# check out https://starship.rs/ format = """ $all\ $line_break\ $time\ $status\ $character """ scan_timeout = 25 command_timeout = 200 [aws] disabled = false [buf] disabled = true [bun] disabled = true [character] success_symbol = "[➜](bold green)" # error_symbol = "[󰈸](bold #ee4e4e)" error_symbol = "[󰈸](bold red)" # the non-nerdfont default is 🔥 vimcmd_symbol = "[N](bold green)" [battery] full_symbol = "•" charging_symbol = "⇡" discharging_symbol = "⇣" unknown_symbol = "~" disabled = true [[battery.display]] threshold = 35 [c] disabled = false symbol = " " format = "[$symbol($version)]($style) " [cmake] disabled = false symbol= "󰔷 " # the non-nerdfont default is △ style = "blue" format = "[$symbol]($style)" [cmd_duration] # notification support via # cargo install starship --features=notify-rust show_notifications = true # in milliseconds min_time_to_notify = 13_000 notification_timeout = 3_750 [cobol] disabled = true [conda] disabled = true [container] disabled = false format = '[$symbol](bold $style)[\[$name\]]($style bold dimmed) ' symbol = '⬢ ' style = 'red' [crystal] disabled = true [daml] disabled = true [dart] disabled = true [deno] disabled = true [directory] truncate_to_repo = true truncation_symbol = "…/" style = "bold blue" [docker_context] disabled = true [elixir] disabled = true [elm] disabled = true [erlang] disabled = true [gcloud] disabled = true symbol = " " format = '[$symbol$active \(@$domain\)]($style) ' [git_branch] format = "[$branch]($style) " style = "bright-black" # [git_commit] # only_detached = false [git_metrics] disabled = false added_style = "bold blue" [git_status] ahead = "⇡${count}" diverged = "⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}" behind = "⇣${count} " deleted = "[•](bold red)" untracked = "[⚶](bold cyan)" stashed = "[≡](bold yellow)" staged = "[+](bold green)" modified = "[∆](bold green)" renamed = "[⥁](bold purple)" conflicted = "[⥯](bold red)" format = "[($conflicted$stashed$modified$staged$renamed$deleted($untracked)$ahead_behind )]($style)" [golang] symbol = " " # the non-nerdfont default is 🐹 # format = "[$symbol]($style)" format = "[$symbol($version )]($style)" [julia] disabled = true [kotlin] format = "[$symbol($version )]($style)" [lua] disabled = false [nix_shell] disabled = false symbol = " " # requires patched font, the default is ❄️ format = '[$symbol](bold bright-cyan)[$state](bold italic bright-purple)[( \($name\))]($style) ' [nodejs] symbol = " " # the non-nerdfont alternative used previously was ⬢ style = "green" # format = "[$symbol($version )]($style)" format = "[$symbol](bold $style)" [package] disabled = false symbol = "⬢ " style = "bright-black" format = "[$symbol](bright-black)[($version )](bold $style)" [php] disabled = true [purescript] disabled = false [pulumi] disabled = false [python] # don't trigger just when a ".py" is found detect_extensions = [] symbol = " " # the non-nerdfont default is 🐍 style = "bright-black" format = "[${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version} )$virtualenv ]($style)" [raku] disabled = true [red] disabled = true [rlang] disabled = true [rust] symbol = " " # the non-nerdfont default is 🦀 format = "[$symbol($version )]($style)" [scala] disabled = true [singularity] disabled = true [swift] disabled = false [status] disabled = false style = "red" map_symbol = false pipestatus = true pipestatus_separator = '[| ]($style)' pipestatus_format = '[($style)$pipestatus]($style)' symbol = "\\(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻" # pure unicode version # format = "(bg:$stylefg:#4169e1)[$symbol $status](bg:$style)(fg:$style) " # certain symbols of the following rely on nerdfonts format = "[](fg:$style)[$symbol ](bg:$style)[\ue0b8 $status $common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int \ue0ba\ue0b4](bold $style) " # ref: # https://github.com/starship/starship/discussions/1107#discussioncomment-345147 [terraform] format = "[💠 ($workspace )]($style)" # alternatively use 💨 or 󰜋 for symbol [time] disabled = true style = "bold bright-black" format = "[$time]($style) " [vcsh] disabled = true [vlang] disabled = true symbol = "V" style = "bold fg:#5d87bf bg:#333344" format = "[$symbol]($style) " [zig] disabled = false format = "[$symbol]($style)" [custom.hare] disabled = false # check out https://harelang.org/ description = "The currently installed version of Harelang" detect_extensions = ["ha"] # since there is no hare emoji so far, the one for rabbit is used symbol = "󰤇 " command = "hare version | cut -f 2 -d ' '" style = "dimmed bold bright-black" format = "$symbol[($output)]($style) "