* dynamic head switching and/or adding/removing behaviour
* enable smart borders
* enable convenient mouse-drag + meta key window resizer (floating_modifier)
* only run certain programs on session start, as opposed to on each session restart
* add a ranger keybind
* add playerctl keybinds
* assing discord window to a workspace
* add gradle completion plugin
* fix asdf completions
* add dotnet completions
* set autosuggest strategy to both history and completion (again)
* add ix() function
* fix upload function
* rm yarn from ohmyzsh plugins
* set fill mode and bg color independently of the bg pic
* set default_floating_border to normal
* set hide_edge_borders to smart
* add a really smart system menu (lock, logout, reboot, poweroff) implemented
as a sway mode whereby you first press $mod+Shift+e and then choose an action
reference: dfd6f956f6/.config/sway/config (L228-L241)
* locking now happens using `swaylock-wrapper`
* default terminal emulator is now `kitty`
second default is `alacritty`
* updated favourite background
* added second monitor handling (shows up as DP-{2,3},
HDMI-A-1 depending on connector used)
* assing specific workspaces to a specific monitor
* use `swws.py` - "sway workspace switcher script"
* run `waybar` directly and kill it directly when reloading
* run [`docker-tray`](https://git.dotya.ml/wanderer/docker-tray)
* use several keybinds when locked (`--locked`)
* feat: added latex compilation nmap
* feat: set scrolloff=5
* feat: set noerrorbells (silence)
* feat: set conceallevel=0 - esp. noticeable in json files
* feat: set termguicolors
* fix: vim in tmux mouse fix (in qterminal)
* refactor: use palenight.vim as palenight
* refactor: move stuff around