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use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my $start_time = time();
my $install_log_path = '/tmp/fastnetmon_install.log';
my $distro_type = '';
my $distro_version = '';
my $distro_architecture = '';
# Used for VyOS and different appliances based on rpm/deb
my $appliance_name = '';
# So, you could disable this option but without this feature we could not improve FastNetMon for your distribution
my $do_not_track_me = '';
my $cpus_number = get_logical_cpus_number();
sub get_logical_cpus_number {
my @cpuinfo = `cat /proc/cpuinfo`;
chomp @cpuinfo;
my $cpus_number = scalar grep {/processor/} @cpuinfo;
return $cpus_number;
### Functions start here
sub main {
# Refresh information about packages
my $install_time = time() - $start_time;
my $pretty_install_time_in_minutes = sprintf("%.2f", $install_time / 60);
2015-08-24 22:33:46 +02:00
print "We have installed project in $pretty_install_time_in_minutes minutes\n";
sub send_tracking_information {
my $step = shift;
unless ($do_not_track_me) {
my $stats_url = "";
my $post_data = "distro_type=$distro_type&distro_version=$distro_version&distro_architecture=$distro_architecture&step=$step";
my $user_agent = 'FastNetMon install tracker v1';
`wget --post-data="$post_data" --user-agent="$user_agent" -q '$stats_url'`;
sub exec_command {
my $command = shift;
open my $fl, ">>", $install_log_path;
print {$fl} "We are calling command: $command\n\n";
my $output = `$command 2>&1 >> $install_log_path`;
print {$fl} "Command finished with code $?\n\n";
if ($? == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return '';
sub get_sha1_sum {
my $path = shift;
my $output = `sha1sum $path`;
chomp $output;
my ($sha1) = ($output =~ m/^(\w+)\s+/);
return $sha1;
sub download_file {
my ($url, $path, $expected_sha1_checksumm) = @_;
`wget --quiet '$url' -O$path`;
if ($? != 0) {
print "We can't download archive $url correctly\n";
return '';
if ($expected_sha1_checksumm) {
if (get_sha1_sum($path) eq $expected_sha1_checksumm) {
return 1;
} else {
print "Downloaded archive has incorrect sha1\n";
return '';
} else {
return 1;
sub init_package_manager {
print "Update package manager cache\n";
if ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
exec_command("apt-get update");
sub read_file {
my $file_name = shift;
my $res = open my $fl, "<", $file_name;
unless ($res) {
return "";
my $content = join '', <$fl>;
chomp $content;
return $content;
# Detect operating system of this machine
sub detect_distribution {
# We use following global variables here:
# $distro_type, $distro_version, $appliance_name
# x86_64 or i686
$distro_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $distro_architecture;
if (-e "/etc/debian_version") {
# Well, on this step it could be Ubuntu or Debian
# We need check issue for more details
my @issue = `cat /etc/issue`;
chomp @issue;
my $issue_first_line = $issue[0];
# Possible /etc/issue contents:
# Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l
# Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l
# Welcome to VyOS - \n \l
if ($issue_first_line =~ m/Debian/) {
$distro_type = 'debian';
$distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $distro_version;
2015-08-24 22:33:46 +02:00
# Debian 6 example: 6.0.10
# We will try transform it to decimal number
if ($distro_version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)\.\d+$/) {
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($issue_first_line =~ m/Ubuntu (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/) {
$distro_type = 'ubuntu';
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($issue_first_line =~ m/VyOS/) {
# Yes, VyOS is a Debian
$distro_type = 'debian';
$appliance_name = 'vyos';
my $vyos_distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $vyos_distro_version;
# VyOS have strange version and we should fix it
if ($vyos_distro_version =~ /^(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
$distro_version = $1;
if (-e "/etc/redhat-release") {
$distro_type = 'centos';
my $distro_version_raw = `cat /etc/redhat-release`;
chomp $distro_version_raw;
# CentOS 6:
# CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
# CentOS 7:
# CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)
# Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)
if ($distro_version_raw =~ /(\d+)/) {
$distro_version = $1;
if (-e "/etc/gentoo-release") {
$distro_type = 'gentoo';
my $distro_version_raw = `cat /etc/gentoo-release`;
chomp $distro_version_raw;
unless ($distro_type) {
die "This distro is unsupported, please do manual install";
sub apt_get {
my @packages_list = @_;
# We install one package per apt-get call because installing multiple packages in one time could fail of one package is broken
for my $package (@packages_list) {
exec_command("apt-get install -y --force-yes $package");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Package '$package' install failed with code $?\n"
sub yum {
my @packages_list = @_;
for my $package (@packages_list) {
exec_command("yum install -y $package");
if ($? != 0) {
print "Package '$package' install failed with code $?\n";
sub install_fastnetmon {
print "Install FastNetMon dependency list\n";
2015-08-24 22:33:46 +02:00
my $repository_address = '';
my $file_name = '';
2015-08-18 18:39:45 +02:00
2015-08-24 22:33:46 +02:00
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
$file_name = "ubuntu-$distro_version-x86_64.deb";
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'debian') {
my $our_own_debian_version = $distro_version;
# Convert 6.x to 6.0
$our_own_debian_version =~ s/\.\d+/.0/;
2015-08-18 18:39:45 +02:00
2015-08-24 22:33:46 +02:00
$file_name = "debian-$our_own_debian_version-x86_64.deb";
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
my $our_own_centos_version = int($distro_version);
2015-08-18 18:39:45 +02:00
2015-08-24 22:33:46 +02:00
$file_name = "centos-$our_own_centos_version-x86_64.rpm";
} else {
die "Sorry, we haven't binary packages for your distribution\n";
2015-08-18 18:39:45 +02:00
2015-08-24 22:33:46 +02:00
my $git_version = '447aa5b86bb5a248e310c15a4d5945e72594d6cf';
my $bundle_file_name = "fastnetmon-git-$git_version-$file_name";
2015-08-18 18:44:22 +02:00
my $full_url = "$repository_address/$bundle_file_name";
print "I will try to download file from $full_url\n";
my $fastnetmon_download_result = download_file($full_url, "/tmp/$bundle_file_name");
unless ($fastnetmon_download_result) {
die "Can't download FastNetMon distribution\n";
if ($distro_type eq 'debian') {
if (int($distro_version) == 6) {
apt_get('libpcap0.8', 'libnuma1', 'libicu44');
if (int($distro_version) == 7) {
apt_get('libpcap0.8', 'libnuma1', 'libicu48');
if (int($distro_version) == 8) {
apt_get('libpcap0.8', 'libnuma1', 'libicu52');
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
if ($distro_version eq '14.04') {
apt_get('libicu52', 'libpcap0.8', 'libnuma1');
if ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
# For CentOS 6 and 7 we are installind all deps with yum
2015-08-24 22:33:46 +02:00
if ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'debian' or $distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
2015-08-24 22:43:11 +02:00
exec_command("dpkg -i /tmp/$bundle_file_name");
print "If you have any issues, please check /var/log/fastnetmon.log file contents\n";
print "Please add your subnets in /etc/networks_list in CIDR format one subnet per line\n";