* theme change to space_vim_theme
* airline theme change to violet
* compensate for themes not setting italic by setting it ourselves
* airline mode set to the short versions of normal, insert, visual,
* enable vim popups (ballooneval)
* add ALE linter
* syntastic conditional loading
* Plug plugins conditional loading
* plugins slowing down vim startup are only loaded based on
event hooks that's active once vim loaded the file {CursorHold,CursorHoldI}
* {plugin,theme,general} clean-up
* feat: added latex compilation nmap
* feat: set scrolloff=5
* feat: set noerrorbells (silence)
* feat: set conceallevel=0 - esp. noticeable in json files
* feat: set termguicolors
* fix: vim in tmux mouse fix (in qterminal)
* refactor: use palenight.vim as palenight
* refactor: move stuff around