2019-01-11 18:58:49 +01:00

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Standalone certificates

This feature is only present on the dev branch / image.

It's still considered experimental and subject to change.

You can generate certificate that are not tied to containers environment variable by mounting a user configuration file inside the container at /app/letsencrypt_user_data. This feature also require sharing the /etc/nginx/conf.d folder between the nginx-proxy and letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion container (and the docker-gen container if you are running a three container setup):

$ docker run --detach \
    --name nginx-proxy \
    --publish 80:80 \
    --publish 443:443 \
    --volume /etc/nginx/certs \
    --volume /etc/nginx/vhost.d \
    --volume /etc/nginx/conf.d \
    --volume /usr/share/nginx/html \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro \
$ docker run --detach \
    --name nginx-proxy-letsencrypt \
    --volumes-from nginx-proxy \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
    --volume /path/to/your/config_file:/app/letsencrypt_user_data:ro \

The user configuration file is a collection of bash variables and array, and follows the syntax of the /app/letsencrypt_service_data file that get created by docker-gen.

Required configuration parameters:

LETSENCRYPT_STANDALONE_CERTS : a bash array containing identifier(s) for you standalone certificate(s). Each element in the array has to be unique. Those identifiers are internal to the container process and won't ever be visible to the outside world or appear on your certificate.

LETSENCRYPT_uniqueidentifier_HOST : a bash array containing domain(s) that will be covered by the certificate corresponding to uniqueidentifier.

Each identifier in LETSENCRYPT_STANDALONE_CERTS must have its own corresponding LETSENCRYPT_uniqueidentifier_HOST array.

Minimal example generating a single certificate for a single domain:


Example with multiple certificates and domains:

LETSENCRYPT_STANDALONE_CERTS=('web' 'app' 'othersite')
LETSENCRYPT_web_HOST=('yourdomain.tld' 'www.yourdomain.tld')
LETSENCRYPT_app_HOST=('myapp.yourdomain.tld' 'myapp.yourotherdomain.tld' 'service.yourotherdomain.tld')

Optional configuration parameters:

Those are all single bash variables.

LETSENCRYPT_uniqueidentifier_EMAIL : must be a valid email and will be used by Let's Encrypt to warn you of impeding certificate expiration (should the automated renewal fail).

LETSENCRYPT_uniqueidentifier_KEYSIZE : determines the size of the requested private key (in bit, defaults to 4096).

LETSENCRYPT_uniqueidentifier_TEST : if set to true, the corresponding certificate will be a test certificates: it won't have the 5 certs/week/domain limits and will be signed by an untrusted intermediate (ie it won't be trusted by browsers).

LETSENCRYPT_uniqueidentifier_ACCOUNT_ALIAS : see the ACME account keys documentation.

Picking up changes to letsencrypt_user_data

The container does not actively watch the /app/letsencrypt_user_data file for changes.

Changes will either be picked up every hour when the service loop execute again, or by using docker exec your-le-container-name-or-id /app/signal_le_service to manually trigger the service loop execution.

Proxying to something else than a Docker container

Please see the nginx-proxy documentation.

No support will be provided on the letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion repo for proxying related issues or questions.