![logo](https://fastnetmon.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/cropped-new_logo_3var-e1515443553507-1-300x146.png) Community Edition =========== FastNetMon - A high performance DoS/DDoS load analyzer built on top of multiple packet capture engines (NetFlow, IPFIX, sFlow, AF_PACKET, Netmap, PCAP). What do we do? -------------- We detect hosts in the deployed network sending or receiving large volumes of traffic, packets/bytes/flows, per second and perform a configurable action to handle that event. These configurable actions include notifying you, switching off the server, or blackholing the client. Flow is one or more ICMP, UDP, or TCP packets which can be identified via their unique src IP, dst IP, src port, dst port, and protocol fields. Project ------- - [Official site](https://fastnetmon.com) - [FastNetMon Advanced, Commercial Edition](https://fastnetmon.com/fastnetmon-advanced/) - [FastNetMon Advanced and Community difference table](https://fastnetmon.com/compare-community-and-advanced/) - Detailed reference: [link](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffastnetmon.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F07%2FFastNetMon_Reference_Russian.pdf) Supported packet capture engines -------------------------------- - NetFlow v5, v9 - IPFIX - ![sFlow](http://sflow.org/images/sflowlogo.gif) v4, v5 - PCAP - AF_PACKET - Netmap - SnabbSwitch (experimental) - PF_RING / PF_RING ZC (obsoleted, not recommented, please use AF_PACKET instead) You can check out the [comparison table](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/capture_backends/) for all available packet capture engines. Official support groups: ------- - [Mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/fastnetmon) - [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/fastnetmon/shared_invite/MjM3NDUwNzY4NjA5LTE1MDQ4MzE5NTAtYmU4MjYyYWNiZQ) - IRC: #fastnetmon at irc.freenode.net [web client](https://webchat.freenode.net/) - Telegram: [fastnetmon](https://t.me/fastnetmon) Follow us at social media: ------- - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/fastnetmon) - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/fastnetmon/) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/fastnetmon/) Complete integration with the following vendors -------------------------------- - [Juniper integration](src/juniper_plugin) - [A10 Networks Thunder TPS Appliance integration](src/a10_plugin) - [MikroTik RouterOS](src/mikrotik_plugin) Please use only recent versions of RouterOS! Features -------- - Detects DoS/DDoS in as little as 1-2 seconds - Scales up to terabits on single server (sFlow, Netflow, IPFIX) or to 40G + in mirror mode - Trigger block/notify script if an IP exceeds defined thresholds for packets/bytes/flows per second - [Complete support](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/detected_attack_types/) for most popular attack types - Thresholds can be configured per-subnet basis with the hostgroups feature - [Announce blocked IPs](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/exabgp_integration/) via BGP to routers with [ExaBGP](https://github.com/Exa-Networks/exabgp) or [GoBGP](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/gobgp-integration/) - Full integration with [Graphite](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/graphite_integration/) and [InfluxDB](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/influxdb_integration/) - [API](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/fastnetmon-community-api/) - [Redis](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/redis/) integration - [MongoDB](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/mongodb/) integration - Netmap support (wire speed processing; only Intel hardware NICs or any hypervisor VM type) - Filter NetFlow v5 flows or sFlow packets with LUA scripts (useful for excluding particular ports) - Supports L2TP decapsulation, VLAN untagging in mirror mode - Complete plug-in support - Capture attack fingerprints in PCAP format - Experimental [BGP Flow Spec support](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/bgp_flow_spec/), RFC 5575 Running Fastnetmon ------------------ ### Supported platforms - Linux (Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu), [install instructions](https://fastnetmon.com/install/) - FreeBSD: [official port](https://www.freshports.org/net-mgmt/fastnetmon/). ### Hardware requirements - At least 1 GB of RAM ### Router integration instructions - [Juniper MX Routers](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/junos_integration/) Screenshots ------------ Main program: ![Main screen image](docs/images/fastnetmon_screen.png) Example CPU load on Intel i7-2600 with Intel X540/82599 NIC at 400Kpps load: ![Cpu consumption](docs/images/fastnetmon_stats.png) Example deployment scheme: ![Network diagramm](docs/images/deploy.png) Example of [notification email](https://fastnetmon.com/docs/attack_report_example/) about detected attack: Author: [Pavel Odintsov](http://uk.linkedin.com/in/podintsov/)