surtur 9415138735
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
ci: build locally with kaniko + push to DockerHub
* add hadolint Dockerfile linter step
* update Dockerfile to implement hadolint suggestions (cbp)
* switch to immawanderer/drone-kaniko as the kaniko flavour of choice
2021-04-23 02:43:13 +02:00

16 lines
430 B

# ad "SC2028" we actually want that here
- SC2028
# ad "DL4006" no luck - sh doesn't know `set -o pipefail`
- DL4006
# ad "DL3018" ignore recommendation to pin apk package versions
- DL3018
# ad "SC2016" we actually don't want that here and now
- SC2016
# ad "SC2039" that still works
- SC2039
# ad "DL4005" TODO - set SHELL
- DL4005
# ad "SC2086" precisely that one cannot be quoted
- SC2086