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> **Historical version.** This spec describes Bao 0.9.1. As of version 0.10,
> Bao is based on the BLAKE3 standard, and much of this document no longer
> applies. Here is the [current spec](spec.md).
# The Bao Spec
## Contents
* [Tree Structure](#tree-structure)
* [Combined Encoding Format](#combined-encoding-format)
* [Outboard Encoding Format](#outboard-encoding-format)
* [Slice Format](#slice-format)
* [Decoder](#decoder)
* [Security](#security)
* [Storage Requirements](#storage-requirements)
* [Performance Notes](#performance-notes)
* [Design Rationales and Open Questions](#design-rationales-and-open-questions)
+ [Why BLAKE2s instead of BLAKE2b?](#why-blake2s-instead-of-blake2b)
+ [Why a 4096-byte chunk size?](#why-a-4096-byte-chunk-size)
+ [Does Bao have a "high security" variant?](#does-bao-have-a-high-security-variant)
+ [Can we expose the BLAKE2 general parameters through the Bao API?](#can-we-expose-the-blake2-general-parameters-through-the-bao-api)
+ [Why does Bao set the node offset parameter for each chunk?](#why-does-bao-set-the-node-offset-parameter-for-each-chunk)
+ [Could we use a simpler tree mode, like KangarooTwelve does?](#could-we-use-a-simpler-tree-mode-like-kangarootwelve-does)
+ [Should we fall back to serial hashing for messages above some maximum size?](#should-we-fall-back-to-serial-hashing-for-messages-above-some-maximum-size)
+ [Is 64 bits large enough for the encoded length?](#is-64-bits-large-enough-for-the-encoded-length)
+ [Could a similar design be based on a different underlying hash function?](#could-a-similar-design-be-based-on-a-different-underlying-hash-function)
+ [Would hashing the length as associated data improve the security of the decoder?](#would-hashing-the-length-as-associated-data-improve-the-security-of-the-decoder)
+ [Would it be more efficient to use a fanout larger than 2?](#would-it-be-more-efficient-to-use-a-fanout-larger-than-2)
+ [Why is the encoding format malleable?](#why-is-the-encoding-format-malleable)
* [Other Related Work](#other-related-work)
## Tree Structure
Bao divides the input up into 4096-byte chunks. The final chunk may be shorter,
but it's never empty unless the input itself is empty. The chunks are arranged
as the leaves of a binary tree. All parent nodes have exactly two children, and
the content of each parent node is the hash of its left child concatenated with
the hash of its right child. When there's an odd number of nodes in a given
level of the tree, the rightmost node is raised to the level above. Here's what
the tree looks like as it grows from 1 to 4 chunks.
<parent> <parent>
/ \ / \
<parent> <parent> [CHUNK3] <parent> <parent>
/ \ / \ / \ / \
We can also describe the tree recursively:
- If a tree/subtree contains 4096 input bytes or less, the tree/subtree is just
a chunk.
- Otherwise, the tree/subtree is rooted at a parent node, and its input bytes
are divided between its left and right child subtrees. The number of input
bytes on the left is largest power of 2 times 4096 that's strictly less than
the total. The remainder, always at least 1 byte, goes on the right.
Hashing nodes is done with BLAKE2s, using the following parameters:
- **Hash length** is 32.
- **Fanout** is 2.
- **Max depth** is 255.
- **Max leaf length** is 4096.
- **Inner hash length** is 32.
- **Node offset** is incremented for each chunk, 0 for the first chunk, 1 for
the second chunk, etc. This counter wraps to zero after reaching the maximum
[BLAKE2X](https://blake2.net/blake2x.pdf) node offset, 2<sup>32</sup>-1. It's
0 for all parent nodes.
- **Node depth** is 0 for all chunks and 1 for all parent nodes.
In addition, the root node -- whether it's a chunk or a parent -- has the
**last node** finalization flag set to true. Note that BLAKE2 supports setting
the last node flag at any time, so hashing the first chunk can begin without
knowing whether it's the root.
That root node hash is the output of Bao. Here's an example tree, with 8193
bytes of input that are all zero:
root parent hash=96e2ab...
/ \
/ \
parent hash=7b34f3... chunk hash=57e13c...
<1f889c...48d13f...> [\x00]
/ \
/ \
chunk hash: 1f889c... chunk hash: 48d13f...
[\x00 * 4096] [\x00 * 4096]
We can verify those values on the command line using the `blake2` utility from
# Install the blake2 utility. Make sure your Cargo bin dir is in your $PATH.
$ cargo install blake2_bin
# Define some aliases for hashing nodes.
$ alias hash_node="blake2 -s --fanout=2 --max-depth=255 --max-leaf-length=4096 --inner-hash-length=32"
$ alias hash_chunk="hash_node --node-depth=0"
$ alias hash_parent="hash_node --node-depth=1"
# Hash the first chunk.
$ first_chunk_hash=`head -c 4096 /dev/zero | hash_chunk --node-offset 0`
$ echo $first_chunk_hash
# Hash the second chunk.
$ second_chunk_hash=`head -c 4096 /dev/zero | hash_chunk --node-offset 1`
$ echo $second_chunk_hash
# Hash the third chunk.
$ third_chunk_hash=`head -c 1 /dev/zero | hash_chunk --node-offset 2`
$ echo $third_chunk_hash
# Define an alias for parsing hex.
$ alias unhex='python3 -c "import sys, binascii; sys.stdout.buffer.write(binascii.unhexlify(sys.argv[1]))"'
# Hash the first two chunks' parent node.
$ left_parent_hash=`unhex $first_chunk_hash$second_chunk_hash | hash_parent`
$ echo $left_parent_hash
# Hash the root node, with the last node flag.
$ unhex $left_parent_hash$third_chunk_hash | hash_parent --last-node
# Verify that this matches the Bao hash of the same input.
$ head -c 8193 /dev/zero | bao hash
## Combined Encoding Format
The combined encoding file format is the contents of the chunks and parent
nodes of the tree concatenated together in pre-order (that is a parent,
followed by its left subtree, followed by its right subtree), with the 8-byte
little-endian unsigned input length prepended to the very front. This makes the
order of nodes on disk the same as the order in which a depth-first traversal
would encounter them, so a decoder reading the tree from beginning to end
doesn't need to do any seeking. Here's the same example tree above, formatted
as an encoded file:
input length |root parent node |left parent node |first chunk|second chunk|last chunk
0120000000000000|7b34f3...57e13c...|1f889c...48d13f...|000000... |000000... |00
## Outboard Encoding Format
The outboard encoding format is the same as the combined encoding format,
except that all the chunks are omitted. In outboard mode, whenever the decoder
would read a chunk, it instead reads it from the original input file. This
makes the encoding much smaller than the input, with the downside that the
decoder needs to read from two streams.
## Slice Format
The slice format is very similar to the combined encoding format above. The
difference is that the caller requests a specific start point and byte count,
and chunks and parent nodes that wouldn't be encountered when seeking to that
start point and reading that many bytes are omitted. For example, if we slice
the tree above starting at input byte 4096 (the beginning of the second chunk),
and request any count of bytes less than or equal to 4096 (up to the end of
that chunk), the resulting slice will be this:
input length |root parent node |left parent node |second chunk
Although slices can be extracted from both combined and outboard encodings,
there is no such thing as an "outboard slice". Slices always include chunks
inline, as the combined encoding does. A slice that includes the entire input
is exactly the same as the combined encoding of that input.
Decoding a slice works just like decoding a combined encoding. The only
difference is that in cases where the decoder would normally seek forward to
skip over a subtree, the slice decoder keeps reading without a seek, since the
subtree was already skipped by the slice extractor.
A slice always includes at least one chunk, though in the empty encoding case
that chunk is empty. If the requested byte count is zero, that's equivalent to
a byte count of one, such that the chunk containing the start point is included
in the slice. If the requested start point is at or past the end of the
content, the final chunk is included. (See also the "final chunk requirement"
below.) Apart from that, no parents or chunks after the end of the requested
bytes are included. Either the slice extractor or the slice decoder may return
an error if the requested bytes exceed the end of the content (strict bounds
checking), or they may cap the requested bytes (permissive bounds checking).
The reference implementation is permissive.
## Decoder
After parsing the length from the first eight bytes of an encoding, the decoder
traverses the tree by reading parent nodes and chunk nodes. The decoder
verifies the hash of each node as it's read, and it may return the contents of
each valid chunk to the caller immediately. The length itself is considered
validated _when and only when_ the decoder validates the final chunk, either by
validating the entire encoding or by seeking to the end and validating only the
right edge of the tree. The decoder _must not_ expose the length to the caller
in any way before the final chunk is validated. There are a number of ways the
decoder might expose the length, some of which are less obvious than others:
- An explicit `.length()` method. The reference implementation doesn't include
one, because it would be required to seek internally. Callers who need the
length in advance will usually do better to store it separately along with
the hash.
- Reading the empty encoding. Any read of the empty encoding reports EOF,
thereby exposing the length (zero). The decoder must verify that the final
chunk (that is, the empty chunk) matches the root hash. Most implementations
will naturally satisfy this requirement for non-empty encodings as part of
reading chunk bytes, but it's easy to forget it in the empty case by assuming
that you're finished whenever the current position equals the content length.
- Seeking past the end. If I seek to an offset greater than or equal to the
content length, the next read will return EOF, exposing the length. That
means either the seek itself or the following read must have validated the
final chunk.
- Seeking relative to the end. Most seek implementations support something akin to
That exposes the length through the absolute offset returned by the seek,
which means the seek itself must validate the final chunk.
For decoders that don't expose a `.length()` method and don't support seeking,
the security requirements can be simplified to "verify the hash of every node
you read, and don't skip the empty chunk." But decoders that do support seeking
need to consider the final chunk requirement very carefully. The decoder is
expected to maintain these guarantees, even in the face of a man-in-the-middle
attacker who modifies the encoded bytes:
- Any output byte returned by the decoder matches the corresponding input byte
from the original input.
- If EOF is indicated to the caller in any way, either through a read or
through a seek, it matches the length of the original input.
- If the decoder reads a complete output to EOF, the decoding hash must be the
Bao hash of that output. There are no "decoding collisions" where two
different hashes decode the same output to EOF. (Though two different hashes
may decode the same output, if at least one of the decodings encounters an
error before EOF.)
Note one non-guarantee in particular: The encoding itself may be malleable.
Multiple "different" encodings may decode to the same input, under the same
hash. See the design rationales for more on this.
## Security
When designing a tree mode, there are pitfalls that can compromise the security
of the underlying hash. For example, if one input produces a tree with bytes X
at the root node, and we choose another input to be those same bytes X, do
those two inputs result in the same root hash? If so, that's a hash collision,
regardless of the security of the underlying hash function. Or if one input
results in a root hash Y, could Y be incorporated as a subtree hash in another
tree without knowing the input that produced it? If so, that's a length
extension, again regardless of the properties of the underlying hash. There are
many possible variants of these problems.
[*Sufficient conditions for sound tree and sequential hashing
modes*](https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/210.pdf) (2009), authored by the
Keccak/SHA-3 team, lays out a minimal set of requirements for a tree mode, to
prevent attacks like the above. This section describes how Bao satisfies those
requirements. They are:
1. **Tree decodability.** The exact definition of this property is fairly
technical, but the gist of it is that it needs to be impossible to take a
valid tree, add more child nodes to it somewhere, and wind up with another
valid tree. That is, it shouldn't be possible to interpret a leaf node as a
parent node, or to add more children to an existing parent node.
2. **Message completeness.** It needs to be possible to reconstruct the
original message unambiguously from the tree.
3. **Final-node separability.** Again the exact definition is fairly technical,
but the gist is that it needs to be impossible for any root node and any
non-root node to have the same hash.
We ensure **tree decodability** by domain-separating parent nodes from leaf
nodes (chunks) with the **node depth** parameter. BLAKE2's parameters are
functionally similar to the frame bits used in the paper, in that two inputs
with different parameters always produce a different hash, though the
parameters are implemented as tweaks to the IV rather than by concatenating
them with the input. Because chunks are domain-separated from parent nodes,
adding children to a chunk is always invalid. That, coupled with the fact that
parent nodes are always full and never have room for more children, means that
adding nodes to a valid tree is always invalid.
**Message completeness** is of course a basic design requirement of the
encoding format. Concatenating the chunks in order gives the original message.
We ensure **final-node separability** by domain-separating the root node from
the rest of the tree with the **last node flag**. BLAKE2's last node flag is
similar to its other parameters, except that it's an input to the last call to
the compression function rather than a tweak to the IV. In practice, that
allows an implementation to start hashing the first chunk immediately rather
than buffering it, and to set the last node flag at the end if the first chunk
turns out to be the only chunk and therefore the root.
That framework concerns the security of the hash function. To reason about the
security of the decoder, we can start by observing that decoding verifies the
hash of almost every part of the encoded file. If the hash function is
collision resistant, then these parts of the encoding can't be mutated without
leading to a hash mismatch. The one part that isn't directly verified is the
length header. The possibility that the length header might be mutated leads to
the final chunk requirement above. If the length is increased, that's
guaranteed to either lengthen the final chunk, or to replace the final chunk
with another parent node. Likewise if the length is decreased, that's
guaranteed to either shorten the final chunk, or to replace one of the parent
nodes along the right edge of the tree with a chunk. All four of those
scenarios are guaranteed to cause a hash mismatch, because of the collision
resistance of BLAKE2s and because of the domain separation between parents and
chunks, as long as the decoder validates the final chunk. The design rationales
discuss further why we prefer to rely on this final chunk requirement rather
than hashing the length as associated data.
## Storage Requirements
A Bao implementation needs to store one hash (32 bytes) for every level of the
tree. The largest supported input is 2<sup>64</sup> - 1 bytes. Given the
4096-byte chunk size (2<sup>12</sup>), that's 2<sup>52</sup> leaf nodes, or a
maximum tree height of 52. Storing 52 hashes, 32 bytes each, requires 1664
bytes, in addition to the [168 bytes](https://blake2.net/blake2.pdf) required
by BLAKE2s. For comparison, the TLS record buffer is 16384 bytes.
Extremely space-constrained implementations that want to use Bao have to define
a more aggressive limit for their maximum input size. In some cases, such a
limit is already provided by the protocol they're implementing. For example,
the largest possible IPv6 "jumbogram" is 4 GiB. Limited to that maximum input
size, Bao's storage overhead would be 20 hashes or 640 bytes.
## Performance Notes
To get the highest possible throughput, the reference implementation uses both
multithreading and SIMD instructions. Threading exploits the multiple cores
available on modern CPUs, and SIMD allows each thread to hash multiple chunks
in parallel for much higher throughput per thread.
Multithreading in the current implementation is done with the
[`join`](https://docs.rs/rayon/latest/rayon/fn.join.html) function from the
[Rayon](https://github.com/rayon-rs/rayon) library. It splits up its input
recursively -- an excellent fit for traversing a tree -- and allows worker
threads to "steal" the right half of the split, if they happen to be free. Once
the global thread pool is initialized, this approach doesn't require any heap
There are two different approaches to using SIMD to speed up BLAKE2. The more
common way is to optimize a single instance, and that's the approach that just
beats SHA-1 in the [BLAKE2b benchmarks](https://blake2.net/). But the more
efficient way, when you have multiple inputs, is to run multiple instances in
parallel on a single thread. Samuel Neves discussed the second approach in [a
2012 paper](https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/275.pdf) and implemented it in the
[reference AVX2 implementation of
BLAKE2sp](https://github.com/sneves/blake2-avx2/blob/master/blake2sp.c). The
overall throughput is more than triple that of a single optimized BLAKE2s
instance. The [`blake2s_simd`](https://github.com/oconnor663/blake2_simd)
implementation includes a
interface, which provides the same speedup for multiple instances of BLAKE2s,
and Bao uses that interface to make each worker thread hash multiple chunks in
parallel. Note that the main downside of BLAKE2sp is that it hardcodes 8-way
parallelism, such that moving to a higher degree of parallelism would change
the output. But `hash_many` doesn't have that limitation, and when AVX-512
becomes more widespread, it will execute 16-way parallelism without changing
the output or the API.
## Design Rationales and Open Questions
### Why BLAKE2s instead of BLAKE2b?
**It's faster, both on small 32-bit embedded systems and on modern 64-bit
systems with SIMD.** There are two important differences between BLAKE2s and
- BLAKE2s operates on 32-bit words, while BLAKE2b operates on 64-bit words.
- BLAKE2s does 10 rounds of compression, while BLAKE2b does 12. This is related
to their 128-bit vs 256-bit security levels and the larger state size of
BLAKE2b, which needs more rounds to get good diffusion.
This is similar to the difference between SHA-256 and SHA-512. With both BLAKE2
and SHA-2, many sources note that the 64-bit variants have better performance
on 64-bit systems. This is true for hashing a single input, because 64-bit
instructions handle twice as much input without being twice as slow. On modern
SIMD hardware, a single instance of BLAKE2b can also take advantage of 256-bit
vector arithmetic, while BLAKE2s can only make use of 128-bit vectors.
However, when the implementation is designed to hash multiple inputs in
parallel, the effect of SIMD is different. In the parallel mode, both BLAKE2b
and BLAKE2s can use vectors of any size, by accumulating words from a
corresponding number of different inputs. Besides being more flexible, this
approach is also substantially more efficient, because the diagonalization step
in the compression function disappears. With 32-bit words and 64-bit words on a
level playing field in terms of SIMD throughput, the remaining performance
difference between the two functions is that BLAKE2s does fewer rounds, which
makes it faster.
That's the story for long inputs, but for short inputs there are more factors
to consider. With just a few bytes of input, both BLAKE2s and BLAKE2b will
compress a single block, and most of that block will be padded with zeros. In
that case it's not average throughput that matters, but the time it takes to
hash a single block. Here BLAKE2s wins again, both because of its smaller round
count and because of its smaller block size.
On the other hand, there's a regime in the middle where BLAKE2b scores some
points. For inputs that are one chunk long, there's nothing to parallelize, and
the higher single-instance throughput of BLAKE2b wins on 64-bit machines. Also
for inputs that are a few chunks long, the lower parallelism degree of BLAKE2b
helps make earlier use of SIMD. For example, a parallel implementation of
BLAKE2b using 256-bit vectors executes 4 hashes at once, so an 8-chunk input
can be efficiently split between 2 threads. But a parallel implementation of
BLAKE2s using 256-bit vectors executes 8 hashes at once, so the 8-chunk input
has no room for a second thread, and a 4-chunk input would be stuck using
128-bit vectors. In general it takes twice as many chunks for BLAKE2s to make
use of any given SIMD vector width. However, this advantage for BLAKE2b comes
with several caveats:
- It assumes a constant chunk size, but the chunk size is a free parameter in
the Bao design. If medium-length input parallelism was our biggest concern,
we could make up the difference by halving the chunk size, probably with only
a few percentage points of long-length throughput lost.
- Performance differences matter more at the extremes. For extremely long
inputs, BLAKE2s wins because its lower round count leads to higher overall
throughput. For extremely limited hardware without 64-bit arithmetic or SIMD,
BLAKE2s wins because of its 32-bit words.
- It's possible to parallelize Bao across multiple inputs just like we
parallelize BLAKE2s across multiple inputs. In fact, inputs up to one chunk
long are just a single BLAKE2s hash, and the parallel BLAKE2s implementation
could be reused as-is to parallelize the Bao hashes of those short inputs.
It's unlikely that anyone will go through the trouble of implementing this in
practice, but an application with a critical bottleneck hashing medium-length
inputs has this option.
### Why a 4096-byte chunk size?
**Somewhat arbitrary.** Power-of-two chunk sizes lead to simpler arithmetic and
more efficient IO. But as for which power of two to choose, there are different
tradeoffs, and a chunk size of 2048 or 8192 could also have been reasonable. As
noted above, the main advantage of a small chunk size is that it allows the
implementation to parallelize more work for inputs that are only a few chunks
long. On the other hand, the advantage of a large chunk size is that it reduces
the number of parent nodes in the tree and the overhead of hashing them, which
leads to better throughput for large inputs.
Here are [throughput measurements](https://github.com/oconnor663/bao_experiments/blob/72a13726a1dfb5ed67d41fdea1932a8b0b0dfc0b/benches/libtest.rs#L18-L23)
for hashing a 2^24 byte (16.8 MB) input at different chunk sizes on my laptop
(Intel Core i5-8250U, 4 physical / 8 logical cores, AVX2, with TurboBoost
|chunk size (bytes)|throughput (MB/s)|% of max|
|65536 |4584 |100 |
|32768 |4571 |99.7 |
|16384 |4563 |99.5 |
|8192 |4513 |98.5 |
|4096 |4439 |96.8 |
|2048 |4122 |89.9 |
|1024 |3782 |82.5 |
|512 |3272 |71.4 |
|256 |2596 |56.6 |
In these measurements, increasing the chunk size has a big impact on throughput
up to 4096 bytes. Going from 2048 bytes to 4096 bytes raises throughput by
about 7%. But further increases in the chunk size are less impactful, below 2%.
Another consideration might be how much buffer space a streaming implementation
needs to allocate to take full advantage of SIMD. The widest SIMD instruction
set available on x86 today is AVX-512, which can run 16 BLAKE2s hashes in
parallel. With a chunk size of 4096 bytes, a 16-chunk buffer is 64 KiB, which
is already e.g. the [default maximum stack buffer size under musl
That's another small motivation not to use chunks larger than 4096 bytes.
### Does Bao have a "high security" variant?
**No.** A 256-bit digest with its 128-bit security level is enough for
practically any cryptographic application, which is why everyone uses SHA-256
for TLS certificates and why the Intel SHA Extensions don't include SHA-512.
Higher security levels waste cycles, and longer digests waste bandwidth. Also
having multiple variants of the same algorithm complicates implementations and
confuses people.
### Can we expose the BLAKE2 general parameters through the Bao API?
**Yes, though there are some design choices we need to make.** The general
parameters are the variable output length, secret key, salt, and
personalization string. A future version of this spec will almost certainly
settle on a way to expose them. The salt and personalization will probably be
simple; just apply them to all nodes in the tree.
The right approach for the secret key is less clear. The BLAKE2 spec says:
"Note that tree hashing may be keyed, in which case leaf instances hash the key
followed by a number of bytes equal to (at most) the maximal leaf length." That
remark actually leaves the trickiest detail unsaid, which is that while only
the leaf nodes hash the key bytes, _all_ nodes include the key length as
associated data. This is behavior is visible in the BLAKE2sp [reference
and confirmed by its test vectors. Unfortunately, this behavior is actually
impossible to implement with Python's `hashlib.blake2s` API, which ties the key
length and key bytes together. An approach that applied the key bytes to every
node would fit into Python's API, but it would both depart from the spec
conventions and add extra overhead. Implementing Bao in pure Python isn't
necessarily a requirement, but the majority of BLAKE2 implementations in the
wild have similar limitations.
The variable output length has a similar issue. In BLAKE2sp, the root node's
output length is the hash length parameter, and the leaf nodes' output length
is the inner hash length parameter, with those two parameters set the same way
for all nodes. That's again impossible in the Python API, where the output
length and the hash length parameter are always set together. Bao has the same
problem, because the interior subtree hashes are always 32 bytes.
### Why does Bao set the node offset parameter for each chunk?
**To discourage implementers from making non-constant-time optimizations.** One
of the important security properties of a cryptographic hash is that it runs in
the same amount of time for any two inputs of the same size. Otherwise it would
leak information about its input through the timing side-channel. BLAKE2s was
designed to be constant time, so a straightforward implementation of Bao is
also constant time by default. However, consider the following dangerous
> For each chunk, before hashing it, check to see whether it's all zero. If so,
> skip the work of hashing it, and use a hardcoded hash of the zero chunk.
For inputs that are known to contain mostly zeros, this optimization could lead
to a huge speedup, by letting Bao skip almost all of its work. But it would
violate the constant time property and leak lots of information about the
structure of its input. This sort of mistake is what the node offset parameter
is preventing. Because each chunk uses a different node offset, optimizations
like this one don't work, and so implementations will tend to preserve constant
time execution (a ["pit of
The maximum node offset in [BLAKE2X](https://blake2.net/blake2x.pdf) (reduced
from the original BLAKE2 spec) is 2<sup>32</sup>-1, which is smaller than Bao's
maximum input length of 2<sup>64</sup>-1 bytes or 2<sup>52</sup> chunks. That
means that node offsets will repeat given a very large input (16 TiB). However,
note that the Security section above doesn't rely on the node offset parameter.
The implementation details that prevent collisions and length extensions under
the [*Sufficient conditions*](https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/210.pdf) framework
are the node depth parameter and the last node flag, which domain separate
chunk/parent nodes and root/non-root nodes respectively. Since we don't rely on
the node offset for security in general, its range only needs to be large
enough to discourage the optimizations we want to discourage. And 16 TiB is
large enough.
By not setting the node offset for parent nodes, and by using only 0 and 1 for
the node depth parameter, Bao breaks the conventions of the [BLAKE2
spec](https://blake2.net/blake2.pdf). Some breakage was necessary, though,
because we use the last node flag as a root distinguisher, while the spec uses
it on every level of the tree. I believe this is a mistake in the original
spec, because distinguishing the root is necessary to prevent generalized
length extensions. The spec's root distinguisher is the combination of the last
node flag and the zero value of the node offset. However, as noted above, the
node offset might wrap for very large inputs. If you have a tree hash based on
BLAKE2 according to the conventions of the spec, and the node offset is defined
to wrap, you can "extend" that hash by prepending 16 TiB of arbitrary data (or
less if the chunk size is smaller). That's not a very practical attack, and the
spec could mitigate it by requiring that the node offset saturate instead of
wrapping, but ultimately it's better to prevent it by using the last node flag
exclusively for the root.
Apart from that, setting the node offset and node depth for parent nodes as in
the spec would require some extra math to tell which subtrees are being merged
in the subtree stack, which we don't currently need to know. Since there's not
much value in sticking closer-but-still-not-fully to the original conventions,
the Bao design prioritizes simplifying the implementation.
### Could we use a simpler tree mode, like KangarooTwelve does?
**No, the encoding format requires a full tree.**
[KangarooTwelve](https://keccak.team/kangarootwelve.html) is a modern hash
function based on Keccak/SHA3, and it includes a ["leaves stapled to a
pole"](https://www.cryptologie.net/article/393/kangarootwelve) tree internally
to allow for parallelism in the implementation. This is much simpler to
implement than a full binary tree, and it adds less storage overhead.
However, a shallow tree would limit the usefulness of Bao's encoding and
slicing features. The root node becomes linear in the size of the input.
Encoding a gigabyte file, for example, would produce a root node that's several
megabytes. The recipient would need to fetch and buffer the entire root before
verifying any content bytes, and decoding would require heap allocation. The
usefulness of the encoding format would be limited to the space of files big
enough that streaming is valuable, but small enough that the root node is
manageable, and it would preclude most embedded applications. Incremental
update schemes would suffer too, because every update would need to rehash the
large root node.
A two-level tree would also limit parallelism. As noted in the [KangarooTwelve
paper](https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/770.pdf), given enough worker threads
hashing input chunks and adding their hashes to the root, the thread
responsible for hashing the root eventually reaches its own throughput limit.
If the root hash has the same throughput as the leaves, this happens at a
parallelism degree equal to the ratio of the chunk size and the hash length,
256 in the case of KangarooTwelve. In practice, devoting an entire core to a
single instance roughly doubles that one instance's throughput, bringing the
max degree to 512.
That sounds like an impossibly high number, but consider that one of Bao's
benchmarks runs on a 48-physical-core AWS "m5.24xlarge" machine, and that the
AVX-512 version of BLAKE2s ([preliminary
will hash 16 chunks in parallel per thread. That machine supports parallelism
degree 768 today.
A two-level tree also creates a specific problem for multithreading.
Multithreaded parallelism is "coarse-grained", in that it works best when each
thread can execute a long-running task without needing to communicate, because
communication between threads is relatively expensive. For example, with two
threads working on a binary tree, we can split the output approximately in
half, with each thread computing a single subtree hash over its half without
communicating at all with the other. This doesn't work as well with a two-level
tree, though, because each thread (or at least each thread besides the first)
would need to return a long list of leaf hashes, which would mean allocating
memory. To avoid storing leaf hashes, the threads could instead work on
alternating even and odd leaves, both starting at the beginning of the input.
That would allow each leaf hash to be incorporated into the root immediately,
at the cost of communicating between threads after each leaf, and possibly some
smaller unavoidable heap allocations. That cost can be amortized over a large
leaf size, or over a larger group of leaves, down to a level that's acceptable
on a single machine. But when the cost of communication is even higher, like in
a MapReduce job or some other distributed setting, it becomes a problem again.
### Should we fall back to serial hashing for messages above some maximum size?
**No.** Many tree modes, including some described in the [BLAKE2
spec](https://blake2.net/blake2.pdf), fall back to a serial mode after some
threshold. That allows them to specify a small maximum tree height for reduced
memory requirements. However, one of Bao's main benefits is parallelism over
huge files, and falling back to serial hashing would conflict with that. It
would also complicate encoding and decoding.
### Is 64 bits large enough for the encoded length?
**Yes.** Every filesystem in use today has a maximum file size of
2<sup>64</sup> bytes or less.
Bao's decoding features are designed to work with the IO interfaces of
mainstream programming languages, particularly around streaming and seeking.
These interfaces are [usually
restricted](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/enum.SeekFrom.html) to 64-bit
sizes and offsets. If Bao supported longer streams in theory, implementations
would need to handle more unrepresentable edge cases. (Though even with a
64-bit counter, the maximum _encoded_ file size can exceed 64 bits, and a
perfect decoder implementation would need to seek twice to reach bytes near the
end of max-size encodings. In practice the reference implementation returns an
overflow error in that unlikely case.)
Implementations also need to decide how much storage overhead is reasonable. If
the counter were larger, it would still make almost no sense to allocate space
for a larger tree. The recommendation would probably be to assume a maximum
stack depth of 52 as we do now, but it would put the burden of choice on each
### Could a similar design be based on a different underlying hash function?
**Yes, as long as the underlying hash prevents length extension.** SHA-256 and
SHA-512 aren't suitable, but SHA-512/256 and SHA-3 could be.
Domain separation between the root and non-root nodes, and between chunks and
parent nodes, is a security requirement. For hash functions without associated
data parameters, you can achieve domain separation with a small amount of
overhead by appending some bits to every node. See for example the [Sakura
coding](https://keccak.team/files/Sakura.pdf), also designed by the
Keccak/SHA-3 team. Note that the chunk/parent distinguisher may be an
initialization parameter (as `node_depth` is), but the root/non-root
distinguisher needs to be a finalization parameter (as `last_node` is) or an
input suffix. Making the root/non-root distinguisher part of initialization
would force the implementation to either buffer the first chunk or to hash it
both ways.
As noted above, there's no "high security" variant of Bao. However, in some
future world with large quantum computers, it could theoretically make sense to
define a new hash function targeting a 256-bit security level. We could achieve
that by replacing BLAKE2s with BLAKE2b with very few other changes.
### Would hashing the length as associated data improve the security of the decoder?
**No, not for a correct implementation.** An attacker modifying the length
bytes can't produce any observable result, other than the errors that are also
possible by modifying or truncating the rest of the encoding. The story is more
complicated if we consider "sloppy" implementations that accept some invalid
encodings, in which case hashing the length could mitigate some attacks but
would also create some new ones. An earlier version of the Bao design did hash
the length bytes, but the current design doesn't.
Let's start by considering a correct decoder. What happens if a
man-in-the-middle attacker tweaks the length header in between encoding and
decoding? Small tweaks change the expected length of the final chunk. For
example, if you subtract one from the length, the final chunk might go from 10
bytes to 9 bytes. Assuming the collision resistance of BLAKE2, the 9-byte chunk
will necessarily have a different hash, and validating it will lead to a hash
mismatch error. Adding one to the length would be similar. Either no additional
bytes are available at the end to supply the read, leading to an IO error, or
an extra byte is available somehow, leading to a hash mismatch. Larger tweaks
have a bigger effect on the expected structure of the tree. Growing the tree
leads to chunk hashes being reinterpreted as parent hashes, and shrinking the
tree leads to parent hashes being reinterpreted as chunk hashes. Since chunks
and parents are domain separated from each other, this also leads to hash
mismatch errors in the tree, in particular always including some node along the
right edge.
Those observations are the reason behind the "final chunk requirement" for
decoders. That is, a decoder must always validate the final chunk before
exposing the length to the caller in any way. Because an attacker tweaking the
length will always invalidate the final chunk, this guarantees that the
modified length value will never be observed outside of the decoder. Length
tweaks might or might not invalidate earlier chunks before the final one, and
decoding some chunks might succeed before the caller eventually hits an error,
but that's indistinguishable from simple corruption or truncation at the same
point in the tree.
So, what happens if the decoder gets sloppy? Of course the implementation could
neglect to check any hashes at all, providing no security. Assuming the
implementation does check hashes, there are couple other subtle mistakes that
can still come up in practice (insofar as I made them myself in early versions
of the reference implementation).
The first one, we just mentioned: failure to uphold the "final chunk
requirement". As a special case, recall that the empty tree consists of a
single empty chunk; if the decoder neglects to validate that empty chunk and
skips right to its EOF state, then the empty encoding wouldn't actually
validate anything at all, making it appear valid under _any_ root hash. More
generally, if the decoder seeks past EOF or relative to EOF without validating
the final chunk first, an attacker could effectively truncate encodings without
detection by shortening the length, or change the target offset of EOF-relative
The other likely mistake is "short reads". The IO interfaces in most languages
are based on a `read` function which _usually_ returns as many bytes as you ask
it to but which _may_ return fewer for any reason. Implementations need to
either call such functions in a loop until they get the bytes they need, or use
some higher level wrapper that does the same. Implementations that neglect to
call `read` in a loop will often appear to work in tests, but will be prone to
spurious failures in less common IO settings like reading from a pipe or a
socket. This mistake also opens up a class of attacks. An attacker might modify
the length header of an encoding, for example creating an encoding with 9
content bytes but a length header of 10. In this case, a correct decoder would
fail with an unexpected-end-of-file error, but an incorrect decoder might
"short read" just the 9 bytes without noticing the discrepancy and then
successfully validate them. That exposes the caller to inconsistencies that the
attacker can control: The length of all the bytes read (9) doesn't match the
offset returned by seeking to EOF (10), and like the "final chunk requirement"
issue above, an attacker can again change the target offset of EOF-relative
With those two classes of attacks in mind, we can come back to the original
question: Would hashing the length as associated data (probably as a suffix to
the root node) mitigate any of the attacks above for sloppy implementations?
The answer is some yes and some no.
The most egregious "final chunk requirement" vulnerability above -- validating
nothing at all in the case of an empty encoding -- remains a pitfall regardless
of associated data. Seek-past-EOF also remains a pitfall but in a slightly
modified form: the implementation might detect the modified length if it
validates the root node before seeking, but forgetting to validate the root
node would be the same class of mistake as forgetting to validate the final
chunk. However, the decoder would do better in any scenario where you actually
tried to read chunk data; getting to a chunk means validating the root node on
your way down the tree, and bad associated data would fail validation at that
The "short reads" vulnerabilities above would also be partially mitigated. In a
scenario where the attacker corrupts a "legitimate" encoding by changing its
length header after the fact, hashing the length as associated data would
detect the corruption and prevent the attack. But in a scenario where the
attacker constructs both the encoding and the hash used to decode it, the
attacker may craft an "illegitimate" root hash that _expects_ an inconsistent
length header. (A typical encoder doesn't expose any way for the caller to put
an arbitrary value in the length header, but there's nothing stopping an
attacker from doing it.) In this case the inconsistent length pitfall would
remain: the root node would validate with the bad length as associated data,
the final chunk would validate with a short read, and once again the length of
all the bytes read wouldn't match the offset returned by seeking to EOF.
If that were the whole story -- that hashing the length as associated data
mitigated some attacks on sloppy implementations -- that would be some
motivation to do it. However, that last scenario above actually leads to a new
class of attacks, by violating Bao's "no decoding collisions" guarantee. That
is, no input should ever decode (successfully, to completion) under more than
one hash. (And naturally the one hash an input does decode under must be the
hash of itself.) The illegitimate encoding above and its exotic root hash
constitute a "decoding collision" with the legitimate encoding they're derived
from. To put yourself in the shoes of a caller who might care about this
property, imagine you have a dictionary containing Bao encodings indexed by the
hashes that decode them. If you find that a given string's hash isn't present
as a key in your dictionary, is it safe for you to assume that no encoding in
your dictionary will decode to that string? Bao says yes, you may assume that.
And maybe equally importantly, callers in that scenario _will_ assume that
without bothering to read the spec. In this sense, including the length as
associated data would actually make sloppy implementations _less_ secure, by
giving attackers a way to create decoding collisions.
Earlier versions of Bao did append the length to the root node, instead of
using a chunk/parent distinguisher. A proper distinguisher (the `node_depth`
initialization parameter) was added later, both to better fit the [*Sufficient
conditions*](https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/210.pdf) framework and to avoid
issues around integer overflow. At that point the length suffix was redundant,
and it also incurred some performance overhead in the short message case, where
a one-block message would require two blocks of compression. It was dropped
mainly for that performance reason, since the sloppy implementation concerns
above aren't decisive either way.
### Would it be more efficient to use a fanout larger than 2?
**Only a little, not enough to justify the added complexity.** Parent nodes in
the binary tree exactly fit a BLAKE2s input block, so there's no free
throughput to be had by making the parents larger. Rather, a larger fanout
could help by reducing the number of levels in the tree. At most (with
unlimited fanout, like KangarooTwelve) the total number of parent bytes hashed
can be reduced by 50%. However, the parent bytes are already a small fraction
of the input bytes by design, so the potential gain here is small.
In my [throughput measurements](https://github.com/oconnor663/bao_experiments/blob/72a13726a1dfb5ed67d41fdea1932a8b0b0dfc0b/benches/libtest.rs#L32-L37),
the largest efficiency gain seems to come at fanout 8, where the throughput for
4096-byte blocks is about the same as it is with fanout 2 and 8192-byte blocks.
As noted above, this is a small difference, less than 2%. At the same time,
using a fanout greater than 2 brings in a lot of new complexity:
- Parent nodes along the right edge of the tree may have fewer children,
meaning that parent nodes are of variable size.
- The implementation needs to do more bookkeeping to maintain enough separate
inputs for good SIMD performance. Consider a 4-ary tree using a SIMD degree
of 8 and 9 chunks of input. The chunks need to be grouped 4-4-1 to fit the
4-ary tree structure, but SIMD performance is better if 8 chunks get hashed
- There's more ambiguity in the tree layout. For example with 6 chunks and
fanout 4, you could plausibly lay out the tree in the following two ways.
root root
/ \ \ / \
parent * * parent parent
/ / \ \ / / \ \ / \
* * * * * * * * * *
These sorts of issues -- considered across hashing, encoding, and decoding --
would be an implementation and testing burden that's not worth the small
performance gain.
On the other hand, there's also the question of whether a larger fanout could
reduce the space requirement, which might matter for small embedded
implementations. At first glance, it's not clear that a larger fanout helps
here. For example, at fanout 4 the maximum depth of the subtree stack is
halved, but the implementation needs to store up to 3 subtree hashes at each
level instead of 1, so the overall storage requirement is actually 50% larger.
However, the implementation might instead store the incremental state of a
parent hash at each level rather than a complete list of subtree hashes. The
words in an incremental state are 32 bytes, and the implementation would
probably need to buffer a full 64 byte block along with the words to account
for finalization. That's no space benefit for a fanout of 4 (the 3 subtree
hashes per level described above were also 96 bytes), but it's independent of
the fanout, so larger fanouts could benefit from reduced stack depth without
increasing the storage per level any further. Conceptually at unlimited fanout
(again like KangarooTwelve), there would be no stack at all, just the single
incremental state of the root node.
Ultimately this space optimization is too niche to justify shaping the entire
Bao design around it. Without a specific platform in mind, it's hard to say how
much space savings is needed. And applications with extremely tight storage
requirements already have the option of constraining the maximum input size, as
noted above.
### Why is the encoding format malleable?
**Because the decoder doesn't read EOF from the encoding.** For example, if the
decoder reads the 8-byte length header and parses a length of 10 bytes, its
next read will be exactly 10 bytes. Since that's the final and only chunk,
decoding is finished, and the decoder won't do any more reads. Typically the
encoded file would have EOF after 18 bytes, so that another read would have
returned zero bytes anyway. However, the encoded file may also have "trailing
garbage" after byte 18. Since the decoder never looks at those bytes, they have
no effect on decoding. That means that two "different looking" encoded files,
which differ in their trailing garbage, can successfully decode to the same
Note that this only concerns decoding, not hashing. There's no such thing as
trailing garbage in the context of hashing, because hashing operates on raw
input bytes rather than on the encoding format, and because hashing necessarily
reads its input to EOF. Rather, this concerns applications that might want to
compare two encoded files byte-for-byte, maybe as a shortcut to predict whether
decoding them would give the same result. That logic would be broken in the
presence of trailing garbage added by a bug or by an attacker. The only valid
way to learn anything about the contents of an encoded file is to decode it.
Another scenario that might lead to malleability is that a decoder might not
verify all parent nodes. For example, if the decoder sees that an encoding is 8
chunks long, and it has buffer space for all 8 chunks, it might skip over the
encoded parent nodes and just reconstruct the whole tree from its chunks. The
reference decoder doesn't do this, in part because it could hide encoder bugs
that lead to incorrect parent nodes. But if an implementation is careful not to
emit any chunk bytes to the caller until all of them have been verified against
the root hash, it can skip reading parent nodes like this without violating the
security requirements. In this case, those parent nodes would be malleable.
As discussed above, a "sloppy" decoder might also ignore some mutations in the
length header, without failing decoding. That's strictly incorrect, and it
violates security requirements related to the original input length, but the
possibility that a buggy implementation might do that is yet another reason to
assume that encoded bytes are malleable. To be clear though, none of the
scenarios discussed in this section violate the guarantee that decoded bytes
match the original input.
## Other Related Work
- The [Tree Hash
Exchange](https://adc.sourceforge.io/draft-jchapweske-thex-02.html) format
(2003). THEX and Bao have similar tree structures, and both specify a binary
format for encoding the tree to enable incremental decoding. THEX uses a
breadth-first rather than depth-first encoding layout, however, which makes
the decoder's storage requirements much larger. Also, as noted by the
Keccak/SHA-3 team in [*Sufficient
conditions*](https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/210.pdf), THEX doesn't
domain-separate its root node, so it's vulnerable to length extension
regardless of the security of the underlying hash function.
- [Tree
(2013), a presentation by Stefan Lucks, discussing the requirements for
standardizing a tree hashing mode.
- [RFC 6962](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962) uses a similar tree layout
and growth strategy.