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title: "about dotya.ml"
date: 2020-03-07T02:12:03+01:00
draft: false
Free services provided for fun as a hobby with passion and :white_heart:\
So far we have:
* [Gitea](https://gitea.io) SCM instance at https://git.dotya.ml
* [DroneCI](https://drone.io) instance (login with a Gitea account) at https://drone.dotya.ml
### Onion services
> Note: This is a work in progress - more services are to come
Gitea: `2crftbzxbcoqolvzreaaeyrod5qwycayef55gxgzgfcpqlaxrnh3kkqd.onion`\
this site: `6426tqrh4y5uobmo5y2csaip3m3avmjegd2kpa24sadekpxglbm34aqd.onion`
Making `DroneCI` available as a hidden service would require either
2020-10-14 14:41:14 +02:00
a) spinning up another instance, for which we currently don't have capacities, or
b) some kind of an evil hack that we've not yet discovered.\
We're open to ideas - if you know how to make this work, please, send us a patch,
PR or an email with anything interesting and worthwile.
2020-03-25 17:40:01 +01:00
### Status
* in-house status monitor at https://status.dotya.ml
* UptimeRobot hosted dashboard at https://stats.uptimerobot.com/93yPqFmmx8
### Security
[HSTS](https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6797.txt) has been enabled early on for `dotya.ml`,
which means that all major browsers (Firefox, Chromium, Safari and Opera) today know that this site,
as well as **all** of its subdomains, communicate with you only using TLS to secure the data in transit
(they check the [preload list](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/master:net/http/transport_security_state_static.json)),
i.e. no plain HTTP connections.
#### Misc
* HTTP headers insight for https://dotya.ml as per [Mozilla HTTP Observatory](https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze/dotya.ml)\
Scoring 130 out of 100 points
* [SecurityHeaders](https://securityheaders.com/) report at https://securityheaders.com/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fdotya.ml
* SSL Labs [TLS rating](https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=dotya.ml): *A+*