s", print_buffer);
// Get interface number by name
int get_interface_number_by_device_name(int socket_fd, std::string interface_name) {
struct ifreq ifr;
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
if (interface_name.size() > IFNAMSIZ) {
return -1;
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface_name.c_str(), sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
if (ioctl(socket_fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) == -1) {
return -1;
return ifr.ifr_ifindex;
unsigned int af_packet_threads = 1;
uint64_t received_packets = 0;
void speed_printer() {
while (true) {
uint64_t packets_before = received_packets;
uint64_t packets_after = received_packets;
uint64_t pps = packets_after - packets_before;
printf("We process: %llu pps\n", pps);
int setup_socket(std::string interface_name, int fanout_group_id) {
// More details here:
// We could use SOCK_RAW or SOCK_DGRAM for second argument
// SOCK_RAW - raw packets pass from the kernel
// SOCK_DGRAM - some amount of processing
// Third argument manage ether type of captured packets
int packet_socket = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
if (packet_socket == -1) {
printf("Can't create AF_PACKET socket\n");
return -1;
int interface_number = get_interface_number_by_device_name(packet_socket, interface_name);
if (interface_number == -1) {
printf("Can't get interface number by interface name\n");
return -1;
// Switch to PROMISC mode
struct packet_mreq sock_params;
memset(&sock_params, 0, sizeof(sock_params));
sock_params.mr_type = PACKET_MR_PROMISC;
sock_params.mr_ifindex = interface_number;
int set_promisc = setsockopt(packet_socket, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
(void*)&sock_params, sizeof(sock_params));
if (set_promisc == -1) {
printf("Can't enable promisc mode\n");
return -1;
struct sockaddr_ll bind_address;
memset(&bind_address, 0, sizeof(bind_address));
bind_address.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
bind_address.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL);
bind_address.sll_ifindex = interface_number;
// We will follow
// And this:
struct tpacket_req req;
memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req);
setsockopt(packet_socket, SOL_PACKET , PACKET_RX_RING , (void*)&req , sizeof(req));
setsockopt(packet_socket, SOL_PACKET , PACKET_TX_RING , (void*)&req , sizeof(req));
int bind_result = bind(packet_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&bind_address, sizeof(bind_address));
if (bind_result == -1) {
printf("Can't bind to AF_PACKET socket\n");
return -1;
if (fanout_group_id) {
// PACKET_FANOUT_LB - round robin
// PACKET_FANOUT_CPU - send packets to CPU where packet arrived
int fanout_type = PACKET_FANOUT_CPU;
int fanout_arg = (fanout_group_id | (fanout_type << 16));
int setsockopt_fanout =
setsockopt(packet_socket, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_FANOUT, &fanout_arg, sizeof(fanout_arg));
if (setsockopt_fanout < 0) {
printf("Can't configure fanout\n");
return -1;
// Most challenging option: PACKET_TX_RING
return packet_socket;
void start_af_packet_capture(std::string interface_name, int fanout_group_id) {
int packet_socket = setup_socket(interface_name, fanout_group_id);
if (packet_socket == -1) {
printf("Can't create socket\n");
unsigned int capture_length = 1500;
char buffer[capture_length];
while (true) {
int readed_bytes = read(packet_socket, buffer, capture_length);
// printf("Got %d bytes from interface\n", readed_bytes);
consume_pkt((u_char*)buffer, readed_bytes);
if (readed_bytes < 0) {
void get_af_packet_stats() {
bool use_multiple_fanout_processes = true;
// Could get some speed up on NUMA servers
bool execute_strict_cpu_affinity = false;
int main() {
boost::thread speed_printer_thread(speed_printer);
int fanout_group_id = getpid() & 0xffff;
if (use_multiple_fanout_processes) {
boost::thread_group packet_receiver_thread_group;
unsigned int num_cpus = 8;
for (int cpu = 0; cpu < num_cpus; cpu++) {
boost::thread::attributes thread_attrs;
if (execute_strict_cpu_affinity) {
cpu_set_t current_cpu_set;
int cpu_to_bind = cpu % num_cpus;
// We count cpus from zero
CPU_SET(cpu_to_bind, &current_cpu_set);
int set_affinity_result =
pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(thread_attrs.native_handle(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &current_cpu_set);
if (set_affinity_result != 0) {
printf("Can't set CPU affinity for thread\n");
new boost::thread(thread_attrs, boost::bind(start_af_packet_capture, "eth6", fanout_group_id)));
// Wait all processes for finish
} else {
start_af_packet_capture("eth6", 0);