Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/containers/youki synced 2024-05-05 23:26:32 +02:00
2021-09-27 15:46:57 -07:00

93 lines
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use crate::{namespaces::Namespaces, process::channel, process::fork};
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use nix::unistd::{Gid, Uid};
use oci_spec::runtime::LinuxNamespaceType;
use super::args::ContainerArgs;
use super::init::container_init;
pub fn container_intermediate(
args: ContainerArgs,
receiver_from_main: &mut channel::ReceiverFromMain,
sender_to_main: &mut channel::SenderIntermediateToMain,
) -> Result<()> {
let command = &args.syscall;
let spec = &args.spec;
let linux = spec.linux().as_ref().context("no linux in spec")?;
let namespaces = Namespaces::from(linux.namespaces().as_ref());
// if new user is specified in specification, this will be true and new
// namespace will be created, check
// https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/user_namespaces.7.html for more
// information
if let Some(user_namespace) = namespaces.get(LinuxNamespaceType::User) {
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to enter pid namespace: {:?}", user_namespace))?;
if user_namespace.path().is_none() {
log::debug!("creating new user namespace");
// child needs to be dumpable, otherwise the non root parent is not
// allowed to write the uid/gid maps
// After UID and GID mapping is configured correctly in the Youki main
// process, We want to make sure continue as the root user inside the
// new user namespace. This is required because the process of
// configuring the container process will require root, even though the
// root in the user namespace likely is mapped to an non-priviliged user
// on the parent user namespace.
command.set_id(Uid::from_raw(0), Gid::from_raw(0)).context(
"Failed to configure uid and gid root in the beginning of a new user namespace",
// set limits and namespaces to the process
let proc = spec.process().as_ref().context("no process in spec")?;
if let Some(rlimits) = proc.rlimits() {
for rlimit in rlimits {
command.set_rlimit(rlimit).context("failed to set rlimit")?;
// Pid namespace requires an extra fork to enter, so we enter pid namespace now.
if let Some(pid_namespace) = namespaces.get(LinuxNamespaceType::Pid) {
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to enter pid namespace: {:?}", pid_namespace))?;
// We only need for init process to send us the ChildReady.
let (sender_to_intermediate, receiver_from_init) = &mut channel::init_to_intermediate()?;
// We have to record the pid of the child (container init process), since
// the child will be inside the pid namespace. We can't rely on child_ready
// to send us the correct pid.
let pid = fork::container_fork(|| {
// First thing in the child process to close the unused fds in the channel/pipe.
.context("Failed to close receiver in init process")?;
container_init(args, sender_to_intermediate)
// Close unused fds in the parent process.
.context("Failed to close sender in the intermediate process")?;
// There is no point using the pid returned here, since the child will be
// inside the pid namespace already.
.context("Failed to wait for the child")?;
// After the child (the container init process) becomes ready, we can signal
// the parent (the main process) that we are ready.
.context("Failed to send child ready from intermediate process")?;