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mirror of https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver synced 2024-05-06 05:26:04 +02:00
Brennan Kinney a0ee472501
docs(chore): Normalize for consistency (#2206)
"Brief" summary/overview of changes. See the PR discussion or individual commits from the PR for more details.


Only applies to the `docs/content/**` content (_and `setup` command_). `target/` and `test/` can be normalized at a later date.

* Normalize to `example.com`

- Domains normalized to `example.com`: `mywebserver.com`, `myserver.tld`, `domain.com`, `domain.tld`, `mydomain.net`, `my-domain.tld`, `my-domain.com`, `example.org`, `whoami.com`.
- Alternative domains normalized to `not-example.com`: `otherdomain.com`, `otherdomain.tld`, `domain2.tld`, `mybackupmx.com`, `whoareyou.org`.
- Email addresses normalized to `admin@example.com` (in `ssl.md`): `foo@bar.com`, `yourcurrentemail@gmail.com`, `email@email.com`, `admin@domain.tld`.
- Email addresses normalized to `external-account@gmail.com`: `bill@gates321boom.com`, `external@gmail.com`, `myemail@gmail.com`, `real-email-address@external-domain.com`.
- **`faq.md`:** A FAQ entry title with `sample.domain.com` changed to `subdomain.example.com`.
- **`mail-fetchmail.md`:** Config examples with FQDNs for `imap`/`pop3` used `example.com` domain for a third-party, changed to `gmail.com` as more familiar third-party/external MTA.

* Normalize config volume path

- Normalizing local config path references to `./docker-data/dms/config/`: `./config/`, `config/`, \``config`\`, `/etc/` (_volume mount src path prefix_).
- Normalize DMS volume paths to `docker-data/dms/mail-{data,state,log}`: `./mail`, `./mail-state` `./data/mail`, `./data/state`, `./data/logs`, `./data/maildata`, `./data/mailstate`, `./data/maillogs`, (_dropped/converted data volumes: `maildata`, `mailstate`_).
- Other docker images also adopt the `docker-data/{service name}/` prefix.

* `ssl.md` - Use `dms/custom-certs` where appropriate.

* Apply normalizations to README and example `docker-compose.yml`


Common terms, sometimes interchangeably used or now invalid depending on context: `mail`, `mail container`, `mail server`, `mail-server`, `mailserver`,`docker-mailserver`, `Docker Mailserver`.

Rough transformations applied to most matches (_conditionally, depending on context_):

- 'Docker Mailserver' => '`docker-mailserver`'
- 'mail container' => '`docker-mailserver`' (_optionally retaining ' container'_)
- 'mail server' => 'mail-server' / '`docker-mailserver`'
- 'mail-server' => '`docker-mailserver`'
- 'mailserver' => 'mail-server' / '`docker-mailserver`'

Additionally I checked `docker run` (_plus `exec`, `logs`, etc, sub-commands_) and `docker-compose` commands. Often finding usage of `mail` instead of the expected `mailserver`

Additionally changes `mailserver` hostname in k8s to `mail` to align with other non-k8s examples.


* drive-by revisions

Mostly minor revisions or improvements to docs that aren't related to normalization effort.
2021-09-23 11:29:37 +12:00

4.0 KiB

Use Cases | Forward-Only Mail-Server with LDAP

Building a Forward-Only Mail-Server

A forward-only mail-server does not have any local mailboxes. Instead, it has only aliases that forward emails to external email accounts (for example to a Gmail account). You can also send email from the localhost (the computer where docker-mailserver is installed), using as sender any of the alias addresses.

The important settings for this setup (on mailserver.env) are these:


Since there are no local mailboxes, we use SMTP_ONLY=1 to disable dovecot. We disable as well the other services that are related to local mailboxes (POP3, ClamAV, SpamAssassin, etc.)

We can create aliases with ./setup.sh, like this:

./setup.sh alias add <alias-address> <external-email-account>

Authenticating with LDAP

If you want to send emails from outside the mail-server you have to authenticate somehow (with a username and password). One way of doing it is described in this discussion. However if there are many user accounts, it is better to use authentication with LDAP. The settings for this on mailserver.env are:



My LDAP data structure is very basic, containing only the username, password, and the external email address where to forward emails for this user. An entry looks like this:

add uid=username,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
uid: username
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
sn: username
cn: username
userPassword: {SSHA}abcdefghi123456789
email: external-account@gmail.com

This structure is different from what is expected/assumed from the configuration scripts of docker-mailserver, so it doesn't work just by using the LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_... settings. Instead, I had to use a custom configuration (via user-patches.sh). I created the script docker-data/dms/config/user-patches.sh, with content like this:


rm -f /etc/postfix/{ldap-groups.cf,ldap-domains.cf}

postconf \
    "virtual_mailbox_domains = /etc/postfix/vhost" \
    "virtual_alias_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf texthash:/etc/postfix/virtual" \
    "smtpd_sender_login_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf"

sed -i /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf \
    -e '/query_filter/d' \
    -e '/result_attribute/d' \
    -e '/result_format/d'
cat <<EOF >> /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf
query_filter = (uid=%u)
result_attribute = uid
result_format = %s@example.org

sed -i /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf \
    -e '/domain/d' \
    -e '/query_filter/d' \
    -e '/result_attribute/d'
cat <<EOF >> /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf
domain = example.org
query_filter = (uid=%u)
result_attribute = mail

postfix reload

You see that besides query_filter, I had to customize as well result_attribute and result_format.

!!! note "See also"

For more details about using LDAP see: [LDAP managed mail-server with Postfix and Dovecot for multiple domains](https://www.vennedey.net/resources/2-LDAP-managed-mail-server-with-Postfix-and-Dovecot-for-multiple-domains)

!!! note

Another solution that serves as a forward-only mail-server is [this](https://gitlab.com/docker-scripts/postfix).

!!! tip

One user reports only having success if `ENABLE_LDAP=0` was set.