diff --git a/.config/qutebrowser/config.py b/.config/qutebrowser/config.py
index 931874d..c47fab4 100644
--- a/.config/qutebrowser/config.py
+++ b/.config/qutebrowser/config.py
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ c.fonts.web.size.minimum = 15
# Bindings for normal mode
config.bind(';#', 'hint code userscript code_select.py')
config.bind(';D', 'spawn --userscript dark_mode.user ;; greasemonkey-reload')
-config.bind(';G', 'hint links userscript qute-gemini-tab')
+config.bind(';G', 'hint links userscript qute-gemini')
config.bind(';b', 'hint links userscript getbib')
config.bind(';g', 'hint links userscript qute-gemini')
config.bind(';m', 'hint links spawn nohup mpv --gpu-context=wayland --hwdec=auto {hint-url}')
diff --git a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/code_select.py b/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/code_select.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d5ebae1..0000000
--- a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/code_select.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import os
-import html
-import re
-import sys
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- import pyperclip
-except ImportError:
-def parse_text_content(element):
- root = ET.fromstring(element)
- text = ET.tostring(root, encoding="unicode", method="text")
- text = html.unescape(text)
- return text
-def send_command_to_qute(command):
- with open(os.environ.get("QUTE_FIFO"), "w") as f:
- f.write(command)
-def main():
- delimiter = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ";"
- # For info on qute environment vairables, see
- # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/doc/userscripts.asciidoc
- element = os.environ.get("QUTE_SELECTED_HTML")
- code_text = parse_text_content(element)
- pyperclip.copy(code_text)
- send_command_to_qute(
- "message-info 'copied to clipboard: {info}{suffix}'".format(
- info=code_text.splitlines()[0],
- suffix="..." if len(code_text.splitlines()) > 1 else ""
- )
- )
- else:
- # Qute's yank command won't copy accross multiple lines so we
- # compromise by placing lines on a single line seperated by the
- # specified delimiter
- code_text = re.sub("(\n)+", delimiter, code_text)
- code_text = code_text.replace("'", "\"")
- send_command_to_qute("yank inline '{code}'\n".format(code=code_text))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/getbib b/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/getbib
deleted file mode 100755
index e50bc71..0000000
--- a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/getbib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-"""Qutebrowser userscript scraping the current web page for DOIs and downloading
-corresponding bibtex information.
-Set the environment variable 'QUTE_BIB_FILEPATH' to indicate the path to
-download to. Otherwise, bibtex information is downloaded to '/tmp' and hence
-deleted at reboot.
-Installation: see qute://help/userscripts.html
-Inspired by
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-from collections import Counter
-from urllib import parse as url_parse
-from urllib import request as url_request
-FIFO_PATH = os.getenv("QUTE_FIFO")
-def message_fifo(message, level="warning"):
- """Send message to qutebrowser FIFO. The level must be one of 'info',
- 'warning' (default) or 'error'."""
- with open(FIFO_PATH, "w") as fifo:
- fifo.write("message-{} '{}'".format(level, message))
-source = os.getenv("QUTE_TEXT")
-with open(source) as f:
- text = f.read()
-# find DOIs on page using regex
-dval = re.compile(r'(10\.(\d)+/([^(\s\>\"\<)])+)')
-# https://stackoverflow.com/a/10324802/3865876, too strict
-# dval = re.compile(r'\b(10[.][0-9]{4,}(?:[.][0-9]+)*/(?:(?!["&\'<>])\S)+)\b')
-dois = dval.findall(text)
-dois = Counter(e[0] for e in dois)
- doi = dois.most_common(1)[0][0]
-except IndexError:
- message_fifo("No DOIs found on page")
- sys.exit()
-message_fifo("Found {} DOIs on page, selecting {}".format(len(dois), doi),
- level="info")
-# get bibtex data corresponding to DOI
-url = "https://dx.doi.org/" + url_parse.quote(doi)
-headers = dict(Accept='text/bibliography; style=bibtex')
-request = url_request.Request(url, headers=headers)
-response = url_request.urlopen(request)
-status_code = response.getcode()
-if status_code >= 400:
- message_fifo("Request returned {}".format(status_code))
- sys.exit()
-# obtain content and format it
-bibtex = response.read().decode("utf-8").strip()
-bibtex = bibtex.replace(" ", "\n ", 1).\
- replace("}, ", "},\n ").replace("}}", "}\n}")
-# append to file
-bib_filepath = os.getenv("QUTE_BIB_FILEPATH", "/tmp/qute.bib")
-with open(bib_filepath, "a") as f:
- f.write(bibtex + "\n\n")
diff --git a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini b/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini
deleted file mode 100755
index bfcd1b1..0000000
--- a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# qute-gemini - Open Gemini links in qutebrowser and render them as HTML
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 solderpunk
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Aaron Janse
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 petedussin
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Sotiris Papatheodorou
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-import cgi
-import html
-import os
-import socket
-import ssl
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import urllib.parse
-from typing import Tuple
-_version = "1.0.0"
-_max_redirects = 5
-_error_page_template = '''
-Error opening page: URL
-qute-gemini error
-Error while opening:
-_status_code_desc = {
- "1": "Gemini status code 1 Input. This is not implemented in qute-gemini.",
- "10": "Gemini status code 10 Input. This is not implemented in qute-gemini.",
- "11": "Gemini status code 11 Sensitive Input. This is not implemented in qute-gemini.",
- "3": "Gemini status code 3 Redirect. Stopped after " + str(_max_redirects) + " redirects.",
- "30": "Gemini status code 30 Temporary Redirect. Stopped after " + str(_max_redirects) + " redirects.",
- "31": "Gemini status code 31 Permanent Redirect. Stopped after " + str(_max_redirects) + " redirects.",
- "4": "Gemini status code 4 Temporary Failure. Server message: META",
- "40": "Gemini status code 40 Temporary Failure. Server message: META",
- "41": "Gemini status code 41 Server Unavailable. The server is unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Server message: META",
- "42": "Gemini status code 42 CGI Error. A CGI process, or similar system for generating dynamic content, died unexpectedly or timed out. Server message: META",
- "43": "Gemini status code 43 Proxy Error. A proxy request failed because the server was unable to successfully complete a transaction with the remote host. Server message: META",
- "44": "Gemini status code 44 Slow Down. Rate limiting is in effect. Please wait META seconds before making another request to this server.",
- "5": "Gemini status code 5 Permanent Failure. Server message: META",
- "50": "Gemini status code 50 Permanent Failure. Server message: META",
- "51": "Gemini status code 51 Not Found. he requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future. Server message: META",
- "52": "Gemini status code 52 Gone. The resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again. Server message: META",
- "53": "Gemini status code 53 Proxy Request Refused. The request was for a resource at a domain not served by the server and the server does not accept proxy requests. Server message: META",
- "59": "Gemini status code 59 Bad Request. The server was unable to parse the client's request, presumably due to a malformed request. Server message: META",
- "6": "Gemini status code 6 Client Certificate Required. This is not implemented in qute-gemini.",
-def qute_url() -> str:
- """Get the URL passed to the script by qutebrowser."""
- return os.environ["QUTE_URL"]
-def qute_fifo() -> str:
- """Get the FIFO or file to write qutebrowser commands to."""
- return os.environ["QUTE_FIFO"]
-def html_href(url: str, description: str) -> str:
- return "".join(['', description, ""])
-def qute_gemini_css_path() -> str:
- """Return the path where the custom CSS file is expected to be."""
- try:
- base_dir = os.environ["XDG_DATA_HOME"]
- except KeyError:
- base_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".local/share")
- return os.path.join(base_dir, "qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini.css")
-def gemini_absolutise_url(base_url: str, relative_url: str) -> str:
- """Absolutise relative gemini URLs.
- Adapted from gcat: https://github.com/aaronjanse/gcat
- """
- if "://" not in relative_url:
- # Python's URL tools somehow only work with known schemes?
- base_url = base_url.replace("gemini://", "http://")
- relative_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, relative_url)
- relative_url = relative_url.replace("http://", "gemini://")
- return relative_url
-def gemini_fetch_url(url: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]:
- """Fetch a Gemini URL and return the content as a string.
- url: URL with gemini:// or no scheme.
- Returns 4 strings: the content, the URL the content was fetched from, the
- Gemini status code, the value of the meta field and an error message.
- Adapted from gcat: https://github.com/aaronjanse/gcat
- """
- # Parse the URL to get the hostname and port
- parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
- if not parsed_url.scheme:
- url = "gemini://" + url
- parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
- if parsed_url.scheme != "gemini":
- return "", "Received non-gemini:// URL: " + url
- if parsed_url.port is not None:
- useport = parsed_url.port
- else:
- useport = 1965
- # Do the Gemini transaction, looping for redirects
- redirects = 0
- while True:
- # Send the request
- s = socket.create_connection((parsed_url.hostname, useport))
- context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
- context.check_hostname = False
- context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
- s = context.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname = parsed_url.netloc)
- s.sendall((url + "\r\n").encode("UTF-8"))
- # Get the status code and meta
- fp = s.makefile("rb")
- header = fp.readline().decode("UTF-8").strip()
- status, meta = header.split()[:2]
- # Follow up to 5 redirects
- if status.startswith("3"):
- url = gemini_absolutise_url(url, meta)
- parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
- redirects += 1
- if redirects > _max_redirects:
- # Too many redirects
- break
- # Otherwise we're done
- else:
- break
- # Process the response
- content = ""
- error_msg = ""
- # 2x Success
- if status.startswith("2"):
- media_type, media_type_opts = cgi.parse_header(meta)
- # Decode according to declared charset defaulting to UTF-8
- if meta.startswith("text/gemini"):
- charset = media_type_opts.get("charset", "UTF-8")
- content = fp.read().decode(charset)
- else:
- error_msg = "Expected media type text/gemini but received " \
- + media_type
- # Handle errors
- else:
- # Try matching a 2-digit and then a 1-digit status code
- try:
- error_msg = _status_code_desc[status[0:2]]
- except KeyError:
- try:
- error_msg = _status_code_desc[status[0]]
- except KeyError:
- error_msg = "The server sent back something weird."
- # Substitute the contents of meta into the error message if needed
- error_msg = error_msg.replace("META", meta)
- return content, url, status, meta, error_msg
-def gemtext_to_html(gemtext: str, url: str, original_url: str,
- status: str, meta: str) -> str:
- """Convert gemtext to HTML.
- title: Used as the document title.
- url: The URL the gemtext was received from. Used to resolve
- relative URLs in the gemtext content.
- original_url: The URL the original request was made at.
- status: The Gemini status code returned by the server.
- meta: The meta returned by the server.
- Returns the HTML representation as a string.
- """
- # Accumulate converted gemtext lines
- lines = ['',
- '',
- "\t",
- "\t\t" + html.escape(url) + "",
- "\t\t",
- "\t",
- "\t",
- "\t"]
- in_pre = False
- in_list = False
- # Add an extra newline to ensure list tags are closed properly
- for line in (gemtext + "\n").splitlines():
- # Add the list closing tag
- if not line.startswith("*") and in_list:
- lines.append("\t\t")
- in_list = False
- # Blank line, ignore
- if not line:
- pass
- # Link
- elif line.startswith("=>"):
- l = line[2:].split(None, 1)
- # Use the URL itself as the description if there is none
- if len(l) == 1:
- l.append(l[0])
- # Encode the link description
- l[1] = html.escape(l[1])
- # Resolve relative URLs
- l[0] = gemini_absolutise_url(url, l[0])
- lines.append("\t\t" + html_href(l[0], l[1]) + "
- # Preformated toggle
- elif line.startswith("```"):
- if in_pre:
- lines.append("\t\t")
- else:
- lines.append("\t\t")
- in_pre = not in_pre
- # Preformated
- elif in_pre:
- lines.append(line)
- # Header
- elif line.startswith("###"):
- lines.append("\t\t" + html.escape(line[3:].strip()) + "
- elif line.startswith("##"):
- lines.append("\t\t" + html.escape(line[2:].strip()) + "
- elif line.startswith("#"):
- lines.append("\t\t" + html.escape(line[1:].strip()) + "
- # List
- elif line.startswith("*"):
- if not in_list:
- lines.append("\t\t
- "\t",
- "\t\t",
- "\t\t\tContent from " + url_html,
- "\t\t
- "\t\t",
- "\t\t\t- Original URL
- "\t\t\t- " + original_url_html + "
- "\t\t\t- Status
- "\t\t\t- " + status + "
- "\t\t\t- Meta
- "\t\t\t- " + meta + "
- "\t\t\t- Fetched by
- '\t\t\t- qute-gemini ' + str(_version) + "
- "\t\t
- "\t ",
- "\t",
- ""])
- return "\n".join(lines)
-def get_css() -> str:
- # Search for qute-gemini.css in the directory this script is located in
- css_file = qute_gemini_css_path()
- if os.path.isfile(css_file):
- # Return the file contents
- with open(css_file, "r") as f:
- return f.read().strip()
- else:
- # Use no CSS
- return ""
-def qute_error_page(url: str, description: str) -> str:
- """Return a data URI error page like qutebrowser does.
- url: The URL of the page that failed to load.
- description: A description of the error.
- Returns a data URI containing the error page.
- """
- # Generate the HTML error page
- html_page = _error_page_template.replace("URL", url)
- html_page = html_page.replace("URL_TEXT", html.escape(url))
- html_page = html_page.replace("DESCRIPTION", html.escape(description))
- html_page = html_page.replace("CSS", get_css())
- # URL encode and return as a data URI
- return "data:text/html;charset=UTF-8," + urllib.parse.quote(html_page)
-def open_gemini(url: str, open_args: str) -> None:
- """Open Gemini URL in qutebrowser."""
- # Get the Gemini content
- content, content_url, status, meta, error_msg = gemini_fetch_url(url)
- if error_msg:
- # Generate an error page in a data URI
- open_url = qute_error_page(url, error_msg)
- else:
- # Success, convert to HTML in a temporary file
- tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".html", delete=False)
- tmp_filename = tmpf.name
- tmpf.close()
- with open(tmp_filename, "w") as f:
- f.write(gemtext_to_html(content, content_url, url, status, meta))
- open_url = " file://" + tmp_filename
- # Open the HTML file in qutebrowser
- with open(qute_fifo(), "w") as qfifo:
- qfifo.write("open " + open_args + open_url)
-def open_other(url: str, open_args: str) -> None:
- """Open non-Gemini URL in qutebrowser."""
- with open(qute_fifo(), "w") as qfifo:
- qfifo.write("open " + open_args + " " + url)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Open in the current or a new tab depending on the script name
- if sys.argv[0].endswith("-tab"):
- open_args = "-t"
- else:
- open_args = ""
- # Select how to open the URL depending on its scheme
- url = qute_url()
- parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
- if parsed_url.scheme == "gemini":
- open_gemini(url, open_args)
- else:
- open_other(url, open_args)
diff --git a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini-tab b/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini-tab
deleted file mode 120000
index bfcb515..0000000
--- a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini-tab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-keepassxc b/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-keepassxc
deleted file mode 100755
index 11d0a33..0000000
--- a/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-keepassxc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Markus Blöchl
-# This file is part of qutebrowser.
-# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with qutebrowser. If not, see .
-# Introduction
-This is a [qutebrowser][2] [userscript][5] to fill website credentials from a [KeepassXC][1] password database.
-# Installation
-First, you need to enable [KeepassXC-Browser][6] extensions in your KeepassXC config.
-Second, you must make sure to have a working private-public-key-pair in your [GPG keyring][3].
-Third, install the python module `pynacl`.
-Finally, adapt your qutebrowser config.
-You can e.g. add the following lines to your `~/.config/qutebrowser/config.py`
-Remember to replace `ABC1234` with your actual GPG key.
-config.bind('', 'spawn --userscript qute-keepassxc --key ABC1234', mode='insert')
-config.bind('pw', 'spawn --userscript qute-keepassxc --key ABC1234', mode='normal')
-# Usage
-If you are on a webpage with a login form, simply activate one of the configured key-bindings.
-The first time you run this script, KeepassXC will ask you for authentication like with any other browser extension.
-Just provide a name of your choice and accept the request if nothing looks fishy.
-# How it works
-This script will talk to KeepassXC using the native [KeepassXC-Browser protocol][4].
-This script needs to store the key used to associate with your KeepassXC instance somewhere.
-Unlike most browser extensions which only use plain local storage, this one attempts to do so in a safe way
-by storing the key in encrypted form using GPG.
-Therefore you need to have a public-key-pair readily set up.
-GPG might then ask for your private-key passwort whenever you query the database for login credentials.
-[1]: https://keepassxc.org/
-[2]: https://qutebrowser.org/
-[3]: https://gnupg.org/
-[4]: https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc-browser/blob/develop/keepassxc-protocol.md
-[5]: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/doc/userscripts.asciidoc
-[6]: https://keepassxc.org/docs/KeePassXC_GettingStarted.html#_setup_browser_integration
-import sys
-import os
-import socket
-import json
-import base64
-import subprocess
-import argparse
-import nacl.utils
-import nacl.public
-def parse_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Full passwords from KeepassXC")
- parser.add_argument('url', nargs='?', default=os.environ.get('QUTE_URL'))
- parser.add_argument('--socket', '-s', default='/run/user/{}/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.BrowserServer'.format(os.getuid()),
- help='Path to KeepassXC browser socket')
- parser.add_argument('--key', '-k', default='alice@example.com',
- help='GPG key to encrypt KeepassXC auth key with')
- parser.add_argument('--insecure', action='store_true',
- help="Do not encrypt auth key")
- return parser.parse_args()
-class KeepassError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, code, desc):
- self.code = code
- self.description = desc
- def __str__(self):
- return f"KeepassXC Error [{self.code}]: {self.description}"
-class KeepassXC:
- """ Wrapper around the KeepassXC socket API """
- def __init__(self, id=None, *, key, socket_path):
- self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.id = id
- self.socket_path = socket_path
- self.client_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate()
- self.id_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.from_seed(key)
- self.cryptobox = None
- def connect(self):
- if not os.path.exists(self.socket_path):
- raise KeepassError(-1, "KeepassXC Browser socket does not exists")
- self.client_id = base64.b64encode(nacl.utils.random(nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE)).decode('utf-8')
- self.sock.connect(self.socket_path)
- self.send_raw_msg(dict(
- action = 'change-public-keys',
- publicKey = base64.b64encode(self.client_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8'),
- nonce = base64.b64encode(nacl.utils.random(nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE)).decode('utf-8'),
- clientID = self.client_id
- ))
- resp = self.recv_raw_msg()
- assert resp['action'] == 'change-public-keys'
- assert resp['success'] == 'true'
- assert resp['nonce']
- self.cryptobox = nacl.public.Box(
- self.client_key,
- nacl.public.PublicKey(base64.b64decode(resp['publicKey']))
- )
- def get_databasehash(self):
- self.send_msg(dict(action='get-databasehash'))
- return self.recv_msg()['hash']
- def lock_database(self):
- self.send_msg(dict(action='lock-database'))
- try:
- self.recv_msg()
- except KeepassError as e:
- if e.code == 1:
- return True
- raise
- return False
- def test_associate(self):
- if not self.id:
- return False
- self.send_msg(dict(
- action = 'test-associate',
- id = self.id,
- key = base64.b64encode(self.id_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8')
- ))
- return self.recv_msg()['success'] == 'true'
- def associate(self):
- self.send_msg(dict(
- action = 'associate',
- key = base64.b64encode(self.client_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8'),
- idKey = base64.b64encode(self.id_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8')
- ))
- resp = self.recv_msg()
- self.id = resp['id']
- def get_logins(self, url):
- self.send_msg(dict(
- action = 'get-logins',
- url = url,
- keys = [{ 'id': self.id, 'key': base64.b64encode(self.id_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8') }]
- ))
- return self.recv_msg()['entries']
- def send_raw_msg(self, msg):
- self.sock.send( json.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8') )
- def recv_raw_msg(self):
- return json.loads( self.sock.recv(4096).decode('utf-8') )
- def send_msg(self, msg, **extra):
- nonce = nacl.utils.random(nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE)
- self.send_raw_msg(dict(
- action = msg['action'],
- message = base64.b64encode(self.cryptobox.encrypt(json.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8'), nonce).ciphertext).decode('utf-8'),
- nonce = base64.b64encode(nonce).decode('utf-8'),
- clientID = self.client_id,
- **extra
- ))
- def recv_msg(self):
- resp = self.recv_raw_msg()
- if 'error' in resp:
- raise KeepassError(resp['errorCode'], resp['error'])
- assert resp['action']
- return json.loads(self.cryptobox.decrypt(base64.b64decode(resp['message']), base64.b64decode(resp['nonce'])).decode('utf-8'))
-class SecretKeyStore:
- def __init__(self, gpgkey):
- self.gpgkey = gpgkey
- if gpgkey is None:
- self.path = os.path.join(os.environ['QUTE_DATA_DIR'], 'keepassxc.key')
- else:
- self.path = os.path.join(os.environ['QUTE_DATA_DIR'], 'keepassxc.key.gpg')
- def load(self):
- "Load existing association key from file"
- if self.gpgkey is None:
- jsondata = open(self.path, 'r').read()
- else:
- jsondata = subprocess.check_output(['gpg', '--decrypt', self.path]).decode('utf-8')
- data = json.loads(jsondata)
- self.id = data['id']
- self.key = base64.b64decode(data['key'])
- def create(self):
- "Create new association key"
- self.key = nacl.utils.random(32)
- self.id = None
- def store(self, id):
- "Store newly created association key in file"
- self.id = id
- jsondata = json.dumps({'id':self.id, 'key':base64.b64encode(self.key).decode('utf-8')})
- if self.gpgkey is None:
- open(self.path, "w").write(jsondata)
- else:
- subprocess.run(['gpg', '--encrypt', '-o', self.path, '-r', self.gpgkey], input=jsondata.encode('utf-8'), check=True)
-def qute(cmd):
- with open(os.environ['QUTE_FIFO'], 'w') as fifo:
- fifo.write(cmd)
- fifo.write('\n')
- fifo.flush()
-def error(msg):
- print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
- qute('message-error "{}"'.format(msg))
-def connect_to_keepassxc(args):
- assert args.key or args.insecure, "Missing GPG key to use for auth key encryption"
- keystore = SecretKeyStore(args.key)
- if os.path.isfile(keystore.path):
- keystore.load()
- kp = KeepassXC(keystore.id, key=keystore.key, socket_path=args.socket)
- kp.connect()
- if not kp.test_associate():
- error('No KeepassXC association')
- return None
- else:
- keystore.create()
- kp = KeepassXC(key=keystore.key, socket_path=args.socket)
- kp.connect()
- kp.associate()
- if not kp.test_associate():
- error('No KeepassXC association')
- return None
- keystore.store(kp.id)
- return kp
-def make_js_code(username, password):
- return ' '.join("""
- function isVisible(elem) {
- var style = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
- if (style.getPropertyValue("visibility") !== "visible" ||
- style.getPropertyValue("display") === "none" ||
- style.getPropertyValue("opacity") === "0") {
- return false;
- }
- return elem.offsetWidth > 0 && elem.offsetHeight > 0;
- };
- function hasPasswordField(form) {
- var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input");
- for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) {
- var input = inputs[j];
- if (input.type === "password") {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- function loadData2Form (form) {
- var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input");
- for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) {
- var input = inputs[j];
- if (isVisible(input) && (input.type === "text" || input.type === "email")) {
- input.focus();
- input.value = %s;
- input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { 'bubbles': true }));
- input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true }));
- input.blur();
- }
- if (input.type === "password") {
- input.focus();
- input.value = %s;
- input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { 'bubbles': true }));
- input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true }));
- input.blur();
- }
- }
- };
- function fillFirstForm() {
- var forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
- for (i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
- if (hasPasswordField(forms[i])) {
- loadData2Form(forms[i]);
- return;
- }
- }
- alert("No Credentials Form found");
- };
- fillFirstForm()
- """.splitlines()) % (json.dumps(username), json.dumps(password))
-def main():
- if 'QUTE_FIFO' not in os.environ:
- print(f"No QUTE_FIFO found - {sys.argv[0]} must be run as a qutebrowser userscript")
- sys.exit(-1)
- try:
- args = parse_args()
- assert args.url, "Missing URL"
- kp = connect_to_keepassxc(args)
- if not kp:
- error('Could not connect to KeepassXC')
- return
- creds = kp.get_logins(args.url)
- if not creds:
- error('No credentials found')
- return
- # TODO: handle multiple matches
- name, pw = creds[0]['login'], creds[0]['password']
- if name and pw:
- qute('jseval -q ' + make_js_code(name, pw))
- except Exception as e:
- error(str(e))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/home-surtur.nix b/home-surtur.nix
index fe42ece..19d10ed 100644
--- a/home-surtur.nix
+++ b/home-surtur.nix
@@ -738,6 +738,8 @@ in {
executable = true;
+ # qutebrowser userscripts start.
".config/qutebrowser/userscripts/localhost" = {
executable = true;
text = ''
@@ -790,6 +792,846 @@ in {
+ ".config/qutebrowser/userscripts/code_select.py" = {
+ executable = true;
+ # source = .local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/code_select.py;
+ text = ''
+ #!/usr/bin/env python3
+ import os
+ import html
+ import re
+ import sys
+ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+ try:
+ import pyperclip
+ except ImportError:
+ else:
+ def parse_text_content(element):
+ root = ET.fromstring(element)
+ text = ET.tostring(root, encoding="unicode", method="text")
+ text = html.unescape(text)
+ return text
+ def send_command_to_qute(command):
+ with open(os.environ.get("QUTE_FIFO"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(command)
+ def main():
+ delimiter = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ";"
+ # For info on qute environment vairables, see
+ # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/doc/userscripts.asciidoc
+ element = os.environ.get("QUTE_SELECTED_HTML")
+ code_text = parse_text_content(element)
+ pyperclip.copy(code_text)
+ send_command_to_qute(
+ "message-info 'copied to clipboard: {info}{suffix}'".format(
+ info=code_text.splitlines()[0],
+ suffix="..." if len(code_text.splitlines()) > 1 else ""
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ # Qute's yank command won't copy accross multiple lines so we
+ # compromise by placing lines on a single line seperated by the
+ # specified delimiter
+ code_text = re.sub("(\n)+", delimiter, code_text)
+ code_text = code_text.replace("'", "\"")
+ send_command_to_qute("yank inline '{code}'\n".format(code=code_text))
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+ '';
+ };
+ ".config/qutebrowser/userscripts/getbib" = {
+ executable = true;
+ text = ''
+ #!/usr/bin/env python3
+ """Qutebrowser userscript scraping the current web page for DOIs and downloading
+ corresponding bibtex information.
+ Set the environment variable 'QUTE_BIB_FILEPATH' to indicate the path to
+ download to. Otherwise, bibtex information is downloaded to '/tmp' and hence
+ deleted at reboot.
+ Installation: see qute://help/userscripts.html
+ Inspired by
+ https://ocefpaf.github.io/python4oceanographers/blog/2014/05/19/doi2bibtex/
+ """
+ import os
+ import sys
+ import re
+ from collections import Counter
+ from urllib import parse as url_parse
+ from urllib import request as url_request
+ FIFO_PATH = os.getenv("QUTE_FIFO")
+ def message_fifo(message, level="warning"):
+ """Send message to qutebrowser FIFO. The level must be one of 'info',
+ 'warning' (default) or 'error'."""
+ with open(FIFO_PATH, "w") as fifo:
+ fifo.write("message-{} '{}'".format(level, message))
+ source = os.getenv("QUTE_TEXT")
+ with open(source) as f:
+ text = f.read()
+ # find DOIs on page using regex
+ dval = re.compile(r'(10\.(\d)+/([^(\s\>\"\<)])+)')
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/10324802/3865876, too strict
+ # dval = re.compile(r'\b(10[.][0-9]{4,}(?:[.][0-9]+)*/(?:(?!["&\'<>])\S)+)\b')
+ dois = dval.findall(text)
+ dois = Counter(e[0] for e in dois)
+ try:
+ doi = dois.most_common(1)[0][0]
+ except IndexError:
+ message_fifo("No DOIs found on page")
+ sys.exit()
+ message_fifo("Found {} DOIs on page, selecting {}".format(len(dois), doi),
+ level="info")
+ # get bibtex data corresponding to DOI
+ url = "https://dx.doi.org/" + url_parse.quote(doi)
+ headers = dict(Accept='text/bibliography; style=bibtex')
+ request = url_request.Request(url, headers=headers)
+ response = url_request.urlopen(request)
+ status_code = response.getcode()
+ if status_code >= 400:
+ message_fifo("Request returned {}".format(status_code))
+ sys.exit()
+ # obtain content and format it
+ bibtex = response.read().decode("utf-8").strip()
+ bibtex = bibtex.replace(" ", "\n ", 1).\
+ replace("}, ", "},\n ").replace("}}", "}\n}")
+ # append to file
+ bib_filepath = os.getenv("QUTE_BIB_FILEPATH", "/tmp/qute.bib")
+ with open(bib_filepath, "a") as f:
+ f.write(bibtex + "\n\n")
+ '';
+ };
+ ".config/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini" = {
+ executable = true;
+ text = ''
+ #!/usr/bin/env python3
+ # qute-gemini - Open Gemini links in qutebrowser and render them as HTML
+ #
+ # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 solderpunk
+ # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Aaron Janse
+ # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 petedussin
+ # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Sotiris Papatheodorou
+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ import cgi
+ import html
+ import os
+ import socket
+ import ssl
+ import sys
+ import tempfile
+ import urllib.parse
+ from typing import Tuple
+ _version = "1.0.0"
+ _max_redirects = 5
+ _error_page_template = ''''
+ Error opening page: URL
+ qute-gemini error
+ Error while opening:
+ ''''
+ _status_code_desc = {
+ "1": "Gemini status code 1 Input. This is not implemented in qute-gemini.",
+ "10": "Gemini status code 10 Input. This is not implemented in qute-gemini.",
+ "11": "Gemini status code 11 Sensitive Input. This is not implemented in qute-gemini.",
+ "3": "Gemini status code 3 Redirect. Stopped after " + str(_max_redirects) + " redirects.",
+ "30": "Gemini status code 30 Temporary Redirect. Stopped after " + str(_max_redirects) + " redirects.",
+ "31": "Gemini status code 31 Permanent Redirect. Stopped after " + str(_max_redirects) + " redirects.",
+ "4": "Gemini status code 4 Temporary Failure. Server message: META",
+ "40": "Gemini status code 40 Temporary Failure. Server message: META",
+ "41": "Gemini status code 41 Server Unavailable. The server is unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Server message: META",
+ "42": "Gemini status code 42 CGI Error. A CGI process, or similar system for generating dynamic content, died unexpectedly or timed out. Server message: META",
+ "43": "Gemini status code 43 Proxy Error. A proxy request failed because the server was unable to successfully complete a transaction with the remote host. Server message: META",
+ "44": "Gemini status code 44 Slow Down. Rate limiting is in effect. Please wait META seconds before making another request to this server.",
+ "5": "Gemini status code 5 Permanent Failure. Server message: META",
+ "50": "Gemini status code 50 Permanent Failure. Server message: META",
+ "51": "Gemini status code 51 Not Found. he requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future. Server message: META",
+ "52": "Gemini status code 52 Gone. The resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again. Server message: META",
+ "53": "Gemini status code 53 Proxy Request Refused. The request was for a resource at a domain not served by the server and the server does not accept proxy requests. Server message: META",
+ "59": "Gemini status code 59 Bad Request. The server was unable to parse the client's request, presumably due to a malformed request. Server message: META",
+ "6": "Gemini status code 6 Client Certificate Required. This is not implemented in qute-gemini.",
+ }
+ def qute_url() -> str:
+ """Get the URL passed to the script by qutebrowser."""
+ return os.environ["QUTE_URL"]
+ def qute_fifo() -> str:
+ """Get the FIFO or file to write qutebrowser commands to."""
+ return os.environ["QUTE_FIFO"]
+ def html_href(url: str, description: str) -> str:
+ return "".join(['', description, ""])
+ def qute_gemini_css_path() -> str:
+ """Return the path where the custom CSS file is expected to be."""
+ try:
+ base_dir = os.environ["XDG_DATA_HOME"]
+ except KeyError:
+ base_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".local/share")
+ return os.path.join(base_dir, "qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini.css")
+ def gemini_absolutise_url(base_url: str, relative_url: str) -> str:
+ """Absolutise relative gemini URLs.
+ Adapted from gcat: https://github.com/aaronjanse/gcat
+ """
+ if "://" not in relative_url:
+ # Python's URL tools somehow only work with known schemes?
+ base_url = base_url.replace("gemini://", "http://")
+ relative_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, relative_url)
+ relative_url = relative_url.replace("http://", "gemini://")
+ return relative_url
+ def gemini_fetch_url(url: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]:
+ """Fetch a Gemini URL and return the content as a string.
+ url: URL with gemini:// or no scheme.
+ Returns 4 strings: the content, the URL the content was fetched from, the
+ Gemini status code, the value of the meta field and an error message.
+ Adapted from gcat: https://github.com/aaronjanse/gcat
+ """
+ # Parse the URL to get the hostname and port
+ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
+ if not parsed_url.scheme:
+ url = "gemini://" + url
+ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
+ if parsed_url.scheme != "gemini":
+ return "", "Received non-gemini:// URL: " + url
+ if parsed_url.port is not None:
+ useport = parsed_url.port
+ else:
+ useport = 1965
+ # Do the Gemini transaction, looping for redirects
+ redirects = 0
+ while True:
+ # Send the request
+ s = socket.create_connection((parsed_url.hostname, useport))
+ context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
+ context.check_hostname = False
+ context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
+ s = context.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname = parsed_url.netloc)
+ s.sendall((url + "\r\n").encode("UTF-8"))
+ # Get the status code and meta
+ fp = s.makefile("rb")
+ header = fp.readline().decode("UTF-8").strip()
+ status, meta = header.split()[:2]
+ # Follow up to 5 redirects
+ if status.startswith("3"):
+ url = gemini_absolutise_url(url, meta)
+ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
+ redirects += 1
+ if redirects > _max_redirects:
+ # Too many redirects
+ break
+ # Otherwise we're done
+ else:
+ break
+ # Process the response
+ content = ""
+ error_msg = ""
+ # 2x Success
+ if status.startswith("2"):
+ media_type, media_type_opts = cgi.parse_header(meta)
+ # Decode according to declared charset defaulting to UTF-8
+ if meta.startswith("text/gemini"):
+ charset = media_type_opts.get("charset", "UTF-8")
+ content = fp.read().decode(charset)
+ else:
+ error_msg = "Expected media type text/gemini but received " \
+ + media_type
+ # Handle errors
+ else:
+ # Try matching a 2-digit and then a 1-digit status code
+ try:
+ error_msg = _status_code_desc[status[0:2]]
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ error_msg = _status_code_desc[status[0]]
+ except KeyError:
+ error_msg = "The server sent back something weird."
+ # Substitute the contents of meta into the error message if needed
+ error_msg = error_msg.replace("META", meta)
+ return content, url, status, meta, error_msg
+ def gemtext_to_html(gemtext: str, url: str, original_url: str,
+ status: str, meta: str) -> str:
+ """Convert gemtext to HTML.
+ title: Used as the document title.
+ url: The URL the gemtext was received from. Used to resolve
+ relative URLs in the gemtext content.
+ original_url: The URL the original request was made at.
+ status: The Gemini status code returned by the server.
+ meta: The meta returned by the server.
+ Returns the HTML representation as a string.
+ """
+ # Accumulate converted gemtext lines
+ lines = ['',
+ '',
+ "\t",
+ "\t\t" + html.escape(url) + "",
+ "\t\t",
+ "\t",
+ "\t",
+ "\t"]
+ in_pre = False
+ in_list = False
+ # Add an extra newline to ensure list tags are closed properly
+ for line in (gemtext + "\n").splitlines():
+ # Add the list closing tag
+ if not line.startswith("*") and in_list:
+ lines.append("\t\t")
+ in_list = False
+ # Blank line, ignore
+ if not line:
+ pass
+ # Link
+ elif line.startswith("=>"):
+ l = line[2:].split(None, 1)
+ # Use the URL itself as the description if there is none
+ if len(l) == 1:
+ l.append(l[0])
+ # Encode the link description
+ l[1] = html.escape(l[1])
+ # Resolve relative URLs
+ l[0] = gemini_absolutise_url(url, l[0])
+ lines.append("\t\t" + html_href(l[0], l[1]) + "
+ # Preformated toggle
+ elif line.startswith("```"):
+ if in_pre:
+ lines.append("\t\t")
+ else:
+ lines.append("\t\t")
+ in_pre = not in_pre
+ # Preformated
+ elif in_pre:
+ lines.append(line)
+ # Header
+ elif line.startswith("###"):
+ lines.append("\t\t" + html.escape(line[3:].strip()) + "
+ elif line.startswith("##"):
+ lines.append("\t\t" + html.escape(line[2:].strip()) + "
+ elif line.startswith("#"):
+ lines.append("\t\t" + html.escape(line[1:].strip()) + "
+ # List
+ elif line.startswith("*"):
+ if not in_list:
+ lines.append("\t\t
+ "\t",
+ "\t\t",
+ "\t\t\tContent from " + url_html,
+ "\t\t
+ "\t\t",
+ "\t\t\t- Original URL
+ "\t\t\t- " + original_url_html + "
+ "\t\t\t- Status
+ "\t\t\t- " + status + "
+ "\t\t\t- Meta
+ "\t\t\t- " + meta + "
+ "\t\t\t- Fetched by
+ '\t\t\t- qute-gemini ' + str(_version) + "
+ "\t\t
+ "\t ",
+ "\t",
+ ""])
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+ def get_css() -> str:
+ # Search for qute-gemini.css in the directory this script is located in
+ css_file = qute_gemini_css_path()
+ if os.path.isfile(css_file):
+ # Return the file contents
+ with open(css_file, "r") as f:
+ return f.read().strip()
+ else:
+ # Use no CSS
+ return ""
+ def qute_error_page(url: str, description: str) -> str:
+ """Return a data URI error page like qutebrowser does.
+ url: The URL of the page that failed to load.
+ description: A description of the error.
+ Returns a data URI containing the error page.
+ """
+ # Generate the HTML error page
+ html_page = _error_page_template.replace("URL", url)
+ html_page = html_page.replace("URL_TEXT", html.escape(url))
+ html_page = html_page.replace("DESCRIPTION", html.escape(description))
+ html_page = html_page.replace("CSS", get_css())
+ # URL encode and return as a data URI
+ return "data:text/html;charset=UTF-8," + urllib.parse.quote(html_page)
+ def open_gemini(url: str, open_args: str) -> None:
+ """Open Gemini URL in qutebrowser."""
+ # Get the Gemini content
+ content, content_url, status, meta, error_msg = gemini_fetch_url(url)
+ if error_msg:
+ # Generate an error page in a data URI
+ open_url = qute_error_page(url, error_msg)
+ else:
+ # Success, convert to HTML in a temporary file
+ tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".html", delete=False)
+ tmp_filename = tmpf.name
+ tmpf.close()
+ with open(tmp_filename, "w") as f:
+ f.write(gemtext_to_html(content, content_url, url, status, meta))
+ open_url = " file://" + tmp_filename
+ # Open the HTML file in qutebrowser
+ with open(qute_fifo(), "w") as qfifo:
+ qfifo.write("open " + open_args + open_url)
+ def open_other(url: str, open_args: str) -> None:
+ """Open non-Gemini URL in qutebrowser."""
+ with open(qute_fifo(), "w") as qfifo:
+ qfifo.write("open " + open_args + " " + url)
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Open in the current or a new tab depending on the script name
+ if sys.argv[0].endswith("-tab"):
+ open_args = "-t"
+ else:
+ open_args = ""
+ # Select how to open the URL depending on its scheme
+ url = qute_url()
+ parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
+ if parsed_url.scheme == "gemini":
+ open_gemini(url, open_args)
+ else:
+ open_other(url, open_args)
+ '';
+ };
+ ".config/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-keepassxc" = {
+ executable = true;
+ text = ''
+ #!/usr/bin/env python3
+ # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Markus Blöchl
+ #
+ # This file is part of qutebrowser.
+ #
+ # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ # (at your option) any later version.
+ #
+ # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ # GNU General Public License for more details.
+ #
+ # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ # along with qutebrowser. If not, see .
+ """
+ # Introduction
+ This is a [qutebrowser][2] [userscript][5] to fill website credentials from a [KeepassXC][1] password database.
+ # Installation
+ First, you need to enable [KeepassXC-Browser][6] extensions in your KeepassXC config.
+ Second, you must make sure to have a working private-public-key-pair in your [GPG keyring][3].
+ Third, install the python module `pynacl`.
+ Finally, adapt your qutebrowser config.
+ You can e.g. add the following lines to your `~/.config/qutebrowser/config.py`
+ Remember to replace `ABC1234` with your actual GPG key.
+ ```python
+ config.bind('', 'spawn --userscript qute-keepassxc --key ABC1234', mode='insert')
+ config.bind('pw', 'spawn --userscript qute-keepassxc --key ABC1234', mode='normal')
+ ```
+ # Usage
+ If you are on a webpage with a login form, simply activate one of the configured key-bindings.
+ The first time you run this script, KeepassXC will ask you for authentication like with any other browser extension.
+ Just provide a name of your choice and accept the request if nothing looks fishy.
+ # How it works
+ This script will talk to KeepassXC using the native [KeepassXC-Browser protocol][4].
+ This script needs to store the key used to associate with your KeepassXC instance somewhere.
+ Unlike most browser extensions which only use plain local storage, this one attempts to do so in a safe way
+ by storing the key in encrypted form using GPG.
+ Therefore you need to have a public-key-pair readily set up.
+ GPG might then ask for your private-key passwort whenever you query the database for login credentials.
+ [1]: https://keepassxc.org/
+ [2]: https://qutebrowser.org/
+ [3]: https://gnupg.org/
+ [4]: https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc-browser/blob/develop/keepassxc-protocol.md
+ [5]: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/doc/userscripts.asciidoc
+ [6]: https://keepassxc.org/docs/KeePassXC_GettingStarted.html#_setup_browser_integration
+ """
+ import sys
+ import os
+ import socket
+ import json
+ import base64
+ import subprocess
+ import argparse
+ import nacl.utils
+ import nacl.public
+ def parse_args():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Full passwords from KeepassXC")
+ parser.add_argument('url', nargs='?', default=os.environ.get('QUTE_URL'))
+ parser.add_argument('--socket', '-s', default='/run/user/{}/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.BrowserServer'.format(os.getuid()),
+ help='Path to KeepassXC browser socket')
+ parser.add_argument('--key', '-k', default='alice@example.com',
+ help='GPG key to encrypt KeepassXC auth key with')
+ parser.add_argument('--insecure', action='store_true',
+ help="Do not encrypt auth key")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+ class KeepassError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, code, desc):
+ self.code = code
+ self.description = desc
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"KeepassXC Error [{self.code}]: {self.description}"
+ class KeepassXC:
+ """ Wrapper around the KeepassXC socket API """
+ def __init__(self, id=None, *, key, socket_path):
+ self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.id = id
+ self.socket_path = socket_path
+ self.client_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate()
+ self.id_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.from_seed(key)
+ self.cryptobox = None
+ def connect(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.socket_path):
+ raise KeepassError(-1, "KeepassXC Browser socket does not exists")
+ self.client_id = base64.b64encode(nacl.utils.random(nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE)).decode('utf-8')
+ self.sock.connect(self.socket_path)
+ self.send_raw_msg(dict(
+ action = 'change-public-keys',
+ publicKey = base64.b64encode(self.client_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8'),
+ nonce = base64.b64encode(nacl.utils.random(nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE)).decode('utf-8'),
+ clientID = self.client_id
+ ))
+ resp = self.recv_raw_msg()
+ assert resp['action'] == 'change-public-keys'
+ assert resp['success'] == 'true'
+ assert resp['nonce']
+ self.cryptobox = nacl.public.Box(
+ self.client_key,
+ nacl.public.PublicKey(base64.b64decode(resp['publicKey']))
+ )
+ def get_databasehash(self):
+ self.send_msg(dict(action='get-databasehash'))
+ return self.recv_msg()['hash']
+ def lock_database(self):
+ self.send_msg(dict(action='lock-database'))
+ try:
+ self.recv_msg()
+ except KeepassError as e:
+ if e.code == 1:
+ return True
+ raise
+ return False
+ def test_associate(self):
+ if not self.id:
+ return False
+ self.send_msg(dict(
+ action = 'test-associate',
+ id = self.id,
+ key = base64.b64encode(self.id_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8')
+ ))
+ return self.recv_msg()['success'] == 'true'
+ def associate(self):
+ self.send_msg(dict(
+ action = 'associate',
+ key = base64.b64encode(self.client_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8'),
+ idKey = base64.b64encode(self.id_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8')
+ ))
+ resp = self.recv_msg()
+ self.id = resp['id']
+ def get_logins(self, url):
+ self.send_msg(dict(
+ action = 'get-logins',
+ url = url,
+ keys = [{ 'id': self.id, 'key': base64.b64encode(self.id_key.public_key.encode()).decode('utf-8') }]
+ ))
+ return self.recv_msg()['entries']
+ def send_raw_msg(self, msg):
+ self.sock.send( json.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8') )
+ def recv_raw_msg(self):
+ return json.loads( self.sock.recv(4096).decode('utf-8') )
+ def send_msg(self, msg, **extra):
+ nonce = nacl.utils.random(nacl.public.Box.NONCE_SIZE)
+ self.send_raw_msg(dict(
+ action = msg['action'],
+ message = base64.b64encode(self.cryptobox.encrypt(json.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8'), nonce).ciphertext).decode('utf-8'),
+ nonce = base64.b64encode(nonce).decode('utf-8'),
+ clientID = self.client_id,
+ **extra
+ ))
+ def recv_msg(self):
+ resp = self.recv_raw_msg()
+ if 'error' in resp:
+ raise KeepassError(resp['errorCode'], resp['error'])
+ assert resp['action']
+ return json.loads(self.cryptobox.decrypt(base64.b64decode(resp['message']), base64.b64decode(resp['nonce'])).decode('utf-8'))
+ class SecretKeyStore:
+ def __init__(self, gpgkey):
+ self.gpgkey = gpgkey
+ if gpgkey is None:
+ self.path = os.path.join(os.environ['QUTE_DATA_DIR'], 'keepassxc.key')
+ else:
+ self.path = os.path.join(os.environ['QUTE_DATA_DIR'], 'keepassxc.key.gpg')
+ def load(self):
+ "Load existing association key from file"
+ if self.gpgkey is None:
+ jsondata = open(self.path, 'r').read()
+ else:
+ jsondata = subprocess.check_output(['gpg', '--decrypt', self.path]).decode('utf-8')
+ data = json.loads(jsondata)
+ self.id = data['id']
+ self.key = base64.b64decode(data['key'])
+ def create(self):
+ "Create new association key"
+ self.key = nacl.utils.random(32)
+ self.id = None
+ def store(self, id):
+ "Store newly created association key in file"
+ self.id = id
+ jsondata = json.dumps({'id':self.id, 'key':base64.b64encode(self.key).decode('utf-8')})
+ if self.gpgkey is None:
+ open(self.path, "w").write(jsondata)
+ else:
+ subprocess.run(['gpg', '--encrypt', '-o', self.path, '-r', self.gpgkey], input=jsondata.encode('utf-8'), check=True)
+ def qute(cmd):
+ with open(os.environ['QUTE_FIFO'], 'w') as fifo:
+ fifo.write(cmd)
+ fifo.write('\n')
+ fifo.flush()
+ def error(msg):
+ print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
+ qute('message-error "{}"'.format(msg))
+ def connect_to_keepassxc(args):
+ assert args.key or args.insecure, "Missing GPG key to use for auth key encryption"
+ keystore = SecretKeyStore(args.key)
+ if os.path.isfile(keystore.path):
+ keystore.load()
+ kp = KeepassXC(keystore.id, key=keystore.key, socket_path=args.socket)
+ kp.connect()
+ if not kp.test_associate():
+ error('No KeepassXC association')
+ return None
+ else:
+ keystore.create()
+ kp = KeepassXC(key=keystore.key, socket_path=args.socket)
+ kp.connect()
+ kp.associate()
+ if not kp.test_associate():
+ error('No KeepassXC association')
+ return None
+ keystore.store(kp.id)
+ return kp
+ def make_js_code(username, password):
+ return ' '.join("""
+ function isVisible(elem) {
+ var style = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
+ if (style.getPropertyValue("visibility") !== "visible" ||
+ style.getPropertyValue("display") === "none" ||
+ style.getPropertyValue("opacity") === "0") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return elem.offsetWidth > 0 && elem.offsetHeight > 0;
+ };
+ function hasPasswordField(form) {
+ var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input");
+ for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) {
+ var input = inputs[j];
+ if (input.type === "password") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ function loadData2Form (form) {
+ var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input");
+ for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) {
+ var input = inputs[j];
+ if (isVisible(input) && (input.type === "text" || input.type === "email")) {
+ input.focus();
+ input.value = %s;
+ input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { 'bubbles': true }));
+ input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true }));
+ input.blur();
+ }
+ if (input.type === "password") {
+ input.focus();
+ input.value = %s;
+ input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { 'bubbles': true }));
+ input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true }));
+ input.blur();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function fillFirstForm() {
+ var forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
+ for (i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
+ if (hasPasswordField(forms[i])) {
+ loadData2Form(forms[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ alert("No Credentials Form found");
+ };
+ fillFirstForm()
+ """.splitlines()) % (json.dumps(username), json.dumps(password))
+ def main():
+ if 'QUTE_FIFO' not in os.environ:
+ print(f"No QUTE_FIFO found - {sys.argv[0]} must be run as a qutebrowser userscript")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ try:
+ args = parse_args()
+ assert args.url, "Missing URL"
+ kp = connect_to_keepassxc(args)
+ if not kp:
+ error('Could not connect to KeepassXC')
+ return
+ creds = kp.get_logins(args.url)
+ if not creds:
+ error('No credentials found')
+ return
+ # TODO: handle multiple matches
+ name, pw = creds[0]['login'], creds[0]['password']
+ if name and pw:
+ qute('jseval -q ' + make_js_code(name, pw))
+ except Exception as e:
+ error(str(e))
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+ '';
+ };
+ # qutebrowser userscripts end.
".config/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/DR.js" = {
text = ''
// ==UserScript==
@@ -827,22 +1669,7 @@ in {
- ".config/qutebrowser/userscripts/code_select.py" = {
- executable = true;
- source = .local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/code_select.py;
- };
- ".config/qutebrowser/userscripts/getbib" = {
- executable = true;
- source = .local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/getbib;
- };
- ".config/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini" = {
- executable = true;
- source = .local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini;
- };
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- executable = true;
- source = .local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/qute-gemini;
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".config/qutebrowser/config.py" = {
source = .config/qutebrowser/config.py;