2022-04-05 20:12:53 +00:00

982 lines
49 KiB

// Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT.
// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4ffcdbcbb60a74cbfbd37656bcc3fcea4eca8e26
package data
import "strings"
// LanguageByAliasMap keeps alias for different languages and use the name of the languages as an alias too.
// All the keys (alias or not) are written in lower case and the whitespaces has been replaced by underscores.
var LanguageByAliasMap = map[string]string{
"1c_enterprise": "1C Enterprise",
"2-dimensional_array": "2-Dimensional Array",
"4d": "4D",
"abap": "ABAP",
"abap_cds": "ABAP CDS",
"abl": "OpenEdge ABL",
"abnf": "ABNF",
"abuild": "Alpine Abuild",
"acfm": "Adobe Font Metrics",
"aconf": "ApacheConf",
"actionscript": "ActionScript",
"actionscript3": "ActionScript",
"actionscript_3": "ActionScript",
"ada": "Ada",
"ada2005": "Ada",
"ada95": "Ada",
"adobe_composite_font_metrics": "Adobe Font Metrics",
"adobe_font_metrics": "Adobe Font Metrics",
"adobe_multiple_font_metrics": "Adobe Font Metrics",
"advpl": "xBase",
"afdko": "OpenType Feature File",
"agda": "Agda",
"ags": "AGS Script",
"ags_script": "AGS Script",
"ahk": "AutoHotkey",
"aidl": "AIDL",
"al": "AL",
"alloy": "Alloy",
"alpine_abuild": "Alpine Abuild",
"altium": "Altium Designer",
"altium_designer": "Altium Designer",
"amfm": "Adobe Font Metrics",
"ampl": "AMPL",
"amusewiki": "Muse",
"angelscript": "AngelScript",
"ant_build_system": "Ant Build System",
"antlr": "ANTLR",
"apache": "ApacheConf",
"apacheconf": "ApacheConf",
"apex": "Apex",
"api_blueprint": "API Blueprint",
"apkbuild": "Alpine Abuild",
"apl": "APL",
"apollo_guidance_computer": "Apollo Guidance Computer",
"applescript": "AppleScript",
"arc": "Arc",
"arexx": "REXX",
"as3": "ActionScript",
"asciidoc": "AsciiDoc",
"asl": "ASL",
"asm": "Assembly",
"asn.1": "ASN.1",
"asp": "Classic ASP",
"asp.net": "ASP.NET",
"aspectj": "AspectJ",
"aspx": "ASP.NET",
"aspx-vb": "ASP.NET",
"assembly": "Assembly",
"astro": "Astro",
"asymptote": "Asymptote",
"ats": "ATS",
"ats2": "ATS",
"au3": "AutoIt",
"augeas": "Augeas",
"autoconf": "M4Sugar",
"autohotkey": "AutoHotkey",
"autoit": "AutoIt",
"autoit3": "AutoIt",
"autoitscript": "AutoIt",
"avro_idl": "Avro IDL",
"awk": "Awk",
"b3d": "BlitzBasic",
"ballerina": "Ballerina",
"bash": "Shell",
"bash_session": "ShellSession",
"basic": "BASIC",
"bat": "Batchfile",
"batch": "Batchfile",
"batchfile": "Batchfile",
"bazel": "Starlark",
"be": "Berry",
"beef": "Beef",
"befunge": "Befunge",
"berry": "Berry",
"bibtex": "BibTeX",
"bicep": "Bicep",
"bison": "Bison",
"bitbake": "BitBake",
"blade": "Blade",
"blitz3d": "BlitzBasic",
"blitzbasic": "BlitzBasic",
"blitzmax": "BlitzMax",
"blitzplus": "BlitzBasic",
"bluespec": "Bluespec",
"bmax": "BlitzMax",
"boo": "Boo",
"boogie": "Boogie",
"bplus": "BlitzBasic",
"brainfuck": "Brainfuck",
"brightscript": "Brightscript",
"bro": "Zeek",
"browserslist": "Browserslist",
"bsdmake": "Makefile",
"byond": "DM",
"bzl": "Starlark",
"c": "C",
"c#": "C#",
"c++": "C++",
"c++-objdump": "Cpp-ObjDump",
"c-objdump": "C-ObjDump",
"c2hs": "C2hs Haskell",
"c2hs_haskell": "C2hs Haskell",
"cabal": "Cabal Config",
"cabal_config": "Cabal Config",
"cadence": "Cadence",
"cairo": "Cairo",
"cake": "C#",
"cakescript": "C#",
"cameligo": "CameLIGO",
"cap'n_proto": "Cap'n Proto",
"carto": "CartoCSS",
"cartocss": "CartoCSS",
"ceylon": "Ceylon",
"cfc": "ColdFusion CFC",
"cfm": "ColdFusion",
"cfml": "ColdFusion",
"chapel": "Chapel",
"charity": "Charity",
"chpl": "Chapel",
"chuck": "ChucK",
"cil": "CIL",
"cirru": "Cirru",
"clarion": "Clarion",
"clarity": "Clarity",
"classic_asp": "Classic ASP",
"clean": "Clean",
"click": "Click",
"clipper": "xBase",
"clips": "CLIPS",
"clojure": "Clojure",
"closure_templates": "Closure Templates",
"cloud_firestore_security_rules": "Cloud Firestore Security Rules",
"cmake": "CMake",
"cobol": "COBOL",
"coccinelle": "SmPL",
"codeowners": "CODEOWNERS",
"codeql": "CodeQL",
"coffee": "CoffeeScript",
"coffee-script": "CoffeeScript",
"coffeescript": "CoffeeScript",
"coldfusion": "ColdFusion",
"coldfusion_cfc": "ColdFusion CFC",
"coldfusion_html": "ColdFusion",
"collada": "COLLADA",
"common_lisp": "Common Lisp",
"common_workflow_language": "Common Workflow Language",
"component_pascal": "Component Pascal",
"conll": "CoNLL-U",
"conll-u": "CoNLL-U",
"conll-x": "CoNLL-U",
"console": "ShellSession",
"containerfile": "Dockerfile",
"cool": "Cool",
"coq": "Coq",
"cperl": "Perl",
"cpp": "C++",
"cpp-objdump": "Cpp-ObjDump",
"creole": "Creole",
"crystal": "Crystal",
"csharp": "C#",
"cson": "CSON",
"csound": "Csound",
"csound-csd": "Csound Document",
"csound-orc": "Csound",
"csound-sco": "Csound Score",
"csound_document": "Csound Document",
"csound_score": "Csound Score",
"css": "CSS",
"csv": "CSV",
"cucumber": "Gherkin",
"cuda": "Cuda",
"cue": "CUE",
"cue_sheet": "Cue Sheet",
"curl_config": "cURL Config",
"curlrc": "cURL Config",
"curry": "Curry",
"cweb": "CWeb",
"cwl": "Common Workflow Language",
"cycript": "Cycript",
"cython": "Cython",
"d": "D",
"d-objdump": "D-ObjDump",
"dafny": "Dafny",
"darcs_patch": "Darcs Patch",
"dart": "Dart",
"dataweave": "DataWeave",
"dcl": "DIGITAL Command Language",
"debian_package_control_file": "Debian Package Control File",
"delphi": "Pascal",
"denizenscript": "DenizenScript",
"desktop": "desktop",
"dhall": "Dhall",
"diff": "Diff",
"digital_command_language": "DIGITAL Command Language",
"dircolors": "dircolors",
"directx_3d_file": "DirectX 3D File",
"django": "Jinja",
"dlang": "D",
"dm": "DM",
"dns_zone": "DNS Zone",
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"dogescript": "Dogescript",
"dosbatch": "Batchfile",
"dosini": "INI",
"dpatch": "Darcs Patch",
"dtrace": "DTrace",
"dtrace-script": "DTrace",
"dylan": "Dylan",
"e": "E",
"e-mail": "E-mail",
"eagle": "Eagle",
"earthfile": "Earthly",
"earthly": "Earthly",
"easybuild": "Easybuild",
"ebnf": "EBNF",
"ec": "eC",
"ecere_projects": "Ecere Projects",
"ecl": "ECL",
"eclipse": "ECLiPSe",
"ecr": "HTML+ECR",
"editor-config": "EditorConfig",
"editorconfig": "EditorConfig",
"edje_data_collection": "Edje Data Collection",
"edn": "edn",
"eeschema_schematic": "KiCad Schematic",
"eex": "HTML+EEX",
"eiffel": "Eiffel",
"ejs": "EJS",
"elisp": "Emacs Lisp",
"elixir": "Elixir",
"elm": "Elm",
"emacs": "Emacs Lisp",
"emacs_lisp": "Emacs Lisp",
"emacs_muse": "Muse",
"email": "E-mail",
"emberscript": "EmberScript",
"eml": "E-mail",
"eq": "EQ",
"erb": "HTML+ERB",
"erlang": "Erlang",
"euphoria": "Euphoria",
"f#": "F#",
"f*": "F*",
"factor": "Factor",
"fancy": "Fancy",
"fantom": "Fantom",
"faust": "Faust",
"fb": "FreeBasic",
"fennel": "Fennel",
"figfont": "FIGlet Font",
"figlet_font": "FIGlet Font",
"filebench_wml": "Filebench WML",
"filterscript": "Filterscript",
"fish": "fish",
"flex": "Lex",
"fluent": "Fluent",
"flux": "FLUX",
"formatted": "Formatted",
"forth": "Forth",
"fortran": "Fortran",
"fortran_free_form": "Fortran Free Form",
"foxpro": "xBase",
"freebasic": "FreeBasic",
"freemarker": "FreeMarker",
"frege": "Frege",
"fsharp": "F#",
"fstar": "F*",
"ftl": "FreeMarker",
"fundamental": "Text",
"futhark": "Futhark",
"g-code": "G-code",
"game_maker_language": "Game Maker Language",
"gaml": "GAML",
"gams": "GAMS",
"gap": "GAP",
"gcc_machine_description": "GCC Machine Description",
"gdb": "GDB",
"gdscript": "GDScript",
"gedcom": "GEDCOM",
"gemfile.lock": "Gemfile.lock",
"genero": "Genero",
"genero_forms": "Genero Forms",
"genie": "Genie",
"genshi": "Genshi",
"gentoo_ebuild": "Gentoo Ebuild",
"gentoo_eclass": "Gentoo Eclass",
"gerber_image": "Gerber Image",
"gettext_catalog": "Gettext Catalog",
"gf": "Grammatical Framework",
"gherkin": "Gherkin",
"git-ignore": "Ignore List",
"git_attributes": "Git Attributes",
"git_config": "Git Config",
"gitattributes": "Git Attributes",
"gitconfig": "Git Config",
"gitignore": "Ignore List",
"gitmodules": "Git Config",
"gleam": "Gleam",
"glsl": "GLSL",
"glyph": "Glyph",
"glyph_bitmap_distribution_format": "Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format",
"gn": "GN",
"gnuplot": "Gnuplot",
"go": "Go",
"go.mod": "Go Module",
"go.sum": "Go Checksums",
"go_checksums": "Go Checksums",
"go_mod": "Go Module",
"go_module": "Go Module",
"go_sum": "Go Checksums",
"golang": "Go",
"golo": "Golo",
"gosu": "Gosu",
"grace": "Grace",
"gradle": "Gradle",
"grammatical_framework": "Grammatical Framework",
"graph_modeling_language": "Graph Modeling Language",
"graphql": "GraphQL",
"graphviz_(dot)": "Graphviz (DOT)",
"groff": "Roff",
"groovy": "Groovy",
"groovy_server_pages": "Groovy Server Pages",
"gsc": "GSC",
"gsp": "Groovy Server Pages",
"hack": "Hack",
"haml": "Haml",
"handlebars": "Handlebars",
"haproxy": "HAProxy",
"harbour": "Harbour",
"hashicorp_configuration_language": "HCL",
"haskell": "Haskell",
"haxe": "Haxe",
"hbs": "Handlebars",
"hcl": "HCL",
"heex": "HTML+EEX",
"help": "Vim Help File",
"hiveql": "HiveQL",
"hlsl": "HLSL",
"holyc": "HolyC",
"hoon": "hoon",
"html": "HTML",
"html+django": "Jinja",
"html+ecr": "HTML+ECR",
"html+eex": "HTML+EEX",
"html+erb": "HTML+ERB",
"html+jinja": "Jinja",
"html+php": "HTML+PHP",
"html+razor": "HTML+Razor",
"html+ruby": "HTML+ERB",
"htmlbars": "Handlebars",
"htmldjango": "Jinja",
"http": "HTTP",
"hxml": "HXML",
"hy": "Hy",
"hylang": "Hy",
"hyphy": "HyPhy",
"i7": "Inform 7",
"idl": "IDL",
"idris": "Idris",
"ignore": "Ignore List",
"ignore_list": "Ignore List",
"igor": "IGOR Pro",
"igor_pro": "IGOR Pro",
"igorpro": "IGOR Pro",
"ijm": "ImageJ Macro",
"ile_rpg": "RPGLE",
"imagej_macro": "ImageJ Macro",
"inc": "PHP",
"inform7": "Inform 7",
"inform_7": "Inform 7",
"ini": "INI",
"inno_setup": "Inno Setup",
"inputrc": "Readline Config",
"io": "Io",
"ioke": "Ioke",
"ipython_notebook": "Jupyter Notebook",
"irc": "IRC log",
"irc_log": "IRC log",
"irc_logs": "IRC log",
"isabelle": "Isabelle",
"isabelle_root": "Isabelle ROOT",
"j": "J",
"janet": "Janet",
"jar_manifest": "JAR Manifest",
"jasmin": "Jasmin",
"java": "Java",
"java_properties": "Java Properties",
"java_server_page": "Groovy Server Pages",
"java_server_pages": "Java Server Pages",
"javascript": "JavaScript",
"javascript+erb": "JavaScript+ERB",
"jest_snapshot": "Jest Snapshot",
"jflex": "JFlex",
"jinja": "Jinja",
"jison": "Jison",
"jison_lex": "Jison Lex",
"jolie": "Jolie",
"jq": "jq",
"jruby": "Ruby",
"js": "JavaScript",
"json": "JSON",
"json5": "JSON5",
"json_with_comments": "JSON with Comments",
"jsonc": "JSON with Comments",
"jsoniq": "JSONiq",
"jsonld": "JSONLD",
"jsonnet": "Jsonnet",
"jsp": "Java Server Pages",
"julia": "Julia",
"jupyter_notebook": "Jupyter Notebook",
"kaitai_struct": "Kaitai Struct",
"kak": "KakouneScript",
"kakounescript": "KakouneScript",
"kakscript": "KakouneScript",
"keyvalues": "Valve Data Format",
"kicad_layout": "KiCad Layout",
"kicad_legacy_layout": "KiCad Legacy Layout",
"kicad_schematic": "KiCad Schematic",
"kit": "Kit",
"kotlin": "Kotlin",
"krl": "KRL",
"ksy": "Kaitai Struct",
"kusto": "Kusto",
"kvlang": "kvlang",
"labview": "LabVIEW",
"lark": "Lark",
"lasso": "Lasso",
"lassoscript": "Lasso",
"latex": "TeX",
"latte": "Latte",
"lean": "Lean",
"leex": "HTML+EEX",
"less": "Less",
"less-css": "Less",
"lex": "Lex",
"lfe": "LFE",
"lhaskell": "Literate Haskell",
"lhs": "Literate Haskell",
"ligolang": "LigoLANG",
"lilypond": "LilyPond",
"limbo": "Limbo",
"linker_script": "Linker Script",
"linux_kernel_module": "Linux Kernel Module",
"liquid": "Liquid",
"lisp": "Common Lisp",
"litcoffee": "Literate CoffeeScript",
"literate_agda": "Literate Agda",
"literate_coffeescript": "Literate CoffeeScript",
"literate_haskell": "Literate Haskell",
"live-script": "LiveScript",
"livescript": "LiveScript",
"llvm": "LLVM",
"logos": "Logos",
"logtalk": "Logtalk",
"lolcode": "LOLCODE",
"lookml": "LookML",
"loomscript": "LoomScript",
"ls": "LiveScript",
"lsl": "LSL",
"ltspice_symbol": "LTspice Symbol",
"lua": "Lua",
"m": "M",
"m2": "Macaulay2",
"m4": "M4",
"m4sugar": "M4Sugar",
"m68k": "Motorola 68K Assembly",
"macaulay2": "Macaulay2",
"macruby": "Ruby",
"mail": "E-mail",
"make": "Makefile",
"makefile": "Makefile",
"mako": "Mako",
"man": "Roff",
"man-page": "Roff",
"man_page": "Roff",
"manpage": "Roff",
"markdown": "Markdown",
"marko": "Marko",
"markojs": "Marko",
"mask": "Mask",
"mathematica": "Mathematica",
"matlab": "MATLAB",
"maven_pom": "Maven POM",
"max": "Max",
"max/msp": "Max",
"maxmsp": "Max",
"maxscript": "MAXScript",
"mbox": "E-mail",
"mcfunction": "mcfunction",
"mdoc": "Roff",
"mediawiki": "Wikitext",
"mercury": "Mercury",
"meson": "Meson",
"metal": "Metal",
"mf": "Makefile",
"microsoft_developer_studio_project": "Microsoft Developer Studio Project",
"microsoft_visual_studio_solution": "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution",
"minid": "MiniD",
"miniyaml": "MiniYAML",
"mint": "Mint",
"mirah": "Mirah",
"mirc_script": "mIRC Script",
"mlir": "MLIR",
"mma": "Mathematica",
"modelica": "Modelica",
"modula-2": "Modula-2",
"modula-3": "Modula-3",
"module_management_system": "Module Management System",
"monkey": "Monkey",
"monkey_c": "Monkey C",
"moocode": "Moocode",
"moonscript": "MoonScript",
"motoko": "Motoko",
"motorola_68k_assembly": "Motorola 68K Assembly",
"mql4": "MQL4",
"mql5": "MQL5",
"mtml": "MTML",
"muf": "MUF",
"mumps": "M",
"mupad": "mupad",
"muse": "Muse",
"mustache": "Mustache",
"myghty": "Myghty",
"nanorc": "nanorc",
"nasl": "NASL",
"nasm": "Assembly",
"ncl": "NCL",
"ne-on": "NEON",
"nearley": "Nearley",
"nemerle": "Nemerle",
"neon": "NEON",
"neosnippet": "Vim Snippet",
"nesc": "nesC",
"netlinx": "NetLinx",
"netlinx+erb": "NetLinx+ERB",
"netlogo": "NetLogo",
"nette_object_notation": "NEON",
"newlisp": "NewLisp",
"nextflow": "Nextflow",
"nginx": "Nginx",
"nginx_configuration_file": "Nginx",
"nim": "Nim",
"ninja": "Ninja",
"nit": "Nit",
"nix": "Nix",
"nixos": "Nix",
"njk": "Nunjucks",
"nl": "NL",
"node": "JavaScript",
"npm_config": "NPM Config",
"npmrc": "NPM Config",
"nroff": "Roff",
"nsis": "NSIS",
"nu": "Nu",
"numpy": "NumPy",
"nunjucks": "Nunjucks",
"nush": "Nu",
"nvim": "Vim Script",
"nwscript": "NWScript",
"obj-c": "Objective-C",
"obj-c++": "Objective-C++",
"obj-j": "Objective-J",
"objc": "Objective-C",
"objc++": "Objective-C++",
"objdump": "ObjDump",
"object_data_instance_notation": "Object Data Instance Notation",
"objective-c": "Objective-C",
"objective-c++": "Objective-C++",
"objective-j": "Objective-J",
"objectivec": "Objective-C",
"objectivec++": "Objective-C++",
"objectivej": "Objective-J",
"objectpascal": "Pascal",
"objectscript": "ObjectScript",
"objj": "Objective-J",
"ocaml": "OCaml",
"octave": "MATLAB",
"odin": "Odin",
"odin-lang": "Odin",
"odinlang": "Odin",
"omgrofl": "Omgrofl",
"oncrpc": "RPC",
"ooc": "ooc",
"opa": "Opa",
"opal": "Opal",
"open_policy_agent": "Open Policy Agent",
"opencl": "OpenCL",
"openedge": "OpenEdge ABL",
"openedge_abl": "OpenEdge ABL",
"openqasm": "OpenQASM",
"openrc": "OpenRC runscript",
"openrc_runscript": "OpenRC runscript",
"openscad": "OpenSCAD",
"openstep_property_list": "OpenStep Property List",
"opentype_feature_file": "OpenType Feature File",
"org": "Org",
"osascript": "AppleScript",
"ox": "Ox",
"oxygene": "Oxygene",
"oz": "Oz",
"p4": "P4",
"pan": "Pan",
"pandoc": "Markdown",
"papyrus": "Papyrus",
"parrot": "Parrot",
"parrot_assembly": "Parrot Assembly",
"parrot_internal_representation": "Parrot Internal Representation",
"pascal": "Pascal",
"pasm": "Parrot Assembly",
"pawn": "Pawn",
"pcbnew": "KiCad Layout",
"peg.js": "PEG.js",
"pep8": "Pep8",
"perl": "Perl",
"perl-6": "Raku",
"perl6": "Raku",
"php": "PHP",
"pic": "Pic",
"pickle": "Pickle",
"picolisp": "PicoLisp",
"piglatin": "PigLatin",
"pike": "Pike",
"pir": "Parrot Internal Representation",
"plain_text": "Text",
"plantuml": "PlantUML",
"plpgsql": "PLpgSQL",
"plsql": "PLSQL",
"pod": "Pod",
"pod_6": "Pod 6",
"pogoscript": "PogoScript",
"pony": "Pony",
"posh": "PowerShell",
"postcss": "PostCSS",
"postscr": "PostScript",
"postscript": "PostScript",
"pot": "Gettext Catalog",
"pov-ray": "POV-Ray SDL",
"pov-ray_sdl": "POV-Ray SDL",
"povray": "POV-Ray SDL",
"powerbuilder": "PowerBuilder",
"powershell": "PowerShell",
"prisma": "Prisma",
"processing": "Processing",
"procfile": "Procfile",
"progress": "OpenEdge ABL",
"proguard": "Proguard",
"prolog": "Prolog",
"promela": "Promela",
"propeller_spin": "Propeller Spin",
"protobuf": "Protocol Buffer",
"protobuf_text_format": "Protocol Buffer Text Format",
"protocol_buffer": "Protocol Buffer",
"protocol_buffer_text_format": "Protocol Buffer Text Format",
"protocol_buffers": "Protocol Buffer",
"public_key": "Public Key",
"pug": "Pug",
"puppet": "Puppet",
"pure_data": "Pure Data",
"purebasic": "PureBasic",
"purescript": "PureScript",
"pwsh": "PowerShell",
"pycon": "Python console",
"pyrex": "Cython",
"python": "Python",
"python3": "Python",
"python_console": "Python console",
"python_traceback": "Python traceback",
"q": "q",
"q#": "Q#",
"ql": "CodeQL",
"qmake": "QMake",
"qml": "QML",
"qsharp": "Q#",
"qt_script": "Qt Script",
"quake": "Quake",
"r": "R",
"racket": "Racket",
"ragel": "Ragel",
"ragel-rb": "Ragel",
"ragel-ruby": "Ragel",
"rake": "Ruby",
"raku": "Raku",
"raml": "RAML",
"rascal": "Rascal",
"raw": "Raw token data",
"raw_token_data": "Raw token data",
"razor": "HTML+Razor",
"rb": "Ruby",
"rbx": "Ruby",
"rdoc": "RDoc",
"readline": "Readline Config",
"readline_config": "Readline Config",
"realbasic": "REALbasic",
"reason": "Reason",
"reasonligo": "ReasonLIGO",
"rebol": "Rebol",
"record_jar": "Record Jar",
"red": "Red",
"red/system": "Red",
"redcode": "Redcode",
"redirect_rules": "Redirect Rules",
"redirects": "Redirect Rules",
"regex": "Regular Expression",
"regexp": "Regular Expression",
"regular_expression": "Regular Expression",
"ren'py": "Ren'Py",
"renderscript": "RenderScript",
"renpy": "Ren'Py",
"rescript": "ReScript",
"restructuredtext": "reStructuredText",
"rexx": "REXX",
"rhtml": "HTML+ERB",
"rich_text_format": "Rich Text Format",
"ring": "Ring",
"riot": "Riot",
"rmarkdown": "RMarkdown",
"robotframework": "RobotFramework",
"robots": "robots.txt",
"robots.txt": "robots.txt",
"robots_txt": "robots.txt",
"roff": "Roff",
"roff_manpage": "Roff Manpage",
"rouge": "Rouge",
"rpc": "RPC",
"rpcgen": "RPC",
"rpgle": "RPGLE",
"rpm_spec": "RPM Spec",
"rs": "Rust",
"rs-274x": "Gerber Image",
"rscript": "R",
"rss": "XML",
"rst": "reStructuredText",
"ruby": "Ruby",
"runoff": "RUNOFF",
"rust": "Rust",
"rusthon": "Python",
"sage": "Sage",
"salt": "SaltStack",
"saltstack": "SaltStack",
"saltstate": "SaltStack",
"sas": "SAS",
"sass": "Sass",
"scala": "Scala",
"scaml": "Scaml",
"scheme": "Scheme",
"scilab": "Scilab",
"scss": "SCSS",
"sed": "sed",
"self": "Self",
"selinux_kernel_policy_language": "SELinux Policy",
"selinux_policy": "SELinux Policy",
"sepolicy": "SELinux Policy",
"sh": "Shell",
"shaderlab": "ShaderLab",
"shell": "Shell",
"shell-script": "Shell",
"shellcheck_config": "ShellCheck Config",
"shellcheckrc": "ShellCheck Config",
"shellsession": "ShellSession",
"shen": "Shen",
"sieve": "Sieve",
"singularity": "Singularity",
"slash": "Slash",
"slice": "Slice",
"slim": "Slim",
"smali": "Smali",
"smalltalk": "Smalltalk",
"smarty": "Smarty",
"sml": "Standard ML",
"smpl": "SmPL",
"smt": "SMT",
"snipmate": "Vim Snippet",
"snippet": "YASnippet",
"solidity": "Solidity",
"soong": "Soong",
"sourcemod": "SourcePawn",
"sourcepawn": "SourcePawn",
"soy": "Closure Templates",
"sparql": "SPARQL",
"specfile": "RPM Spec",
"spline_font_database": "Spline Font Database",
"splus": "R",
"sqf": "SQF",
"sql": "SQL",
"sqlpl": "SQLPL",
"sqlrpgle": "RPGLE",
"squeak": "Smalltalk",
"squirrel": "Squirrel",
"srecode_template": "SRecode Template",
"ssh_config": "SSH Config",
"stan": "Stan",
"standard_ml": "Standard ML",
"starlark": "Starlark",
"stata": "Stata",
"ston": "STON",
"stringtemplate": "StringTemplate",
"stylus": "Stylus",
"subrip_text": "SubRip Text",
"sugarss": "SugarSS",
"supercollider": "SuperCollider",
"svelte": "Svelte",
"svg": "SVG",
"swift": "Swift",
"swig": "SWIG",
"systemverilog": "SystemVerilog",
"talon": "Talon",
"tcl": "Tcl",
"tcsh": "Tcsh",
"tea": "Tea",
"terra": "Terra",
"terraform": "HCL",
"tex": "TeX",
"texinfo": "Texinfo",
"text": "Text",
"text_proto": "Protocol Buffer Text Format",
"textile": "Textile",
"textmate_properties": "TextMate Properties",
"thrift": "Thrift",
"ti_program": "TI Program",
"tl": "Type Language",
"tla": "TLA",
"tm-properties": "TextMate Properties",
"toml": "TOML",
"troff": "Roff",
"ts": "TypeScript",
"tsql": "TSQL",
"tsv": "TSV",
"tsx": "TSX",
"turing": "Turing",
"turtle": "Turtle",
"twig": "Twig",
"txl": "TXL",
"type_language": "Type Language",
"typescript": "TypeScript",
"udiff": "Diff",
"ultisnip": "Vim Snippet",
"ultisnips": "Vim Snippet",
"unified_parallel_c": "Unified Parallel C",
"unity3d_asset": "Unity3D Asset",
"unix_assembly": "Unix Assembly",
"uno": "Uno",
"unrealscript": "UnrealScript",
"ur": "UrWeb",
"ur/web": "UrWeb",
"urweb": "UrWeb",
"v": "V",
"vala": "Vala",
"valve_data_format": "Valve Data Format",
"vb.net": "Visual Basic .NET",
"vb6": "VBA",
"vb_.net": "Visual Basic .NET",
"vba": "VBA",
"vbnet": "Visual Basic .NET",
"vbscript": "VBScript",
"vcl": "VCL",
"vdf": "Valve Data Format",
"verilog": "Verilog",
"vhdl": "VHDL",
"vim": "Vim Script",
"vim_help_file": "Vim Help File",
"vim_script": "Vim Script",
"vim_snippet": "Vim Snippet",
"vimhelp": "Vim Help File",
"viml": "Vim Script",
"visual_basic": "Visual Basic .NET",
"visual_basic_.net": "Visual Basic .NET",
"visual_basic_6": "VBA",
"visual_basic_for_applications": "VBA",
"vlang": "V",
"volt": "Volt",
"vue": "Vue",
"vyper": "Vyper",
"wasm": "WebAssembly",
"wast": "WebAssembly",
"wavefront_material": "Wavefront Material",
"wavefront_object": "Wavefront Object",
"wdl": "wdl",
"web_ontology_language": "Web Ontology Language",
"webassembly": "WebAssembly",
"webidl": "WebIDL",
"webvtt": "WebVTT",
"wget_config": "Wget Config",
"wgetrc": "Wget Config",
"wiki": "Wikitext",
"wikitext": "Wikitext",
"win32_message_file": "Win32 Message File",
"winbatch": "Batchfile",
"windows_registry_entries": "Windows Registry Entries",
"wisp": "wisp",
"witcher_script": "Witcher Script",
"wl": "Mathematica",
"wolfram": "Mathematica",
"wolfram_lang": "Mathematica",
"wolfram_language": "Mathematica",
"wollok": "Wollok",
"world_of_warcraft_addon_data": "World of Warcraft Addon Data",
"wsdl": "XML",
"x10": "X10",
"x_bitmap": "X BitMap",
"x_font_directory_index": "X Font Directory Index",
"x_pixmap": "X PixMap",
"xbase": "xBase",
"xbm": "X BitMap",
"xc": "XC",
"xcompose": "XCompose",
"xdr": "RPC",
"xhtml": "HTML",
"xml": "XML",
"xml+genshi": "Genshi",
"xml+kid": "Genshi",
"xml_property_list": "XML Property List",
"xojo": "Xojo",
"xonsh": "Xonsh",
"xpages": "XPages",
"xpm": "X PixMap",
"xproc": "XProc",
"xquery": "XQuery",
"xs": "XS",
"xsd": "XML",
"xsl": "XSLT",
"xslt": "XSLT",
"xten": "X10",
"xtend": "Xtend",
"yacc": "Yacc",
"yaml": "YAML",
"yang": "YANG",
"yara": "YARA",
"yas": "YASnippet",
"yasnippet": "YASnippet",
"yml": "YAML",
"zap": "ZAP",
"zeek": "Zeek",
"zenscript": "ZenScript",
"zephir": "Zephir",
"zig": "Zig",
"zil": "ZIL",
"zimpl": "Zimpl",
"zsh": "Shell",
// LanguageByAlias looks up the language name by it's alias or name.
// It mirrors the logic of github linguist and is needed e.g for heuristcs.yml
// that mixes names and aliases in a language field (see XPM example).
func LanguageByAlias(langOrAlias string) (lang string, ok bool) {
k := convertToAliasKey(langOrAlias)
lang, ok = LanguageByAliasMap[k]
// convertToAliasKey converts language name to a key in LanguageByAliasMap.
// Following
// - internal.code-generator.generator.convertToAliasKey()
// - GetLanguageByAlias()
// conventions.
// It is here to avoid dependency on "generate" and "enry" packages.
func convertToAliasKey(langName string) string {
ak := strings.SplitN(langName, `,`, 2)[0]
ak = strings.Replace(ak, ` `, `_`, -1)
ak = strings.ToLower(ak)
return ak