version: 2.1 parameters: fastnetmon_build_version: type: string default: "1.2.7" orbs: win: circleci/windows@4.1 jobs: build_windows: parameters: windows_name: type: string default_shell: type: string default: "c:/tools/msys64/msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -no-start -mingw64 -full-path -here" executor: << parameters.windows_name >> steps: - checkout - run: 'Write-Host "Hello from FastNetMon"' - run: choco install -y --no-progress cmake --installargs "ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=User" - run: choco install -y --no-progress msys2 - run: mkdir src/build - run: name: Install dependency libraries shell: c:/tools/msys64/msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -no-start -msys2 -full-path -here -c command: pacman -S --needed --noconfirm make mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-make mingw-w64-x86_64-boost mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake zip unzip mingw-w64-x86_64-capnproto mingw-w64-x86_64-grpc mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl mingw-w64-x86_64-hiredis mingw-w64-x86_64-librdkafka mingw-w64-x86_64-protobuf mingw-w64-x86_64-ncurses mingw-w64-x86_64-libpcap - run: name: Download log4cpp shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: wget - run: name: Unpack log4cpp shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: tar -xf log4cpp-1.1.4.tar.gz - run: name: Patch log4cpp to compile it on msys2 shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: sed -i '/#define int64_t __int64/d' log4cpp/include/log4cpp/config-MinGW32.h - run: name: Patch tests shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: sed -i 's/typedef int64_t usec_t;/#include \ntypedef int64_t usec_t;/' log4cpp/tests/Clock.hh - run: name: Configure log4cpp shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: cd log4cpp && ./configure - run: name: Build log4cpp shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: cd log4cpp && make -j - run: name: Install log4cpp shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: cd log4cpp && make install - run: name: Run cmake shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: cmake -DENABLE_MONGODB_SUPPORT=FALSE -DENABLE_PCAP_SUPPORT=FALSE -DLINK_WITH_ABSL=TRUE -S src -B src/build - run: name: Build shell: << parameters.default_shell >> command: cd src/build && ninja build_macos: macos: xcode: 13.4.1 environment: # We need it to address Error: No head is defined for fastnetmon # HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API: 1 steps: - run: env - checkout - run: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" - run: cat /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/fastnetmon.rb - run: find /usr/local/Homebrew |grep fastnetmon - run: cp src/packaging/homebrew/fastnetmon.rb /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/fastnetmon.rb - run: brew install --build-from-source --HEAD --verbose --debug fastnetmon build_debian_upstream_package: machine: image: ubuntu-2204:current resource_class: large parameters: docker_image: type: string debian_codename: type: string steps: - run: name: Create folder to share data between host and Docker container with relaxed permissions to allow use of save / restore cache logic command: sudo mkdir /data; sudo chmod 777 /data - run: name: Docker with priviledged mode to run chroot inside and we use tail -f to keep container running command: sudo docker run -d -v /sys/fs/cgroup/:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -v /data:/data:rw --privileged --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --name linux_priviledged_container << parameters.docker_image >> tail -f /dev/null - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container apt-get update; true - run: name: Explicitly specify mirror to avoid pbuilder failure on configuration step command: echo "MIRRORSITE="| sudo docker exec -i linux_priviledged_container tee /etc/pbuilderrc - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container cat /etc/pbuilderrc - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container apt install -y dpkg-dev git pbuilder - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container git clone - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container git clone fastnetmon-debian-salsa - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container rm -f fastnetmon-debian-salsa/debian/patches/series - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container tar -czf fastnetmon_$(sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container head -n 1 fastnetmon-debian-salsa/debian/changelog|awk '{print $2}'|sed 's/[()]//g' | sed -E 's/(\-[0-9]+)?$//').orig.tar.gz fastnetmon - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container ls -la - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container bash -c "cd fastnetmon && rm -rf debian && cp -a ../fastnetmon-debian-salsa/debian/ . && dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -d" - run: name: List produced source files command: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container ls -la - run: name: Show content of data folder and permissions for it command: ls -la /data - run: name: Check that we have anything in data folder on VM command: ls -la /data - run: name: "Run pbuilder run Docker if we have no image in place" command: "sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container pbuilder --create --basetgz /data/debian_base.tgz --distribution << parameters.debian_codename >>" - run: ls -la /data - run: sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container pbuilder --build --basetgz /data/debian_base.tgz --debbuildopts "-sa" /fastnetmon_$(sudo docker exec -it linux_priviledged_container head -n 1 fastnetmon-debian-salsa/debian/changelog|awk '{print $2}'|sed 's/[()]//g').dsc build_docker_x86_64: machine: image: ubuntu-2204:current steps: - checkout - run: docker build -t<< pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >> -t - < src/Dockerfile - run: sudo docker images - run: echo $CR_PAT | sudo docker login -u pavel-odintsov --password-stdin - run: sudo docker push<< pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >> - run: sudo docker push build_gce: machine: # We use this image because it uses GCE instead of AWS for testing # # You can find latest tag here: image: android:2022.09.1 resource_class: large steps: - checkout build_docker_arm64: machine: image: ubuntu-2204:current resource_class: arm.large steps: - checkout - run: docker build --build-arg installer_file_name=installer_arm64 -t -t - < src/Dockerfile - run: sudo docker images build_fedora_upstream: parameters: docker_image: type: string docker: - image: << parameters.docker_image >> resource_class: large steps: - checkout - run: dnf install -y rpm-build rpmdevtools dnf-plugins-core - run: mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/SPECS - run: cp src/packaging/fedora/fastnetmon.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS - run: name: Install build dependencies command: dnf builddep -y ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/fastnetmon.spec - run: name: Download source command: cd ~/rpmbuild && spectool -g -R SPECS/fastnetmon.spec - run: name: Added sysusers file to SOURCES command: cp src/packaging/fedora/fastnetmon.sysusers ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES - run: name: Build source RPM command: cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS && rpmbuild -bs fastnetmon.spec - store_artifacts: path: /root/rpmbuild/SRPMS - run: name: Build RPM command: cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS && rpmbuild -bb fastnetmon.spec - store_artifacts: path: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64 build_epel9_upstream: docker: - image: almalinux:9 resource_class: large steps: - checkout - run: dnf install -y rpm-build rpmdevtools dnf-plugins-core - run: dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core - run: dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb - run: dnf install -y - run: mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/SPECS # It's copy of Fedora SPEC file with capnproto disabled because we have no package for it in EPEL: - run: cp src/packaging/epel/fastnetmon.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS - run: name: Install build dependencies command: dnf builddep -y ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/fastnetmon.spec - run: name: Download source command: cd ~/rpmbuild && spectool -g -R SPECS/fastnetmon.spec - run: name: Added sysusers file to SOURCES command: cp src/packaging/fedora/fastnetmon.sysusers ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES - run: name: Build source RPM command: cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS && rpmbuild -bs fastnetmon.spec - store_artifacts: path: /root/rpmbuild/SRPMS - run: name: Build RPM command: cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS && rpmbuild -bb fastnetmon.spec - store_artifacts: path: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64 build_debian_system_dependencies: parameters: docker_image: type: string resource_class: type: string default: large machine: image: ubuntu-2204:current environment: DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive resource_class: << parameters.resource_class >> steps: - run: sudo docker run --name linux_docker -d -t << parameters.docker_image >> - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker apt-get update; true - run: sudo docker exec --env DEBIAN_FRONTEND linux_docker apt-get install -y perl wget git cmake g++ make liblog4cpp5-dev libhiredis-dev libmongoc-dev libbpf-dev libgrpc++-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libcapnp-dev capnproto libssl-dev protobuf-compiler-grpc libncurses5-dev libpcap-dev pkg-config libboost-atomic-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker git clone - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker mkdir fastnetmon/src/build - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker cmake -S fastnetmon/src -B fastnetmon/src/build -DENABLE_AF_XDP_SUPPORT=FALSE - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker make -C fastnetmon/src/build -j build_debian: parameters: docker_image: type: string distro_version: type: string distro_name: type: string s3cmd_install_command: type: string default: "apt-get install -y s3cmd" resource_class: type: string default: large debian_package_architecture: type: string default: "amd64" machine: image: ubuntu-2204:current environment: DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive resource_class: << parameters.resource_class >> steps: - run: sudo docker run --name linux_docker -d -t << parameters.docker_image >> - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker apt-get update; true - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker apt-get install -y perl wget git - run: sudo docker exec --env DEBIAN_FRONTEND linux_docker bash -c "<< parameters.s3cmd_install_command >>" - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker git clone - run: name: install_gcc no_output_timeout: 120m command: sudo -E docker exec --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY linux_docker perl fastnetmon/src/scripts/ gcc_12_1_0 - run: name: install_dependencies no_output_timeout: 180m command: sudo -E docker exec --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY linux_docker perl fastnetmon/src/scripts/ - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker perl fastnetmon/src/scripts/ - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker perl fastnetmon/src/scripts/ /opt/fastnetmon_libraries_bundle.tar.gz - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker fastnetmon/src/scripts/ deb /opt/fastnetmon_libraries_bundle.tar.gz << pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >> << parameters.distro_name >> << parameters.distro_version >> - run: sudo -E docker exec --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY linux_docker s3cmd --disable-multipart --host-bucket="%(bucket)" put /tmp/fastnetmon_<< pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >>_<< parameters.debian_package_architecture >>.deb s3://fastnetmon_community_packages/<< pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >>/<< parameters.distro_name >>/<< parameters.distro_version >>/fastnetmon_<< pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >>_<< parameters.debian_package_architecture >>.deb - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker cp fastnetmon/src/fastnetmon.conf /etc/fastnetmon.conf - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker ldd /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker ldd /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_client - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker ldd /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_api_client - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_api_client --help - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_client --help - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon --configuration_check build_centos: parameters: docker_image: type: string centos_version: type: string resource_class: type: string default: large centos_package_architecture: type: string default: "x86_64" machine: image: ubuntu-2204:current resource_class: << parameters.resource_class >> steps: - run: sudo docker run --name linux_docker -d -t << parameters.docker_image >> - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker yum install -y perl wget python3-pip perl-Archive-Tar git - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker git clone - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker pip3 install s3cmd - run: name: install_gcc no_output_timeout: 120m command: sudo -E docker exec --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY linux_docker perl fastnetmon/src/scripts/ gcc_12_1_0 - run: name: install_dependencies no_output_timeout: 180m command: sudo -E docker exec --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY linux_docker perl fastnetmon/src/scripts/ - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker perl fastnetmon/src/scripts/ - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker perl fastnetmon/src/scripts/ /opt/fastnetmon_libraries_bundle.tar.gz - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker fastnetmon/src/scripts/ rpm /opt/fastnetmon_libraries_bundle.tar.gz << pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >> centos << parameters.centos_version >> - run: sudo -E docker exec --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY linux_docker s3cmd --disable-multipart --host-bucket="%(bucket)" put /tmp/result_data/fastnetmon-<< pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >>-1.el<< parameters.centos_version >>.<< parameters.centos_package_architecture >>.rpm s3://fastnetmon_community_packages/<< pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >>/centos/<< parameters.centos_version >>/fastnetmon-<< pipeline.parameters.fastnetmon_build_version >>-1.el<< parameters.centos_version >>.<< parameters.centos_package_architecture >>.rpm - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker cp fastnetmon/src/fastnetmon.conf /etc/fastnetmon.conf - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker ldd /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker ldd /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_client - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker ldd /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_api_client - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_api_client --help - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon_client --help - run: sudo docker exec linux_docker /opt/fastnetmon-community/app/bin/fastnetmon --configuration_check workflows: version: 2 all_distros: jobs: - build_centos: docker_image: centos:centos7 centos_version: "7" name: "centos7" - build_centos: docker_image: almalinux:8 centos_version: "8" name: "centos8" - build_centos: docker_image: almalinux:8 centos_version: "8" name: "centos8_arm" resource_class: "arm.large" centos_package_architecture: "aarch64" - build_centos: docker_image: almalinux:9 centos_version: "9" name: "centos9" - build_centos: docker_image: almalinux:9 centos_version: "9" name: "centos9_arm" resource_class: "arm.large" centos_package_architecture: "aarch64" - build_debian: docker_image: "ubuntu:jammy" distro_version: "22.04" name: "ubuntu2204" distro_name: "ubuntu" - build_debian: docker_image: "ubuntu:jammy" distro_version: "22.04" name: "ubuntu2204_arm" distro_name: "ubuntu" resource_class: "arm.large" debian_package_architecture: "arm64" - build_debian: docker_image: "ubuntu:focal" distro_version: "20.04" name: "ubuntu2004" distro_name: "ubuntu" - build_debian: docker_image: "ubuntu:focal" distro_version: "20.04" name: "ubuntu2004_arm" distro_name: "ubuntu" resource_class: "arm.large" debian_package_architecture: "arm64" - build_debian: docker_image: "ubuntu:bionic" distro_version: "18.04" name: "ubuntu1804" distro_name: "ubuntu" - build_debian: docker_image: "ubuntu:xenial" distro_version: "16.04" name: "ubuntu1604" distro_name: "ubuntu" - build_debian: docker_image: "debian:buster" distro_version: "10" name: "debian10" distro_name: "debian" # We do it this way because this version of Debian has no s3cmd in official repos for some reasons: s3cmd_install_command: "apt-get install -y python3-pip && pip3 install s3cmd" - build_debian: docker_image: "debian:bullseye" distro_version: "11" name: "debian11" distro_name: "debian" - build_debian: docker_image: "debian:bullseye" distro_version: "11" name: "debian11_arm" distro_name: "debian" resource_class: "arm.large" debian_package_architecture: "arm64" - build_debian: docker_image: "debian:bookworm" distro_version: "12" name: "debian12" distro_name: "debian" - build_debian: docker_image: "debian:bookworm" distro_version: "12" name: "debian12_arm" distro_name: "debian" resource_class: "arm.large" debian_package_architecture: "arm64" - build_docker_x86_64: name: "Build Docker image on x86_64 platform" # - build_docker_arm64: # name: "Build Docker image on ARM64 platform" - build_debian_upstream_package: name: "Debian Sid Upstream Build" debian_codename: "sid" docker_image: "debian:bookworm" # To offer great developer experience we ensure that FastNetMon can be built on latest Ubuntu LTS - build_debian_system_dependencies: docker_image: "ubuntu:jammy" name: "ubuntu2204_system_dependencies" # it's broken due to some changes in Sid #- build_debian_system_dependencies: # docker_image: "debian:sid" # name: "debian_sid_system_dependencies" - build_fedora_upstream: name: "Fedora 36 Upstream RPM" docker_image: fedora:36 - build_fedora_upstream: name: "Fedora 37 Upstream RPM" docker_image: fedora:37 - build_fedora_upstream: name: "Fedora 38 Upstream RPM" docker_image: fedora:38 - build_epel9_upstream: name: "EPEL 9 RPM" - build_macos: name: "Build on MacOS" - build_windows: name: "Build on Windows Server 2022" windows_name: "win/server-2022" - build_windows: name: "Build on Windows Server 2019" windows_name: "win/server-2019"