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# Sway Acid Dark
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**Sway fish pure waybar neovim**
![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/sway.png)
**Tiny irc client**
![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/irc.png)
**Firefox/Tabliss Wofi**
![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/ff.png)
**Connman/Thunar GTK Theme**
![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/gtk.png)
### Why Ansible ?
- Modularity: [Roles](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_reuse_roles.html) as modules.
- Factorization: It uses [jinja2](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-container/container_yml/template.html) templating engine.
- Simplicity: No agent, only SSH, available via pip.
- Flexibility: Push your dotfiles from/to any hosts.
- Toolbox: Dry-run mode, diff mode, secrets encryption, tags...
### How to
**Use carefully**, backup your home before using !
You should use ``--check`` and ``--diff`` to dryrun first.
Check details in ``roles/*/README.md``.
##### 1. Fork Me!
##### 2. Clone your repo
Use recursive mode to get aur ansible module for Archlinux.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/*/dotfiles
##### 3. Configure inventory
Create inventory file from template.
cd dotfiles
cp hosts.template hosts
Add your hostnames in section:
- ***cli***: install only cli tools
- ***desktop***: install cli tools + desktop environment
Define which user will get configurations with *ansible_user* var.
Users needs to be sudoers.
*desktop* hosts **can't use root**.
###### a. localhost run
I will use a trick here to let ansible think that i use 2 hosts.
It will configure *root* with *cli* and *user* with *desktop* environment.
That trick needs ``-K`` without ``-b`` when running playbook.
cli_user ansible_connection=local ansible_user=root
desktop ansible_connection=local ansible_user=user
###### b. multiple hosts run
server1 ansible_user=root
host1 ansible_user=user
host2 ansible_user=user2
##### 4. Configure vars
You can configure desktop environment in ``group_vars/all.yml``
##### 5. Configure SSH
Push your SSH public key on all your ``users@hosts``
ssh-copy-id -i path/to/ssh/key.pub user@host
##### 6. (Dry)Run
ansible-playbook install.yml -CD
ansible-playbook install.yml
To configure cli tools for root on desktop hosts
ansible-playbook install.yml -b -K -l desktop
##### Previously
* [i3-gaps Dark Solarized](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/tree/zsh-agnoster-solarized)
* [i3-gaps Acid Dark](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/tree/i3-gaps-acid-dark)