mirror of https://github.com/oconnor663/bao synced 2025-02-21 23:21:05 +01:00
2025-02-06 10:41:33 -08:00

335 lines
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//! The tests in this file run bao against the standard set of test vectors.
use bao::Hash;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::cmp;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::sync::LazyLock;
static TEST_VECTORS: LazyLock<TestVectors> =
LazyLock::new(|| serde_json::from_str(include_str!("test_vectors.json")).unwrap());
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct TestVectors {
hash: Vec<HashTest>,
encode: Vec<EncodeTest>,
outboard: Vec<OutboardTest>,
seek: Vec<SeekTest>,
slice: Vec<SliceTest>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct HashTest {
input_len: usize,
bao_hash: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct EncodeTest {
input_len: usize,
output_len: usize,
bao_hash: String,
encoded_blake3: String,
corruptions: Vec<usize>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct OutboardTest {
input_len: usize,
output_len: usize,
bao_hash: String,
encoded_blake3: String,
outboard_corruptions: Vec<usize>,
input_corruptions: Vec<usize>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct SeekTest {
input_len: usize,
seek_offsets: Vec<usize>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct SliceTest {
input_len: usize,
bao_hash: String,
slices: Vec<SliceTestSlice>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct SliceTestSlice {
start: u64,
len: u64,
output_len: usize,
output_blake3: String,
corruptions: Vec<usize>,
fn make_input(len: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut counter: u32 = 1;
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(len);
while output.len() < len {
let bytes = counter.to_le_bytes();
let take = cmp::min(4, len - output.len());
counter += 1;
fn test_hash_vectors() {
for case in &TEST_VECTORS.hash {
println!("case {:?}", case);
let input = make_input(case.input_len);
let hash = blake3::hash(&input);
assert_eq!(case.bao_hash, hash.to_hex().to_string());
// Make sure the Hasher gives the same answer.
let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
let writer_hash = hasher.finalize();
assert_eq!(hash, writer_hash);
fn corrupt_hash(hash: &Hash) -> Hash {
let mut bad_bytes = *hash.as_bytes();
bad_bytes[0] ^= 1;
fn test_encode_vectors() {
for case in &TEST_VECTORS.encode {
println!("input_len {}", case.input_len);
let input = make_input(case.input_len);
let (encoded, hash) = bao::encode::encode(&input);
assert_eq!(&*case.bao_hash, &*hash.to_hex());
let encoded_size = bao::encode::encoded_size(case.input_len as u64) as usize;
assert_eq!(encoded_size, encoded.len());
// Test decoding.
let output = bao::decode::decode(&encoded, &hash).unwrap();
assert_eq!(input, output);
// Make sure decoding with a bad hash fails.
let bad_hash = corrupt_hash(&hash);
let err = bao::decode::decode(&encoded, &bad_hash).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err.kind());
// Make sure each corruption point fails the decode.
for &point in &case.corruptions {
println!("corruption {}", point);
let mut corrupt = encoded.clone();
corrupt[point] ^= 1;
// The error can be either HashMismatch or Truncated, depending on whether the header
// was corrupted.
bao::decode::decode(&corrupt, &hash).unwrap_err();
fn decode_outboard(input: &[u8], outboard: &[u8], hash: &Hash) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut reader = bao::decode::Decoder::new_outboard(input, outboard, hash);
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(input.len());
reader.read_to_end(&mut output)?;
fn test_outboard_vectors() {
for case in &TEST_VECTORS.outboard {
println!("input_len {}", case.input_len);
let input = make_input(case.input_len);
let (outboard, hash) = bao::encode::outboard(&input);
assert_eq!(&*case.bao_hash, &*hash.to_hex());
let outboard_size = bao::encode::outboard_size(case.input_len as u64) as usize;
assert_eq!(outboard_size, outboard.len());
// Test decoding. Currently only the Decoder implements it.
let output = decode_outboard(&input, &outboard, &hash).unwrap();
assert_eq!(input, output);
// Make sure decoding with a bad hash fails.
let bad_hash = corrupt_hash(&hash);
let err = decode_outboard(&input, &outboard, &bad_hash).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err.kind());
// Make sure each tree corruption point fails the decode.
for &point in &case.outboard_corruptions {
println!("corruption {}", point);
let mut corrupt = outboard.clone();
corrupt[point] ^= 1;
// The error can be either InvalidData or UnexpectedEof, depending on whether the
// header was corrupted.
decode_outboard(&input, &corrupt, &hash).unwrap_err();
// Make sure each input corruption point fails the decode.
for &point in &case.input_corruptions {
println!("corruption {}", point);
let mut corrupt = input.clone();
corrupt[point] ^= 1;
let err = decode_outboard(&corrupt, &outboard, &hash).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err.kind());
fn test_seek_vectors() {
for case in &TEST_VECTORS.seek {
println!("\n\ninput_len {}", case.input_len);
let input = make_input(case.input_len);
let (encoded, hash) = bao::encode::encode(&input);
let (outboard, outboard_hash) = bao::encode::outboard(&input);
assert_eq!(hash, outboard_hash);
// First, test all the different seek points using fresh readers.
for &seek in &case.seek_offsets {
println!("seek {}", seek);
let capped_seek = cmp::min(seek, input.len());
let expected_input = &input[capped_seek..];
// Test seeking in the combined mode.
let mut combined_reader = bao::decode::Decoder::new(Cursor::new(&encoded), &hash);
.seek(io::SeekFrom::Start(seek as u64))
let mut combined_output = Vec::new();
combined_reader.read_to_end(&mut combined_output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected_input, &*combined_output);
// Test seeking in the outboard mode.
let mut outboard_reader = bao::decode::Decoder::new_outboard(
.seek(io::SeekFrom::Start(seek as u64))
let mut combined_output = Vec::new();
outboard_reader.read_to_end(&mut combined_output).unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected_input, &*combined_output);
// Then, test repeatedly seeking using the same reader. First, iterate forwards through the
// list of seek positions. Then, iterate backwards. Finally, iterate interleaved between
// forwards and backwards. At each step, read a few bytes as a sanity check.
let mut repeated_seeks: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
for (&x, &y) in case.seek_offsets.iter().zip(case.seek_offsets.iter().rev()) {
let mut combined_reader = bao::decode::Decoder::new(Cursor::new(&encoded), &hash);
let mut outboard_reader =
bao::decode::Decoder::new_outboard(Cursor::new(&input), Cursor::new(&outboard), &hash);
for &seek in &repeated_seeks {
println!("repeated seek {}", seek);
let capped_seek = cmp::min(seek, input.len());
let capped_len = cmp::min(100, input.len() - capped_seek);
let mut read_buf = [0; 100];
// Test seeking in the combined mode.
.seek(io::SeekFrom::Start(seek as u64))
.read_exact(&mut read_buf[..capped_len])
assert_eq!(&input[capped_seek..][..capped_len], &read_buf[..capped_len]);
// Test seeking in the outboard mode.
.seek(io::SeekFrom::Start(seek as u64))
.read_exact(&mut read_buf[..capped_len])
assert_eq!(&input[capped_seek..][..capped_len], &read_buf[..capped_len]);
fn decode_slice(slice: &[u8], hash: &Hash, start: u64, len: u64) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut reader = bao::decode::SliceDecoder::new(slice, hash, start, len);
let mut output = Vec::new();
reader.read_to_end(&mut output)?;
fn test_slice_vectors() {
for case in &TEST_VECTORS.slice {
println!("\n\ninput_len {}", case.input_len);
let input = make_input(case.input_len);
let (encoded, hash) = bao::encode::encode(&input);
let (outboard, outboard_hash) = bao::encode::outboard(&input);
assert_eq!(hash, outboard_hash);
for slice in &case.slices {
println!("\nslice {} {}", slice.start, slice.len);
let capped_start = cmp::min(input.len(), slice.start as usize);
let capped_len = cmp::min(input.len() - capped_start, slice.len as usize);
let expected_content = &input[capped_start..][..capped_len];
// Make sure slicing the combined encoding has the output that it should.
let mut combined_extractor =
bao::encode::SliceExtractor::new(Cursor::new(&encoded), slice.start, slice.len);
let mut combined_slice = Vec::new();
combined_extractor.read_to_end(&mut combined_slice).unwrap();
assert_eq!(slice.output_len, combined_slice.len());
// Make sure slicing the outboard encoding also gives the right output.
let mut outboard_extractor = bao::encode::SliceExtractor::new_outboard(
let mut outboard_slice = Vec::new();
outboard_extractor.read_to_end(&mut outboard_slice).unwrap();
assert_eq!(combined_slice, outboard_slice);
// Test decoding the slice.
let output = decode_slice(&combined_slice, &hash, slice.start, slice.len).unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected_content, &*output);
// Make sure that using the wrong hash breaks decoding.
let bad_hash = corrupt_hash(&hash);
let err = decode_slice(&combined_slice, &bad_hash, slice.start, slice.len).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err.kind());
// Test that each of the corruption points breaks decoding the slice.
for &point in &slice.corruptions {
println!("corruption {}", point);
let mut corrupted = combined_slice.clone();
corrupted[point] ^= 1;
// The error can be either HashMismatch or Truncated, depending on whether the header
// was corrupted.
decode_slice(&corrupted, &hash, slice.start, slice.len).unwrap_err();