289 lines
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289 lines
7.9 KiB
// Copyright 2022 wanderer <a_mirre at utb dot cz>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
package algo
import (
func getSHCLogPrefix() string {
return " *** stochastic hill climbing:"
func fmtSHCOut(input string) string {
return getSHCLogPrefix() + " " + input
func printSHC(input string) {
if _, err := fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, fmtSHCOut(input)); err != nil {
"error while printing to stderr: %q\n * original message was: %q",
err, input,
func initValsSHC(dimens uint, vals []float64, uniform *distuv.Uniform) {
for i := uint(0); i < dimens; i++ {
vals[i] = uniform.Rand()
// selectBestNeighbour evaluates the randomly generated neighbours passed to it
// as a parameter and points to the best one (the one yielding the greatest
// progress in a favourable way).
func selectBestNeighbour(neighbours [][]float64, benchFuncName string) ([]float64, float64) {
// bestNeighbour is selected based on the value of the bench function it yields.
var bestNeighbour []float64
// bestSolution is used to store the best bench func name value.
var bestSolution float64
// f is the actual bench function, based on the name.
f := bench.Functions[benchFuncName]
for i, v := range neighbours {
switch i {
case 0:
// the first one is automatically the best.
bestSolution = f(v)
bestNeighbour = v
// calculate the value of the bench function for neighbour and
// decide if this was the best we've seen so far or not.
if solution := f(v); solution < bestSolution {
bestSolution = solution
bestNeighbour = v
return bestNeighbour, bestSolution
// getBenchSearchSpaceSize calculates and returns the absolute distance between
// min,max for a given bench func.
func getBenchSearchSpaceSize(benchName string) float64 {
params := bench.FunctionParams[benchName]
return math.Abs(params.Min() - params.Max())
// getAllowedTweak calculates the value of allowed movement correction based on
// the bench func's searchSpaceSize, also taking into account the globally
// applicable MaxNeighbourVariance (in %) value from the bench pkg.
// the allowedTweak value should therefore the amount to at most 10% of the
// searchSpaceSize. TODO(me): floor this down.
func getAllowedTweak(searchSpaceSize float64) float64 {
return bench.MaxNeighbourVariancePercent * (searchSpaceSize * 0.01)
func genNeighbours(n, dimens int, benchName string, origin []float64, neighbVals [][]float64) {
if dimens < 1 {
log.Fatalf("error: neighbour count set to: %d; want len(neighbVals) > 0, bailing\n", n)
// create a new representation of the uniform distribution with the bounds
// unset for the moment, since we need to find out what exactly those ought
// to be (and we will - a couple of lines later).
uniform := distuv.Uniform{}
params := bench.FunctionParams[benchName]
// get bench function bounds.
benchMin := params.Min()
benchMax := params.Max()
searchSpaceSize := getBenchSearchSpaceSize(benchName)
// allowedTweak tells how big of a tweak to each side is allowed.
allowedTweak := getAllowedTweak(searchSpaceSize)
// seed the src.
uniform.Src = rand.NewSource(uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for _, v := range neighbVals {
for i := 0; i < dimens; i++ {
newMin := origin[i] - allowedTweak
// if newMin is not within the bounds, fall back to benchMin.
if newMin < benchMin {
uniform.Min = newMin
// if newMax is not within the bounds, fall back to benchMax.
newMax := origin[i] + allowedTweak
if newMin > benchMax {
uniform.Max = newMax
v[i] = uniform.Rand()
// singleHillClimb runs a single iteration of SHC.
func singleHillClimb(dimens uint, benchName string, oldVals []float64) ([]float64, float64) {
neighbours := make([][]float64, dimens)
// prealloc the slice the size of dimens (and oldVals, should be the same).
vals := make([]float64, len(oldVals))
for i := range neighbours {
neighbours[i] = vals
genNeighbours(bench.Neighbourhood, int(dimens), benchName, oldVals, neighbours)
newVals, newRes := selectBestNeighbour(neighbours, benchName)
return newVals, newRes
// HillClimb performs 30 iterations of SHC (30 singleHillClimb func calls
// internally) to establish a semi-relevant statistical baseline, and reports
// the results of the computation.
func HillClimb(maxFES, benchMinIters int, theD []int, benchFunc string, ch chan []stats.Stats) {
if maxFES <= 0 {
} else if benchMinIters <= 0 {
log.Fatalln(fmtSHCOut("benchMinIters cannot be <= 0, bailing"))
} else if _, ok := bench.Functions[benchFunc]; !ok {
"unknown benchFunc used: '" + benchFunc + "', bailing",
for i := range theD {
if theD[i] <= 0 {
log.Fatalln(fmtSHCOut(" no dimension in D can be <= 0, bailing"))
var (
fes int
// since Stochastic Hill Climbing performs multiple cost function
// evaluations during each run (in search of a better neighbouring
// value), fesPerIter stores how many evaluations are allowed during
// each run based on the number of allowed evaluations in total (passed
// into function in maxFES).
fesPerIter int
localD []int
minIters int
stochasticHCStats []stats.Stats
fes = maxFES
// no need to call math.Floor() apparently, as `int()` does that implicitly.
fesPerIter = int(float64(fes / bench.Neighbourhood))
localD = theD
minIters = benchMinIters
for _, dimens := range localD {
stochasticHCStatDimX := &stats.Stats{
Algo: "Stochastic Hill Climbing",
Dimens: dimens,
Iterations: minIters,
// Generations for Stochastic Hill Climbing may vary based on both
// the maxFES and bench.Neighbourhood, since that is how we arrive
// at the value of fesPerIter.
Generations: fesPerIter,
funcStats := &stats.FuncStats{BenchName: benchFunc}
benchFuncParams := bench.FunctionParams[benchFunc]
uniDist := distuv.Uniform{
Min: benchFuncParams.Min(),
Max: benchFuncParams.Max(),
printSHC("running bench \"" + benchFunc + "\" for " +
fmt.Sprint(stochasticHCStatDimX.Dimens) + "D")
funcStats.BenchResults = make([]stats.BenchRound, minIters)
// create a source of preudo-randomness.
src := rand.NewSource(uint64(rand.Int63()))
// src := rand.NewSource(uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()))
// track execution time.
start := time.Now()
for iter := 0; iter < minIters; iter++ {
funcStats.BenchResults[iter].Iteration = iter
// create and stochastically populate the vals slice.
initVals := make([]float64, dimens)
uniDist.Src = src
var bestResult float64
var bestVals []float64
initialised := false
for !initialised {
// generate initial vals, make sure they are not 0s.
initValsSHC(uint(dimens), initVals, &uniDist)
if bV, bR := singleHillClimb(
); bR != 0 {
bestVals = bV
bestResult = bR
initialised = true
for i := 0; i < fesPerIter; i++ {
v, r := singleHillClimb(
// first or any other iteration.
switch i {
case 0:
bestResult = r
bestVals = v
if r < bestResult {
bestResult = r
bestVals = v
funcStats.BenchResults[iter].Results = append(
elapsed := time.Since(start)
printSHC("computing " + fmt.Sprint(benchMinIters) + "I of bench \"" +
benchFunc + "\" for " + fmt.Sprint(dimens) + "D took " + fmt.Sprint(elapsed),
stochasticHCStatDimX.BenchFuncStats = append(
stochasticHCStats = append(stochasticHCStats, *stochasticHCStatDimX)
ch <- stochasticHCStats