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mirror of https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3 synced 2024-04-25 01:55:09 +02:00
Jack O'Connor 5aa53f07f7 version 1.5.0
Changes since 1.4.1:
- The Rust crate's Hasher type has gained new helper methods for common
  forms of IO: update_reader, update_mmap, and update_mmap_rayon. The
  latter matches the default behavior of b3sum. The mmap methods are
  gated by the new "mmap" Cargo feature.
- Most of the Rust crate's public types now implement the Zeroize trait.
  This is gated by the new "zeroize" Cargo feature.
- The Rust crate's Hash types now implements the serde Serialize and
  Deserialize traits. This is gated by the new "serde" Cargo feature.
- The C library now uses atomics to cache detected CPU features under
  most compilers other than MSVC. Previously this was a non-atomic
  write, which was probably "benign" but made TSan unhappy.
- NEON support is now disabled by default on big-endian AArch64.
  Previously this was a build error if the caller didn't explicitly
  disable it.
2023-09-20 20:12:18 -07:00

722 B

Release checklist

  • Make sure cargo outdated -R is clean in the root and in b3sum/.
  • Bump the version in the root Cargo.toml.
  • Bump the version in b3sum/Cargo.toml.
  • Delete b3sum/Cargo.lock and recreate it with cargo build or similar.
  • Update the -h output in b3sum/README.md if it's changed.
  • Bump BLAKE3_VERSION_STRING in c/blake3.h.
  • Bump VERSION in c/CMakeLists.txt.
  • Make a version bump commit with change notes.
  • git push and make sure CI is green.
  • git tag the version bump commit with the new version number.
  • git push --tags
  • cargo publish in the root.
  • cargo publish --dry-run in b3sum/ and make sure it fetches the just-published library version.
  • cargo publish in b3sum/.