Crowbook User Guide 0.14.1

« 4. Markdown format

Chapter 5

Crowbook allows the user to specify a number of templates.[4]

Each of this template can be overriden by a custom one, by setting e.g.:

html.css: my_template.css

in the book configuration file. The templates that you are most susceptible to modify are the following:

Except for inline templates, which are set directly in the book configuration file:

# Template that modify how a chapter title is displayed
rendering.chapter.template: "{{{loc_chapter}}} {{{number}}}: {{{chapter_title}}}"

# CSS code added to default CSS templates (but don't override it)
html.css.add: "h1 { background-color: red; }"
epub.css.add: "h1 { background-color: gray; }"

# LaTeX code added to default LaTeX template (but doesn't override it)
template.tex.add: "\usepackage{libertineotf}"

most templates must be in a separate file:

tex.template: my_template.tex

The easiest way to create a new template is to start with the default one. In order to do so, you can use the --print-template argument:

$ crowbook --print-template tex.template > my_template.tex

In order to get the chapter.xhtml template for EPUB3, you’ll also have to use --set epub.version 3:

$ crowbook --print-template epub.chapter.xhtml --set epub.version 3 > my_epub3_template.xhtml

Crowbook uses rust-mustache as its templating engine, which allows to use Mustache syntax in the templates.

It mainly boils down to using {{{foo}}}[5] to insert the value of variable foo in the document:

<h1 class = "title" >{{{title}}}<h1>
<h2 class = "author">{{{author}}}</h2>

Mustache also provides the possibility of checking whether a variable is set:

Foo exists
Foo does not exist

Crowbook uses this and sets some variables to true to allow templates to conditionally include some portions. E.g., in html.css:

/* Make list displays '–' instead of bullets */
ul li {
    list-style-type: '';
    padding-left: .5em;

In this case, Crowbook sets a variable whose name is equal to lang_foo to true, allowing to have different styles for some elements according to the language.

For more information about Mustache syntax, see the Mustache manual.

Since LaTeX already uses a lot of curly brackets, the default template sets an altenative syntax to access variables, with <<&foo>>[6]:


The javascript file used by both the standalone HTML renderer and the multiple files HTML renderer.

This is not currently an actual template, just a plain javascript file which cannot contain mustache tags.

The main CSS file used by both the standalone HTML renderer and the multiple files HTML renderer.

A CSS file containing only colour settings. Used by html.css.

This is not currently an actual template, just a plain CSS file which cannot contain mustache tags.

An additional CSS file used by both the standalone HTML renderer and the multiple files HTML renderer. Its purpose is to provide CSS instructions for printing (i.e., when the user clicks the print button in her browser).

This is not currently an actual template, just a plain CSS file which cannot contain mustache tags.

A javascript file used by both HTML renderers to highlight codes in code blocks. It should be a variant of highlight.js.

This is not an actual template, just a plain javascript file.

A CSS file used by both HTML renderers to set the theme of highlight.js. It should, though, be an highlight.js theme.

This is not an actual template, just a plain CSS file.

A javascript file used only by the standalone HTML renderer. Its main purpose is to handle the displaying of a single chapter at a time when one_chapter is set to true.

The main HTML template for standalone HTML renderer.

The main HTML template for multiple files HTML renderer.

The main (and currently only) template used by the LaTeX renderer.

This template is the main template used by the Epub renderer. It contains the XHTML template that will be used for each chapter.

This template is used by the Epub renderer and contains the style sheet.

Crowbook also has some inline templates, that are set in the book configuration file:

For every template, Crowbook exports all of the metadata:

These metadata can contain Markdown, which will be rendered. E.g., setting date: “20th of **september**” will render september in bold, using <b> tag for HTML or \textbf for LaTeX. If you need to use these data in places that don’t support formatted text (e.g. in meta tags), you can use the raw content by accessing xxx_raw instead (e.g., author_raw, title_raw, ...). (Note that the content of the raw metadata is not HTML-escaped, so in this case you might want to use {{xxx_raw}} instead of {{{xxx_raw}}}.)

For each metadata foo that is set, Crowbook also inserts a has_foo bool set to true. This allows to use Mustache’s section for some logic, e.g.:

{{#has_version}}, version {{{version}}}{{/has_version}}

will avoid rendering “, version” when version is not set.

For all templates, Crowbook also exports some localisation strings loc_foo. They currently include:

Localisation key Value in english
loc_toc Table of contents
loc_cover Cover
loc_title Title
loc_chapter Chapter
loc_part Part
loc_notes Notes
loc_display_all Display all chapters
loc_display_one Display one chapter

Crowbook also exports some additional fields for some templates, see below.

Mustache tag Value Available in...
content A rendered version of the book or chapter’s content html.standalone.template, html.dir.template, tex.template, epub.chapter.xhtml
toc A rendered version of the table of contents html.standalone.template, html.dir.template
has_toc Set to true if the table of contents is not empty html.standalone.template
colours The content of html.css.colours html.css
footer The content of html.footer html.standalone.template, html.dir.template
header The content of html.header html.standalone.template, html.dirtemplate
script The javascript file for this HTML document html.standalone.template, html.dir.template
style The CSS file for this HTML document, that is, a rendered version of html.css html.standalone.template
A variable whose name corresponds to lang in book options (e.g. lang_en if lang is set to “en”, lang_fr if it is set to “fr”, ...) true html.css, epub.css
chapter_title The title of current chapter html.dir.template, epub.chapter.xhtml, rendering.chapter.template
chapter_title_raw The title of current chapter (raw text without HTML formatting) html.dir.template, epub.chapter.xhtml, rendering.chapter.template
json_data Contains structured data with book’s metadata in JSON-LD format html.standalone.template, html.dir.template
highlight_code True if html.highlight_code is true html.standalone.template, html.dir.template
highlight_css The content of html.highlight.css html.standalone.template
highlight_js The base64-encoded content of html.highlight.js html.standalone.tempate
common_script The content of html.js html.single.js
one_chapter True if html.standalone.one_chapter is true, else not present html.standalone.template, html.standalone.js
book.svg The base64-encoded image of the button to display all chapters html.standalone.js, html.standalone.template
pages.svg The base64-encoded image of the button to display one chapter at a time html.standalone.js, html.standalone.template
favicon The <link rel = “icon” ...> tag if html.icon is set html.standalone.template, html.dir.template
menu_svg The base64-encoded image of the hamburger menu image html.standalone.template
prev_chapter Title and a link of previous chapter html.dir.template
next_chapter Title and a link of nexts chapter html.dir.template
class The content of tex.class tex.template
book True if tex.class is book, not set else tex.template
tex_lang The babel equivalent of lang tex.template
tex_title Set to true to run \maketitle tex.template
tex_size The font size to pass to the LaTeX class tex.template
has_tex_size Set to true if tex_size is set tex.template
margin_left, margin_right, margin_top, margin_bottom The margins of the document tex.template
initials True if rendering.initials is true, not set else tex.template
additional_code Set to the content of tex.template.add, html.css.add or epub.css.add tex.template, html.css, epub.css





6. Proofreading with Crowbook »