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mirror of https://github.com/helix-editor/helix synced 2024-06-19 18:09:20 +02:00
Michael Davis eeb3f8e963 migrate helix-syntax crate into helix-core and helix-term
helix-syntax mostly existed for the sake of the build task which
checks and compiles the submodules. Since we won't be relying on
that process anymore, it doesn't end up making much sense to have
a very thin crate just for some functions that we could port to

The remaining build-related code is moved to helix-term which will
be able to provide grammar builds through the --build-grammars CLI
2022-03-10 17:31:57 +09:00

2222 lines
79 KiB

use crate::{
transaction::{ChangeSet, Operation},
Rope, RopeSlice, Tendril,
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use libloading::{Library, Symbol};
use tree_sitter::Language;
use arc_swap::{ArcSwap, Guard};
use slotmap::{DefaultKey as LayerId, HopSlotMap};
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque},
use once_cell::sync::{Lazy, OnceCell};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub const DYLIB_EXTENSION: &str = "so";
pub const DYLIB_EXTENSION: &str = "dll";
fn replace_dashes_with_underscores(name: &str) -> String {
name.replace('-', "_")
pub fn get_language(runtime_path: &std::path::Path, name: &str) -> Result<Language> {
let name = name.to_ascii_lowercase();
let mut library_path = runtime_path.join("grammars").join(&name);
let library = unsafe { Library::new(&library_path) }
.with_context(|| format!("Error opening dynamic library {:?}", &library_path))?;
let language_fn_name = format!("tree_sitter_{}", replace_dashes_with_underscores(&name));
let language = unsafe {
let language_fn: Symbol<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> Language> = library
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to load symbol {}", language_fn_name))?;
fn deserialize_regex<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Option<Regex>, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
.map(|buf| Regex::new(&buf).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom))
fn deserialize_lsp_config<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
.map(|toml| toml.try_into().map_err(serde::de::Error::custom))
pub fn deserialize_auto_pairs<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Option<AutoPairs>, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Configuration {
pub language: Vec<LanguageConfiguration>,
pub grammar: Vec<GrammarConfiguration>,
// largely based on tree-sitter/cli/src/loader.rs
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
pub struct LanguageConfiguration {
#[serde(rename = "name")]
pub language_id: String, // c-sharp, rust
pub scope: String, // source.rust
pub file_types: Vec<String>, // filename ends_with? <Gemfile, rb, etc>
pub shebangs: Vec<String>, // interpreter(s) associated with language
pub roots: Vec<String>, // these indicate project roots <.git, Cargo.toml>
pub comment_token: Option<String>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing, deserialize_with = "deserialize_lsp_config")]
pub config: Option<serde_json::Value>,
pub auto_format: bool,
pub diagnostic_severity: Severity,
pub tree_sitter_library: Option<String>, // tree-sitter library name, defaults to language_id
// content_regex
#[serde(default, skip_serializing, deserialize_with = "deserialize_regex")]
pub injection_regex: Option<Regex>,
// first_line_regex
pub(crate) highlight_config: OnceCell<Option<Arc<HighlightConfiguration>>>,
// tags_config OnceCell<> https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/pull/583
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub language_server: Option<LanguageServerConfiguration>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub indent: Option<IndentationConfiguration>,
pub(crate) indent_query: OnceCell<Option<IndentQuery>>,
pub(crate) textobject_query: OnceCell<Option<TextObjectQuery>>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub debugger: Option<DebugAdapterConfig>,
/// Automatic insertion of pairs to parentheses, brackets,
/// etc. Defaults to true. Optionally, this can be a list of 2-tuples
/// to specify a list of characters to pair. This overrides the
/// global setting.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing, deserialize_with = "deserialize_auto_pairs")]
pub auto_pairs: Option<AutoPairs>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct LanguageServerConfiguration {
pub command: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
pub args: Vec<String>,
pub language_id: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct AdvancedCompletion {
pub name: Option<String>,
pub completion: Option<String>,
pub default: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", untagged)]
pub enum DebugConfigCompletion {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum DebugArgumentValue {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct DebugTemplate {
pub name: String,
pub request: String,
pub completion: Vec<DebugConfigCompletion>,
pub args: HashMap<String, DebugArgumentValue>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct DebugAdapterConfig {
pub name: String,
pub transport: String,
pub command: String,
pub args: Vec<String>,
pub port_arg: Option<String>,
pub templates: Vec<DebugTemplate>,
pub quirks: DebuggerQuirks,
// Different workarounds for adapters' differences
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DebuggerQuirks {
pub absolute_paths: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct IndentationConfiguration {
pub tab_width: usize,
pub unit: String,
/// Configuration for auto pairs
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields, untagged)]
pub enum AutoPairConfig {
/// Enables or disables auto pairing. False means disabled. True means to use the default pairs.
/// The mappings of pairs.
Pairs(HashMap<char, char>),
impl Default for AutoPairConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<&AutoPairConfig> for Option<AutoPairs> {
fn from(auto_pair_config: &AutoPairConfig) -> Self {
match auto_pair_config {
AutoPairConfig::Enable(false) => None,
AutoPairConfig::Enable(true) => Some(AutoPairs::default()),
AutoPairConfig::Pairs(pairs) => Some(AutoPairs::new(pairs.iter())),
impl From<AutoPairConfig> for Option<AutoPairs> {
fn from(auto_pairs_config: AutoPairConfig) -> Self {
impl FromStr for AutoPairConfig {
type Err = std::str::ParseBoolError;
// only do bool parsing for runtime setting
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let enable: bool = s.parse()?;
let enable = if enable {
} else {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct IndentQuery {
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "HashSet::is_empty")]
pub indent: HashSet<String>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "HashSet::is_empty")]
pub outdent: HashSet<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct GrammarConfiguration {
#[serde(rename = "name")]
pub grammar_id: String, // c-sharp, rust
pub source: GrammarSource,
pub path: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub enum GrammarSource {
Local {
path: String,
Git {
#[serde(rename = "git")]
remote: String,
#[serde(rename = "rev")]
revision: String,
pub struct TextObjectQuery {
pub query: Query,
pub enum CapturedNode<'a> {
/// Guarenteed to be not empty
impl<'a> CapturedNode<'a> {
pub fn start_byte(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::Single(n) => n.start_byte(),
Self::Grouped(ns) => ns[0].start_byte(),
pub fn end_byte(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::Single(n) => n.end_byte(),
Self::Grouped(ns) => ns.last().unwrap().end_byte(),
pub fn byte_range(&self) -> std::ops::Range<usize> {
impl TextObjectQuery {
/// Run the query on the given node and return sub nodes which match given
/// capture ("function.inside", "class.around", etc).
/// Captures may contain multiple nodes by using quantifiers (+, *, etc),
/// and support for this is partial and could use improvement.
/// ```query
/// ;; supported:
/// (comment)+ @capture
/// ;; unsupported:
/// (
/// (comment)+
/// (function)
/// ) @capture
/// ```
pub fn capture_nodes<'a>(
&'a self,
capture_name: &str,
node: Node<'a>,
slice: RopeSlice<'a>,
cursor: &'a mut QueryCursor,
) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = CapturedNode<'a>>> {
self.capture_nodes_any(&[capture_name], node, slice, cursor)
/// Find the first capture that exists out of all given `capture_names`
/// and return sub nodes that match this capture.
pub fn capture_nodes_any<'a>(
&'a self,
capture_names: &[&str],
node: Node<'a>,
slice: RopeSlice<'a>,
cursor: &'a mut QueryCursor,
) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = CapturedNode<'a>>> {
let capture_idx = capture_names
.find_map(|cap| self.query.capture_index_for_name(cap))?;
let captures = cursor.matches(&self.query, node, RopeProvider(slice));
let nodes = captures.flat_map(move |mat| {
let captures = mat.captures.iter().filter(move |c| c.index == capture_idx);
let nodes = captures.map(|c| c.node);
let pattern_idx = mat.pattern_index;
let quantifier = self.query.capture_quantifiers(pattern_idx)[capture_idx as usize];
let iter: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = CapturedNode>> = match quantifier {
CaptureQuantifier::OneOrMore | CaptureQuantifier::ZeroOrMore => {
let nodes: Vec<Node> = nodes.collect();
if nodes.is_empty() {
} else {
_ => Box::new(nodes.map(CapturedNode::Single)),
pub fn load_runtime_file(language: &str, filename: &str) -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
let path = crate::RUNTIME_DIR
fn read_query(language: &str, filename: &str) -> String {
static INHERITS_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> =
Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r";+\s*inherits\s*:?\s*([a-z_,()]+)\s*").unwrap());
let query = load_runtime_file(language, filename).unwrap_or_default();
// TODO: the collect() is not ideal
let inherits = INHERITS_REGEX
.flat_map(|captures| {
if inherits.is_empty() {
return query;
let mut queries = inherits
.map(|language| read_query(language, filename))
impl LanguageConfiguration {
fn initialize_highlight(&self, scopes: &[String]) -> Option<Arc<HighlightConfiguration>> {
let language = self.language_id.to_ascii_lowercase();
let highlights_query = read_query(&language, "highlights.scm");
// always highlight syntax errors
// highlights_query += "\n(ERROR) @error";
let injections_query = read_query(&language, "injections.scm");
let locals_query = read_query(&language, "locals.scm");
if highlights_query.is_empty() {
} else {
let language = get_language(
.map_err(|e| log::info!("{}", e))
let config = HighlightConfiguration::new(
.unwrap_or_else(|query_error| panic!("Could not parse queries for language {:?}. Are your grammars out of sync? Try running 'hx --fetch-grammars' and 'hx --build-grammars'. This query could not be parsed: {:?}", self.language_id, query_error));
pub fn reconfigure(&self, scopes: &[String]) {
if let Some(Some(config)) = self.highlight_config.get() {
pub fn highlight_config(&self, scopes: &[String]) -> Option<Arc<HighlightConfiguration>> {
.get_or_init(|| self.initialize_highlight(scopes))
pub fn is_highlight_initialized(&self) -> bool {
pub fn indent_query(&self) -> Option<&IndentQuery> {
.get_or_init(|| {
let language = self.language_id.to_ascii_lowercase();
let toml = load_runtime_file(&language, "indents.toml").ok()?;
pub fn textobject_query(&self) -> Option<&TextObjectQuery> {
.get_or_init(|| -> Option<TextObjectQuery> {
let lang_name = self.language_id.to_ascii_lowercase();
let query_text = read_query(&lang_name, "textobjects.scm");
let lang = self.highlight_config.get()?.as_ref()?.language;
let query = Query::new(lang, &query_text).ok()?;
Some(TextObjectQuery { query })
pub fn scope(&self) -> &str {
// Expose loader as Lazy<> global since it's always static?
pub struct Loader {
// highlight_names ?
language_configs: Vec<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>>,
language_config_ids_by_file_type: HashMap<String, usize>, // Vec<usize>
language_config_ids_by_shebang: HashMap<String, usize>,
scopes: ArcSwap<Vec<String>>,
impl Loader {
pub fn new(config: Configuration) -> Self {
let mut loader = Self {
language_configs: Vec::new(),
language_config_ids_by_file_type: HashMap::new(),
language_config_ids_by_shebang: HashMap::new(),
scopes: ArcSwap::from_pointee(Vec::new()),
for config in config.language {
// get the next id
let language_id = loader.language_configs.len();
for file_type in &config.file_types {
// entry().or_insert(Vec::new).push(language_id);
.insert(file_type.clone(), language_id);
for shebang in &config.shebangs {
.insert(shebang.clone(), language_id);
pub fn language_config_for_file_name(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
// Find all the language configurations that match this file name
// or a suffix of the file name.
let configuration_id = path
.and_then(|n| n.to_str())
.and_then(|file_name| self.language_config_ids_by_file_type.get(file_name))
.or_else(|| {
.and_then(|extension| extension.to_str())
.and_then(|extension| self.language_config_ids_by_file_type.get(extension))
configuration_id.and_then(|&id| self.language_configs.get(id).cloned())
// TODO: content_regex handling conflict resolution
pub fn language_config_for_shebang(&self, source: &Rope) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
let line = Cow::from(source.line(0));
static SHEBANG_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| {
let configuration_id = SHEBANG_REGEX
.and_then(|cap| self.language_config_ids_by_shebang.get(&cap[1]));
configuration_id.and_then(|&id| self.language_configs.get(id).cloned())
pub fn language_config_for_scope(&self, scope: &str) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
.find(|config| config.scope == scope)
pub fn language_configuration_for_injection_string(
string: &str,
) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
let mut best_match_length = 0;
let mut best_match_position = None;
for (i, configuration) in self.language_configs.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(injection_regex) = &configuration.injection_regex {
if let Some(mat) = injection_regex.find(string) {
let length = mat.end() - mat.start();
if length > best_match_length {
best_match_position = Some(i);
best_match_length = length;
if let Some(i) = best_match_position {
let configuration = &self.language_configs[i];
return Some(configuration.clone());
pub fn set_scopes(&self, scopes: Vec<String>) {
// Reconfigure existing grammars
for config in self
.filter(|cfg| cfg.is_highlight_initialized())
pub fn scopes(&self) -> Guard<Arc<Vec<String>>> {
pub struct TsParser {
parser: tree_sitter::Parser,
cursors: Vec<QueryCursor>,
// could also just use a pool, or a single instance?
thread_local! {
pub static PARSER: RefCell<TsParser> = RefCell::new(TsParser {
parser: Parser::new(),
cursors: Vec::new(),
pub struct Syntax {
layers: HopSlotMap<LayerId, LanguageLayer>,
root: LayerId,
loader: Arc<Loader>,
fn byte_range_to_str(range: std::ops::Range<usize>, source: RopeSlice) -> Cow<str> {
let start_char = source.byte_to_char(range.start);
let end_char = source.byte_to_char(range.end);
impl Syntax {
pub fn new(source: &Rope, config: Arc<HighlightConfiguration>, loader: Arc<Loader>) -> Self {
let root_layer = LanguageLayer {
tree: None,
depth: 0,
ranges: vec![Range {
start_byte: 0,
end_byte: usize::MAX,
start_point: Point::new(0, 0),
end_point: Point::new(usize::MAX, usize::MAX),
// track scope_descriptor: a Vec of scopes for item in tree
let mut layers = HopSlotMap::default();
let root = layers.insert(root_layer);
let mut syntax = Self {
.update(source, source, &ChangeSet::new(source))
pub fn update(
&mut self,
old_source: &Rope,
source: &Rope,
changeset: &ChangeSet,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
let scopes = self.loader.scopes.load();
let injection_callback = |language: &str| {
.and_then(|language_config| language_config.highlight_config(&scopes))
// Convert the changeset into tree sitter edits.
let edits = generate_edits(old_source, changeset);
// Use the edits to update all layers markers
if !edits.is_empty() {
fn point_add(a: Point, b: Point) -> Point {
if b.row > 0 {
Point::new(a.row.saturating_add(b.row), b.column)
} else {
Point::new(0, a.column.saturating_add(b.column))
fn point_sub(a: Point, b: Point) -> Point {
if a.row > b.row {
Point::new(a.row.saturating_sub(b.row), a.column)
} else {
Point::new(0, a.column.saturating_sub(b.column))
for layer in &mut self.layers.values_mut() {
// The root layer always covers the whole range (0..usize::MAX)
if layer.depth == 0 {
for range in &mut layer.ranges {
// Roughly based on https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/blob/ddeaa0c7f534268b35b4f6cb39b52df082754413/lib/src/subtree.c#L691-L720
for edit in edits.iter().rev() {
let is_pure_insertion = edit.old_end_byte == edit.start_byte;
// if edit is after range, skip
if edit.start_byte > range.end_byte {
// TODO: || (is_noop && edit.start_byte == range.end_byte)
// if edit is before range, shift entire range by len
if edit.old_end_byte < range.start_byte {
range.start_byte =
edit.new_end_byte + (range.start_byte - edit.old_end_byte);
range.start_point = point_add(
point_sub(range.start_point, edit.old_end_position),
range.end_byte = edit
.saturating_add(range.end_byte - edit.old_end_byte);
range.end_point = point_add(
point_sub(range.end_point, edit.old_end_position),
// if the edit starts in the space before and extends into the range
else if edit.start_byte < range.start_byte {
range.start_byte = edit.new_end_byte;
range.start_point = edit.new_end_position;
range.end_byte = range
range.end_point = point_add(
point_sub(range.end_point, edit.old_end_position),
// If the edit is an insertion at the start of the tree, shift
else if edit.start_byte == range.start_byte && is_pure_insertion {
range.start_byte = edit.new_end_byte;
range.start_point = edit.new_end_position;
} else {
range.end_byte = range
range.end_point = point_add(
point_sub(range.end_point, edit.old_end_position),
PARSER.with(|ts_parser| {
let ts_parser = &mut ts_parser.borrow_mut();
let mut cursor = ts_parser.cursors.pop().unwrap_or_else(QueryCursor::new);
// TODO: might need to set cursor range
let source_slice = source.slice(..);
let mut touched = HashSet::new();
// TODO: we should be able to avoid editing & parsing layers with ranges earlier in the document before the edit
while let Some(layer_id) = queue.pop_front() {
// Mark the layer as touched
let layer = &mut self.layers[layer_id];
// If a tree already exists, notify it of changes.
if let Some(tree) = &mut layer.tree {
for edit in edits.iter().rev() {
// Apply the edits in reverse.
// If we applied them in order then edit 1 would disrupt the positioning of edit 2.
// Re-parse the tree.
layer.parse(&mut ts_parser.parser, source)?;
// Switch to an immutable borrow.
let layer = &self.layers[layer_id];
// Process injections.
let matches = cursor.matches(
let mut injections = Vec::new();
for mat in matches {
let (language_name, content_node, include_children) = injection_for_match(
// Explicitly remove this match so that none of its other captures will remain
// in the stream of captures.
// If a language is found with the given name, then add a new language layer
// to the highlighted document.
if let (Some(language_name), Some(content_node)) = (language_name, content_node)
if let Some(config) = (injection_callback)(&language_name) {
let ranges =
intersect_ranges(&layer.ranges, &[content_node], include_children);
if !ranges.is_empty() {
injections.push((config, ranges));
// Process combined injections.
if let Some(combined_injections_query) = &layer.config.combined_injections_query {
let mut injections_by_pattern_index =
vec![(None, Vec::new(), false); combined_injections_query.pattern_count()];
let matches = cursor.matches(
for mat in matches {
let entry = &mut injections_by_pattern_index[mat.pattern_index];
let (language_name, content_node, include_children) = injection_for_match(
if language_name.is_some() {
entry.0 = language_name;
if let Some(content_node) = content_node {
entry.2 = include_children;
for (lang_name, content_nodes, includes_children) in injections_by_pattern_index
if let (Some(lang_name), false) = (lang_name, content_nodes.is_empty()) {
if let Some(config) = (injection_callback)(&lang_name) {
let ranges = intersect_ranges(
if !ranges.is_empty() {
injections.push((config, ranges));
let depth = layer.depth + 1;
// TODO: can't inline this since matches borrows self.layers
for (config, ranges) in injections {
// Find an existing layer
let layer = self
.find(|(_, layer)| {
layer.depth == depth && // TODO: track parent id instead
layer.config.language == config.language && layer.ranges == ranges
.map(|(id, _layer)| id);
// ...or insert a new one.
let layer_id = layer.unwrap_or_else(|| {
self.layers.insert(LanguageLayer {
tree: None,
// TODO: pre-process local scopes at this time, rather than highlight?
// would solve problems with locals not working across boundaries
// Return the cursor back in the pool.
// Remove all untouched layers
self.layers.retain(|id, _| touched.contains(&id));
pub fn tree(&self) -> &Tree {
/// Iterate over the highlighted regions for a given slice of source code.
pub fn highlight_iter<'a>(
&'a self,
source: RopeSlice<'a>,
range: Option<std::ops::Range<usize>>,
cancellation_flag: Option<&'a AtomicUsize>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<HighlightEvent, Error>> + 'a {
let mut layers = self
.filter_map(|(_, layer)| {
// TODO: if range doesn't overlap layer range, skip it
// Reuse a cursor from the pool if available.
let mut cursor = PARSER.with(|ts_parser| {
let highlighter = &mut ts_parser.borrow_mut();
// The `captures` iterator borrows the `Tree` and the `QueryCursor`, which
// prevents them from being moved. But both of these values are really just
// pointers, so it's actually ok to move them.
let cursor_ref =
unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, &'static mut QueryCursor>(&mut cursor) };
// if reusing cursors & no range this resets to whole range
let mut captures = cursor_ref
// If there's no captures, skip the layer
Some(HighlightIterLayer {
highlight_end_stack: Vec::new(),
scope_stack: vec![LocalScope {
inherits: false,
range: 0..usize::MAX,
local_defs: Vec::new(),
_tree: None,
config: layer.config.as_ref(), // TODO: just reuse `layer`
depth: layer.depth, // TODO: just reuse `layer`
ranges: &layer.ranges, // TODO: temp
// HAXX: arrange layers by byte range, with deeper layers positioned first
layers.sort_by_key(|layer| {
let mut result = HighlightIter {
byte_offset: range.map_or(0, |r| r.start),
iter_count: 0,
next_event: None,
last_highlight_range: None,
// Commenting
// comment_strings_for_pos
// is_commented
// Indentation
// suggested_indent_for_line_at_buffer_row
// suggested_indent_for_buffer_row
// indent_level_for_line
// TODO: Folding
pub struct LanguageLayer {
// mode
// grammar
pub config: Arc<HighlightConfiguration>,
pub(crate) tree: Option<Tree>,
pub ranges: Vec<Range>,
pub depth: usize,
impl LanguageLayer {
pub fn tree(&self) -> &Tree {
// TODO: no unwrap
fn parse(&mut self, parser: &mut Parser, source: &Rope) -> Result<(), Error> {
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLanguage)?;
// unsafe { syntax.parser.set_cancellation_flag(cancellation_flag) };
let tree = parser
&mut |byte, _| {
if byte <= source.len_bytes() {
let (chunk, start_byte, _, _) = source.chunk_at_byte(byte);
chunk[byte - start_byte..].as_bytes()
} else {
// out of range
// unsafe { ts_parser.parser.set_cancellation_flag(None) };
self.tree = Some(tree);
pub(crate) fn generate_edits(
old_text: &Rope,
changeset: &ChangeSet,
) -> Vec<tree_sitter::InputEdit> {
use Operation::*;
let mut old_pos = 0;
let mut edits = Vec::new();
if changeset.changes.is_empty() {
return edits;
let mut iter = changeset.changes.iter().peekable();
// TODO; this is a lot easier with Change instead of Operation.
fn point_at_pos(text: &Rope, pos: usize) -> (usize, Point) {
let byte = text.char_to_byte(pos); // <- attempted to index past end
let line = text.char_to_line(pos);
let line_start_byte = text.line_to_byte(line);
let col = byte - line_start_byte;
(byte, Point::new(line, col))
fn traverse(point: Point, text: &Tendril) -> Point {
let Point {
mut row,
mut column,
} = point;
// TODO: there should be a better way here.
let mut chars = text.chars().peekable();
while let Some(ch) = chars.next() {
if char_is_line_ending(ch) && !(ch == '\r' && chars.peek() == Some(&'\n')) {
row += 1;
column = 0;
} else {
column += 1;
Point { row, column }
while let Some(change) = iter.next() {
let len = match change {
Delete(i) | Retain(i) => *i,
Insert(_) => 0,
let mut old_end = old_pos + len;
match change {
Retain(_) => {}
Delete(_) => {
let (start_byte, start_position) = point_at_pos(old_text, old_pos);
let (old_end_byte, old_end_position) = point_at_pos(old_text, old_end);
// deletion
edits.push(tree_sitter::InputEdit {
start_byte, // old_pos to byte
old_end_byte, // old_end to byte
new_end_byte: start_byte, // old_pos to byte
start_position, // old pos to coords
old_end_position, // old_end to coords
new_end_position: start_position, // old pos to coords
Insert(s) => {
let (start_byte, start_position) = point_at_pos(old_text, old_pos);
// a subsequent delete means a replace, consume it
if let Some(Delete(len)) = iter.peek() {
old_end = old_pos + len;
let (old_end_byte, old_end_position) = point_at_pos(old_text, old_end);
// replacement
edits.push(tree_sitter::InputEdit {
start_byte, // old_pos to byte
old_end_byte, // old_end to byte
new_end_byte: start_byte + s.len(), // old_pos to byte + s.len()
start_position, // old pos to coords
old_end_position, // old_end to coords
new_end_position: traverse(start_position, s), // old pos + chars, newlines matter too (iter over)
} else {
// insert
edits.push(tree_sitter::InputEdit {
start_byte, // old_pos to byte
old_end_byte: start_byte, // same
new_end_byte: start_byte + s.len(), // old_pos + s.len()
start_position, // old pos to coords
old_end_position: start_position, // same
new_end_position: traverse(start_position, s), // old pos + chars, newlines matter too (iter over)
old_pos = old_end;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::{iter, mem, ops, str, usize};
use tree_sitter::{
CaptureQuantifier, Language as Grammar, Node, Parser, Point, Query, QueryCaptures, QueryCursor,
QueryError, QueryMatch, Range, TextProvider, Tree,
/// Indicates which highlight should be applied to a region of source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Highlight(pub usize);
/// Represents the reason why syntax highlighting failed.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Error {
/// Represents a single step in rendering a syntax-highlighted document.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum HighlightEvent {
Source { start: usize, end: usize },
/// Contains the data neeeded to higlight code written in a particular language.
/// This struct is immutable and can be shared between threads.
pub struct HighlightConfiguration {
pub language: Grammar,
pub query: Query,
injections_query: Query,
combined_injections_query: Option<Query>,
highlights_pattern_index: usize,
highlight_indices: ArcSwap<Vec<Option<Highlight>>>,
non_local_variable_patterns: Vec<bool>,
injection_content_capture_index: Option<u32>,
injection_language_capture_index: Option<u32>,
local_scope_capture_index: Option<u32>,
local_def_capture_index: Option<u32>,
local_def_value_capture_index: Option<u32>,
local_ref_capture_index: Option<u32>,
struct LocalDef<'a> {
name: Cow<'a, str>,
value_range: ops::Range<usize>,
highlight: Option<Highlight>,
struct LocalScope<'a> {
inherits: bool,
range: ops::Range<usize>,
local_defs: Vec<LocalDef<'a>>,
struct HighlightIter<'a> {
source: RopeSlice<'a>,
byte_offset: usize,
cancellation_flag: Option<&'a AtomicUsize>,
layers: Vec<HighlightIterLayer<'a>>,
iter_count: usize,
next_event: Option<HighlightEvent>,
last_highlight_range: Option<(usize, usize, usize)>,
// Adapter to convert rope chunks to bytes
struct ChunksBytes<'a> {
chunks: ropey::iter::Chunks<'a>,
impl<'a> Iterator for ChunksBytes<'a> {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
struct RopeProvider<'a>(RopeSlice<'a>);
impl<'a> TextProvider<'a> for RopeProvider<'a> {
type I = ChunksBytes<'a>;
fn text(&mut self, node: Node) -> Self::I {
let start_char = self.0.byte_to_char(node.start_byte());
let end_char = self.0.byte_to_char(node.end_byte());
let fragment = self.0.slice(start_char..end_char);
ChunksBytes {
chunks: fragment.chunks(),
struct HighlightIterLayer<'a> {
_tree: Option<Tree>,
cursor: QueryCursor,
captures: iter::Peekable<QueryCaptures<'a, 'a, RopeProvider<'a>>>,
config: &'a HighlightConfiguration,
highlight_end_stack: Vec<usize>,
scope_stack: Vec<LocalScope<'a>>,
depth: usize,
ranges: &'a [Range],
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for HighlightIterLayer<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl HighlightConfiguration {
/// Creates a `HighlightConfiguration` for a given `Grammar` and set of highlighting
/// queries.
/// # Parameters
/// * `language` - The Tree-sitter `Grammar` that should be used for parsing.
/// * `highlights_query` - A string containing tree patterns for syntax highlighting. This
/// should be non-empty, otherwise no syntax highlights will be added.
/// * `injections_query` - A string containing tree patterns for injecting other languages
/// into the document. This can be empty if no injections are desired.
/// * `locals_query` - A string containing tree patterns for tracking local variable
/// definitions and references. This can be empty if local variable tracking is not needed.
/// Returns a `HighlightConfiguration` that can then be used with the `highlight` method.
pub fn new(
language: Grammar,
highlights_query: &str,
injection_query: &str,
locals_query: &str,
) -> Result<Self, QueryError> {
// Concatenate the query strings, keeping track of the start offset of each section.
let mut query_source = String::new();
let highlights_query_offset = query_source.len();
// Construct a single query by concatenating the three query strings, but record the
// range of pattern indices that belong to each individual string.
let query = Query::new(language, &query_source)?;
let mut highlights_pattern_index = 0;
for i in 0..(query.pattern_count()) {
let pattern_offset = query.start_byte_for_pattern(i);
if pattern_offset < highlights_query_offset {
highlights_pattern_index += 1;
let mut injections_query = Query::new(language, injection_query)?;
// Construct a separate query just for dealing with the 'combined injections'.
// Disable the combined injection patterns in the main query.
let mut combined_injections_query = Query::new(language, injection_query)?;
let mut has_combined_queries = false;
for pattern_index in 0..injections_query.pattern_count() {
let settings = injections_query.property_settings(pattern_index);
if settings.iter().any(|s| &*s.key == "injection.combined") {
has_combined_queries = true;
} else {
let combined_injections_query = if has_combined_queries {
} else {
// Find all of the highlighting patterns that are disabled for nodes that
// have been identified as local variables.
let non_local_variable_patterns = (0..query.pattern_count())
.map(|i| {
.any(|(prop, positive)| !*positive && prop.key.as_ref() == "local")
// Store the numeric ids for all of the special captures.
let mut injection_content_capture_index = None;
let mut injection_language_capture_index = None;
let mut local_def_capture_index = None;
let mut local_def_value_capture_index = None;
let mut local_ref_capture_index = None;
let mut local_scope_capture_index = None;
for (i, name) in query.capture_names().iter().enumerate() {
let i = Some(i as u32);
match name.as_str() {
"local.definition" => local_def_capture_index = i,
"local.definition-value" => local_def_value_capture_index = i,
"local.reference" => local_ref_capture_index = i,
"local.scope" => local_scope_capture_index = i,
_ => {}
for (i, name) in injections_query.capture_names().iter().enumerate() {
let i = Some(i as u32);
match name.as_str() {
"injection.content" => injection_content_capture_index = i,
"injection.language" => injection_language_capture_index = i,
_ => {}
let highlight_indices = ArcSwap::from_pointee(vec![None; query.capture_names().len()]);
Ok(Self {
/// Get a slice containing all of the highlight names used in the configuration.
pub fn names(&self) -> &[String] {
/// Set the list of recognized highlight names.
/// Tree-sitter syntax-highlighting queries specify highlights in the form of dot-separated
/// highlight names like `punctuation.bracket` and `function.method.builtin`. Consumers of
/// these queries can choose to recognize highlights with different levels of specificity.
/// For example, the string `function.builtin` will match against `function.method.builtin`
/// and `function.builtin.constructor`, but will not match `function.method`.
/// When highlighting, results are returned as `Highlight` values, which contain the index
/// of the matched highlight this list of highlight names.
pub fn configure(&self, recognized_names: &[String]) {
let mut capture_parts = Vec::new();
let indices: Vec<_> = self
.map(move |capture_name| {
let mut best_index = None;
let mut best_match_len = 0;
for (i, recognized_name) in recognized_names.iter().enumerate() {
let recognized_name = recognized_name;
let mut len = 0;
let mut matches = true;
for part in recognized_name.split('.') {
len += 1;
if !capture_parts.contains(&part) {
matches = false;
if matches && len > best_match_len {
best_index = Some(i);
best_match_len = len;
impl<'a> HighlightIterLayer<'a> {
// First, sort scope boundaries by their byte offset in the document. At a
// given position, emit scope endings before scope beginnings. Finally, emit
// scope boundaries from deeper layers first.
fn sort_key(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, bool, isize)> {
let depth = -(self.depth as isize);
let next_start = self
.map(|(m, i)| m.captures[*i].node.start_byte());
let next_end = self.highlight_end_stack.last().cloned();
match (next_start, next_end) {
(Some(start), Some(end)) => {
if start < end {
Some((start, true, depth))
} else {
Some((end, false, depth))
(Some(i), None) => Some((i, true, depth)),
(None, Some(j)) => Some((j, false, depth)),
_ => None,
// Compute the ranges that should be included when parsing an injection.
// This takes into account three things:
// * `parent_ranges` - The ranges must all fall within the *current* layer's ranges.
// * `nodes` - Every injection takes place within a set of nodes. The injection ranges
// are the ranges of those nodes.
// * `includes_children` - For some injections, the content nodes' children should be
// excluded from the nested document, so that only the content nodes' *own* content
// is reparsed. For other injections, the content nodes' entire ranges should be
// reparsed, including the ranges of their children.
fn intersect_ranges(
parent_ranges: &[Range],
nodes: &[Node],
includes_children: bool,
) -> Vec<Range> {
let mut cursor = nodes[0].walk();
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut parent_range_iter = parent_ranges.iter();
let mut parent_range = parent_range_iter
.expect("Layers should only be constructed with non-empty ranges vectors");
for node in nodes.iter() {
let mut preceding_range = Range {
start_byte: 0,
start_point: Point::new(0, 0),
end_byte: node.start_byte(),
end_point: node.start_position(),
let following_range = Range {
start_byte: node.end_byte(),
start_point: node.end_position(),
end_byte: usize::MAX,
end_point: Point::new(usize::MAX, usize::MAX),
for excluded_range in node
.children(&mut cursor)
.filter_map(|child| {
if includes_children {
} else {
let mut range = Range {
start_byte: preceding_range.end_byte,
start_point: preceding_range.end_point,
end_byte: excluded_range.start_byte,
end_point: excluded_range.start_point,
preceding_range = excluded_range;
if range.end_byte < parent_range.start_byte {
while parent_range.start_byte <= range.end_byte {
if parent_range.end_byte > range.start_byte {
if range.start_byte < parent_range.start_byte {
range.start_byte = parent_range.start_byte;
range.start_point = parent_range.start_point;
if parent_range.end_byte < range.end_byte {
if range.start_byte < parent_range.end_byte {
result.push(Range {
start_byte: range.start_byte,
start_point: range.start_point,
end_byte: parent_range.end_byte,
end_point: parent_range.end_point,
range.start_byte = parent_range.end_byte;
range.start_point = parent_range.end_point;
} else {
if range.start_byte < range.end_byte {
if let Some(next_range) = parent_range_iter.next() {
parent_range = next_range;
} else {
return result;
impl<'a> HighlightIter<'a> {
fn emit_event(
&mut self,
offset: usize,
event: Option<HighlightEvent>,
) -> Option<Result<HighlightEvent, Error>> {
let result;
if self.byte_offset < offset {
result = Some(Ok(HighlightEvent::Source {
start: self.byte_offset,
end: offset,
self.byte_offset = offset;
self.next_event = event;
} else {
result = event.map(Ok);
fn sort_layers(&mut self) {
while !self.layers.is_empty() {
if let Some(sort_key) = self.layers[0].sort_key() {
let mut i = 0;
while i + 1 < self.layers.len() {
if let Some(next_offset) = self.layers[i + 1].sort_key() {
if next_offset < sort_key {
i += 1;
} else {
let layer = self.layers.remove(i + 1);
PARSER.with(|ts_parser| {
let highlighter = &mut ts_parser.borrow_mut();
if i > 0 {
self.layers[0..(i + 1)].rotate_left(1);
} else {
let layer = self.layers.remove(0);
PARSER.with(|ts_parser| {
let highlighter = &mut ts_parser.borrow_mut();
impl<'a> Iterator for HighlightIter<'a> {
type Item = Result<HighlightEvent, Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
'main: loop {
// If we've already determined the next highlight boundary, just return it.
if let Some(e) = self.next_event.take() {
return Some(Ok(e));
// Periodically check for cancellation, returning `Cancelled` error if the
// cancellation flag was flipped.
if let Some(cancellation_flag) = self.cancellation_flag {
self.iter_count += 1;
if self.iter_count >= CANCELLATION_CHECK_INTERVAL {
self.iter_count = 0;
if cancellation_flag.load(Ordering::Relaxed) != 0 {
return Some(Err(Error::Cancelled));
// If none of the layers have any more highlight boundaries, terminate.
if self.layers.is_empty() {
let len = self.source.len_bytes();
return if self.byte_offset < len {
let result = Some(Ok(HighlightEvent::Source {
start: self.byte_offset,
end: len,
self.byte_offset = len;
} else {
// Get the next capture from whichever layer has the earliest highlight boundary.
let range;
let layer = &mut self.layers[0];
if let Some((next_match, capture_index)) = layer.captures.peek() {
let next_capture = next_match.captures[*capture_index];
range = next_capture.node.byte_range();
// If any previous highlight ends before this node starts, then before
// processing this capture, emit the source code up until the end of the
// previous highlight, and an end event for that highlight.
if let Some(end_byte) = layer.highlight_end_stack.last().cloned() {
if end_byte <= range.start {
return self.emit_event(end_byte, Some(HighlightEvent::HighlightEnd));
// If there are no more captures, then emit any remaining highlight end events.
// And if there are none of those, then just advance to the end of the document.
else if let Some(end_byte) = layer.highlight_end_stack.last().cloned() {
return self.emit_event(end_byte, Some(HighlightEvent::HighlightEnd));
} else {
return self.emit_event(self.source.len_bytes(), None);
let (mut match_, capture_index) = layer.captures.next().unwrap();
let mut capture = match_.captures[capture_index];
// Remove from the local scope stack any local scopes that have already ended.
while range.start > layer.scope_stack.last().unwrap().range.end {
// If this capture is for tracking local variables, then process the
// local variable info.
let mut reference_highlight = None;
let mut definition_highlight = None;
while match_.pattern_index < layer.config.highlights_pattern_index {
// If the node represents a local scope, push a new local scope onto
// the scope stack.
if Some(capture.index) == layer.config.local_scope_capture_index {
definition_highlight = None;
let mut scope = LocalScope {
inherits: true,
range: range.clone(),
local_defs: Vec::new(),
for prop in layer.config.query.property_settings(match_.pattern_index) {
if let "local.scope-inherits" = prop.key.as_ref() {
scope.inherits =
prop.value.as_ref().map_or(true, |r| r.as_ref() == "true");
// If the node represents a definition, add a new definition to the
// local scope at the top of the scope stack.
else if Some(capture.index) == layer.config.local_def_capture_index {
reference_highlight = None;
let scope = layer.scope_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
let mut value_range = 0..0;
for capture in match_.captures {
if Some(capture.index) == layer.config.local_def_value_capture_index {
value_range = capture.node.byte_range();
let name = byte_range_to_str(range.clone(), self.source);
scope.local_defs.push(LocalDef {
highlight: None,
definition_highlight = scope.local_defs.last_mut().map(|s| &mut s.highlight);
// If the node represents a reference, then try to find the corresponding
// definition in the scope stack.
else if Some(capture.index) == layer.config.local_ref_capture_index
&& definition_highlight.is_none()
definition_highlight = None;
let name = byte_range_to_str(range.clone(), self.source);
for scope in layer.scope_stack.iter().rev() {
if let Some(highlight) = scope.local_defs.iter().rev().find_map(|def| {
if def.name == name && range.start >= def.value_range.end {
} else {
}) {
reference_highlight = highlight;
if !scope.inherits {
// Continue processing any additional matches for the same node.
if let Some((next_match, next_capture_index)) = layer.captures.peek() {
let next_capture = next_match.captures[*next_capture_index];
if next_capture.node == capture.node {
capture = next_capture;
match_ = layer.captures.next().unwrap().0;
continue 'main;
// Otherwise, this capture must represent a highlight.
// If this exact range has already been highlighted by an earlier pattern, or by
// a different layer, then skip over this one.
if let Some((last_start, last_end, last_depth)) = self.last_highlight_range {
if range.start == last_start && range.end == last_end && layer.depth < last_depth {
continue 'main;
// If the current node was found to be a local variable, then skip over any
// highlighting patterns that are disabled for local variables.
if definition_highlight.is_some() || reference_highlight.is_some() {
while layer.config.non_local_variable_patterns[match_.pattern_index] {
if let Some((next_match, next_capture_index)) = layer.captures.peek() {
let next_capture = next_match.captures[*next_capture_index];
if next_capture.node == capture.node {
capture = next_capture;
match_ = layer.captures.next().unwrap().0;
continue 'main;
// Once a highlighting pattern is found for the current node, skip over
// any later highlighting patterns that also match this node. Captures
// for a given node are ordered by pattern index, so these subsequent
// captures are guaranteed to be for highlighting, not injections or
// local variables.
while let Some((next_match, next_capture_index)) = layer.captures.peek() {
let next_capture = next_match.captures[*next_capture_index];
if next_capture.node == capture.node {
} else {
let current_highlight = layer.config.highlight_indices.load()[capture.index as usize];
// If this node represents a local definition, then store the current
// highlight value on the local scope entry representing this node.
if let Some(definition_highlight) = definition_highlight {
*definition_highlight = current_highlight;
// Emit a scope start event and push the node's end position to the stack.
if let Some(highlight) = reference_highlight.or(current_highlight) {
self.last_highlight_range = Some((range.start, range.end, layer.depth));
return self
.emit_event(range.start, Some(HighlightEvent::HighlightStart(highlight)));
fn injection_for_match<'a>(
config: &HighlightConfiguration,
query: &'a Query,
query_match: &QueryMatch<'a, 'a>,
source: RopeSlice<'a>,
) -> (Option<Cow<'a, str>>, Option<Node<'a>>, bool) {
let content_capture_index = config.injection_content_capture_index;
let language_capture_index = config.injection_language_capture_index;
let mut language_name = None;
let mut content_node = None;
for capture in query_match.captures {
let index = Some(capture.index);
if index == language_capture_index {
let name = byte_range_to_str(capture.node.byte_range(), source);
language_name = Some(name);
} else if index == content_capture_index {
content_node = Some(capture.node);
let mut include_children = false;
for prop in query.property_settings(query_match.pattern_index) {
match prop.key.as_ref() {
// In addition to specifying the language name via the text of a
// captured node, it can also be hard-coded via a `#set!` predicate
// that sets the injection.language key.
"injection.language" => {
if language_name.is_none() {
language_name = prop.value.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_ref().into())
// By default, injections do not include the *children* of an
// `injection.content` node - only the ranges that belong to the
// node itself. This can be changed using a `#set!` predicate that
// sets the `injection.include-children` key.
"injection.include-children" => include_children = true,
_ => {}
(language_name, content_node, include_children)
pub struct Merge<I> {
iter: I,
spans: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)>>,
next_event: Option<HighlightEvent>,
next_span: Option<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)>,
queue: Vec<HighlightEvent>,
/// Merge a list of spans into the highlight event stream.
pub fn merge<I: Iterator<Item = HighlightEvent>>(
iter: I,
spans: Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)>,
) -> Merge<I> {
let spans = Box::new(spans.into_iter());
let mut merge = Merge {
next_event: None,
next_span: None,
queue: Vec::new(),
merge.next_event = merge.iter.next();
merge.next_span = merge.spans.next();
impl<I: Iterator<Item = HighlightEvent>> Iterator for Merge<I> {
type Item = HighlightEvent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
use HighlightEvent::*;
if let Some(event) = self.queue.pop() {
return Some(event);
loop {
match (self.next_event, &self.next_span) {
// this happens when range is partially or fully offscreen
(Some(Source { start, .. }), Some((span, range))) if start > range.start => {
if start > range.end {
self.next_span = self.spans.next();
} else {
self.next_span = Some((*span, start..range.end));
_ => break,
match (self.next_event, &self.next_span) {
(Some(HighlightStart(i)), _) => {
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
(Some(HighlightEnd), _) => {
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
(Some(Source { start, end }), Some((_, range))) if start < range.start => {
let intersect = range.start.min(end);
let event = Source {
end: intersect,
if end == intersect {
// the event is complete
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
} else {
// subslice the event
self.next_event = Some(Source {
start: intersect,
(Some(Source { start, end }), Some((span, range))) if start == range.start => {
let intersect = range.end.min(end);
let event = HighlightStart(Highlight(*span));
// enqueue in reverse order
self.queue.push(Source {
end: intersect,
if end == intersect {
// the event is complete
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
} else {
// subslice the event
self.next_event = Some(Source {
start: intersect,
if intersect == range.end {
self.next_span = self.spans.next();
} else {
self.next_span = Some((*span, intersect..range.end));
(Some(event), None) => {
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
// Can happen if cursor at EOF and/or diagnostic reaches past the end.
// We need to actually emit events for the cursor-at-EOF situation,
// even though the range is past the end of the text. This needs to be
// handled appropriately by the drawing code by not assuming that
// all `Source` events point to valid indices in the rope.
(None, Some((span, range))) => {
let event = HighlightStart(Highlight(*span));
self.queue.push(Source {
start: range.start,
end: range.end,
self.next_span = self.spans.next();
(None, None) => None,
e => unreachable!("{:?}", e),
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::{Rope, Transaction};
fn test_textobject_queries() {
let query_str = r#"
(line_comment)+ @quantified_nodes
((line_comment)+) @quantified_nodes_grouped
((line_comment) (line_comment)) @multiple_nodes_grouped
let source = Rope::from_str(
/// a comment on
/// mutiple lines
let loader = Loader::new(Configuration { language: vec![] });
let language = get_language("Rust").unwrap();
let query = Query::new(language, query_str).unwrap();
let textobject = TextObjectQuery { query };
let mut cursor = QueryCursor::new();
let config = HighlightConfiguration::new(language, "", "", "").unwrap();
let syntax = Syntax::new(&source, Arc::new(config), Arc::new(loader));
let root = syntax.tree().root_node();
let mut test = |capture, range| {
let matches: Vec<_> = textobject
.capture_nodes(capture, root, source.slice(..), &mut cursor)
"@{capture} expected {range:?}"
test("quantified_nodes", 1..35);
// NOTE: Enable after implementing proper node group capturing
// test("quantified_nodes_grouped", 1..35);
// test("multiple_nodes_grouped", 1..35);
fn test_parser() {
let highlight_names: Vec<String> = [
let loader = Loader::new(Configuration {
language: vec![],
grammar: vec![],
let language = get_language(&crate::RUNTIME_DIR, "Rust").unwrap();
let config = HighlightConfiguration::new(
"", // locals.scm
let source = Rope::from_str(
struct Stuff {}
fn main() {}
let syntax = Syntax::new(&source, Arc::new(config), Arc::new(loader));
let tree = syntax.tree();
let root = tree.root_node();
assert_eq!(root.kind(), "source_file");
"(source_file ",
"(struct_item name: (type_identifier) body: (field_declaration_list)) ",
"(function_item name: (identifier) parameters: (parameters) body: (block)))"
let struct_node = root.child(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(struct_node.kind(), "struct_item");
fn test_input_edits() {
use tree_sitter::InputEdit;
let doc = Rope::from("hello world!\ntest 123");
let transaction = Transaction::change(
vec![(6, 11, Some("test".into())), (12, 17, None)].into_iter(),
let edits = generate_edits(&doc, transaction.changes());
// transaction.apply(&mut state);
InputEdit {
start_byte: 6,
old_end_byte: 11,
new_end_byte: 10,
start_position: Point { row: 0, column: 6 },
old_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 11 },
new_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 10 }
InputEdit {
start_byte: 12,
old_end_byte: 17,
new_end_byte: 12,
start_position: Point { row: 0, column: 12 },
old_end_position: Point { row: 1, column: 4 },
new_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 12 }
// Testing with the official example from tree-sitter
let mut doc = Rope::from("fn test() {}");
let transaction =
Transaction::change(&doc, vec![(8, 8, Some("a: u32".into()))].into_iter());
let edits = generate_edits(&doc, transaction.changes());
transaction.apply(&mut doc);
assert_eq!(doc, "fn test(a: u32) {}");
&[InputEdit {
start_byte: 8,
old_end_byte: 8,
new_end_byte: 14,
start_position: Point { row: 0, column: 8 },
old_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 8 },
new_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 14 }
fn test_load_runtime_file() {
// Test to make sure we can load some data from the runtime directory.
let contents = load_runtime_file("rust", "indents.toml").unwrap();
let results = load_runtime_file("rust", "does-not-exist");