Add AF_PACKET support. So we could capture traffic on any linux with 3.6+ kernel without any custom kernel modules. Closes #169. Speed result: 2mpps on i7 3820

This commit is contained in:
Pavel Odintsov 2015-09-01 10:41:55 +02:00
parent 6151284948
commit 846bb19ccb
7 changed files with 403 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
| pcap | very slow, 10-100 mbps | Simple | huge | FreeBSD, Linux | GPL | Not so accurate | Very fast|
| sFLOW | Up to 40-100GE | Very simple | Small | Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS | Free | Accurate but depends on sampling rate (1-128 sampling rate recommended but significantly depends on traffic in network) | Very fast|
| NetFlow | Up to 40-100GE | Very simple | Small for FastNetMon but could be huge for network equpment if implemented in software way | Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS | Free but could require additional licenses or hardware from network equipment vendor | Not so accurate | So slow, up to multiple minutes depends on flow timeout configuration on routers|
| AF_PACKET (not implemented yet) | Up to 5-10 MPPS/5-10GE | Very simple | Normal-huge | Linux (since 3.6 kernel) | GPLv2 | Very accurate | Very fast|
| AF_PACKET | Up to 2 MPPS/5-10GE | Very simple | Normal-huge | Linux (since 3.6 kernel) | GPLv2 | Very accurate | Very fast|

View File

@ -139,6 +139,13 @@ if (ENABLE_SNABBSWITCH_SUPPORT)
target_link_libraries(snabbswitch_plugin snabb)
add_library(afpacket_plugin STATIC afpacket_plugin/afpacket_collector.cpp)
# sFLOW plugin
add_library(sflow_plugin STATIC sflow_plugin/sflow_collector.cpp)
@ -323,6 +330,10 @@ if (ENABLE_SNABBSWITCH_SUPPORT)
target_link_libraries(fastnetmon snabbswitch_plugin)
target_link_libraries(fastnetmon afpacket_plugin)
target_link_libraries(fastnetmon sflow_plugin netflow_plugin pcap_plugin example_plugin netmap_plugin)
@ -333,6 +344,10 @@ if (BUILD_PLUGIN_RUNNER)
target_link_libraries(fastnetmon_plugin_runner snabbswitch_plugin)
target_link_libraries(fastnetmon_plugin_runner afpacket_plugin)
target_link_libraries(fastnetmon_plugin_runner ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
target_link_libraries(fastnetmon_plugin_runner patricia)
target_link_libraries(fastnetmon_plugin_runner fastnetmon_pcap_format)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
// log4cpp logging facility
#include "log4cpp/Category.hh"
#include "log4cpp/Appender.hh"
#include "log4cpp/FileAppender.hh"
#include "log4cpp/OstreamAppender.hh"
#include "log4cpp/Layout.hh"
#include "log4cpp/BasicLayout.hh"
#include "log4cpp/PatternLayout.hh"
#include "log4cpp/Priority.hh"
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "../fast_library.h"
// For support uint32_t, uint16_t
#include <sys/types.h>
// For config map operations
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "../fastnetmon_packet_parser.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include "afpacket_collector.h"
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h> /* the L2 protocols */
// Get log4cpp logger from main programm
extern log4cpp::Category& logger;
// Pass unparsed packets number to main programm
extern uint64_t total_unparsed_packets;
// Global configuration map
extern std::map<std::string, std::string> configuration_map;
// This variable name should be uniq for every plugin!
process_packet_pointer afpacket_process_func_ptr = NULL;
// 4194304 bytes
unsigned int blocksiz = 1 << 22;
// 2048 bytes
unsigned int framesiz = 1 << 11;
unsigned int blocknum = 64;
struct block_desc {
uint32_t version;
uint32_t offset_to_priv;
struct tpacket_hdr_v1 h1;
// We will use this code from Global Symbols table (originally it's defined in netmap collector.cpp)
bool parse_raw_packet_to_simple_packet(u_char* buffer, int len, simple_packet& packet);
// Get interface number by name
int get_interface_number_by_device_name(int socket_fd, std::string interface_name) {
struct ifreq ifr;
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
if (interface_name.size() > IFNAMSIZ) {
return -1;
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface_name.c_str(), sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
if (ioctl(socket_fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) == -1) {
return -1;
return ifr.ifr_ifindex;
void flush_block(struct block_desc *pbd) {
pbd->h1.block_status = TP_STATUS_KERNEL;
void walk_block(struct block_desc *pbd, const int block_num) {
int num_pkts = pbd->h1.num_pkts, i;
unsigned long bytes = 0;
struct tpacket3_hdr *ppd;
ppd = (struct tpacket3_hdr *) ((uint8_t *) pbd +
for (i = 0; i < num_pkts; ++i) {
bytes += ppd->tp_snaplen;
// struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *) ((uint8_t *) ppd + ppd->tp_mac);
// Print packets
struct pfring_pkthdr packet_header;
memset(&packet_header, 0, sizeof(packet_header));
packet_header.len = ppd->tp_snaplen;
packet_header.caplen = ppd->tp_snaplen;
u_int8_t timestamp = 0;
u_int8_t add_hash = 0;
u_char* data_pointer = (u_char*)((uint8_t *) ppd + ppd->tp_mac);
simple_packet packet;
int parser_result = parse_raw_packet_to_simple_packet((u_char*)data_pointer, ppd->tp_snaplen, packet);
//char print_buffer[512];
//fastnetmon_print_parsed_pkt(print_buffer, 512, data_pointer, &packet_header);
//printf("%s\n", print_buffer);
ppd = (struct tpacket3_hdr *) ((uint8_t *) ppd +
if (parser_result) {
} else {
int setup_socket(std::string interface_name, int fanout_group_id) {
// More details here:
// We could use SOCK_RAW or SOCK_DGRAM for second argument
// SOCK_RAW - raw packets pass from the kernel
// SOCK_DGRAM - some amount of processing
// Third argument manage ether type of captured packets
int packet_socket = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
if (packet_socket == -1) {
printf("Can't create AF_PACKET socket\n");
return -1;
// We whould use V3 bcause it could read/pool in per block basis instead per packet
int version = TPACKET_V3;
int setsockopt_packet_version = setsockopt(packet_socket, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_VERSION, &version, sizeof(version));
if (setsockopt_packet_version < 0) {
printf("Can't set packet v3 version\n");
return -1;
int interface_number = get_interface_number_by_device_name(packet_socket, interface_name);
if (interface_number == -1) {
printf("Can't get interface number by interface name for %s\n", interface_name.c_str());
return -1;
// Switch to PROMISC mode
struct packet_mreq sock_params;
memset(&sock_params, 0, sizeof(sock_params));
sock_params.mr_type = PACKET_MR_PROMISC;
sock_params.mr_ifindex = interface_number;
int set_promisc = setsockopt(packet_socket, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (void *)&sock_params, sizeof(sock_params));
if (set_promisc == -1) {
printf("Can't enable promisc mode\n");
return -1;
struct sockaddr_ll bind_address;
memset(&bind_address, 0, sizeof(bind_address));
bind_address.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
bind_address.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL);
bind_address.sll_ifindex = interface_number;
// We will follow
// And this:
struct tpacket_req3 req;
memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
req.tp_block_size = blocksiz;
req.tp_frame_size = framesiz;
req.tp_block_nr = blocknum;
req.tp_frame_nr = (blocksiz * blocknum) / framesiz;
req.tp_retire_blk_tov = 60; // Timeout in msec
req.tp_feature_req_word = TP_FT_REQ_FILL_RXHASH;
int setsockopt_rx_ring = setsockopt(packet_socket, SOL_PACKET , PACKET_RX_RING , (void*)&req , sizeof(req));
if (setsockopt_rx_ring == -1) {
printf("Can't enable RX_RING for AF_PACKET socket\n");
return -1;
// We use per thread structures
uint8_t* mapped_buffer = NULL;
struct iovec* rd = NULL;
mapped_buffer = (uint8_t*)mmap(NULL, req.tp_block_size * req.tp_block_nr, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_LOCKED, packet_socket, 0);
if (mapped_buffer == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("mmap failed!\n");
return -1;
// Allocate iov structure for each block
rd = (struct iovec*)malloc(req.tp_block_nr * sizeof(struct iovec));
// Initilize iov structures
for (int i = 0; i < req.tp_block_nr; ++i) {
rd[i].iov_base = mapped_buffer + (i * req.tp_block_size);
rd[i].iov_len = req.tp_block_size;
int bind_result = bind(packet_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&bind_address, sizeof(bind_address));
if (bind_result == -1) {
printf("Can't bind to AF_PACKET socket\n");
return -1;
if (fanout_group_id) {
// PACKET_FANOUT_LB - round robin
// PACKET_FANOUT_CPU - send packets to CPU where packet arrived
int fanout_type = PACKET_FANOUT_CPU;
int fanout_arg = (fanout_group_id | (fanout_type << 16));
int setsockopt_fanout = setsockopt(packet_socket, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_FANOUT, &fanout_arg, sizeof(fanout_arg));
if (setsockopt_fanout < 0) {
printf("Can't configure fanout\n");
return -1;
unsigned int current_block_num = 0;
struct pollfd pfd;
memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd));
pfd.fd = packet_socket; = POLLIN | POLLERR;
pfd.revents = 0;
while (true) {
struct block_desc *pbd = (struct block_desc *) rd[current_block_num].iov_base;
if ((pbd->h1.block_status & TP_STATUS_USER) == 0) {
poll(&pfd, 1, -1);
walk_block(pbd, current_block_num);
current_block_num = (current_block_num + 1) % blocknum;
return packet_socket;
void start_af_packet_capture(std::string interface_name, int fanout_group_id) {
setup_socket(interface_name, fanout_group_id);
void get_af_packet_stats() {
// Could get some speed up on NUMA servers
bool afpacket_execute_strict_cpu_affinity = true;
void start_afpacket_collection(process_packet_pointer func_ptr) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::INFO << "AF_PACKET plugin started";
afpacket_process_func_ptr = func_ptr;
std::string interfaces_list = "";
if (configuration_map.count("interfaces") != 0) {
interfaces_list = configuration_map["interfaces"];
std::vector<std::string> interfaces_for_listen;
boost::split(interfaces_for_listen, interfaces_list, boost::is_any_of(","), boost::token_compress_on);
logger << log4cpp::Priority::INFO << "AF_PACKET will listen on " << interfaces_for_listen.size() << " interfaces";
if (interfaces_for_listen.size() == 0) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "Please specify intreface for AF_PACKET";
if (interfaces_for_listen.size() > 1) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::WARN << "We support only single interface for AF_PACKET, sorry!";
std::string capture_interface = interfaces_for_listen[0];
int fanout_group_id = getpid() & 0xffff;
unsigned int num_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);;"We have %d cpus for AF_PACKET", num_cpus);
if (num_cpus > 1) {
boost::thread_group packet_receiver_thread_group;
for (int cpu = 0; cpu < num_cpus; cpu++) {
boost::thread::attributes thread_attrs;
if (afpacket_execute_strict_cpu_affinity) {
cpu_set_t current_cpu_set;
int cpu_to_bind = cpu % num_cpus;
// We count cpus from zero
CPU_SET(cpu_to_bind, &current_cpu_set);
int set_affinity_result = pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(thread_attrs.native_handle(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &current_cpu_set);
if (set_affinity_result != 0) {
printf("Can't set CPU affinity for thread\n");
new boost::thread(thread_attrs, boost::bind(start_af_packet_capture, capture_interface, fanout_group_id))
// Wait all processes for finish
} else {
start_af_packet_capture(capture_interface, 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "../fastnetmon_types.h"
void start_afpacket_collection(process_packet_pointer func_ptr);

View File

@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ mirror_netmap = off
# SnabbSwitch traffic capture
mirror_snabbswitch = off
# AF_PACKET capture engine
# Please use it only with modern Linux kernels (3.6 and more)
# And please install birq for irq ditribution over cores
mirror_afpacket = off
# We use PCI-e addresses here instead of OS device names. You could find they in lspci output
interfaces_snabbswitch = 0000:04:00.0,0000:04:00.1,0000:03:00.0,0000:03:00.1

View File

@ -50,6 +50,10 @@
#include "snabbswitch_plugin/snabbswitch_collector.h"
#include "afpacket_plugin/afpacket_collector.h"
// Yes, maybe it's not an good idea but with this we can guarantee working code in example plugin
#include "example_plugin/example_collector.h"
@ -190,6 +194,7 @@ void init_global_ban_settings() {
bool enable_conection_tracking = true;
bool enable_snabbswitch_collection = false;
bool enable_afpacket_collection = true;
bool enable_data_collection_from_mirror = true;
bool enable_netmap_collection = false;
bool enable_sflow_collection = false;
@ -1006,6 +1011,10 @@ bool load_configuration_file() {
enable_snabbswitch_collection = configuration_map["mirror_snabbswitch"] == "on";
if (configuration_map.count("mirror_afpacket") != 0) {
enable_afpacket_collection = configuration_map["mirror_afpacket"] == "on";
if (enable_netmap_collection && enable_data_collection_from_mirror) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "You have enabled pfring and netmap data collection "
"from mirror which strictly prohibited, please "
@ -2504,6 +2513,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (enable_afpacket_collection) {
packet_capture_plugin_thread_group.add_thread(new boost::thread(start_afpacket_collection, process_packet));
if (enable_sflow_collection) {
packet_capture_plugin_thread_group.add_thread(new boost::thread(start_sflow_collection, process_packet));

View File

@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
#include "pfring_plugin/pfring_collector.h"
#include "afpacket_plugin/afpacket_collector.h"
#include "snabbswitch_plugin/snabbswitch_collector.h"
@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc < 2) {
std::cout << "Please specify sflow or netflow as param" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Please specify sflow, netflow, raw, dpi, snabbswitch, afpacket as param" << std::endl;
return 1;
@ -145,6 +149,13 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::cout << "PF_RING support disabled here" << std::endl;
} else if (strstr(argv[1], "afpacket") != NULL) {
std::cout << "Starting afpacket" << std::endl;
printf("AF_PACKET is not supported here");
} else if (strstr(argv[1], "netmap") != NULL) {
std::cout << "Starting netmap" << std::endl;