#!/bin/bash # deploy-dotfiles is a simple config deployment "script" # version 0.1 # Author: a_mirre@utb.cz # License: GNU GPL v3 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) # old dotfiles should be backed up files={vimrc:gvimrc:zsh/zshrc} bindir="~/utils/bin" if [ ! -d $bindir ]; then echo "[*] creating bindir" mkdir -pv $bindir else echo "[i] bindir already present" fi echo "[*] symlinking dotfiles" while true; do if [ -f $f ]; then echo "[*] backing up $f to $f.OLDER" mv -v $f $f.OLDER fi echo "[*] creating a link for $f at $syspath" ln -v -s $f $syspath done