2017-06-13 14:18:23 +02:00

90 lines
1.9 KiB

package enry
import (
const shebang = `#!`
var (
shebangExecHack = regexp.MustCompile(`exec (\w+).+\$0.+\$@`)
pythonVersion = regexp.MustCompile(`python\d\.\d+`)
// GetLanguagesByShebang returns a slice of possible languages for the given content, filename will be ignored.
// It accomplish the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByShebang(filename string, content []byte) (languages []string) {
interpreter := getInterpreter(content)
return languagesByInterpreter[interpreter]
func getInterpreter(data []byte) (interpreter string) {
line := getFirstLine(data)
if !hasShebang(line) {
return ""
// skip shebang
line = bytes.TrimSpace(line[2:])
splitted := bytes.Fields(line)
if bytes.Contains(splitted[0], []byte("env")) {
if len(splitted) > 1 {
interpreter = string(splitted[1])
} else {
splittedPath := bytes.Split(splitted[0], []byte{'/'})
interpreter = string(splittedPath[len(splittedPath)-1])
if interpreter == "sh" {
interpreter = lookForMultilineExec(data)
if pythonVersion.MatchString(interpreter) {
interpreter = interpreter[:strings.Index(interpreter, `.`)]
func getFirstLine(data []byte) []byte {
buf := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(data))
line := buf.Bytes()
if err := buf.Err(); err != nil {
return nil
return line
func hasShebang(line []byte) bool {
shebang := []byte(shebang)
return bytes.HasPrefix(line, shebang)
func lookForMultilineExec(data []byte) string {
const magicNumOfLines = 5
interpreter := "sh"
buf := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(data))
for i := 0; i < magicNumOfLines && buf.Scan(); i++ {
line := buf.Bytes()
if shebangExecHack.Match(line) {
interpreter = shebangExecHack.FindStringSubmatch(string(line))[1]
if err := buf.Err(); err != nil {
return interpreter
return interpreter