### GoBGP integration We have complete GoBGP integration for unicast IPv4. We have following configuration options for GoBGP: ```bash gobgp = off gobgp_next_hop = gobgp_announce_host = on gobgp_announce_whole_subnet = off ``` We haven't enabled GoBGP build by default because it needs really huge dependency list. Please use following reference: ```bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FastVPSEestiOu/fastnetmon/master/src/fastnetmon_install.pl -Ofastnetmon_install.pl ``` Open fastnetmon_install.pl file and replace ```my $enable_gobgp_backend = '';``` by ```my $enable_gobgp_backend = '1';```. ```bash sudo perl fastnetmon_install.pl --use-git-master ``` Create example configuration for GoBGPD in gobgpd.conf file in current directory: ```bash [global.config] as = 65001 router-id = "" [[neighbors]] [neighbors.config] neighbor-address = "" peer-as = 65001 [neighbors.ebgp-multihop.config] enabled = true [[neighbors.afi-safis]] afi-safi-name = "ipv4-unicast" ``` Run it: ```bash /opt/gobgp_1_0_0/gobgpd -f gobgpd.conf ``` Check announced routes: ```bash /opt/gobgp_1_0_0/gobgp global rib Network Next Hop AS_PATH Age Attrs *> 00:00:08 [{Origin: ?}] ``` Announce custom route: ```bash gobgp global rib add -a ipv4 ``` Withdraw route (please be careful! FastNetMon do not expect this from your side): ```bash gobgp global rib del -a ipv4 ```