! This is the global resources file that is loaded when ! all users log in, as well as for the login screen ! Fix the Xft dpi to 96; this prevents tiny fonts ! or HUGE fonts depending on the screen size. Xft.dpi: 96 ! hintstyle: medium means that (for Postscript fonts) we ! position the stems for maximum constrast and consistency ! but do not force the stems to integral widths. hintnone, ! hintslight, and hintfull are the other possibilities. Xft.hintstyle: hintslight Xft*antialias: true !Xft*hinting: medium XTerm*background: black XTerm*foreground: white XTerm*vt100*scrollBar: false XTerm*vt100*geometry: 80x25 XTerm*vt100*cursorBlink: true Xterm*cursorBlink: true XTerm*saveLines: 31337 XTerm*highlightSelection: true !XTerm*vt100*colorBDMode: on *colorBDMode: on XTerm*vt100*eightBitOutput: false XTerm*vt100*dynamicColors: on !XTerm*vt100*dynamicColors: true xterm*fastScroll: true *AllowBoldFonts: true XTerm*vt100*faceName: xft:monospace:size=11 !xterm*vt100*font: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso-8-* XTerm*utf8: 2