JC Staudt 54218d58c8
Merging documentation (rev1.4) branch into master (#24)
* /README.md derived from https://www.olimex.com/Products/DIY-Laptop/

* Moved DOCS/ to doc/ standard

* Added TERES-A64-{BLACK,WHITE} images for docs

* Added link to DIY kit purchase page

* Add OLIMEX logo

* Added images to /README.md; minor text revision

* Moved TERES-I odt+pdf to doc/manuals/

* Create index.rst

This file allows public documentation to be compiled and hosted at sites such as <proj>.readthedocs.io

* Partial commit of web-based TERES-I manual

* Added links from guide (index.rst) to /README.md

* Added link to d/l manuals; fixed link typos

* Fixed image links

* Mis-labeled image title

* Fixed image path

* Changed to HTML for image size control

* Added facebook+twitter svg light icons

* Relinked facebook+twitter to light svg icons

* Adding github+wordpress svg icons

* Relinked to github+wordpress svg icons

* Made icons into links; still have size issues

* Added 50x50px icons

* 50x50 pixel icons to addres sizing issue

* Initial table of contents for DIY kit

* Added kit inventory images

* Remove duplicate image

* Premature commit because my computer keeps crashing and losing my data

* Iterative commit of docs as to be cautious

* Another iterative commit

* Last iterative commit for assembly walkthrough

* Need a ! in front of images for them to appear
2018-05-19 11:53:53 -07:00

2 lines
2.1 KiB

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