mirror of https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon synced 2024-09-30 16:01:17 +02:00

26 KiB


Notable changes between versions.



  • Introduce Container Linux Config snippets on bare-metal
    • Validate and additively merge custom Container Linux Configs during terraform plan
    • Define files, systemd units, dropins, networkd configs, mounts, users, and more
    • Require terraform-provider-ct plugin v0.2.1 (action required!)


  • Update Grafana from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2
  • Update heapster from v1.5.3 to v1.5.4



  • Update Prometheus from v2.3.1 to v2.3.2


  • Kubernetes v1.11.0
  • Force apiserver to stop listening on
  • Replace kube-dns with CoreDNS (#261)
    • Edit the coredns ConfigMap to customize
    • CoreDNS doesn't use a resizer. For large clusters, scaling may be required.


  • Update from Fedora Atomic 27 to 28 (#258)


  • Update from Fedora Atomic 27 to 28 (#263)


  • Promote Google Cloud to stable
  • Update from Fedora Atomic 27 to 28 (#259)
  • Remove ingress_static_ip module output. Use ingress_static_ipv4.
  • Remove controllers_ipv4_public module output.


  • Update nginx-ingress from 0.15.0 to 0.16.2
  • Update Grafana from 5.1.4 to 5.2.1
  • Update heapster from v1.5.2 to v1.5.3



  • Switch kube-apiserver port from 443 to 6443 (#248)
  • Combine apiserver and ingress NLBs (#249)
    • Reduce cost by ~$18/month per cluster. Typhoon AWS clusters now use one network load balancer.
    • Ingress addon users may keep using CNAME records to the ingress_dns_name module output (few million RPS)
    • Ingress users with heavy traffic (many million RPS) should create a separate NLB(s)
  • Worker pools no longer include an extraneous load balancer. Remove worker module's ingress_dns_name output
  • Disable detailed (paid) monitoring on worker nodes (#251)
    • Favor Prometheus for cloud-agnostic metrics, aggregation, and alerting
  • Add worker_target_group_http and worker_target_group_https module outputs to allow custom load balancing
  • Add target_group_http and target_group_https worker module outputs to allow custom load balancing


  • Switch kube-apiserver port from 443 to 6443 (#248)
    • Users who exposed kube-apiserver on a WAN via their router/load-balancer will need to adjust its configuration (e.g. DNAT 6443). Most apiservers are on a LAN (internal, VPN-only, etc) so if you didn't specially configure network gear for 443, no change is needed. (possible action required)
  • Fix possible deadlock when provisioning clusters larger than 10 nodes (#244)


  • Switch kube-apiserver port from 443 to 6443 (#248)
    • Update firewall rules and generated kubeconfig's

Google Cloud

  • Use global HTTP and TCP proxy load balancing for Kubernetes Ingress (#252)
    • Switch Ingress from regional network load balancers to global HTTP/TCP Proxy load balancing
    • Reduce cost by ~$19/month per cluster. Google bills the first 5 global and regional forwarding rules separately. Typhoon clusters now use 3 global and 0 regional forwarding rules.
  • Worker pools no longer include an extraneous load balancer. Remove worker module's ingress_static_ip output
  • Allow using nginx-ingress addon on Fedora Atomic clusters (#200)
  • Add worker_instance_group module output to allow custom global load balancing
  • Add instance_group worker module output to allow custom global load balancing
  • Deprecate ingress_static_ip module output. Add ingress_static_ipv4 module output instead.
  • Deprecate controllers_ipv4_public module output


  • Update CLUO from v0.6.0 to v0.7.0 (#242)
  • Update Prometheus from v2.3.0 to v2.3.1
  • Update Grafana from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4
  • Drop hostNetwork from nginx-ingress addon
    • Both flannel and Calico support host port via portmap
    • Allows writing NetworkPolicies that reference ingress pods in from or to. HostNetwork pods were difficult to write network policy for since they could circumvent the CNI network to communicate with pods on the same node.


  • Kubernetes v1.10.4
  • Update etcd from v3.3.5 to v3.3.6
  • Update Calico from v3.1.2 to v3.1.3


  • Update Prometheus from v2.2.1 to v2.3.0
  • Add Prometheus liveness and readiness probes
  • Annotate Grafana service so Prometheus scrapes metrics
  • Label namespaces to ease writing Network Policies


  • Kubernetes v1.10.3
  • Add Flatcar Linux (Container Linux derivative) as an option for AWS and bare-metal (thanks @kinvolk folks)
  • Allow bearer token authentication to the Kubelet (#216)
    • Require Webhook authorization to the Kubelet
    • Switch apiserver X509 client cert org to satisfy new authorization requirement
  • Require Terraform v0.11.x and drop support for v0.10.x (migration guide)
  • Update etcd from v3.3.4 to v3.3.5 (#213)
  • Update Calico from v3.1.1 to v3.1.2


  • Allow Flatcar Linux by setting os_image to flatcar-stable (default), flatcar-beta, flatcar-alpha (#211)
  • Replace os_channel variable with os_image to align naming across clouds
    • Please change values stable, beta, or alpha to coreos-stable, coreos-beta, coreos-alpha (action required!)
  • Allow preemptible workers via spot instances (#202)
    • Add worker_price to allow worker spot instances. Default to empty string for the worker autoscaling group to use regular on-demand instances
    • Add spot_price to internal workers module for spot worker pools


  • Allow Flatcar Linux by setting os_channel to flatcar-stable, flatcar-beta, flatcar-alpha (#220)
  • Replace container_linux_channel variable with os_channel
    • Please change values stable, beta, or alpha to coreos-stable, coreos-beta, coreos-alpha (action required!)
  • Replace container_linux_version variable with os_version
  • Add network_ip_autodetection_method variable for Calico host IPv4 address detection
    • Use Calico's default "first-found" to support single NIC and bonded NIC nodes
    • Allow alternative methods for multi NIC nodes, like can-reach=IP or interface=REGEX
  • Deprecate container_linux_oem variable


  • Update Fedora Atomic module to use Fedora Atomic 28 (#225)
    • Fedora Atomic 27 images disappeared from DigitalOcean and forced this early update


  • Fix Prometheus data directory location (#203)
  • Configure Prometheus to scrape Kubelets directly with bearer token auth instead of proxying through the apiserver (#217)
    • Security improvement: Drop RBAC permission from nodes/proxy to nodes/metrics
    • Scale: Remove per-node proxied scrape load from the apiserver
  • Update Grafana from v5.04 to v5.1.3 (#208)
    • Disable Grafana Google Analytics by default (#214)
  • Update nginx-ingress from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0
  • Annotate nginx-ingress service so Prometheus auto-discovers and scrapes service endpoints (#222)


Google Cloud

  • Add support for multi-controller clusters (i.e. multi-master) (#54, #190)
    • Switch from Google Cloud network load balancer to a TCP proxy load balancer. Avoid a bug in Google network load balancers that limited clusters to only bootstrapping one controller node.
    • Add TCP health check for apiserver pods on controllers. Replace kubelet check approximation.


  • Update nginx-ingress from 0.12.0 to 0.14.0
  • Update kube-state-metrics from v1.3.0 to v1.3.1


  • Kubernetes v1.10.1
  • Enable etcd v3.3 metrics endpoint (#175)
  • Use k8s.gcr.io instead of gcr.io/google_containers (#180)
    • Kubernetes recommends using the alias to pull from the nearest regional mirror and to abstract the backing container registry
  • Update etcd from v3.3.2 to v3.3.3
  • Update kube-dns from v1.14.8 to v1.14.9
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.12.0


  • Fix need for multiple terraform apply runs to create a cluster with Terraform v0.11.4 (#181)
    • To SSH during a disk install for debugging, SSH as user "core" with port 2222
    • Remove the old trick of using a user "debug" during disk install

Google Cloud

  • Refactor out the controller internal module


  • Add Prometheus discovery for etcd peers on controller nodes (#175)
    • Scrape etcd v3.3 --listen-metrics-urls for metrics
    • Enable etcd alerts and populate the etcd Grafana dashboard
  • Update kube-state-metrics from v1.2.0 to v1.3.0


  • Kubernetes v1.10.0
  • Remove unused, unmaintained pxe-worker internal module


  • Add disk_type optional variable for setting the EBS volume type (#176)
    • Change default type from standard to gp2. Prometheus etcd alerts are tuned for fast disks.

Digital Ocean

  • Ensure etcd secrets are only distributed to controller hosts, not workers.
  • Remove networking optional variable. Only flannel works on Digital Ocean.

Google Cloud

  • Add disk_size optional variable for setting instance disk size in GB
  • Add controller_type optional variable for setting machine type for controllers
  • Add worker_type optional variable for setting machine type for workers
  • Remove machine_type optional variable. Use controller_type and worker_type.


  • Update Grafana from v4.6.3 to v5.0.4 (#153, #174)
    • Restrict dashboard organization role to Viewer


  • Kubernetes v1.9.6
  • Update Calico from v3.0.3 to v3.0.4


  • Update heapster from v1.5.1 to v1.5.2


  • Kubernetes v1.9.5
  • Introduce Container Linux Config snippets on cloud platforms (#145)
    • Validate and additively merge custom Container Linux Configs during terraform plan
    • Define files, systemd units, dropins, networkd configs, mounts, users, and more
    • Require updating terraform-provider-ct plugin from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1
  • Add node-role.kubernetes.io/controller="true" node label to controllers (#160)


  • Require updating terraform-provider-ct plugin from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1 (action required!)

Digital Ocean

  • Require updating terraform-provider-ct plugin from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1 (action required!)

Google Cloud

  • Require updating terraform-provider-ct plugin from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1 (action required!)
  • Relax os_image to optional. Default to "coreos-stable".


  • Update nginx-ingress from 0.11.0 to 0.12.0
  • Update Prometheus from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1


  • Kubernetes v1.9.4
  • Introduce worker pools for AWS and Google Cloud for joining heterogeneous workers to existing clusters.
  • Use new Network Load Balancers and cross zone load balancing on AWS
  • Allow flexvolume plugins to be used on any Typhoon cluster (not just bare-metal)
  • Upgrade etcd from v3.2.15 to v3.3.2
  • Update Calico from v3.0.2 to v3.0.3
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.11.0
  • Recommend updating terraform-provider-ct plugin from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1 (action recommended)


  • Promote AWS platform to stable
  • Allow groups of workers to be defined and joined to a cluster (i.e. worker pools) (#150)
  • Replace the apiserver elastic load balancer with a network load balancer (#136)
  • Replace the Ingress elastic load balancer with a network load balancer (#141)
    • AWS NLBs can handle millions of RPS with high throughput and low latency.
    • Require terraform-provider-aws 1.7.0 or higher
  • Enable NLB cross-zone load balancing (#159)
    • Requests are automatically evenly distributed to targets regardless of AZ
    • Require terraform-provider-aws 1.11.0 or higher
  • Add kubelet --volume-plugin-dir flag to allow flexvolume plugins (#142)
  • Fix controller and worker launch configs to ignore AMI changes (#126, #158)

Digital Ocean

  • Add kubelet --volume-plugin-dir flag to allow flexvolume plugins (#142)
  • Fix to pass ssh_fingerprints as a list to droplets (#143)

Google Cloud

  • Allow groups of workers to be defined and joined to a cluster (i.e. worker pools) (#148)
  • Add kubelet --volume-plugin-dir flag to allow flexvolume plugins (#142)
  • Add kubeconfig variable to controllers and workers submodules (#147)
  • Remove kubeconfig_* variables from controllers and workers submodules (#147)
  • Allow initial experimentation with accelerators (i.e. GPUs) on workers (#161) (unofficial)
    • Require terraform-provider-google v1.6.0


  • Update Prometheus from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (#153)
    • Scrape Prometheus itself to enable alerts about Prometheus itself
    • Adjust KubeletDown rule to fire when 10% of kubelets are down
  • Update heapster from v1.5.0 to v1.5.1 (#131)
    • Use separate service account
  • Update nginx-ingress from 0.10.2 to 0.11.0


  • Kubernetes v1.9.3
  • Network improvements and fixes (#104)
    • Switch from Calico v2.6.6 to v3.0.2
    • Add Calico GlobalNetworkSet CRD
    • Update flannel from v0.9.0 to v0.10.0
    • Use separate service account for flannel
  • Update etcd from v3.2.14 to v3.2.15

Digital Ocean

  • Use new Droplet types which offer more CPU/memory, at lower cost. (#105)
    • A small Digital Ocean cluster costs less than $25 a month!


  • Update Prometheus from v2.0.0 to v2.1.0 (#113)
    • Improve alerting rules
    • Relabel discovered kubelet, endpoint, service, and apiserver scrapes
    • Use separate service accounts
    • Update node-exporter and kube-state-metrics
  • Include Grafana dashboards for Kubernetes admins (#113)
    • Add grafana-watcher to load bundled upstream dashboards
  • Update nginx-ingress from 0.9.0 to 0.10.2
  • Update CLUO from v0.5.0 to v0.6.0
  • Switch manifests to use apps/v1 Deployments and Daemonsets (#120)
  • Remove Kubernetes Dashboard manifests (#121)


  • Kubernetes v1.9.2
  • Add Terraform v0.11.x support
    • Add explicit "providers" section to modules for Terraform v0.11.x
    • Retain support for Terraform v0.10.4+
  • Add migration guide from Terraform v0.10.x to v0.11.x (action required!)
  • Update etcd from 3.2.13 to 3.2.14
  • Update calico from 2.6.5 to 2.6.6
  • Update kube-dns from v1.14.7 to v1.14.8
  • Use separate service account for kube-dns
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.10.0


  • Use per-node Container Linux install profiles (#97)
    • Allow Container Linux channel/version to be chosen per-cluster
    • Fix issue where cluster deletion could require terraform apply multiple times

Digital Ocean

  • Relax digitalocean provider version constraint
  • Fix bug with terraform plan always showing a firewall diff to be applied (#3)


  • Update CLUO to v0.5.0 to fix compatibility with Kubernetes 1.9 (important)
    • Earlier versions can't roll out Container Linux updates on Kubernetes 1.9 nodes (cluo#163)
  • Update kube-state-metrics from v1.1.0 to v1.2.0
  • Fix RBAC cluster role for kube-state-metrics


  • Kubernetes v1.9.1
  • Update kube-dns from 1.14.5 to v1.14.7
  • Update etcd from 3.2.0 to 3.2.13
  • Update Calico from v2.6.4 to v2.6.5
  • Enable portmap to fix hostPort with Calico
  • Use separate service account for controller-manager


  • Kubernetes v1.8.6
  • Update Calico from v2.6.3 to v2.6.4


  • Kubernetes v1.8.5
  • Recommend Container Linux images with Docker 17.09
    • Container Linux stable, beta, and alpha now provide Docker 17.09 (instead of 1.12)
    • Older clusters (with CLUO addon) auto-update Container Linux version to begin using Docker 17.09
  • Fix race where etcd-member.service could fail to resolve peers (#69)
  • Add optional cluster_domain_suffix variable (#74)
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.9.1


  • Add kubelet --volume-plugin-dir flag to allow flexvolume providers (#61)


  • Discourage deploying the Kubernetes Dashboard (security)


  • Kubernetes v1.8.4
  • Calico related bug fixes
  • Update Calico from v2.6.1 to v2.6.3
  • Update flannel from v0.9.0 to v0.9.1
  • Service accounts for kube-proxy and pod-checkpointer
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.9.0


  • Kubernetes v1.8.3
  • Run etcd on-host, across controllers
  • Promote AWS platform to beta
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.8.2

Google Cloud

  • Add required variable region (e.g. "us-central1")
  • Reduce time to bootstrap a cluster
  • Change etcd to run on-host, across controllers (etcd-member.service)
  • Change controller instances to automatically span zones in the region
  • Change worker managed instance group to automatically span zones in the region
  • Improve internal firewall rules and use tag-based firewall policies
  • Remove support for self-hosted etcd
  • Remove the zone required variable
  • Remove the controller_preemptible optional variable


  • Promote AWS platform to beta
  • Reduce time to bootstrap a cluster
  • Change etcd to run on-host, across controllers (etcd-member.service)
  • Fix firewall rules for multi-controller kubelet scraping and node-exporter
  • Remove support for self-hosted etcd


  • Add Prometheus 2.0 addon with alerting rules
  • Add Grafana dashboard for observing metrics


  • Kubernetes v1.8.2
  • Switch to using the gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube
  • Update flannel from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0
  • Add hairpinMode to flannel CNI config
  • Add --no-negcache to kube-dns dnsmasq
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.8.1


  • Kubernetes v1.8.1
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.8.0

Digital Ocean

  • Run etcd cluster across controller nodes (etcd-member.service)
  • Remove support for self-hosted etcd
  • Reduce time to bootstrap a cluster


  • Kubernetes v1.7.7
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.7.0
  • Update kube-dns to 1.14.5 to fix dnsmasq vulnerability
  • Calico v2.6.1
  • flannel-cni v0.3.0
    • Update flannel CNI config to fix hostPort


  • Kubernetes v1.7.5
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.6.2
  • Add AWS Terraform module (alpha)
  • Add support for Calico networking (bare-metal, Google Cloud, AWS)
  • Change networking default from "flannel" to "calico"


  • Add network_mtu to allow CNI interface MTU customization


  • Add network_mtu to allow CNI interface MTU customization
  • Remove support for experimental_self_hosted_etcd


  • Kubernetes v1.7.3
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.6.1

Digital Ocean

  • Add cloud firewall rules (requires Terraform v0.10)
  • Change nodes tags from strings to DO tags


  • Kubernetes v1.7.1
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.6.0
  • Add Bare-Metal Terraform module (stable)
  • Add Digital Ocean Terraform module (beta)

Google Cloud

  • Remove k8s_domain_name variable, cluster_name + dns_zone resolves to controllers
  • Rename dns_base_zone to dns_zone
  • Rename dns_base_zone_name to dns_zone_name


  • Kubernetes v1.6.7
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.5.1


  • Kubernetes v1.6.6
  • Use kubernetes-incubator/bootkube v0.4.5
  • Disable locksmithd on hosts, in favor of CLUO.


  • Kubernetes v1.6.4
  • Add Google Cloud Terraform module (stable)


Earlier versions, back to v1.3.0, used different designs and mechanisms.