# [go-xkcdreader](https://git.dotya.ml/wanderer/go-xkcdreader) > an offline-capable xkcd webcomic reader written in Go [![built with nix](https://builtwithnix.org/badge.svg)](https://builtwithnix.org) [![Cachix](https://img.shields.io/badge/cachix-go--xkcdreader-blue.svg)](https://go-xkcdreader.cachix.org) [![pre-commit](https://img.shields.io/badge/pre--commit-enabled-brightgreen?logo=pre-commit&logoColor=white)](https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit) [![Build Status](https://drone.dotya.ml/api/badges/wanderer/go-xkcdreader/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/development)](https://drone.dotya.ml/wanderer/go-xkcdreader) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/git.dotya.ml/wanderer/go-xkcdreader)](https://goreportcard.com/report/git.dotya.ml/wanderer/go-xkcdreader) [![Go Documentation](https://godocs.io/git.dotya.ml/wanderer/go-xkcdreader?status.svg)](https://godocs.io/git.dotya.ml/wanderer/go-xkcdreader) ### disclaimer WIP :construction: ### ad nix flake ❄ this project is provided as a **nix flake** for both convenience and reproducibility. and also because I wanted to play with `nix` and its flakes just a wee bit. > *note on the nix-related steps*: make sure you have > [`nix`](https://nixos.org/learn.html) installed and optionally the flake > functionality enabled, the Go toolchain and a minimal set of Go development > goodies will get pulled in automatically. you might want to speed up the > builds by making use of project's build cache: `cachix use go-xkcdreader`. that means you can get started: ### developing using nix (flakes enabled) run `nix develop` in the project folder *first*, then `go {run,build,fmt,...}` about your day. ### developing using nix (without flakes) > for compatibility with non-flake-enabled systems, this project uses > [`github:edolstra/flake-compat`](https://github.com/edolstra/flake-compat). run `nix-shell` in the project folder *first*, then `go {run,build,fmt,...}` about your day. ### developing without nix > *note*: you only need to have the Go toolchain and [Fyne > dependencies](https://developer.fyne.io/started/#prerequisites) installed for > this. if you don't want to use the flake provided or don't have `nix` installed, you can use the standard `go` tool: run `go {run,build,fmt,...}` in the project folder. ### COPYING Licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later (see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details).