Let us assume you have full Slackware install. It is tested with version 14.1 First we need to install libnuma. Download ftp://oss.sgi.com/www/projects/libnuma/download/numactl-2.0.10.tar.gz (or newer version if any). ```bash cd /usr/src wget ftp://oss.sgi.com/www/projects/libnuma/download/numactl-2.0.10.tar.gz tar -xvf numactl-2.0.10.tar.gz cd numactl-2.0.10/ ./autogen.sh ./configure make As root: make install ``` Now install log4cpp: ```bash cd /usr/src wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/log4cpp/log4cpp-1.1.x%20%28new%29/log4cpp-1.1/log4cpp-1.1.1.tar.gz?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Flog4cpp%2Ffiles%2Flog4cpp-1.1.x%2520%2528new%2529%2F&ts=1422275810&use_mirror=cznic' -Olog4cpp-1.1.1.tar.gz tar -xvf log4cpp-1.1.1.tar.gz cd log4cpp ./configure make As root: make install ``` Now install PF_RING ```bash cd /usr/src wget 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ntop/PF_RING/PF_RING-6.0.3.tar.gz?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fntop%2Ffiles%2FPF_RING%2F&ts=1402307916&use_mirror=cznic' -OPF_RING-6.0.3.tar.gz tar -xvf PF_RING-6.0.3.tar.gz cd PF_RING-6.0.3 Install kernel module: ```bash cd kernel make As root: make install modprobe pf_ring ``` Install library: ``` cd /usr/src/PF_RING-6.0.3/userland/lib ./configure --disable-bpf --prefix=/opt/pf_ring make As root: make install ``` You must add this line to /etc/ld.so.conf: ```/opt/pf_ring/lib``` Then execute command as root: ```ldconfig``` Now you have all you need for compiling fastnetmon. ```bash cd /usr/src git clone https://github.com/FastVPSEestiOu/fastnetmon.git cd fastnetmon/src In file CMakeLists.txt coment out the line: target_link_libraries(fastnetmon pcap) mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ``` If you have some 'boost' related errors it is recomended to remove your version of 'boost' and install the newest from source. If compiling finishes without errors - you have two binaries - fastnetmon and fastnetmon_client. You can put them for example in /usr/local/bin. You can put /usr/src/fastnetmon/notify_about_attack there too. Copy /usr/src/fastnetmon/fastnetmon.conf to /etc and edit it for your needs. Create /etc/networks_list with your networks in CIDR format (one per line). And you are done - you have installed fastnetmon. Author: Martin Stoyanov