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mirror of https://github.com/containers/youki synced 2024-06-10 16:56:17 +02:00
2021-09-15 20:05:46 +02:00

424 lines
15 KiB

use anyhow::bail;
use anyhow::Context;
use anyhow::Result;
use oci_spec::runtime::Arch;
use oci_spec::runtime::LinuxSeccomp;
use oci_spec::runtime::LinuxSeccompAction;
use oci_spec::runtime::LinuxSeccompOperator;
use seccomp_sys::scmp_arch::*;
use seccomp_sys::scmp_compare::*;
use seccomp_sys::*;
use std::ffi::CString;
struct Compare {
// The zero-indexed index of the syscall arguement.
arg: libc::c_uint,
op: Option<scmp_compare>,
datum_a: Option<scmp_datum_t>,
datum_b: Option<scmp_datum_t>,
impl Compare {
pub fn new(args: u32) -> Self {
Compare {
arg: args as libc::c_uint,
op: None,
datum_a: None,
datum_b: None,
pub fn op(mut self, op: scmp_compare) -> Self {
self.op = Some(op);
pub fn datum_a(mut self, datum: scmp_datum_t) -> Self {
self.datum_a = Some(datum);
pub fn datum_b(mut self, datum: scmp_datum_t) -> Self {
self.datum_b = Some(datum);
pub fn build(self) -> Result<scmp_arg_cmp> {
if self.op.is_some() && self.datum_a.is_some() {
Ok(scmp_arg_cmp {
arg: self.arg,
op: self.op.unwrap(),
datum_a: self.datum_a.unwrap(),
datum_b: self.datum_b.unwrap_or(0),
} else {
bail!("op and datum_a is required: {:?}", self);
struct Rule {
action: u32,
syscall_nr: i32,
comparators: Vec<scmp_arg_cmp>,
impl Rule {
pub fn new(action: u32, syscall_number: i32) -> Self {
Rule {
syscall_nr: syscall_number,
comparators: vec![],
pub fn add_comparator(&mut self, cmp: scmp_arg_cmp) {
struct FilterContext {
ctx: *mut scmp_filter_ctx,
impl FilterContext {
pub fn default(default_action: u32) -> Result<FilterContext> {
let filter_ctx = unsafe { seccomp_init(default_action) };
if filter_ctx.is_null() {
bail!("Failed to initialized seccomp profile")
Ok(FilterContext { ctx: filter_ctx })
pub fn add_rule(&mut self, rule: &Rule) -> Result<()> {
let res = match rule.comparators.len() {
0 => unsafe { seccomp_rule_add(self.ctx, rule.action, rule.syscall_nr, 0) },
_ => unsafe {
rule.comparators.len() as u32,
if res != 0 {
bail!("Failed to add rule. Errno: {}, Rule: {:?}", res, rule);
pub fn add_arch(&mut self, arch: u32) -> Result<()> {
let res = unsafe { seccomp_arch_add(self.ctx, arch) };
if res != 0 && nix::Error::from_i32(res.abs()) != nix::Error::EEXIST {
// The architecture already existed in the profile, so we can
// safely ignore the error here. Otherwise, error out.
bail!("Failed to add architecture {}. Errno: {}", arch, res);
pub fn load(&self) -> Result<()> {
let res = unsafe { seccomp_load(self.ctx) };
if res != 0 {
bail!("Failed to load seccomp profile: {}", res);
fn translate_syscall(syscall_name: String) -> Result<i32> {
let c_syscall_name = CString::new(syscall_name.as_str())
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to convert syscall {:?} to cstring", syscall_name))?;
let res = unsafe { seccomp_syscall_resolve_name(c_syscall_name.as_ptr()) };
if res == __NR_SCMP_ERROR {
bail!("Failed to resolve syscall from name: {:?}", syscall_name);
fn translate_action(action: &LinuxSeccompAction, errno: Option<u32>) -> u32 {
let errno = errno.unwrap_or(libc::EPERM as u32);
match action {
LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActKill => SCMP_ACT_KILL,
LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActTrap => SCMP_ACT_TRAP,
LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActErrno => SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(errno),
LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActTrace => SCMP_ACT_TRACE(errno),
LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActAllow => SCMP_ACT_ALLOW,
LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActKillProcess => SCMP_ACT_KILL_PROCESS,
LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActNotify => SCMP_ACT_NOTIFY,
LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActLog => SCMP_ACT_LOG,
fn translate_op(op: &LinuxSeccompOperator) -> scmp_compare {
match op {
LinuxSeccompOperator::ScmpCmpNe => SCMP_CMP_NE,
LinuxSeccompOperator::ScmpCmpLt => SCMP_CMP_LT,
LinuxSeccompOperator::ScmpCmpLe => SCMP_CMP_LE,
LinuxSeccompOperator::ScmpCmpEq => SCMP_CMP_EQ,
LinuxSeccompOperator::ScmpCmpGe => SCMP_CMP_GE,
LinuxSeccompOperator::ScmpCmpGt => SCMP_CMP_GT,
LinuxSeccompOperator::ScmpCmpMaskedEq => SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ,
fn translate_arch(arch: &Arch) -> scmp_arch {
match arch {
Arch::ScmpArchNative => SCMP_ARCH_NATIVE,
Arch::ScmpArchX86 => SCMP_ARCH_X86,
Arch::ScmpArchX86_64 => SCMP_ARCH_X86_64,
Arch::ScmpArchX32 => SCMP_ARCH_X32,
Arch::ScmpArchArm => SCMP_ARCH_ARM,
Arch::ScmpArchAarch64 => SCMP_ARCH_AARCH64,
Arch::ScmpArchMips => SCMP_ARCH_MIPS,
Arch::ScmpArchMips64 => SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64,
Arch::ScmpArchMips64n32 => SCMP_ARCH_MIPS64N32,
Arch::ScmpArchMipsel => SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL,
Arch::ScmpArchMipsel64 => SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64,
Arch::ScmpArchMipsel64n32 => SCMP_ARCH_MIPSEL64N32,
Arch::ScmpArchPpc => SCMP_ARCH_PPC,
Arch::ScmpArchPpc64 => SCMP_ARCH_PPC64,
Arch::ScmpArchPpc64le => SCMP_ARCH_PPC64LE,
Arch::ScmpArchS390 => SCMP_ARCH_S390,
Arch::ScmpArchS390x => SCMP_ARCH_S390X,
pub fn initialize_seccomp(seccomp: Option<&LinuxSeccomp>) -> Result<()> {
if seccomp.is_none() {
return Ok(());
let seccomp = seccomp.unwrap();
if seccomp.flags.is_some() {
// runc did not support this, so let's skip it for now.
bail!("seccomp flags are not yet supported");
// log::debug!("XXX seccomp: {:?}", seccomp);
// TODO: fix default action error number. The spec repo doesn't have it yet.
let default_action = translate_action(&seccomp.default_action, None);
let mut ctx = FilterContext::default(default_action)?;
if let Some(architectures) = seccomp.architectures.as_ref() {
for arch in architectures {
let arch_token = translate_arch(arch);
ctx.add_arch(arch_token as u32)
.context("Failed to add arch to seccomp")?;
// The SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP controls if the seccomp load function will set
// the new privilege bit automatically in prctl. Normally this is a good
// thing, but for us we need better control. Based on the spec, if OCI
// runtime spec doesn't set the no new privileges in Process, we should not
// set it here. If the seccomp load operation fails without enough
// privilege, so be it. To prevent this automatic behavior, we unset the
// value here.
let ret = unsafe { seccomp_attr_set(ctx.ctx, scmp_filter_attr::SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP, 0) };
if ret != 0 {
"Failed to unset the no new privileges bit for seccomp: {}",
if let Some(syscalls) = seccomp.syscalls.as_ref() {
for syscall in syscalls {
let action = translate_action(&syscall.action, syscall.errno_ret);
if action == default_action {
// When the action is the same as the default action, the rule is redundent. We can
// skip this here to avoid failing when we add the rules.
"Detect a seccomp action that is the same as the default action: {:?}",
for name in &syscall.names {
let ret = translate_syscall(name.clone());
if ret.is_err() {
// If we failed to resolve the syscall by name, likely the kernel
// doeesn't support this syscall. So it is safe to skip...
"Failed to resolve syscall, likely kernel doesn't support this. {:?}",
let syscall_number = translate_syscall(name.clone())?;
// Not clear why but if there are multiple arg attached to one
// syscall rule, we have to add them seperatly. add_rule will
// return EINVAL. runc does the same but doesn't explain why.
match syscall.args.as_ref() {
Some(args) => {
for arg in args {
let mut rule = Rule::new(action, syscall_number);
let cmp = Compare::new(arg.index as u32)
.context("Failed to build a seccomp compare rule")?;
ctx.add_rule(&rule).with_context(|| {
"Failed to add seccomp rule: {:?}. Syscall: {:?}",
&rule, name,
None => {
let rule = Rule::new(action, syscall_number);
ctx.add_rule(&rule).with_context(|| {
"Failed to add seccomp rule: {:?}. Syscall: {:?}",
&rule, name,
// In order to use the SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER operation, either the calling
// thread must have the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability in its user namespace, or
// the thread must already have the no_new_privs bit set.
// Ref: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/seccomp.2.html
ctx.load().context("Failed to load seccomp context")?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use anyhow::Result;
use mio::unix::pipe;
use nix::sys::wait;
use oci_spec::runtime::{Arch, LinuxSeccomp, LinuxSyscall};
use serial_test::serial;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::unix::prelude::AsRawFd;
use std::path;
fn test_basic() -> Result<()> {
// Note: seccomp profile is really hard to write unit test for. First,
// we can't really test default error or kill action, since rust test
// actually replies on certain syscalls. Second, some of the syscall
// will not return errorno. These syscalls will just send an abort
// signal or even just segfaults. Here we choose to use `getcwd`
// syscall for testing. This is more of a sanity check.
// Here, we choose an error that getcwd call would never return on its own, so
// we can make sure that getcwd failed because of seccomp rule.
let expect_error = libc::EAGAIN;
let seccomp_profile = LinuxSeccomp {
default_action: LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActAllow,
architectures: Some(vec![Arch::ScmpArchNative]),
flags: None,
syscalls: Some(vec![LinuxSyscall {
names: vec![String::from("getcwd"), String::from("setuid")],
action: LinuxSeccompAction::ScmpActErrno,
errno_ret: Some(expect_error as u32),
args: None,
// Since Rust cargo test uses a single process to execute all tests, it
// is a good idea to fork a child process to test the seccomp profile,
// and then kill the process. This way, the main test process is
// unaffected. The child process will pass the returned error code
// to the parent for assert and checking.
let (mut sender, mut receiver) = pipe::new()?;
.with_context(|| "Failed to set channel receiver to blocking")?;
match unsafe { nix::unistd::fork()? } {
nix::unistd::ForkResult::Parent { child } => {
let mut buf = [0; 4];
.read_exact(&mut buf)
.context("Failed to wait from child")?;
assert_eq!(i32::from_be_bytes(buf), expect_error);
wait::waitpid(child, None)?;
nix::unistd::ForkResult::Child => {
let _ = prctl::set_no_new_privileges(true);
let ret = nix::unistd::getcwd();
let errno: i32 = if ret.is_err() {
ret.err().unwrap() as i32
} else {
fn test_moby() -> Result<()> {
let fixture_path =
let spec = oci_spec::runtime::Spec::load(fixture_path)
.context("Failed to load test spec for seccomp")?;
// We know linux and seccomp exist, so let's just unwrap.
let seccomp_profile = spec.linux.unwrap().seccomp.unwrap();
match unsafe { nix::unistd::fork()? } {
nix::unistd::ForkResult::Parent { child } => {
let status = wait::waitpid(child, None)?;
match status {
wait::WaitStatus::Exited(_, exit_code) => {
exit_code, 0,
"Child process didn't configure seccomp profile correctly"
_ => {
bail!("Child process failed to exit correctly: {:?}", status);
nix::unistd::ForkResult::Child => {
let _ = prctl::set_no_new_privileges(true);
let ret = initialize_seccomp(Some(&seccomp_profile));
let exit_code = if ret.is_ok() { 0 } else { -1 };