wanderer 8a1821c416
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Add info about DNSCrypt resolver (#29)
update hadolint to v2.6.0-alpine and add an IGNORE to Dockerfile to make
sure the linter is up to date and all errors are resolved, resulting ina passing build.
the ignore is added as the issue is not too big of a deal (at least not

* 55d9852 - fix: make hadolint pass <surtur>
* 8f2e192 - about, posts: add dnscrypt <surtur>

Co-authored-by: surtur <a_mirre@utb.cz>
Reviewed-on: #29
Co-authored-by: wanderer <wanderer@noreply.git.dotya.ml>
Co-committed-by: wanderer <wanderer@noreply.git.dotya.ml>
2021-08-08 00:36:37 +02:00

29 lines
855 B

FROM immawanderer/fedora-hugo:latest AS hugobuild
RUN mkdir -pv /homepage
COPY . /homepage
WORKDIR /homepage
RUN git submodule init \
&& git submodule update --recursive \
&& hugo version
# "DL3059 info: Multiple consecutive `RUN` instructions.
# Consider consolidation."
# hadolint ignore=DL3059
RUN hugo --minify --gc=true
FROM nginx:mainline-alpine
COPY --from=hugobuild /homepage/public/ /usr/share/nginx/html
# tripple slash reference
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5190966/using-sed-to-insert-tabs/5191165#5191165
RUN sed -i -e 's/^worker_processes auto;/worker_processes auto;/'\
-e "/^events {$/ a \\\tmulti_accept on;\n\tuse epoll;"\
-e "/^http {$/ a \\\tserver_tokens off;\n\tetag off;\n"\
-e 's/#tcp_nopush/tcp_nopush/'\
-e "/tcp_nopush/ a \\\ttcp_nodelay on;"\
-e "s/^ */$(printf '\t')/"\