Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/containers/youki synced 2024-05-25 00:46:11 +02:00
Jerome Gravel-Niquet 9e0951b3c2 support setting stdin, stdout and stderr
Signed-off-by: Jerome Gravel-Niquet <jeromegn@gmail.com>
2024-04-09 11:07:26 -04:00

225 lines
9.0 KiB

use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use libcontainer::{container::builder::ContainerBuilder, syscall::syscall::SyscallType};
use liboci_cli::Run;
use nix::{
signal::{self, kill},
wait::{waitpid, WaitPidFlag, WaitStatus},
use crate::workload::executor::default_executor;
pub fn run(args: Run, root_path: PathBuf, systemd_cgroup: bool) -> Result<i32> {
let (mut container, _) =
ContainerBuilder::new(args.container_id.clone(), SyscallType::default())
.with_context(|| format!("failed to start container {}", args.container_id))?;
if args.detach {
return Ok(0);
// Using `debug_assert` here rather than returning an error because this is
// a invariant. The design when the code path arrives to this point, is that
// the container state must have recorded the container init pid.
"expects a container init pid in the container state"
let foreground_result = handle_foreground(container.pid().unwrap());
// execute the destruction action after the container finishes running
// return result
// handle_foreground will match the `runc` behavior running the foreground mode.
// The youki main process will wait and reap the container init process. The
// youki main process also forwards most of the signals to the container init
// process.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace")]
fn handle_foreground(init_pid: Pid) -> Result<i32> {
tracing::trace!("waiting for container init process to exit");
// We mask all signals here and forward most of the signals to the container
// init process.
let signal_set = SigSet::all();
.with_context(|| "failed to call pthread_sigmask")?;
loop {
match signal_set
.with_context(|| "failed to call sigwait")?
signal::SIGCHLD => {
// Reap all child until either container init process exits or
// no more child to be reaped. Once the container init process
// exits we can then return.
tracing::trace!("reaping child processes");
loop {
match waitpid(None, Some(WaitPidFlag::WNOHANG))? {
WaitStatus::Exited(pid, status) => {
if pid.eq(&init_pid) {
return Ok(status);
// Else, some random child process exited, ignoring...
WaitStatus::Signaled(pid, signal, _) => {
if pid.eq(&init_pid) {
return Ok(signal as i32);
// Else, some random child process exited, ignoring...
WaitStatus::StillAlive => {
// No more child to reap.
_ => {}
signal::SIGURG => {
// In `runc`, SIGURG is used by go runtime and should not be forwarded to
// the container process. Here, we just ignore the signal.
signal::SIGWINCH => {
// TODO: resize the terminal
signal => {
tracing::trace!(?signal, "forwarding signal");
// There is nothing we can do if we fail to forward the signal.
let _ = kill(init_pid, Some(signal)).map_err(|err| {
"failed to forward signal to container init process",
mod tests {
use std::time::Duration;
use nix::{
sys::{signal::Signal::SIGINT, wait},
use super::*;
fn test_foreground_forward_sig() -> Result<()> {
// To set up the test correctly, we need to run the test in dedicated
// process, so the rust unit test runtime and other unit tests will not
// mess with the signal handling. We use `sigkill` as a simple way to
// make sure the signal is properly forwarded. In this test, P0 is the
// rust process that runs this unit test (in a thread). P1 mocks youki
// main and P2 mocks the container init process
match unsafe { unistd::fork()? } {
unistd::ForkResult::Parent { child } => {
// Inside P0
// We need to make sure that the child process has entered into
// the signal forwarding loops. There is no way to 100% sync
// that the child has executed the for loop waiting to forward
// the signal. There are sync mechanisms with condvar or
// channels to make it as close to calling the handle_foreground
// function as possible, but still have a tiny (highly unlikely
// but probable) window that a race can still happen. So instead
// we just wait for 1 second for everything to settle. In
// general, I don't like sleep in tests to avoid race condition,
// but I'd rather not over-engineer this now. We can revisit
// this later if the test becomes flaky.
// Send the `sigint` signal to P1 who will forward the signal
// to P2. P2 will then exit and send a sigchld to P1. P1 will
// then reap P2 and exits. In P0, we can then reap P1.
kill(child, SIGINT)?;
wait::waitpid(child, None)?;
unistd::ForkResult::Child => {
// Inside P1. Fork P2 as mock container init process and run
// signal handler process inside.
match unsafe { unistd::fork()? } {
unistd::ForkResult::Parent { child } => {
// Inside P1.
let _ = handle_foreground(child).map_err(|err| {
// Since we are in a child process, we want to use trace to log the error.
let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
tracing::error!(?err, "failed to handle foreground");
unistd::ForkResult::Child => {
let mut signal_set = SigSet::empty();
fn test_foreground_exit() -> Result<()> {
// The setup is similar to `handle_foreground`, but instead of
// forwarding signal, the container init process will exit. Again, we
// use `sleep` to simulate the conditions to avoid fine grained
// synchronization for now.
match unsafe { unistd::fork()? } {
unistd::ForkResult::Parent { child } => {
// Inside P0
wait::waitpid(child, None)?;
unistd::ForkResult::Child => {
// Inside P1. Fork P2 as mock container init process and run
// signal handler process inside.
match unsafe { unistd::fork()? } {
unistd::ForkResult::Parent { child } => {
// Inside P1.
wait::waitpid(child, None)?;
unistd::ForkResult::Child => {
// Inside P2. The process exits after 1 second.