FastNetMon =========== Author: Pavel Odintsov pavel.odintsov at License: GPLv2 FastNetMon - High Performance Network DDoS and Load Analyzer with PCAP/ULOG2/PF_RING support. But I recommends only PF_RING variant because other variants is so slow and use big amount of CPU and expected big packetloss. What we do? We can detect hosts in OUR network with big amount of packets per second (30 000 pps in standard configuration) incoming or outgoing from certain host. And we can call external bash script which can send notify, switch off server or blackhole this client. Why we write it? Because we can't find any software for solving this problem not in proprietary world not in open sourcу. NetFlow based solutions is so slow and can't react on atatck with acceptable speed. Main programm screen image: ![Main screen image](fastnetmon_screen.png) Example for cpu load for Intel i7 2600 with Intel X540 NIC on 250 kpps load: ![Cpu consumption](fastnetmon_stats.png) Features: - VLAN untagging - MPLS traffic processing - Ability to work on mirror ports - Ability to work on router At first you should install PF_RING (you can install any latest version): ```bash cd /usr/src wget '' -OPF_RING-6.0.1.tar.gz tar -xf PF_RING-6.0.1.tar.gz cd PF_RING-6.0.1 # Debian way apt-get install build-essential bison flex linux-headers-$(uname -r) libnuma-dev # CentOS yum install -y make bison flex kernel-devel gcc gcc-c++ # CentOS openvz case yum install -y make bison flex vzkernel-devel gcc gcc-c++ ``` Build PF_RING kernel module: ```bash cd kernel make make install modprobe pf_ring ``` You can use precompiled and statically linced version of this tool without any compiling: ```bash mkdir /root/fastnetmon cd /root/fastnetmon wget -Ofastnetmon chmod +x fastnetmon ./fastnetmon eth0 ``` If you want to use static version you can skip this guide to part about "networks_list". Build lib (We disabled bpf because it requires linking to PCAP): ```bash # Debian apt-get install -y libnuma-dev # CentOS yum install -y numactl-devel cd /usr/src/PF_RING-6.0.1/userland/lib ./configure --disable-bpf --prefix=/opt/pf_ring make make install ``` Install FastNetMon: ```bash # Debian 7 Wheezy apt-get install -y git g++ gcc libboost-all-dev make libgpm-dev libncurses5-dev liblog4cpp5-dev libnuma-dev libgeoip-dev libhiredis-dev libpcap-dev # CentOS yum install -y git make gcc gcc-c++ boost-devel GeoIP-devel log4cpp-devel ncurses-devel glibc-static ncurses-static gpm-static gpm-devel # For compiling on CentOS please remove line "STATIC = -static" from file Makefile and replace line "LIBS += -lboost_thread" by line "LIBS += -lboost_thread-mt" cd /usr/src git clone cd fastnetmon ``` Select backend, we use PF_RING as default, if you need PCAP/ULOG2 you must change variable ENGINE in Makefile. Compile it: ```bash make ``` You should start fastnetmon using this options: ```bash LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pf_ring/lib/ ./fastnetmon eth3,eth4 ``` If you want to avoid LD_LIBRARY_PATH on every call you should add pf_ring path to system: ```bash echo "/opt/pf_ring/lib" > /etc/ ldconfig -v ``` Download GeoIP database to current folder: ```bash gunzip GeoIPASNum.dat.gz ``` It's REQUIRED to add all your networks in CIDR form to file /etc/networks_list if form when one subnet on one line. Please aggregate your networks because long networks list will significatly slow down programm. And please change REDIS_SUPPORT = yes to no in Makefile if you do not need traffic counting feature. When you running this software in OpenVZ node you may did not specify networks explicitly, we can read it from file /proc/vz/veip. You can add whitelist subnets in similar form to /etc/networks_whitelist (CIDR masks too). Copy standard config file to /etc: ```bash cp fastnetmon.conf /etc/fastnetmon.conf ``` Start it: ```bash ./fastnetmon eth1,eth2 ``` Example program screen: ```bash FastNetMon v1.0 all IPs ordered by: packets Incoming Traffic 96667 pps 240 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 7950 pps 3 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 5863 pps 65 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 2306 pps 1 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 1535 pps 16 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 1312 pps 14 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 1153 pps 0 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 1145 pps 0 mbps Outgoing traffic 133265 pps 952 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 7414 pps 4 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 5047 pps 4 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 3458 pps 3 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 2959 pps 35 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 2612 pps 29 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 2334 pps 26 mbps xx.xx.xx.xx 1906 pps 21 mbps Internal traffic 0 pps Other traffic 1815 pps Packets received: 6516913578 Packets dropped: 0 Packets dropped: 0.0 % Ban list: yy.yy.yy.yy/20613 pps incoming ``` Enable programm start on server startup, please add to /etc/rc.local this lines: ```bash cd /root/fastnetmon && screen -S fastnetmon -d -m ./fastnetmon eth3,eth4 ``` When incoming or outgoing attack arrives programm call bash script (when it exists): /usr/local/bin/ two times. First time when threshold exceed (at this step we know IP, direction and power of attack). Second when we collect 100 packets for detailed audit what did happens. Example of first notification: ```bash subject: Myflower Guard: IP xx.xx.xx.xx blocked because incoming attack with power 120613 pps body: blank ``` Example of second notification: ```bash subject: Myflower Guard: IP xx.xx.xx.xx blocked because incoming attack with power 120613 pps body: IP: xx.zz.xx.1 Attack power: 95267 packets per second Peak attack power: 269017 packets per second Attack direction: incoming Incoming traffic: 43 mbps Outgoing traffic: 15 mbps Incoming pps: 95267 packets per second Outgoing pps: 31119 packets per second 2014-07-04 13:59:54.778872 xx.xx.xx.xx:80 > xx.xx.xx.xx:46804 protocol: tcp size: 233 bytes 2014-07-04 13:59:54.778874 xx.xx.xx.xx:80 > xx.xx.xx.xx:46804 protocol: tcp size: 233 bytes 2014-07-04 13:59:54.778875 xx.xx.xx.xx:80 > xx.xx.xx.xx:46804 protocol: tcp size: 233 bytes 2014-07-04 13:59:54.778877 xx.xx.xx.xx:46804 > xx.xx.xx.xx:80 protocol: tcp size: 52 bytes 2014-07-04 13:59:54.778878 xx.xx.xx.xx:46804 > xx.xx.xx.xx:80 protocol: tcp size: 52 bytes 2014-07-04 13:59:54.778882 xx.xx.xx.xx:80 > xx.xx.xx.xx:46804 protocol: tcp size: 233 bytes 2014-07-04 13:59:54.778884 xx.xx.xx.xx:80 > xx.xx.xx.xx:46804 protocol: tcp size: 233 bytes 2014-07-04 13:59:54.778885 xx.xx.xx.xx:46804 > xx.xx.xx.xx:80 protocol: tcp size: 52 bytes ``` I recommend you to disable CPU freq scaling for gain max performance (max frequency): ```bash echo performance | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor ``` You can use this script for irq balancing on heavy loaded networks: ```bash #!/bin/bash # from ncpus=`grep -ciw ^processor /proc/cpuinfo` test "$ncpus" -gt 1 || exit 1 n=0 for irq in `cat /proc/interrupts | grep eth | awk '{print $1}' | sed s/\://g` do f="/proc/irq/$irq/smp_affinity" test -r "$f" || continue cpu=$[$ncpus - ($n % $ncpus) - 1] if [ $cpu -ge 0 ] then mask=`printf %x $[2 ** $cpu]` echo "Assign SMP affinity: eth queue $n, irq $irq, cpu $cpu, mask 0x$mask" echo "$mask" > "$f" let n+=1 fi done ``` You can find more info and graphics [here]( Running tool without root permissions: ```bash useradd fastnetmon setcap cap_net_admin+eip fastnetmon su fastnetmon ./fastnetmon eth0,eth1 ``` Please keep in mind when run tool on OpenVZ because without root permissions tool can't get all VE ips and you should pass it explicitly. Debugging flags. DUMP_ALL_PACKETS will enable all packets dumping to console. It's very useful for testing tool on non standard platforms. ```bash DUMP_ALL_PACKETS=yes ./fastnetmon eth3,eth4 ``` Recommended configuration options for ixgbe Intel X540 driver: ```bash cat /etc/modprobe.d/ixgbe.conf options ixgbe IntMode=2,2 MQ=1,1 DCA=2,2 RSS=8,8 VMDQ=0,0 max_vfs=0,0 L2LBen=0,0 InterruptThrottleRate=1,1 FCoE=0,0 LRO=1,1 allow_unsupported_sfp=0,0 ``` How I can enable hardware filtration for Intel 82599 NIC? Install patched ixgbe driver from PF_RING distro and apply this patch to Makefile and recompile tool: ```bash fastnetmon.o: fastnetmon.cpp - $(COMPILER) $(STATIC) $(DEFINES) $(HEADERS) -c fastnetmon.cpp -o fastnetmon.o $(BUILD_FLAGS) + $(COMPILER) $(STATIC) $(DEFINES) $(HEADERS) -c fastnetmon.cpp -o fastnetmon.o $(BUILD_FLAGS) -DHWFILTER_LOCKING ``` If you saw intel_idle in perf top with red higlihting you can disable it with following kernel params (more details you can find Performance_Tuning_Guide_for_Mellanox_Network_Adapters.pdf): ```bash intel_idle.max_cstate=0 processor.max_cstate=1 ```