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mirror of https://github.com/containers/youki synced 2024-06-08 15:56:16 +02:00
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2023-10-09 10:23:55 +08:00

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use crate::systemd::dbus_native::serialize::{DbusSerialize, Structure, Variant};
use super::client::SystemdClient;
use super::message::*;
use super::proxy::Proxy;
use super::utils::{DbusError, Result, SystemdClientError};
use nix::sys::socket;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::{IoSlice, IoSliceMut};
use std::os::fd::AsRawFd;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
const REPLY_BUF_SIZE: usize = 128; // seems good enough tradeoff between extra size and repeated calls
/// NOTE that this is meant for a single-threaded use, and concurrent
/// usage can cause errors, primarily because then the message received over
/// socket can be out of order and we need to manager buffer and check with message counter
/// which message is for which request etc etc
// Client is a wrapper providing higher level API and abatraction around dbus.
// For more information see https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/dbus/
pub struct DbusConnection {
/// Is the socket system level or session specific
system: bool,
/// socket fd
socket: i32,
/// name id assigned by dbus for the connection
id: Option<String>,
/// counter for messages
// This must be atomic, so that we can take non-mutable reference to self
// and still increment this
msg_ctr: AtomicU32,
fn uid_to_hex_str(uid: u32) -> String {
let temp: Vec<_> = uid
.map(|c| format!("{:x}", c as u8))
fn parse_dbus_address(env_value: String) -> Result<String> {
// as per spec, the env var can have multiple addresses separated by ;
let addr_list: Vec<_> = env_value.split(';').collect();
for addr in addr_list {
if addr.starts_with("unix:path=") {
let s = addr.strip_prefix("unix:path=").unwrap();
if !std::path::PathBuf::from(s).exists() {
return Ok(s.to_owned());
if addr.starts_with("unix:abstract=") {
let s = addr.strip_prefix("unix:abstract=").unwrap();
return Ok(s.to_owned());
// we do not support unix:runtime=
Err(DbusError::BusAddressError(format!("no valid bus path found in list {}", env_value)).into())
fn get_session_bus_address() -> Result<String> {
if let Ok(s) = std::env::var("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS") {
return parse_dbus_address(s);
if let Ok(mut s) = std::env::var("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") {
if !std::path::PathBuf::from(&s).exists() {
return Err(DbusError::BusAddressError(format!(
"session bus address {} does not exist",
return Ok(s);
DbusError::BusAddressError("could not find dbus session bus address from env".into())
fn get_system_bus_address() -> Result<String> {
if let Ok(s) = std::env::var("DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS") {
return parse_dbus_address(s);
// as per dbus spec https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-bus-types-system
// there are multiple service files which we should try searching and finding bus address from
// but we will instead just support the following, which is supposed to be
// well known anyways according to spec
fn get_actual_uid() -> Result<u32> {
let output = std::process::Command::new("busctl")
.map_err(|e| DbusError::BusAddressError(format!("error in running busctl {:?}", e)))?
.map_err(|e| DbusError::BusAddressError(format!("error in busctl {:?}", e)))?;
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
let found = stdout.lines().find(|s| s.starts_with("OwnerUID=")).unwrap();
let uid = found
impl DbusConnection {
/// Open a new dbus connection to given address
/// authenticating as user with given uid
pub fn new(addr: &str, uid: u32, system: bool) -> Result<Self> {
// Use ManuallyDrop to keep the socket open.
let socket = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(socket::socket(
let addr = socket::UnixAddr::new(addr)?;
socket::connect(socket.as_raw_fd(), &addr)?;
let mut dbus = Self {
socket: socket.as_raw_fd(),
msg_ctr: AtomicU32::new(0),
id: None,
pub fn new_system() -> Result<Self> {
let addr = get_system_bus_address()?;
Self::new(&addr, 0, true)
pub fn new_session() -> Result<Self> {
let addr = get_session_bus_address()?;
let uid = get_actual_uid()?;
Self::new(&addr, uid, false)
/// Authenticates with dbus using given uid via external strategy
/// Must be called on any connection before doing any other communication
fn authenticate(&mut self, uid: u32) -> Result<()> {
let mut buf = [0; 64];
// dbus connection always start with a 0 byte sent as first thing
socket::send(self.socket, &[0], socket::MsgFlags::empty())?;
let msg = format!("AUTH EXTERNAL {}\r\n", uid_to_hex_str(uid));
// then we send our auth with uid
socket::send(self.socket, msg.as_bytes(), socket::MsgFlags::empty())?;
// we get the reply and check if all went well or not
socket::recv(self.socket, &mut buf, socket::MsgFlags::empty())?;
let reply: Vec<u8> = buf.iter().filter(|v| **v != 0).copied().collect();
// we can use _lossy as we know dbus communication is always ascii
let reply = String::from_utf8_lossy(&reply);
// successful auth reply starts with 'ok'
if !reply.starts_with("OK") {
return Err(DbusError::AuthenticationErr(format!(
"Authentication failed, got message : {}",
// we must send the BEGIN before starting any actual communication
// we can also send AGREE_UNIX_FD before this if we need to deal with sending/receiving
// fds over the connection, but because youki doesn't need it, we can skip that
// First thing any dbus client must do after authentication
// is to do a hello method call, in order to get a name allocated
// if we do any other method call, the connection is assumed to be
// invalid and auto disconnected
let headers = vec![
Header {
kind: HeaderKind::Path,
value: HeaderValue::String("/org/freedesktop/DBus".to_string()),
Header {
kind: HeaderKind::Destination,
value: HeaderValue::String("org.freedesktop.DBus".to_string()),
Header {
kind: HeaderKind::Interface,
value: HeaderValue::String("org.freedesktop.DBus".to_string()),
Header {
kind: HeaderKind::Member,
value: HeaderValue::String("Hello".to_string()),
let res = self.send_message(MessageType::MethodCall, headers, vec![])?;
let res: Vec<_> = res
.filter(|m| m.preamble.mtype == MessageType::MethodReturn)
let res = res.get(0).ok_or(DbusError::MethodCallErr(
"expected method call to have reply, found no reply message".into(),
let mut ctr = 0;
let id = String::deserialize(&res.body, &mut ctr)?;
self.id = Some(id);
/// Helper function to get complete message in chunks
/// over the socket. This will loop and collect all of the message
/// chunks into a single vector
fn receive_complete_response(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(512);
loop {
let mut reply: [u8; REPLY_BUF_SIZE] = [0_u8; REPLY_BUF_SIZE];
let mut reply_buffer = [IoSliceMut::new(&mut reply[0..])];
let reply_rcvd = socket::recvmsg::<()>(
&mut reply_buffer,
let received_byte_count = reply_rcvd.bytes;
if received_byte_count < REPLY_BUF_SIZE {
// if received byte count is less than buffer size, then we got all
/// function to send message of given type with given headers and body
/// over the dbus connection. The caller must specify the destination, interface etc.etc.
/// in the headers, this function will only take care of sending the message and
/// returning the received messages. Note that the caller must check if any error
/// message was returned or not, this will not check that, the returned Err
/// indicates error in sending/receiving message
pub fn send_message(
mtype: MessageType,
mut headers: Vec<Header>,
body: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<Vec<Message>> {
if let Some(s) = &self.id {
headers.push(Header {
kind: HeaderKind::Sender,
value: HeaderValue::String(s.clone()),
let message = Message::new(mtype, self.get_msg_id(), headers, body);
let serialized = message.serialize();
let reply = self.receive_complete_response()?;
// note that a single received response can contain multiple
// messages, so we must deserialize it piece by piece
let mut ret = Vec::new();
let mut buf = &reply[..];
while !buf.is_empty() {
let mut ctr = 0;
let msg = Message::deserialize(&buf[ctr..], &mut ctr)?;
// we reset the buf, because I couldn't figure out how the adjust_counter function
// should should be changed to work correctly with non-zero start counter, and this solved that issue
buf = &buf[ctr..];
/// function to manage the message counter
fn get_msg_id(&self) -> u32 {
let old_ctr = self.msg_ctr.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
old_ctr + 1
/// Create a proxy for given destination and path
pub fn proxy(&self, destination: &str, path: &str) -> Proxy {
Proxy::new(self, destination, path)
fn create_proxy(&self) -> Proxy {
self.proxy("org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1")
impl SystemdClient for DbusConnection {
fn is_system(&self) -> bool {
fn transient_unit_exists(&self, unit_name: &str) -> bool {
let mut proxy = self.create_proxy();
/// start_transient_unit is a higher level API for starting a unit
/// for a specific container under systemd.
/// See https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/dbus for more details.
fn start_transient_unit(
container_name: &str,
pid: u32,
parent: &str,
unit_name: &str,
) -> Result<()> {
// To view and introspect the methods under the 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' destination
// and object path under it use the following command:
// `gdbus introspect --system --dest org.freedesktop.systemd1 --object-path /org/freedesktop/systemd1`
let proxy = self.create_proxy();
// To align with runc, youki will always add the following properties to its container units:
// - CPUAccounting=true
// - IOAccounting=true (BlockIOAccounting for cgroup v1)
// - MemoryAccounting=true
// - TasksAccounting=true
// see https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/blob/6023d635d725a74c6eaa11ab7f3c870c073badd2/docs/systemd.md#systemd-cgroup-driver
// for more details.
let mut properties: Vec<(&str, Variant)> = Vec::with_capacity(6);
Variant::String(format!("youki container {container_name}")),
// if we create a slice, the parent is defined via a Wants=
// otherwise, we use Slice=
if unit_name.ends_with("slice") {
properties.push(("Wants", Variant::String(parent.to_owned())));
} else {
properties.push(("Slice", Variant::String(parent.to_owned())));
properties.push(("Delegate", Variant::Bool(true)));
properties.push(("MemoryAccounting", Variant::Bool(true)));
properties.push(("CPUAccounting", Variant::Bool(true)));
properties.push(("IOAccounting", Variant::Bool(true)));
properties.push(("TasksAccounting", Variant::Bool(true)));
properties.push(("DefaultDependencies", Variant::Bool(false)));
properties.push(("PIDs", Variant::ArrayU32(vec![pid])));
tracing::debug!("Starting transient unit: {:?}", properties);
let props = properties
.map(|(k, v)| Structure::new(k.into(), v))
.start_transient_unit(unit_name, "replace", props, vec![])
.map_err(|err| SystemdClientError::FailedTransient {
err: Box::new(err),
unit_name: unit_name.into(),
parent: parent.into(),
fn stop_transient_unit(&self, unit_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
let proxy = self.create_proxy();
.stop_unit(unit_name, "replace")
.map_err(|err| SystemdClientError::FailedStop {
err: Box::new(err),
unit_name: unit_name.into(),
fn set_unit_properties(
unit_name: &str,
properties: &HashMap<&str, Variant>,
) -> Result<()> {
let proxy = self.create_proxy();
let props: Vec<Structure<Variant>> = properties
.map(|(k, v)| Structure::new(k.to_string(), v.clone()))
.set_unit_properties(unit_name, true, props)
.map_err(|err| SystemdClientError::FailedProperties {
err: Box::new(err),
unit_name: unit_name.into(),
fn systemd_version(&self) -> std::result::Result<u32, SystemdClientError> {
let proxy = self.create_proxy();
let version = proxy
.skip_while(|c| c.is_alphabetic())
.take_while(|c| c.is_numeric())
fn control_cgroup_root(&self) -> std::result::Result<PathBuf, SystemdClientError> {
let proxy = self.create_proxy();
let cgroup_root = proxy.control_group()?;
mod tests {
use super::super::utils::Result;
use super::{uid_to_hex_str, DbusConnection, SystemdClientError};
use nix::unistd::getuid;
fn test_uid_to_hex_str() {
let uid0 = uid_to_hex_str(0);
assert_eq!(uid0, "30");
let uid1000 = uid_to_hex_str(1000);
assert_eq!(uid1000, "31303030");
#[cfg(feature = "systemd")]
fn test_dbus_connection_auth() {
let uid: u32 = getuid().into();
let dbus_pipe_path = format!("/run/user/{}/bus", uid);
let conn = DbusConnection::new(&dbus_pipe_path, uid, false);
let invalid_conn = DbusConnection::new(&dbus_pipe_path, uid.wrapping_add(1), false);
#[cfg(feature = "systemd")]
fn test_dbus_function_calls() -> Result<()> {
use crate::systemd::dbus_native::serialize::Variant;
let uid: u32 = getuid().into();
let dbus_pipe_path = format!("/run/user/{}/bus", uid);
let conn = DbusConnection::new(&dbus_pipe_path, uid, false)?;
let proxy = conn.proxy("org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1");
let body = (
let t = proxy.method_call::<_, Variant>(
assert!(matches!(t, Variant::String(_)));
let body = (
let t = proxy.method_call::<_, Variant>(
assert!(matches!(t, Variant::String(_)));
#[cfg(feature = "systemd")]
fn test_dbus_function_calls_errors() {
use crate::systemd::dbus_native::utils::DbusError;
let uid: u32 = getuid().into();
let dbus_pipe_path = format!("/run/user/{}/bus", uid);
let conn = DbusConnection::new(&dbus_pipe_path, uid, false).unwrap();
let proxy = conn.proxy("org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1");
let body = (
// invalid return type, this call returns variant<String>
let res = proxy.method_call::<_, u16>("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get", Some(body));
let body = (
// invalid interface
let res = proxy.method_call::<_, u16>("org.freedesktop.DBus.Property_", "Get", Some(body));